Goldfinger is a bit strange

Chapter 40 The details of the murder case (1/2)

When Zhao Wei saw Zhou Xiaoxing stop in front of him, his face suddenly turned red.

"Well, don't look at me like that. I'm not the murderer, don't accuse a good person. You have to have evidence to say that someone else is the murderer." Zhao Wei said with a red face.

"I didn't say you are the murderer, why are you so nervous? But you are right, you have to have evidence to say that someone else is the murderer, so that people can be convinced." Zhou Xiaoxing said.

"We have to sort out what happened here before we can talk about anything else. First of all, why did the murderer kill people here, that is, what is the murderer's motive for killing people here?" Zhou Xiaoxing said as he turned around and walked forward a few steps. After pulling away from the crowd, he turned around again to face the crowd.

"Is there any need to say this? The murderer killed people just for the map to the treasure valley on the Chu swordsman Yunshan." Someone in the crowd spoke up.

"Yes, you are right. This is the murderer's motive for killing, to kill for the map. But have you ever thought that when the Chu swordsman Yunshan was killed, he had already changed his appearance. At that time, everyone went to his room to see him, and no one recognized him. So how did the murderer know that the person who had changed his appearance was the Chu swordsman Yunshan?" Zhou Xiaoxing asked.

"Is it that the murderer has already recognized Yunshan and knows that he lives in that room, so even if Yunshan changed his appearance, he can't escape his murderous hands." Someone else in the crowd spoke up.

"Well said, the murderer has already recognized Yunshan and already knows that he has changed his appearance. Then why didn't he wait until Yunshan left here before taking action? I believe he should also know what the consequences of killing here will be. Why did he cause such trouble?" Zhou Xiaoxing asked.

"Maybe the map to the Treasure Valley is very important to him. He can't wait to kill Yunshan outside, so he killed him here." Someone in the crowd said.

"Even if this map to the Treasure Valley is very important to him, have you ever thought about it, if it were you, and Yunshan was standing in front of you with the map in his hand, would you draw your sword and kill him here?" Zhou Xiaoxing asked.

"I won't kill anyone here..."

"No matter how important this thing is, it's not as important as your own life..."

"Who would be so stupid as to mess with the people of the Mo family for a map..."


Everyone started talking, and the dining hall suddenly became noisy.

Seeing this, Zhou Xiaoxing had no choice but to raise his hands again and shouted: "Quiet, quiet, everyone quiet."

Everyone stopped talking one after another when they heard Zhou Xiaoxing's shout.

"In fact, the murderer didn't want people to see that Yunshan was killed, so he created an illusion. Everyone, do you remember what your first reaction was when you first saw Yunshan?" Zhou Xiaoxing asked.

"He was scared to death." Someone said.



Others also nodded in response.

"So the murderer still has some concerns about this place, so he didn't kill Yunshan with one palm, but had to press his acupuncture points so painstakingly, and then poisoned him." Zhou Xiaoxing said.

"Poison him? The deceased doesn't look like he was poisoned." Someone in the crowd asked.

"Do you know what poison he was poisoned with? He was poisoned by the Baiyue Ghost Religion. Have you heard of this poison?" Zhou Xiaoxing asked.

When they heard that the deceased was poisoned by the Baiyue Ghost Religion, everyone was like a pot of boiling water, and began to discuss it again.

Most of these people are old martial arts, and they have heard of the Baiyue Ghost Religion, which was eradicated by the martial arts world more than ten years ago.

"How do you know that he was poisoned by the Baiyue Ghost Religion?" Someone in the crowd asked loudly.

When they heard someone asking loudly, the people who were discussing stopped talking one after another and looked at Zhou Xiaoxing.

"I have been attacked every day for the past three days. Do you know that?" Zhou Xiaoxing asked.

"Yes." Someone in the crowd said.

Others nodded in agreement.

"When I was attacked on the second day, the person used the Baiyue Ghost Religion's Soul-Snatching and Soul-Snatching. The guards in the middle courtyard of the guesthouse had seen me when I was poisoned. Fortunately, I was lucky. Although I was poisoned, I survived." Zhou Xiaoxing said.

