Goldfinger is a bit strange

Chapter 971 Let’s see how you end up when things get out of hand! (1/2)

Qingshan Museum, with the title of the first private museum, can attract many tourists to visit every day.

The film and television city has made a lot of contributions here.

Tourists who go to the film and television city will be promoted and know about this museum.

This is also the idea of ​​Liu Qingshan's centralized layout, forming a complete ecological tourism circle.

The film and television city, the museum, and the Shanhai Gold and Silver Market for purchasing gold and silver jewelry, etc., constitute a complete tourism system.

Of course, with development, more and more projects will be added in the future.

The current ticket price of the museum is not expensive, and there are indeed several treasures in the museum, which are very eye-catching.

For example, the Yuan blue and white jar, the chicken cup, the bronze animal head, the meteorite from outer space, etc., are all rare treasures.

In addition, there is the red and white hibiscus picture that has recently caused heated discussions, which makes tourists very excited.

In short, tourists who have come to Qingshan Museum will have a feeling: it is worth the trip.

Especially now that it is summer vacation, the exhibition hall of the museum is spacious and cool. Wandering in it, quietly feeling the footprints of history, and spending a leisurely afternoon is absolutely enjoyable.

As a result, the tourists were notified that the museum was going to be closed and they had to leave immediately.

Everyone immediately got angry and swarmed to the gate, shouting for a refund.

"I'm sorry, everyone. Take your tickets to the ticket office for a refund first." The old uncle loudly organized discipline.

Uncle Lu argued with the law enforcement team: "Comrade He, what right do you have to close the museum?"

"Smuggling precious national cultural relics, closing the museum is a light punishment, believe it or not, arrest you and put you in jail!"

Comrade He was the middle-aged man who shouted about putting up the seal, and he didn't take Uncle Lu, the curator, seriously at all.

Several young people under him even started to apply glue on the seal and prepare to seal the door.

At this stage, the constraints on law enforcement departments are not strict.

"Wait a minute, what right do you have to close the museum?"

Someone stood up to stop them. They were experts doing academic research in the museum, all of whom were from the museum's research institutes.

The speaker was expert Xu Yanwu, who had asked Liu Qingshan to hand over the animal heads.

Originally, Liu Qingshan was also ready to come forward, but when he saw expert Xu, he continued to hide behind the crowd and watch.

Expert Xu took out his work ID: "There are many precious cultural relics in this museum. How can you mess around with them?"

Leader He glanced at the other party's work ID: "You are not a staff member of this museum, so you have nothing to do with it."

"Protecting cultural relics is the responsibility of every cultural relic worker. How can it be okay?" Expert Xu put on a righteous look.

"Okay, then let me ask you, there are animal heads that were looted from the Old Summer Palace in here. These are cultural relics belonging to the country. How can they be placed in a personal museum?" Leader He asked loudly.

Expert Xu blinked his eyes: "That's true, but these animal heads were bought back from overseas by the Qingshan Museum."

"Then they have to be handed over to the country. We should have at least some patriotic sentiment." Leader He began to preach.

Expert Xu seemed to be convinced by him and nodded: "It should indeed be exhibited in a large museum."

A bystander can see clearly. Seeing them acting in unison, Liu Qingshan's mouth curled up slightly: It seems that this expert Xu is the one who is playing tricks.

Leader He sang a high-sounding tune, and then pointed at Uncle Lu:

"Who opened your Qingshan Museum? Where did you get so much money to buy cultural relics? There must be some improper transactions here. We must thoroughly investigate it!"

"I, I am Liu Qingshan, the legal person of Qingshan Museum." Liu Qingshan was not interested in watching any more and walked in through the crowd.

Leader He looked at Liu Qingshan and said, "That's great. Come with us."

Liu Qingshan wanted to laugh: I was asked to report to the big leader yesterday, but he didn't seem to be so arrogant; you are a small official, but you can act so arrogant.

