Goldfinger is a bit strange

Chapter 989: It’s okay to give it a try (1/2)

Liu Qingshan went to Motorola and ended up making another business bet.

After learning about the agreement signed between his son and Liu Qingshan, old Bob just smiled and shook his head.

He felt that he was too wise to hand over the company to his son now. In comparison, he was still a little immature.

Even the young founder of Bluebird seemed older than Chris in some aspects.

In Bob's opinion, Liu Qingshan had seen Motorola's new models and dared to make a bet, which obviously showed that he was sure to win.

As for how to win, Bob didn't know at present.

But he knew that Chris was doomed to lose this time.

But it was good. It was still beneficial to teach young people more lessons. After all, the bet was still within an acceptable range.

Liu Qingshan had a satisfying lunch here, and then led Li Tie and others back to Wind City, and then rushed to the next stop without stopping.

The target was of course Aerospace City. On the one hand, he had to visit the new team, and on the other hand, he also had to prepare for the construction of a Chinese medicine hospital there.

Houston is the largest city in Texas and the fourth largest city in the United States, but its population is less than two million.

If it were in China, there would be many third- and fourth-tier cities with a population exceeding this number.

In order to welcome the new boss, the team management went out in large numbers to pick him up at the airport, and the momentum was very huge.

After all, the team has changed owners, and everyone has to show off.

It's just that the players are on vacation, so no players are present.

The Rockets at this time, the star player is Dream, and Kenny Smith, the famous commentator who later persuaded Barkley to kiss the donkey's ass, he is also a Rockets legend.

Liu Qingshan also shook hands with everyone one by one, including the general manager of the team, and the head coach is the young Don Cheney, who just won the best coach of the previous year and is very proud.

But in Liu Qingshan's opinion, this guy is still a little green.

Later, after Tomjanovich was replaced, he won the championship for two consecutive years.

Liu Qingshan especially appreciated Tang Shuai's words "Never underestimate a champion's heart", which was so cool.

Let everything go with the flow, Liu Qingshan is not going to make drastic changes immediately, follow the original trajectory, and win two championships first.

Then use his foresight to recruit a group of players to see if he can stop the old rogue from winning the second three consecutive championships.

After getting the promise of "everything is as it is" from the new boss, the team management was relieved, at least they don't have to rush to find new jobs.

So everyone was happy, took a car and went directly to the team's home stadium.

The stadium at this time was not the Toyota Center later, but the Compaq Center.

This stadium was built in 1975, and later because of disrepair and old equipment, it was replaced with a new stadium.

Of course, Alexander, the stingy old man, would not pay for it himself, but Toyota Company sponsored the construction. At that time, Toyota Company also invited Dayao to endorse it, but it seems to have been rejected.

Because the later stadium is in the city center, there are often traffic jams when fans watch the game.

This also leads to the home fans arriving late and leaving early, which is actually very disadvantageous.

When watching the live broadcast, you will often find that the game has started, and the audience in the stadium is sparse, and only half of the seats are occupied.

There is also the famous McGrady moment, because some spectators missed it because they left the stadium too early.

Liu Qingshan thinks that this Compaq Center is better, with convenient transportation and not crowded at all.

Although it is a bit shabby, it can be renovated on the original basis.

In the press conference hall of the stadium, Liu Qingshan and the team management sat together and chatted, and the atmosphere on the scene was very good.

Liu Qingshan said that because he would not stay in the United States, his second sister Liu Yinfeng would act as the owner of the team.

As for the personnel in other positions, they can just follow the routine.

At noon, I had lunch with everyone again, and Liu Qingshan went to do other things.

For the team management, the new owner is very good and does not give them any orders.

They didn't know that Liu Qingshan's days of meddling were still to come. wWw.7

In this space city, a place in the city center was also selected as the site of the Chinese medicine hospital, and then they flew back to Los Angeles.

Needless to say, the location of the Chinese medicine hospital in Los Angeles had been chosen long ago. It was originally a private hospital, and it was just about to be sold, so it was bought directly by Liu Yinfeng.

Of course, the real estate in Los Angeles is still slightly higher than that in other cities.

These Chinese medicine hospitals all need to be rebuilt, and the plan will take half a year, and they will be officially opened around New Year's Day in 1992.

It just so happens that the domestic side also needs to draw elite troops, and it also takes time to handle the procedures for going abroad and training.

During this period, the animated film The Lion King was finally released, and the box office was really gratifying. The global market combined just exceeded 1 billion US dollars.

This surprised many people: animation, when did it become so profitable?

The major film companies also began to be eager to try, they discovered a brand new field.

It can be said that this Lion King is groundbreaking and it opens the curtain of an era.

Although the box office has come out, the share will have to wait for a few months before it can be received.

This time, Columbia, as the distributor, will definitely make a lot of money again, basically nearly half of the profit, which is about 500 million US dollars.

However, the 500 million US dollars will be divided among the producers, which is about half of the company under the tree.

When Liu Qingshan called home, he told Wu Tong the good news.