"I believe you have heard about the consequences of being poisoned by the Baiyue Ghost Religion's Soul-Snatching and Soul-Snatching. So, after the victim was poisoned, the murderer pressed his acupuncture points, making him look like he was scared to death. If the shopkeeper here hadn't discovered that the victim was pressed on the acupuncture points, who here could tell that Yunshan was killed by someone?" Zhou Xiaoxing asked.

"Haha..., now that you put it this way, I finally understand. The murderer was afraid of the shopkeeper here, so in order to prevent people from seeing that Yunshan was killed, he used the ghost religion of Baiyue to poison Yunshan and pressed his acupoints at the same time, making him look like he was scared to death." Zhao Wei said with a smile. www.七Kwx.Com

"Well, you said it very well, but you are only half right." Zhou Xiaoxing glanced at Zhao Wei and said.

"Only half right?" Zhao Wei looked at Zhou Xiaoxing with a puzzled look and asked.

"Yes." Zhou Xiaoxing said.

"Then you think what I said was wrong?" Zhao Wei looked at Zhou Xiaoxing with dissatisfied eyes and asked.

"Let me ask you, besides being displeased with me, did you dare to yell at me here three days ago? Is there any other reason?" Zhou Xiaoxing looked at Zhao Wei and asked.

"There is no other reason. I yelled at you because I don't like you, so what other reasons are there?" Zhao Wei said with a puzzled look.

"Then did you ever think that after you yelled at me, I would hit you?" Zhou Xiaoxing asked.

"Haha..., I didn't pay attention to you at all at that time. I think if you don't fight, you will definitely not be able to beat me even if you dare to do it." Zhao Wei touched his bald head and smiled awkwardly. said with a smile.

"Well, now that the murderer lives here, he knows what kind of person the owner here is. He knows what the consequences will be if he kills people here, but he still dares to kill people here. What do you mean? Why? Zhou Xiaoxing asked.

"Oh..., I understand. You are saying that this murderer does not pay attention to the owner of this place at all, so he still dares to kill people here even though he knows the consequences of killing people here. Just like when I yelled at you that day, I knew that you might attack me, but I still dared to do that to you because I didn't take you seriously at all." Zhao Wei. After thinking for a while, he suddenly said loudly with bright eyes.

"Well, you finally got it right this time." Zhou Xiaoxing said.

"Then why did he create the illusion that the deceased was frightened to death?" Zhao Wei asked.

"Although the murderer didn't take the owner here seriously, he didn't want to cause any trouble here. It can also be seen from this that the murderer is a careful person. Originally, the murderer created the illusion that the deceased was frightened to death. It was perfect, but the murderer still underestimated the shopkeeper here. He didn't expect that the shopkeeper here could discover that the deceased was immobilized by tapping his acupoints. If this murder happened outside, who would be able to discover that the deceased was immobilized. They were murdered," Zhou Xiaoxing said while looking at the crowd.

"Furthermore, I have two pieces of evidence that prove that the murderer did not pay attention to the owner of this place at all. First, the murderer did not leave immediately after the murder. If he had left immediately at that time, I believe no one would have doubted that he had killed him. Second, the murderer knew that I was looking for him, but he still dared to attack me again and again. The second time he attacked me, he broke into the middle courtyard that was guarded by twenty people." Zhou Xiaoxing turned around. , As he spoke, he walked towards the shopkeeper of the guest house, and finally stopped in front of him.

The shopkeeper of the guest house looked at Zhou Xiaoxing with a cold face and snorted.

"It doesn't make sense. There is no one in the world who dares not to take the master here seriously, unless his martial arts is so high that he thinks that the master here is no match for him." Someone in the crowd said.

"Yes, that's right." Zhou Xiaoxing turned around and faced everyone again and said.

"Now there are people in the world who dare not take the master here seriously, who do you think they are?" Zhou Xiaoxing looked at the crowd and asked.

"Needless to say, of course they are people from the four major sects in today's martial arts world." Someone in the crowd said.




As soon as this person finished speaking, others nodded in agreement.

Zhou Xiaoxing raised his hands to signal everyone to be quiet.