So Liu Qingshan smiled and shook his head: "Comrade He, every cultural relic in our museum was obtained through legitimate channels. You have no right to speak if you don't investigate."

"As for my personal assets, it's not your department's business, so you'd better save your time."

"The third question is that you are not a law enforcement agency like the public security, procuratorial and judicial organs, and you have no right to take me and any staff in the museum away."

Liu Qingshan didn't take such a small role seriously at all.

But it made Leader He angry. He usually went out to enforce the law, and everyone was respectful. Unexpectedly, he was scolded by Liu Qingshan.

So he pointed at Liu Qingshan and said, "I've seen a lot of people like you. You must be speculating and making dirty money. Take him back and investigate thoroughly!"

Several young men under his command immediately surrounded Liu Qingshan. One of them got a pair of handcuffs from somewhere and shook them in front of Liu Qingshan: "Boy, I advise you to be honest!"

The museum's security guards were immediately dissatisfied when they saw it. They were all retired soldiers who had followed all the way from the border and had great respect for Liu Qingshan.

Now someone is going to attack General Manager Liu. How can that be tolerated?

Led by the security captain, several security guards rushed up and started to attack without any greetings.

In a few seconds, all the people in the law enforcement team lay down. Even Leader He was kicked down by the security captain and rolled on the ground holding his stomach.

"Mr. Liu, you are resisting law enforcement. How can this be done?" Xu Yanwu was also a little surprised. He was indeed the one who hooked up this law enforcement team.

He has always held a grudge against Liu Qingshan and was deeply jealous.

However, he never imagined that the security guards at these museums would be so fierce and would beat them whenever they asked.

After being surprised, Xu Yanwu felt happy: Let's make a fuss. It depends on how you end it if the fuss gets too big!

Liu Qingshan looked at Expert Xu calmly, and then ordered the security captain:

"In the future, if Comrade Xu comes to our museum, he will be kicked out directly. People with evil intentions are not welcome here."


Xu Yanwu couldn't lose face either: "Liu Qingshan, don't be too arrogant!"

Liu Qingshan stared at the other party, and his eyes suddenly became very sharp: "I walk and sit upright, what do I have to be afraid of? It's a villain like you who should reflect on it!"

After speaking, Liu Qingshan took out his mobile phone and made a call.

After a while, several cars drove over, and a group of armed police jumped out of the cars. They immediately arrested Leader He and others and put them into the car.

When Expert Xu took a bad look, he was about to run away, but was caught by an armed policeman and taken back for interrogation.

Things changed so fast. The law enforcement team was shouting to arrest people just now, but they were arrested in the blink of an eye.

This team of armed police officers came and went like the wind, and they were all gone in the blink of an eye.

"I'm finally clean."

Liu Qingshan waved to the tourists: "Everyone can continue visiting now."

The tourists were very excited after seeing such a wonderful show. This was much more interesting than looking at antiques just now.

Everyone continued to return to the museum, still whispering about what had just happened, and many people were also speculating on Liu Qingshan's identity.

There is a group of people who are tourists from Hong Kong Island and know more about the situation.

A middle-aged Hong Kong businessman with gold-rimmed glasses and elegant appearance said:

"The Mr. Liu just now is Mr. Mountain. Our newspapers on Hong Kong Island, as well as foreign newspapers, have a lot of reports about him."

Everyone's interest was immediately aroused, and they all inquired about the middle-aged man.

The middle-aged Hong Kong businessman shook the folding fan in his hand: "Let's not talk about anything else. Mr. Mountain just bought an aircraft carrier in the past few months. The media in Hong Kong analyzed that it must be donated to the country. La."

Regarding the aircraft carrier, there have been no reports in the country. This is the first time everyone has heard about it.

Aircraft carrier, our country also needs an aircraft carrier!

Everyone's first reaction was excitement and their spirits were lifted.

Then someone thought of what just happened: "Haha, that group of people are really blind. They came here to make trouble. They are not making themselves uncomfortable."

"That's right, people can donate aircraft carriers to the country. What a great contribution that is." Someone next to him immediately agreed.