Wu Tong was also very excited: 200 million, the animation department she led became the most profitable department of the company under the tree.

"Sanfeng, I'm bored staying at home every day." Wu Tong said softly on the phone.

A tender feeling surged from Liu Qingshan's heart: "Xiaotong, after the 11th, I will rush back to accompany you."

"I mean, it's too boring, I should find something to do, Sanfeng, do you have any good ideas, we want to make better cartoons!"

This is Wu Tong's real intention.

Liu Qingshan also smiled: "My family may not agree that you should start working now, right?"

Wu Tong on the other end of the phone nodded: "Sanfeng, you don't know that my grandparents, my grandparents, and our two mothers are watching me every day. I am even more precious than a giant panda."

"Haha, of course you are a key protected animal now." Liu Qingshan also joked with his wife.

But as he laughed, he suddenly thought: "Xiaotong, speaking of giant pandas, I really have an idea, which is about national treasures."

"Humph, you are still making fun of people." Wu Tong said coquettishly.

"No, I'm serious." Liu Qingshan briefly told Wu Tong about the idea of ​​Kung Fu Panda.

"Sanfeng, that's great, I'll draw the character first and try to finalize it, bye!"

A popping sound came from the phone, which made Liu Qingshan feel itchy. He quickly reminded him: "Xiaotong, take a rest, don't..."

The phone on the other end had obviously been hung up.

Liu Qingshan could only shake his head helplessly: If I had known earlier, I would have told Wu Tong when I got back.

As China's national treasure, Gun Gun has a high reputation abroad.

There are two rented Gun Guns in the Los Angeles Zoo, which are quite popular.

As early as 1972, China and the United States broke the ice. At that time, the Prime Minister presented two Gun Guns to the United States, Lingling and Xingxing, and officially moved into the National Zoo.

At that time, the newspapers and television were full of news about Gun Gun, and there was a grand scene of queuing to see Gun Gun.

Zoos in other cities couldn't just sit there and watch, so they spent money to rent pandas, with a rent of hundreds of thousands of US dollars a year.

At that time, the country was short of foreign exchange, so they started the business of renting pandas. Gun Gun is really good, and the money is rolling in.

As for the zoos that rented Gun Gun, they made a lot of money, and the ticket money was millions or tens of millions.

In the United States alone, there are nearly 20 major cities that rent Gun Gun from China.

Later, it was opposed by animal protectionists, and the trend gradually subsided and did not continue to expand.

However, the pandas in these zoos are still living well in the name of research and protection.

Especially the first panda "Lingling", whose every move has attracted widespread attention.

Lingling has been here for 20 years, and next year, it will complete its life journey.

A few hours later, major TV stations in the United States broadcast the news and expressed deep condolences.

The next day, major newspapers also rushed to report and published a large number of photos of Lingling. The World Wildlife Fund also lowered its flag to mourn.

You say that this has a big impact, isn't it?

Liu Qingshan's plan is to use just over a year to complete the production of the Kung Fu Panda animation.

When Lingling passes away next year, he will take advantage of the opportunity to launch a commemorative version of Kung Fu Panda, which can be regarded as the best commemoration of Lingling, who has left a strong mark in diplomatic history.

After adding some color to his wife's boring life, Liu Qingshan was invited by Chambers to Columbia to listen to the report.

Executives from all departments of the company were present, and then Chambers informed Liu Qingshan of the company's plan to set up an animation department.

Chambers also saw the money prospects of animated films from The Lion King.

In the field of animation, Disney is a well-deserved giant. Chambers wants to get involved in this field, which shows that he is also ambitious.

Liu Qingshan certainly supports ambitious subordinates.

However, starting from scratch seems to be a bit too long, and it is better to acquire a ready-made animation company.

Liu Qingshan first thought of Industrial Light and Magic, but Industrial Light and Magic has been in the limelight in the past two years and has become Lucas's non-saleable product.

However, Lucas looked down on Pixar, a "computer animation group" in Industrial Light and Magic, and sold it to Apple's old Steve Jobs for 10 million US dollars two years ago.

Liu Qingshan knew that this animation team later grew into the famous "Pixar Animation Studios", which is famous for producing 3D animations.

When it was finally acquired by Disney in 1996, Disney paid a total of 7 billion in stock value.

From 10 million to 7 billion, it was so magical.

Liu Qingshan pondered for a while, and now Pixar can only be regarded as a young lotus with its true value not yet reflected. I wonder if I can snatch it from Joe?

Anyway, I can always try.

Liu Qingshan flipped through the phone book and called Joe. The two had met twice and had a good impression of each other.

After the call was connected, they greeted each other and Liu Qingshan went straight to the point:

"Steve, I am interested in your Pixar computer animation team. You know, my Columbia Pictures wants to set up an animation department."

"Haha, Mountain, you're a step too late. Pixar is a hot commodity right now. Several film companies are negotiating with me."

Lao Qiao did not hide anything. Of course, this was not taking the opportunity to raise the price, but stating the facts.