After everyone calmed down, Zhou Xiaoxing said: "Actually, I said all this to let everyone know the murderer's motive and why he dared to kill here. Let's not worry about which sect the murderer is for the time being. People, you just need to know that the murderer is very powerful. Now, I will start from the beginning of the whole thing, and when I get to the end, you will also know who the murderer is."

Zhou Xiaoxing paused and then continued: "First of all, the cause of the whole thing was the map to the Treasure Valley that was on the deceased. When the deceased came here with the map to the Treasure Valley, he didn't know that his best friend had already It was revealed that he had obtained the map to the Treasure Valley. Therefore, when he heard the news here, he knew that people all over the world were looking for him, and he felt that the situation was not good. He thought of changing his appearance to avoid people in the world. However, he was unfamiliar with the place and didn't know where to buy something that could be used to disguise himself. So he asked the guy on the floor where he lived for directions. Through this guy’s advice, he learned that there was a market in Wei State nearest here where he could buy things, so he rushed there that day and bought what he wanted to buy.”

Zhou Xiaoxing paused when he said this, and then he continued walking around the crowd: "However, when he appeared in the territory of Wei State, he was discovered. That's why the group of thieves from Heifeng Mountain in Wei State came Here I went to find their leader to snatch the map from the deceased. I guess the murderer also discovered the deceased when he went to Wei State to buy things. The murderer must not have known who the deceased was at the time, so he followed the deceased there. Here. After arriving here, the murderer saw the silk paintings of those who had portraits of the deceased, and the murderer determined that the person he was following was the Chu swordsman Yunshan who had the map to the Treasure Valley. So, the murderer immediately targeted him. Yunshan took action and took the map to the Treasure Valley from him, and this is the whole story. "

When Zhou Xiaoxing finished speaking, he happened to walk in front of Zhao Wei again...

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Chapter 40 The ins and outs of the murder iReader app to read the latest content for free. However, no one doubts the origin of this ability. After all, the peacock demon clan is best at the talent of the stars. Her skills are similar to the stars.

After the beautiful young man resolved Cao Yuwei's attack this time, he did not rush to attack, but just stood still.

Cao Yuwei frowned slightly. Is this little girl's perception so sharp? After he turned the flame into armor, he had other means. If the beautiful young man followed up the attack, then he would be sure to use this method to control her. The computer version of the chapter content is slow, please download the app iReader novel latest content for free reading. But the beautiful young man did not step forward, so its originally ready ability had to be interrupted.

The sword slashed out again, and the powerful sword intent was even stronger than before. Cao Yuwei also followed the sword, and the man and the sword became one, and went straight to the beautiful young man.

The Tianji Feather in the beautiful young man's hand once again became the mysterious circle of the sky, and in an instant, he switched his position. While resolving the opponent's attack, he also resolved the opponent's lock. And the next moment, she was already on the other side. The golden red light on Cao Yuwei flashed, and if she hadn't dodged quickly, there would undoubtedly be another ability coming.

Fighting consumption! She seemed to be fighting with Cao Yuwei.

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However, no one doubts the origin of this ability. After all, the peacock demon clan's best talent is the shifting of the stars. Her skills are similar to the shifting of the stars.

After resolving Cao Yuwei's attack this time, the beautiful young man did not rush to attack, but just stood there.

Cao Yuwei frowned slightly. Is this little girl's perception so sharp? After he turned the flame into armor, he had other means. If the beautiful young man followed the attack, then he would be sure to use this method to control her. But the beautiful young man did not step forward, so its ability that was originally ready to go had to be interrupted.

The war knife slashed out again, and the strong knife intent was even stronger than before. Cao Yuwei also followed the knife, and the man and the knife became one, and went straight to the beautiful young man.

The Tianji feather in the hand of the beautiful young man once again became the mysterious circle of the sky, and in an instant, he switched his position. While resolving the opponent's attack, he also resolved the opponent's lock. And the next moment, she was already on the other side. The golden red light on Cao Yuwei flashed, and if she hadn't dodged quickly, there would undoubtedly be another ability coming.

Fighting consumption! She seemed to be fighting consumption with Cao Yuwei.

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