Goldfinger is a bit strange

Chapter 406 Is this a payback? (1/2)

As a veteran in the business world, Kevin has always adhered to the principle that friendship is friendship and business is business.

However, after a brief contact with Liu Qingshan, Kevin's inherent concept has also changed.

He learned from the side that in Sanjiu's mouth, Liu Qingshan is a bastard who not only ripped off their consortium, but also made him lose in business.

Kevin was actually quite happy about Sanjiu's loss, and of course he would not take the other party's words seriously.

After some contact, he found that Liu Qingshan, a young man, may have the nature of a young man in some aspects, but his thoughts are very mature.

The most important thing is that this is a person with a bottom line, and he is extremely stubborn. No one can break his bottom line.

Kevin's foreign guest status cannot, and neither can Chinese officials.

This makes Kevin more or less appreciate it. He is now more willing to treat Liu Qingshan as a friend rather than a business partner.

Liu Qingshan certainly didn't know Kevin's thoughts, but when he heard the other party mention the new cooperation, he immediately became interested: "Kevin, my friend, I would like to hear more about it."

Director Wang next to him also pricked up his ears. He has now given up his initial idea and only hopes to gain some political capital from this matter, so that the trip will not be in vain.

Kevin smiled: "Since we can't plan to take the big trees, then of course I can only purchase saplings."

"You won't refuse this, right? I saw when I came here that the children in your village are also transplanting yews. They are a group of cute little guys and very capable."

Liu Qingshan also smiled: "No problem, it's this price. I don't know if you and your friend can accept it."

After that, he added: "As far as I know, yews have very strict requirements for climatic conditions and cannot grow everywhere."

"At present, only our There are also small amounts of it growing in the North Dynasty adjacent to our province, as well as in the island country and the Soviet Union's Far East. "

Kevin was stunned by what he said, and stared at Liu Qingshan with a strange look for a long time:

"Okay, I confess, in fact, it was the Mitsui Group on the island country that commissioned me to help buy it. They wanted to build a yew breeding base, and I just earned some hard work fees."

The fact is very obvious. Whether it is the Soviet Union in the north or the North Dynasty in the south, they are hostile to the United States, so only the island country can come forward to buy it. Liu Qingshan calculated this very accurately.

It is estimated that Mitsui Wood would not have thought that in front of the shrewd Liu Qingshan, this uncle Kevin would directly sell him.

In fact, even if Kevin did not want to sell Mitsui Wood, it would be useless. Liu Qingshan already knew it. Kevin saw this clearly and told him frankly.

Even if the deal fails, it has nothing to do with him. If you have the ability, you can negotiate it yourself. The price may be higher.

At this time, Director Wang finally got excited again: since it does not involve adult trees, it will be easy to deal with. It can create some foreign exchange, which is also his own contribution.

So he couldn't wait to ask: "Mr. Kevin, how many saplings do you need?"

"About 50,000 to 100,000, depending on the specific price."

Although Kevin was answering Director Wang, his eyes fell on Liu Qingshan's face.

He now knows who has the final say.

So many!

Director Wang was delighted. On the way here, he had heard from the little kids in the village that these saplings could be sold for between 20 and 50 yuan, which is a big business worth nearly one million US dollars.

So he said happily: "Mr. Kevin, rest assured, we will definitely give you a satisfactory price and make this deal!"

Ahem, Liu Qingshan next to him reminded: "Director Wang, this business should be negotiated by our Jiapigou Cooperative, right?"

Director Wang's face was not red or white: "That also requires the help of the higher-level organization to check."

It's up to you.

Liu Qingshan could certainly guess Director Wang's thoughts, and gave a fair evaluation in his heart: an official fan.

Kevin also continued: "Liu, I heard from the children in your village that you sold some yew seedlings some time ago, and the price was between 20 yuan and 50 yuan. Just follow this price."

Liu Qingshan smiled and nodded: "No problem, but the unit must be changed to US dollars."

What? Kevin's eyes widened: "Liu, are you knocking on the bamboo board?"

