Goldfinger is a bit strange

Chapter 915: Always cherish the present moment (1/2)

The days leading up to the Nobel Prize Award Ceremony are Nobel Prize time, and newspapers are full of reports about the winners.

The ones that receive the most coverage are the Literature Prize winners, winners from China, who attract a lot of attention.

The other one, Mr. Merton, one of the winners of the American Economics Prize, also occupies a large space.

But there are exceptions to everything, and there is one person who even outshines the winners.

Or to be precise, it should be a group of people, led by Liu Qingshan.

And the fact that little princes and princesses from various countries participated in betting together was talked about by many newspapers.

The people are also happy to see such news. They feel as if they see their precious doll doing naughty things, and they feel secretly happy in their hearts. .

When eating at the restaurant the next morning, Liu Qingshan saw news about this in the newspapers and couldn't help but smack his lips:

"No, no, isn't this taking away the spotlight from the winners?"

"You still know?" Writer Lu joked with him with a smile.

Liu Qingshan shook his head: "There is nothing we can do, they are all riding on our necks."

Everyone believed this deeply, and even leader Geng felt that at that moment, for the sake of national dignity, he must stand up and fight back.

But in his opinion, this method of counterattack is a bit too expensive.

After returning home last night, Leader Geng stayed awake for half the night. He was a little frightened by such a huge amount of money.

The more Leader Geng thought about it, the more he became afraid. The other party was an expert in finance and stocks. Playing stocks with such a person, wouldn't it be like lighting a lantern in the toilet?

He planned to use his meal time this morning to persuade Liu Qingshan not to bet.

But looking at the newspapers, which were full of photos of Liu Qingshan, Leader Geng knew that there was no turning back.

The only way now is to defeat his opponent. He looked at Liu Qingshan, who was still reading the newspaper with great interest, and said softly:

"Comrade Qingshan, don't worry. After returning to China, I will go to the university to ask some economics professors to help you study it."

Liu Qingshan smiled and agreed, of course he would appreciate the kindness of others.

As for asking for help, forget it. The Shanghai Stock Exchange was only established at the end of December this year and is not there yet.

People in China who know how to trade stocks can only be described as rare.

In his memory, there were still a few good stocks, mostly in Internet companies, such as Cisco. Throughout the decade of the 1990s, the stock price increased a thousand times, creating a miracle in the stock market.

Therefore, he is not too worried about his opponent, Professor Merton, who is at best a theoretician with high ambitions and low abilities. Otherwise, he would have become a billionaire by relying on stock market investment.

In the morning, I mainly visited the city, and in the evening I attended a reception organized by the embassy. The whole day passed.

The next day, it is already the 9th local time, and tomorrow is the official day of awarding. Everyone is actively preparing.

Liu Qingshan led Boban and sat in a conference room.

Opposite them sat Professor Merton.

There were reporters all around, no fewer than dozens of them.

There is also a team sent by the lawyer, sitting in the middle of the two parties.

The atmosphere in the conference room seemed very solemn. After all, this was not just a matter of 10 million US dollars. Both participants were very famous.

One is a new Nobel Prize winner and can be described as highly respected;

Although the other is young, he has shown talent in many fields and has a bright future.

No matter who loses in the end, it will be a heavy blow to the loser's reputation. It is no exaggeration to say that the loser's reputation is ruined.

First, the lawyer announces the draft agreement. After both parties confirm that it is correct, they sign it and it becomes effective.

The contract stipulates that both parties will each deliver 10 million US dollars to a third-party investment company, and then subscribe for stocks of the designated company. One year later, the winner will be determined based on the profit.

The losing party will lose all their money.

Two other professors who won the economics award served as witnesses and they also signed their names on the agreement.

The reporters also witnessed this moment together, and after conducting some interviews, they left with satisfaction.

The remaining two parties continue to complete the most important part of the contract, which is the designated purchase of tickets, which must be kept confidential.

The choice range should be the stock market in the United States. After all, it is the financial center of the world.

Witnessed by lawyers and notaries, Liu Qingshan and Professor Merton each wrote down the stocks they planned to invest in on a piece of paper.

When the witnesses opened the two pieces of paper, they were all stunned because the same company was written on them: Cisco.

If the two weren't rivals, I would have thought they had discussed it in advance.

Professor William, one of the notaries, frowned. He knew that this was definitely not a coincidence. Both people were optimistic about the same company, which proved that this company still had great potential for development.

But when this happens, there is no determination of victory at all, and the final result will definitely be a tie.

It seems that a draw is not bad, it will not cause harm to anyone, but it will become a good story.

Professor William originally wanted to be a good old man in the middle. Isn't this situation exactly what he hopes for?

So Professor William picked up his pen and prepared to write down the name of the stock. Everyone was happy when the time came.

