Goldfinger is a bit strange

Chapter 426 Cricket Tofu (1/2)

Stone fungus is named after it grows in the stone crevices of cliffs. It is not easy to pick and has high nutritional value. It is considered a relatively precious product.

It's a pity that the production is limited. You can still eat it yourself. It's impossible to sell it in large quantities for the time being.

I saw the mute grandfather swinging on the rope, moving around on the cliff, and soon collected dozens of stone ears, and then everyone climbed up the cliff together.

It wasn't until their feet stepped onto solid ground that Director Fan and Song Yizhen felt at ease.

The two of them beat their waists and legs, feeling bursts of soreness. Then they looked at the mute grandpa and saw that nothing had happened at all. This was the difference.

Thinking about the fact that the legendary King of Medicine lived for more than a hundred years, and Senior Mute obviously also had this tendency, the two of them secretly made up their minds:

This thigh must be held tightly.

When Liu Qingshan and the others returned to Mukoleng, the children's treasure hunt was still in full swing.

Li Tieniu doesn't take care of the children like Liu Qingshan. He hides the notes in difficult places, causing the children to complain.

"Brother, brother, come quickly!"

When Xiao Laosi saw Liu Qingshan, he immediately shouted.

Liu Qingshan went over and took a look, only to see a thick broken piece of wood in front of him. According to Shan Xing's judgment, this piece of wood had obvious signs of being moved, and there must be a note underneath.

But the wood weighs hundreds of kilograms, and the children's small arms and legs are really like dragonflies shaking stone pillars.

"This Tieniu is so unreliable, old four and five, why don't you ask Big Bear to help?"

Liu Qingshan muttered, and found a place where it was easier to put his force. He put his hands on the big wood, and with anger in his Dantian, he used force to move the big wood away.

"Haha, there really is a note!" Xiao Laosi held a note in his hand, his big eyes narrowed with joy.

Shan Xing explained to his eldest brother: "Da Xiong helped us find a lot of notes, and then he was driven back by Brother Tieniu."

At this time, several more kids came over to search and saw Liu Qingshan, but suddenly they saw their relatives. They gathered around and shouted: wAp.

"Brother Qingshan, Brother Tieniu is too bullying, don't tell him to hide the treasure next time!"

"I haven't found Nirvana yet."

Er Mangzi was the most straightforward and howled at the top of his lungs.

You are the most promising!

The little fourth man quickly stepped forward and put the note he had just found into Er Mangzi's hand.

"Uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu I have to find it myself." Er Mangzi wiped his tears while searching nearby again.

Liu Qingshan thinks this is not bad. There are so many things that go smoothly. Sometimes it is not a bad thing to make the children suffer.

It was not until noon that the treasure hunt ended unsatisfactorily.

After the children exchanged information, they barely managed to reach a point where each person had a piece of paper.

However, according to Liu Qingshan's plan, three tickets were prepared for each person.

Li Tieniu looked at the dejected children and grinned:

"I'm telling you, I deliberately let it slip. Otherwise, you wouldn't be able to find one!"

If this guy wasn't so big, the kids would all want to surround him and beat him up to relieve their anger.

Liu Qingshan summarized the activity: he affirmed the children's will and quality in overcoming difficulties, and finally announced that after returning home, each child will receive two little books and one extracurricular reading.

The children were all very happy and swarmed down the mountain to receive the prize.

Liu Qingshan led his fourth and fifth sons to stay at Mukoleng for lunch, and Zheng Xiaoxiao also stayed with him.

He was helping Aunt Zhang cook when he heard Xiao Wu's shout from a distance: "Qingshan, hurry up and bring the big wooden basin. Good guy, we finally caught up with this wave. There are a lot of fish."

Not far from the wooden carvings, there is a winding mountain stream. Xiao Wu and the others are probably fishing there.

Liu Qingshan then ran over with a big wooden basin on his head. Zheng Xiaoxiao also led the fourth and fifth children, playing with their bare feet in the mountain stream. The water had just covered their ridges.

By the stream, Grandpa Guaizi and Mr. Wu sat on a small bench, listening quietly to the gurgling stream and the giggles of the children.

As for the fish caught, there were only a dozen small fish more than an inch long, which could be contained in cans.

"Are you still using a big wooden basin?" Liu Qingshan muttered dissatisfied.

Xiaowu murmured: "The main thing is to bring back more water from the stream and make fish soup."

Isn't this little fish enough to make fish soup?