"Comrade Qingshan, you are not asking for too much!"

Director Wang couldn't stand it anymore. What if you scared away foreign businessmen by doing this?

Liu Qingshan smiled: "Mr. Kevin, I need to correct it. It's not knocking on bamboo boards, it should be knocking on bamboo boards. Knocking on bamboo boards is a kind of artistic performance, just like the talk show over there."

Kevin shrugged: "Oh, your Chinese language is too complicated, but Liu, your price is not sincere at all."

And Director Wang also frowned: "Comrade Qingshan, I must remind you that this is a foreign affairs activity. Your words and deeds will be reported to the record at that time!"

Liu Qingshan didn't care. When he was in the capital, he was still at the embassy, ​​betting with a bunch of foreigners.

So he ignored Director Wang and said to Kevin: "Kevin, my friend, in fact, this price is a friendship price for friends. If someone from the Mitsui Group came to negotiate, the price would be twice as high."

Kevin also secretly breathed a sigh of relief: With this sentence, he no longer had any responsibility.

Liu Qingshan continued, "As for the saplings we sold a few days ago, they were only half-sold and half-given away. You know, the buyer is our neighbor to the east."

"I want to do the yew industry with them, so we must achieve scale. Because of this cooperative relationship, I sold it to them at a low price."

"But if the island country buys it, the nature is different. We will be competitors in the future."

At this point, Liu Qingshan smiled slightly and looked at the other party: "So, Kevin, do you still think my price is high?"

After Liu Qingshan finished speaking, Kevin was speechless and could only shrug his shoulders: "Then I need to communicate with my client."

The negotiations can only stop here temporarily. Liu Qingshan has a good mentality: he certainly hopes to make this deal. After all, making money from foreigners is what he likes to do most.

But it doesn't matter if the deal fails, his saplings will not be worried about selling.

I believe that with the example of Chen Dongfang, people from surrounding areas will soon come to their Jiapigou to purchase saplings.

Even if the price is lower than export, Liu Qingshan is more willing to consume it nearby. As he said, a certain industrial scale can be formed by then.

As for whether there are enough saplings, there is no need to consider it at all. The seeds of yew can reproduce naturally. So when they mature in autumn, can't they be picked and planted artificially?

By then, the seeds on a yew tree can probably reproduce thousands of saplings. Just tell me how many you want?

It happened that they were full and drank enough, so everyone went down the mountain together. To Liu Qingshan's surprise, the two old gentlemen from Hong Kong Island, Director Fan and Song Yizhen, insisted on staying in Mukeleng.

According to them, they were going to stay with the dumb senior.

Yes, it was the dumb senior.

Liu Qingshan thought about it and agreed. Although he respected the master's attitude of being indifferent to fame and fortune, he also knew that in the future society, people's pursuit of fame and fortune would become stronger and stronger.

Anyway, the master is not one of those real experts. He is really capable.

Then he, as a disciple, has the responsibility to help his master become famous.

After all, they make medicine in Jiapigou. If they have the gimmick of being the heir of the King of Medicine, it will be the best advertisement.

After going down the mountain, Director Wang and Zheng Hongqi and others accompanied the foreign businessmen back to Bishui County.

The next morning, they returned again and visited Liu Qingshan's home.

When he saw Liu Qingshan, Kevin came up and gave him a big hug, which seemed to be much more enthusiastic than yesterday.

Kevin certainly had reason to be happy, because he could earn a considerable commission again.

"Liu, I called yesterday, and they agreed to the price. According to your requirements, the saplings under one meter in height are 20 US dollars per plant."

"For those with a height of two meters, 50 US dollars."

"The number of saplings ordered is 50,000. Liu, congratulations, you have made a fortune."

Liu Qingshan also blinked at the bearded man: "Kevin, congratulations."

Haha, the two laughed tacitly.

Director Wang next to him also had a happy smile. He reported this matter last night and received a lot of praise.

So now when he looked at Liu Qingshan, he felt much more pleasing to the eye: "Comrade Qingshan, you did a good job this time and created much-needed foreign exchange for the country. On behalf of..."