However, the lawyer sent by the lawyer raised an objection at this time:

"You two gentlemen really have similar ideas and chose the same company, but such a competition will lose its meaning, so please make a new choice."

Liu Qingshan was also stunned when he heard it, and looked up at Merton: The old man is good, and he is not completely in vain.

Merton was also a little surprised. He shrugged his shoulders: "What a coincidence, it seems that Mr. Mountain did a lot of homework last night. Is it your mentor who gave you advice?"

For some large companies, there are relevant research reports that can only be consulted by insiders.

Liu Qingshan shook his head. He really didn't contact Professor Peter, because he knew that if the mentor knew about this, he would definitely stop him.

After thinking about it, Liu Qingshan smiled: "Then I'll change another company. As for Mr. Merton, you can do whatever you want."

Liu Qingshan showed magnanimity, which made the two notaries nod slightly.

"I stick to my original choice."

Professor Merton was not grateful. He bet his entire fortune and even raised 5 million US dollars. Therefore, he could only succeed in this gamble and not fail.

Cisco was the company he was most optimistic about after detailed research. How could he change it easily?

Liu Qingshan didn't need to write again this time. He said directly: "Then I choose Earth Network, which happens to be an Internet company."

Although Cisco is powerful, it has also gone through more than ten years of development to become a behemoth.

Gu Li Liu Qingshan also has confidence in his own Earth Network.

"Earth Network, isn't that Mr. Mountain's own company? This needs to seek Professor Merton's opinion."

Lawyers are still quite conscientious. In principle, there is definitely no problem in buying the stocks of their own companies. They are just afraid that the other party will find fault.

Professor Merton was also stunned. In fact, Earth Network was also one of his targets.

It was just because Earth Network was Liu Qingshan's company that he felt a little uncomfortable, so he finally chose Cisco.

The young man had already made a concession, and if he continued to be pretentious, it would be too embarrassing.

So Professor Merton nodded: "Okay, but in this year, normal business models can be carried out, and Mr. Mountain must not interfere with the company's stock price."

"Okay!" Liu Qingshan had no intention of doing anything behind the scenes, so he nodded and agreed.

Both parties had no objections, and the agreement was passed smoothly.

Cisco just went public this year, with a market value of nearly 70 million, and now it can only be regarded as a small-cap stock.

As for the stock price, based on the dividend and stock discount adjusted closing price, Cisco's stock price was only 0.08 US dollars per share when it was listed on NASDAQ.

Of course, if calculated according to the market value, it is 18 US dollars per share.

Liu Qingshan remembered that a year later, in 1991, Cisco's total market value was less than 600 million US dollars.

It was not until 1995, when Chambers took charge of Cisco, that the company began to take off.

Now, Chambers is already the CEO of Wang Laboratories, and it is not certain whether Cisco can develop into that giant in the future.

Besides, the bet was only for one year. During this year, Cisco's market value increased by less than ten times. Liu Qingshan also had confidence in his own EarthNet.

Liu Qingshan was also very proud: let's compete with Cisco!

After the agreement was signed, Liu Qingshan accompanied Lu Writer to a cocktail party in the evening. The next day, it was finally time for the award ceremony.

After lunch and a short rest, the winners and their respective relatives and friends left the Stockholm Grand Hotel and took the car parked at the door to the Stockholm Concert Hall, which was the place where the awards were presented over the years.

Liu Qingshan accompanied Lu Writer out of the car and looked up at the concert hall. The row of stone pillars in front looked solemn and majestic.

The color of the concert hall is mainly light blue, so it is customarily called the "Blue Hall".

Here, the winners were led to the lounge at the back, while the relatives and friends went to the audience seats.

Every year, the number of spectators at the award ceremony is limited to 2,000 people. When Liu Qingshan and his team entered the venue, most of the audience had already sat down.

The seats for relatives and friends are naturally closer to the front. There are about 50 or 60 people in total.

Among a group of foreigners in tuxedos, Liu Qingshan and his Asian faces are particularly eye-catching.

It is not the first time that Chinese faces have appeared in the Nobel Prize ceremony, but it is the first time that a winner is truly from China.

This also indicates to some extent that the ancient China has gradually connected with the world and has begun to regain its vitality.

Leader Geng and others sat upright, wearing Zhongshan suits and their hair was carefully groomed.

Liu Qingshan wore a Chinese stand-up collar, which is also his signature outfit. He looks neat and tidy, and with his handsome face, he shows a unique temperament.

He is calm and generous, and he looks positive and optimistic.

"Wow, big brother, you are so cool." A babyish voice came from the front row, and then Liu Qingshan saw a delicate little face with gap teeth.

It must be said that the little girl with blond hair and blue eyes is like a doll and very lovable.

Liu Qingshan's mouth corners also slightly curled up: "The little princess is so beautiful today."