Everyone joined in the lively discussion, and some people said: After returning, we must promote this museum and invite everyone to visit.

This kind of museum opened by a patriotic businessman must be supported!

"We'd better continue visiting, and keep quiet in the museum."

The Hong Kong businessman said with a smile, and the excited people stopped talking. However, everyone still had a hint of excitement on their faces, and they were even more motivated to visit than before.

In the curator's room of Qingshan Museum, Uncle Lu and Liu Qingshan were sitting opposite each other:

"Qingshan, I used to think something was wrong with that guy Xu Yanwu. It turns out he was harboring ulterior motives."

"For this kind of person, I guess the museum doesn't want to raise a black sheep."

Liu Qingshan knew in his heart that when the incident was found out, the museum would definitely fire this guy.

Of course Liu Qingshan couldn't bear to have any bad ideas about his museum.

Then we talked about the situation at the museum. The income from ticket sales is basically enough to cover the daily maintenance costs of the museum.

Of course, it is a bit difficult to make money. Liu Qingshan's plan is to just wait for the cultural relics in the museum to increase in value without spending any money.

Uncle Lu also said that Lu Liang and Boban Lustig in Europe brought back a batch of cultural relics some time ago.

It is currently being renovated and has not yet entered the showroom.

According to Uncle Lu, those two have now become regular customers at auctions in various European countries.

Liu Qingshan couldn't help but become interested: "Let's go to the cultural relic restoration room and see what good things we got back."

When I entered the workroom, I found that Mr. Bai and Zhang Chunyu were also here, as well as several other experts, busy at their desks.

"Second Master, Teacher Shan." Liu Qingshan greeted everyone cheerfully,

Vice-dean Shan of the museum is also here, but the sound insulation in the workroom is better, so he didn't know what happened outside just now.

After saying hello to Liu Qingshan, Teacher Shan asked: "Where's Xiao Xu? Why don't you come back when you go out? You haven't finished the work at hand."

Liu Qingshan blinked twice: "I probably won't be able to come back for a while."

Before Teacher Shan could ask in detail, Mr. Bai greeted Liu Qingshan excitedly:

"Qingshan, this batch of things is pretty good. Teacher Shan and I estimate that these items are all from the old collection of Prince Gong's Mansion."

Is it Prince Gong’s Mansion again?

Liu Qingshan couldn't help but smile. This was really fate.

Just when he was thinking about cooperating to develop Prince Gong's Mansion, a batch of old items from the Prince's Mansion were obtained. This was probably God's will.

Mr. Bai Er was familiar with the stories of the past, so he told them vividly:

"At that time, the young Prince Gong in the palace claimed to be a patriotic young man. After Yuan Datou proclaimed himself emperor, he thought that it was Yuan who ruined their country, so he planned to assassinate Yuan."

"But he had no money, so he packed up and sold all the valuable antiques in the palace, a total of more than 700 pieces, to an island businessman named Yamanaka Sadajiro."

"As a result, this islander immediately shipped these antiques abroad and auctioned them in Europe and the United States. It is estimated that the batch we have now is part of it."

Everyone couldn't help but sigh. In fact, let alone the young Prince Gong, even the last emperor secretly sold a lot of the Forbidden City's old collections, didn't he?

At this time, Uncle Lu suddenly interrupted and said, "By the way, Qingshan, there is one more thing I forgot to tell you."

"Just now, a tourist from an island country brought something that was also related to Prince Gong's Mansion and asked us if we would accept it. I thought it was useless, so I refused."

"What is it?" Liu Qingshan immediately became interested.

"The dragon ticket of Prince Gong's Mansion." Uncle Lu replied.

The so-called dragon ticket is a land deed or something like that. Now that Prince Gong's Mansion has been nationalized, the land deed is just a piece of waste paper.

But Liu Qingshan was overjoyed: "Okay, where is the merchant? Let's discuss this."

If he had a land deed, he could also get more benefits when negotiating with the higher-ups.