Liu Qingshan also laughed: "Blame me, it's all my fault."

He is really to blame for this. It was all caused by the popularity of The Lion King, which led everyone to focus on animated movies.

Liu Qingshan and Lao Qiao also said, "Steve, whatever their quotations are, I will pay the highest price."

"The highest bidder now is Disney, with a bid of 80 million." Lao Qiao also did not hide it. He and Liu Qingshan cherished each other.

Liu Qingshan suddenly decided: "Steve, then I will just double it. Are you willing to transfer it?"

"No, no, Mountain, it won't take that much."

Lao Qiao was also a little bit fooled. Even if the price was a premium, he couldn't add so much at once. Who could bear it if it doubled at every turn?

"Steve, we are friends. With Pixar in my hands, I can create greater value, maybe billions or even billions."

Liu Qingshan simply told him frankly that this is how business is done. Sometimes intrigues are needed, but when dealing with friends, one should not be cunning.

Old Qiao on the opposite side was silent for a moment: "Mounting, how much value Pixar can create for you is your ability. You know, I spent 10 million to acquire it, and the price in my mind is 100 million. If you agree , we’ll make a deal.”

"Okay, then I will send someone there."

Liu Qingshan also agreed straightforwardly, and within a few minutes, he concluded a deal worth US$100 million.

The way the business was discussed was a bit unexpected. The two parties also had a brief bargaining, but on the contrary, the buyer wanted to pay a high price, while the seller lowered the price.

Putting down the phone, Lao Qiao also had a smile on his face: "Friends..."

Liu Qingshan also attached great importance to the acquisition of Pixar Studio, and Chambers led people to directly contact Lao Qiao.

A few days later, the entire Pixar studio moved in and officially joined Columbia Pictures.

This team has less than a hundred people in total. The leader is John Russell, who is the driving force behind Pixar's creativity.

"Welcome everyone, welcome to the big family of Colombia. I am Liu Qingshan, you can also call me Mountain."

On behalf of the company, Liu Qingshan expressed a warm welcome to the new partners.

"Boss, we are also very happy to join Columbia. The animated movie The Lion King is great, but it would definitely be even better if it could be produced using computer 3D technology."

Russell also hugged Liu Qingshan warmly. Although he was very happy under Lao Qiao's hands, he always felt a bit awkward. After all, Apple is not in the movie business.

Now joining Columbia Pictures, they all have a fish-to-the-sea feeling.

Liu Qingshan also laughed: "Haha, don't worry, everyone, as the boss, I will definitely drive you to work with a whip."

"Look, this is the gift I prepared for you. The first 3D computer-generated movie, Toy Story. I hope you like it."

March, early spring.

To view the latest chapters, download the Aiyueshuo app. The latest chapters are already in the Aiyueshu app. The website no longer updates the latest chapters. A corner in the eastern part of Nanhuangzhou.

The hazy sky was gray and black, showing heavy depression, as if someone had spilled ink on the rice paper, and the ink soaked into the sky and blurred out the clouds.

The clouds overlapped and merged with each other, spreading out streaks of crimson lightning, accompanied by rumbling thunder.

It's like the roar of gods, echoing in the world.

Please download the Aiyue Novel app to read the latest chapters for free without ads. The bloody rain, with sadness, fell down into the mortal world.

The earth was hazy, and there was a ruined city, silent and lifeless in the dim red rain of blood.

The city is in ruins and everything is withered. Collapsed houses can be seen everywhere, as well as blue-black corpses and pieces of meat, like broken autumn leaves, silently withering.

The streets that used to be bustling with people are now desolate.

The sandy dirt road that used to be bustling with people is no longer noisy now.

Only blood and mud mixed with minced meat, dust, and paper were left, indistinguishable from each other, which was shocking.

Not far away, a broken carriage was stuck deep in the mud, full of sadness. Only an abandoned rabbit doll hung on the shaft, swaying in the wind.

The white fluff has long been soaked into wet red, full of eerieness.

The turbid eyes seemed to have some residual resentment, looking lonely at the mottled rocks in front of them.

There, a figure was lying down.

This was a boy of thirteen or fourteen years old, his clothes were torn and covered with dirt, and he had a broken leather bag tied around his waist.

The young man squinted his eyes and remained motionless. The biting cold penetrated his worn coat from all directions and spread throughout his body, gradually taking away his body temperature.

The website is about to close. Download the Aiyue app to watch the latest content for free. But even if the rain falls on his face, he does not blink and stares into the distance as coldly as an eagle.

Following his gaze, he saw a skinny vulture gnawing on the carrion of a wild dog, seven or eight feet away from him, occasionally observing its surroundings vigilantly.

It seems that in this dangerous ruins, if there is the slightest movement, it will instantly rise into the sky.

Download the Aiyue Novel app and read the latest chapters for free without ads. The young man is like a hunter, patiently waiting for the opportunity.

After a long time, the opportunity came, and the greedy vulture finally completely sank its head into the belly of the wild dog.

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