However, the fish in mountain streams are all cold-water fish, which grow slowly and taste really fresh. They are really good for making fish soup.

"Ouch, what the hell is this? It bites my hand!"

Xiao Wu suddenly exclaimed, raised his arm, and shook it vigorously in the air.

On his finger, there was something hanging down, about ten centimeters in length, swinging back and forth with his finger.

"Little Fifth Brother, these are crickets, they are delicious!"

Little Lao Si was relatively close to him, so he took the lead and reached out, pinched the cricket with his little hand, and then directed Xiao Wu to put his fingers into the stream.

As soon as it touched the water, the cricket immediately released its pincers, and then was pinched out of the water by Little Lao Si and thrown directly into the large wooden basin on the shore.

Children in rural areas will catch this.

Grandpa Guaizi also became interested: "Crawls, good stuff, this stuff is the most nourishing. Old chief, ask the marshal to get you some cricket tofu to try at noon. That guy's craftsmanship is pretty good."

Xiao Wu flicked his fingers: "I'll eat you for lunch, don't you dare to pinch me!"

Liu Qingshan also took off his shoes, stepped into the mountain stream, and helped to turn over the stones. Crayfish usually hide under small stones.

This thing looks similar to crayfish, with a shiny black shell and a pair of large claws in front.

However, crayfish have very high requirements for the water quality of their growth environment. They must be free of pollution, especially waters without pesticides and fertilizers, in order to survive.

After more than ten years, they gradually became less and less, and finally almost became extinct.

Because of this, it is also called a water source indicator, which is an absolutely natural and pollution-free food.

There are still many crayfish in the mountain stream. You can basically pinch one by turning over a few stones.

Seeing that there are already twenty or thirty crayfish in the big wooden basin, Liu Qingshan hurriedly called Xiaowu who was working hard. This kid obviously hasn't learned to stop yet.

Crayfish tofu, most people really don't know how to process it, and it really takes the handsome uncle to do it himself.

Although it is called crayfish tofu, it is actually not related to tofu at all.

I saw the handsome uncle clean the crayfish, grind it with a stone mill, and use gauze to remove the residue.

Boil water in a pot, and after the water boils, pour the filtered crayfish juice into the pot, and it will soon condense into a brain shape.

It is a bit like tofu brain, but the color is a little pink.

Finally, add a small amount of salt, chopped green onions and chives, and the crayfish tofu is ready.

Use a small spoon to scoop it up and drink a mouthful. The taste is just one word: fresh!

Liu Qingshan tasted two spoonfuls and praised it. It is rare to taste this traditional delicacy in later generations. At that time, crayfish were ridiculously expensive, nearly 200 yuan per catty, and there was basically no market.

Liu Qingshan felt that there would be an opportunity to develop crayfish resources in the future.

They no longer use pesticides and chemical fertilizers. As long as they keep doing this, they can breed more crayfish in the mountain streams and ditches.

They don't aim to export them. As long as they can meet their own production and sales after the tourism industry develops, they can make enough money.

In addition to crayfish tofu, there are also newly harvested stone ears on the table. After cleaning the mud and sand on them and blanching them, they are stir-fried in a plate.

Stone ears can clear away heat and detoxify, but because they are cold in nature, it is not easy to eat too much.

In addition, they stir-fried a few dishes of green vegetables and boiled fresh fish soup. Everyone ate and drank until they were a little full.

Even Old Wu had a big appetite and ate half a big pancake more than usual.

Director Fan also burped and praised: "This is the real food tonic."

In the afternoon, the mute grandfather began to prescribe medicine for Old Wu, and Song Yizhen also began to figure out the newly learned acupuncture method.

The technique was a bit unfamiliar, and there was no model for practice. In the end, it was Xiaowu who volunteered to practice on him first.

This also gave everyone a new understanding of Xiaowu. Although this boy didn't look very good, he was really filial.

Liu Qingshan saw that there was nothing for him to do, so he led Lao Si and Lao Wu home.

The two little girls were also exhausted, and they couldn't walk anymore. Liu Qingshan carried one on his back and held the other.

Although Zheng Xiaoxiao was also tired, she still held on and helped Liu Qingshan carry one.

When they got home, Lao Si and Shan Xing on their backs had fallen asleep.

However, after getting home, the two little girls immediately became lively again, chattering and clamoring to receive the award, and then each of them held an extracurricular reading material and read it happily.