Uncle Lu went out for a walk and soon came back with an elegant middle-aged man, introducing him to Liu Qingshan: "This is Mr. Li Jiajun from HSBC Bank in Hong Kong Island."

"Hello, Mr. Li, I'm Liu Qingshan." Liu Qingshan stood up and shook hands with the other party.

"Mr. Mountain, I have long heard of your name. It is a pleasure to meet you."

Li Jiajun was the Hong Kong businessman who just told everyone in the exhibition hall about Liu Qingshan's purchase of an aircraft carrier.

Although Hong Kong businessmen feel superior in the mainland, Li Jiajun behaved very humbly in front of Liu Qingshan.

He also knew a little about Liu Qingshan's deeds. Mr. Mountain had the young generation of Hong Kong Island, such as Li Da Shao and Zheng Gongzi, all obeyed him. He was just a senior executive of a bank and had no capital to show off in front of Liu Qingshan.

"Mr. Li is too polite. I heard that you have the title deed of Prince Gong's Mansion. Can you let us take a look?"

Liu Qingshan went straight to the point. There happened to be an expert present to appraise it on the spot.

Li Jiajun nodded, then carefully took out a folder with a large yellowed paper inside.

Mr. Bai Erye and Teacher Shan went up to take a look and nodded one after another. It was obviously authentic.

However, this title deed was only for the back garden of Prince Gong's Mansion and was not complete.

"I wonder what price Mr. Li is going to sell it for?" Liu Qingshan asked directly. This thing is valuable, but it is not valuable, just a piece of waste paper.

Li Jiajun nodded with a smile: "Mr. Mang Ting likes it, so I'll give it to you. Let's make friends."

March, early spring.

Download the Aiyue Novels app to read the latest chapters. The latest chapters are already on the Aiyue Novels app. The website no longer updates the latest chapters. A corner in the eastern part of Nanhuangzhou.

The gloomy sky is gray and black, revealing a heavy depression, as if someone has splashed ink on rice paper, and the ink has soaked the sky and smudged the clouds.

The clouds are stacked and blended with each other, diffusing crimson lightning, accompanied by rumbling thunder.

It's like the roar of a god, echoing in the world.

Please download the Aiyue Novels app and read the latest chapters for free without ads. The bloody rain, with sadness, falls to the mortal world.

The earth was hazy, and there was a ruined city, silent and lifeless in the dim red blood rain.

The city was full of broken walls and ruins, everything was withered, collapsed houses could be seen everywhere, as well as blue-black corpses and pieces of meat, like broken autumn leaves, withering silently.

The streets that were once bustling are now bleak.

The sandy road that was once crowded with people is no longer noisy.

Only blood mud mixed with pieces of meat, dust, and paper remained, and it was indistinguishable from each other, which was shocking.

Not far away, a broken carriage was deeply stuck in the mud, full of sadness, with only an abandoned rabbit doll hanging on the shaft, swaying in the wind.

The white fluff had long been soaked into wet red, full of gloom and weirdness.

The turbid eyes seemed to have some resentment left, looking alone at the mottled stones in front.

There, a figure was lying.

This is a 13 or 14-year-old boy, with tattered clothes and full of dirt, and a broken leather bag tied around his waist.

The boy squinted his eyes and did not move. The biting cold penetrated his tattered coat from all directions, attacked his whole body, and gradually took away his body temperature.

The website is about to close, download the Aiyue app to read the latest content for free But even if the rain fell on his face, he did not blink, staring coldly at the distance like a falcon.

Following his gaze, a skinny vulture was gnawing on the rotten corpse of a wild dog about 70 feet away from him, and sometimes vigilantly observed the surroundings.

It seemed that in this dangerous ruin, the slightest movement would instantly take it off.

Download the Aiyue novel app and read the latest chapters without ads for free. And the boy, like a hunter, patiently waited for the opportunity.

After a long time, the opportunity came, and the greedy vulture finally completely immersed its head in the belly of the wild dog.

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