Liu Qingshan quickly interrupted the other party's long speech: "Director Wang, this foreign exchange should belong to our Jiapigou Cooperative, right?"

"That's right, you have nowhere to spend foreign exchange, so I will help you exchange it into equivalent RMB. The amount must be more than three million. I heard that you only spent more than three million to contract this piece of forest, and you got your money back in a short time!"

Director Wang was also very impressed: these days, those who have the courage to take out so much money to engage in forest contracting are really rare.

But the most amazing thing about them is that they actually got their money back in less than half a year!

Is contracting forests really so promising?

If Chen Dongfang knew about this, he would probably be depressed: We haven't produced anything yet, but we have to spend a lot of money to buy saplings. We are all doing the same contracting, why is there such a big gap?

"Director Wang, we also need foreign exchange in Jiapigou. We are building an instant noodle factory and a ham sausage factory. All these equipment need to be imported from the island country."

"It is not easy for us to create foreign exchange and solve the problem of imported equipment on our own without causing trouble to the country. And the money from selling saplings may not be enough."

After listening to Liu Qingshan's call, Director Wang's eyes widened: Are you kidding? Your small mountain village has so many enterprises?

Zheng Hongqi next to him also smiled and nodded: "Comrade Qingshan, you are right. Our county is not capable of helping your factory solve so much foreign exchange."

"Your Jiapigou case is very representative. I think it is necessary to sort it out and report it to the news department above."

"You can have enough food and clothing by doing it yourself. You can't always open your hands to ask for foreign exchange from the country. You have to create it yourself. That's the real skill!"

March, early spring.

To view the latest chapters, download the Aiyueshuo app. The latest chapters are already in the Aiyueshu app. The website no longer updates the latest chapters. A corner in the eastern part of Nanhuangzhou.

The hazy sky was gray and black, showing heavy depression, as if someone had spilled ink on the rice paper, and the ink soaked into the sky and blurred out the clouds.

The clouds overlapped and merged with each other, spreading out streaks of crimson lightning, accompanied by rumbling thunder.

It's like the roar of gods, echoing in the world.

Please download the Aiyue Novel app to read the latest chapters for free without ads. Blood-colored rain, with sadness, falls into the mortal world.

The earth was hazy, and there was a ruined city, silent and lifeless in the dim red rain of blood.

The city is in ruins and everything is withered. Collapsed houses can be seen everywhere, as well as blue-black corpses and pieces of meat, like broken autumn leaves, silently withering.

The streets that used to be bustling with people are now desolate.

The sandy dirt road that used to be bustling with people is no longer noisy now.

Only blood and mud mixed with minced meat, dust, and paper were left, indistinguishable from each other, which was shocking.

Not far away, a broken carriage was stuck deep in the mud, full of sadness. Only an abandoned rabbit doll hung on the shaft, swaying in the wind.

The white fluff has long been soaked into wet red, full of eerieness.

The turbid eyes seemed to have some residual resentment, looking lonely at the mottled rocks in front of them.

There, a figure was lying down.

This is a boy of thirteen or fourteen years old, his clothes are torn and covered with dirt, and he has a broken leather bag tied around his waist.

The young man squinted his eyes and remained motionless. The biting cold penetrated his worn coat from all directions and spread throughout his body, gradually taking away his body temperature.

The website is about to close. Download the Aiyue app to watch the latest content for free. But even if the rain falls on his face, he does not blink and stares into the distance as coldly as an eagle.

Following his gaze, he saw a skinny vulture gnawing on the carrion of a wild dog, seven or eight feet away from him, occasionally observing its surroundings vigilantly.

It seems that in this dangerous ruins, if there is the slightest movement, it will instantly rise into the sky.

Download the Aiyue Novel app and read the latest chapters for free without ads. The young man is like a hunter, patiently waiting for the opportunity.

After a long time, the opportunity came, and the greedy vulture finally buried its head completely into the belly of the wild dog.

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