Liu Qingshan and Zheng Xiaoxiao looked at each other, and a smile appeared on the corners of their mouths.

The next day, Liu Qingshan drove his eldest sister and the old sister to the county town. As for Zheng Xiaoxiao, she had already gone back with Zheng Hongqi last night.

On the way, we went to the factory to take a look. Several old masters were already looking through the instructions. The words on them were a bit confusing.

There were also two technicians from the island country who were responsible for the specific installation.

However, the taste of instant noodles and ham sausages had to be adjusted by themselves.

For this reason, Yang Hongying specially invited a retired old master from a state-owned restaurant to help check.

They also brought back some finished products produced by the island country, but they did not provide the formula, so they had to figure it out by themselves.

"Master Shi, do you think you can adjust the taste of others?"

Yang Hongying looked at the retired old master from the restaurant eagerly. The latter was leaning on the chair calmly, with his round head drooping, as if he was asleep, and he didn't say a word.

"What attitude!"

Liu Jinfeng was impatient, but she couldn't stand this.

Liu Qingshan also frowned: Is this paying for a grandpa?

Yang Hongying called out twice again, and the master Shi raised his eyelids: "Haha, people get sleepy easily when they get old, Xiao Yang, what did you say just now?"

After Yang Hongying said it again, Master Shi smacked his lips: "This is difficult. Who doesn't hide the recipe?"

"Luckily you found me, Xiao Yang. I'm not bragging. All the chefs in Bishui County are my disciples."

"When the time comes, I'll find a few more people to help. With three to five months, I'm sure I can crack the recipe."

"That's the treatment. Hahaha, Xiao Yang, I won't ask you for more. There are five of us in total. Just give me 5,000 yuan."

These days, if you dare to ask for 5,000 yuan, you're really asking for a lot.

Yang Hongying also frowned, and then looked at Liu Qingshan.

Liu Jinfeng raised her eyes and said, "Without Zhang the butcher, we can't eat hairy pigs."

The master Shi smiled and said: "Girl, then you can hire Gao Ming. I'm going to say this today. As long as I say a word, you won't be able to hire any chef in Bishui County."

March, early spring.

To view the latest chapters, download the Aiyueshuo app. The latest chapters are already in the Aiyueshu app. The website no longer updates the latest chapters. A corner in the eastern part of Nanhuangzhou.

The hazy sky was gray and black, showing heavy depression, as if someone had spilled ink on the rice paper, and the ink soaked into the sky and blurred out the clouds.

The clouds overlapped and merged with each other, spreading out streaks of crimson lightning, accompanied by rumbling thunder.

It's like the roar of gods, echoing in the world.

Please download the Aiyue Novel app to read the latest chapters for free without ads. Blood-colored rain, with sadness, falls into the mortal world.

The earth was hazy, and there was a ruined city, silent and lifeless in the dim red rain of blood.

The city is in ruins and everything is withered. Collapsed houses can be seen everywhere, as well as blue-black corpses and pieces of meat, like broken autumn leaves, silently withering.

The streets that used to be bustling with people are now desolate.

The sandy dirt road that used to be bustling with people is no longer noisy now.

Only blood and mud mixed with minced meat, dust, and paper were left, indistinguishable from each other, which was shocking.

Not far away, a broken carriage was stuck deep in the mud, full of sadness. Only an abandoned rabbit doll hung on the shaft, swaying in the wind.

The white fluff has long been soaked into wet red, full of eerieness.

The turbid eyes seemed to have some residual resentment, looking lonely at the mottled rocks in front of them.

There, a figure was lying down.

This is a boy of thirteen or fourteen years old, his clothes are torn and covered with dirt, and he has a broken leather bag tied around his waist.

The young man squinted his eyes and remained motionless. The biting cold penetrated his worn coat from all directions and spread throughout his body, gradually taking away his body temperature.

The website is about to close. Download the Aiyue app to watch the latest content for free. But even if the rain falls on his face, he does not blink and stares into the distance as coldly as an eagle.

Following his gaze, he saw a skinny vulture gnawing on the carrion of a wild dog, seven or eight feet away from him, occasionally observing its surroundings vigilantly.

It seems that in this dangerous ruins, if there is the slightest movement, it will instantly rise into the sky.

Download the Aiyue Novel app and read the latest chapters for free without ads. The young man is like a hunter, patiently waiting for the opportunity.

After a long time, the opportunity came, and the greedy vulture finally buried its head completely into the belly of the wild dog.

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