The little guy was praised very happily, and then a few more little guys in the front row greeted Liu Qingshan.

Now the award ceremony has not officially started, it is still okay to chat in a low voice.

Liu Qingshan also smiled and bumped fists with them, after all, they were all former comrades-in-arms.

"Brother, when you signed a contract with that bad grandpa, why didn't you call us to the scene? Now I can write my name in cursive script?"

The little princess Hua Yazi had a bit of complaint in her mouth. Looking at her posture, she also wanted to sign her name on the contract.

Grace is also here. When the king arrives later, as a member of the royal family, she will also sit on the stage.

She touched the little guy's head: "You are not an adult yet, and your signature is not valid. I'd better wait until you grow up."

"Oh, but it grows very slowly." Little Princess Huyazi sighed, wondering if this was a growing pain.

Liu Qingshan smiled and comforted her: "Don't be in a hurry to grow up, always cherish the present moment."

The little princess nodded in understanding. The little guy didn't know yet that the older he gets, the more troubles he will have.

In fact, Liu Qingshan had already prepared. He asked Boban to take out a document from his briefcase. This was a copy of the official contract.

"Okay, now everyone can sign."

Liu Qingshan handed over the contract and pointed to the back of his signature: "Just sign it here. This is the contract between us and it will be valid no matter when."

The children were very excited now. They are little ones. They are eager to participate, but they are often ignored by adults.

Liu Qingshan grew up with the fourth and fifth eldest children in his family, and he understands the children's thoughts best.

"I'll come, I'll come." Little Princess Huya took the pen and carefully wrote her name letter by letter: Sophia.

"And me." Little William and others were also scrambling for signatures.

"I, I, I, I can't write yet." The second prince, Henry, was too young and was about to cry.

The surrounding audience looked on with smiles.

It was little William who grabbed his younger brother's hand and helped him sign his name coyly.

This made the adult members of the royal family feel a little anxious.

However, the younger brothers and sisters can participate and treat it as if it is just children messing around, but they cannot.

"Okay, I will keep this agreement well, and when this time comes next year, we will share the fruits of victory together."

Liu Qingshan said with a smile, while the little guys held their little fists together.

Liu Qingshan also suppressed laughter: "But if you lose, you are not allowed to cry."

"We will definitely win!" The little guys were all high-spirited.

The reporters keenly captured these shots and secretly admired: Mr. Mountain has such a wide network of contacts.

Maybe these little guys are just insignificant now, but when they grow up, they will be a force that cannot be ignored in the entire Europa.

March, early spring.

To view the latest chapters, download the Aiyueshuo app. The latest chapters are already in the Aiyueshu app. The website no longer updates the latest chapters. A corner in the eastern part of Nanhuangzhou.

The hazy sky was gray and black, showing heavy depression, as if someone had spilled ink on the rice paper, and the ink soaked into the sky and blurred out the clouds.

The clouds overlapped and merged with each other, spreading out streaks of crimson lightning, accompanied by rumbling thunder.

It's like the roar of gods, echoing in the world.

Please download the Aiyue Novel app to read the latest chapters for free without ads. The bloody rain, with sadness, fell down into the mortal world.

The earth was hazy, and there was a ruined city, silent and lifeless in the dim red rain of blood.

The city is in ruins and everything is withered. Collapsed houses can be seen everywhere, as well as blue-black corpses and pieces of meat, like broken autumn leaves, silently withering.

The streets that used to be bustling with people are now desolate.

The sandy dirt road that used to be bustling with people is no longer noisy now.

Only blood and mud mixed with minced meat, dust, and paper were left, indistinguishable from each other, which was shocking.

Not far away, a broken carriage was stuck deep in the mud, full of sadness. Only an abandoned rabbit doll hung on the shaft, swaying in the wind.

The white fluff has long been soaked into wet red, full of eerieness.

The turbid eyes seemed to have some residual resentment, looking lonely at the mottled rocks in front of them.

There, a figure was lying down.

This was a boy of thirteen or fourteen years old, his clothes were torn and covered with dirt, and he had a broken leather bag tied around his waist.

The young man squinted his eyes and remained motionless. The biting cold penetrated his worn coat from all directions and spread throughout his body, gradually taking away his body temperature.

The website is about to close. Download the Aiyue app to watch the latest content for free. But even if the rain falls on his face, he does not blink and stares into the distance as coldly as an eagle.

Following his gaze, he saw a skinny vulture gnawing on the carrion of a wild dog, seven or eight feet away from him, occasionally observing its surroundings vigilantly.

It seems that in this dangerous ruins, if there is the slightest movement, it will instantly rise into the sky.

Download the Aiyue Novel app and read the latest chapters for free without ads. The young man is like a hunter, patiently waiting for the opportunity.

After a long time, the opportunity came, and the greedy vulture finally buried its head completely into the belly of the wild dog.

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