Goldfinger is a bit strange

Chapter 1000 We are here to collect our debts! (1/2)

"Director Qian, why? Several of us have worked in Africa." Zhang Hong was anxious and went up to hold the leader's arm.

Director Qian coughed lightly: "This is the decision from above, I am only responsible for conveying it."

"Why, I won't do it!" Zhang Hong didn't sleep for several nights in preparation for going to receive the award this time.

Moreover, the news has spread among colleagues, relatives and friends in the workplace. If I go back in disgrace, will I be laughed out of my face?

Liu Qingshan also frowned slightly. He promised that not a single member of the medical team should be missing.

Just like Huang Xuanting and others, they would also fly over from the United States.

So Liu Qingshan went up, first asked Zhang Hong to let go, and then asked Director Qian to the side alone for questioning.

I soon learned the truth. It was very simple. A certain leader from above had stuffed five people into the group, so Zhang Hong and the others were replaced.

Liu Qingshan thought that he must be a well-known Chinese medicine doctor, and he wanted to follow him to gain popularity or gain knowledge.

After asking, I found out that they were all unrelated people, not even doctors. They were just hanging out with the group.

Liu Qingshan was so angry: "Then none of us are going, whoever wants to go and receive the award can go!"

He is not part of the system, so he is not used to this bad habit.

Leader Geng was also very angry. After seeing Liu Qingshan's attitude clearly, he said firmly: "I can't lead such a team!"

Director Qian couldn't help but wonder: This old Geng is usually very clever, but why is he acting stupid today? Can the person assigned by the leader be an ordinary person? Do you dare to say no?

Little did he know that although Leader Geng was the leader in name, the real backbone of the team was Liu Qingshan.

Leader Geng and Liu Qingshan decided against each other, so Director Qian didn't dare to neglect them and made a phone call quickly.

Zhang Hong and the five people on the list also figured it out now, and began to persuade them:

"Leader Geng, Qingshan, if we don't want to go, we won't go. We will be satisfied if we can fight side by side with everyone."

They know that if they offend their superiors, they will definitely not get any good results in the future, so they can only choose to swallow their anger.

But Liu Qingshan couldn't bear it. This kind of thing would greatly affect everyone's morale, and it was equivalent to running over to pick peaches.

He didn't mind having a few more idlers in the team, but this method would definitely not work.

When Director Qian finished communicating with his superiors, he approached Liu Qingshan with an embarrassed look on his face: "Comrade Qingshan, we still have to put the overall situation first."

Liu Qingshan understood it at that time and stood up directly:

"Leader, this is a matter of principle. Dr. Zhang Hong and others have endured hardships and made such great contributions. Now it's time to reap the rewards. To pull them aside. This kind of thing will dampen everyone's enthusiasm."

"And my master just said that if there are irrelevant people in the team, he won't accept the award at all."

After saying that, Liu Qingshan went home directly.

In the history of the Nobel Prize, due to some reasons, there are indeed winners who did not go to receive the award on site.

But if it was because of this kind of thing, it would become a big joke.

When we got home, the fourth and fifth children had already finished school and were chatting with Xiao Liuzi.

Seeing Liu Qingshan, the fourth child immediately rushed forward and hung it on his elder brother's neck:

"Brother, Shan Xing and I also want to go. This committee is really serious. Why don't you come and present the awards during our vacation!"

They still have to go to school, but of course they can't go, but they feel so envious when they see Xiao Liuzi being free.

"You're such a girl, and you still act like a spoiled child with your brother." Aunt Lu scolded her, but her eyes were full of love.

Lin Zhi is in her hometown, and Aunt Lu is taking care of her here. She almost treats the fourth and fifth children as her own children.

"Of course it's okay for my sister to go, but not for irrelevant people." Liu Qingshan shook the little old man's twin ponytails.

But by the next day, there was no news about this matter. It seems that the leader above also knew that the matter was important and chose to give up.

Liu Qingshan is not afraid of offending others. With his and his master's influence, he no longer needs to care too much about this.

When boarding the plane, Zhang Hong and others were extremely happy. They knew how hard-won their opportunity was.

Liu Qingshan smiled and comforted them: "This is what everyone deserves."

"Hey, Qingshan, I knew it was right to follow you." Zhang Hong finally understood.

After two special flights, Liu Qingshan and his party finally arrived in Stockholm on December 8.

Leader Geng and the others had been here last year, and it was considered a return visit. This time, they felt less nervous and uneasy, and more calm and confident.

The first time is fresh, the second time is familiar. The most important thing is that with Liu Qingshan standing in the battle, everyone feels confident.

After leaving the airport, there was naturally a special car to pick him up, and reporters waiting here. When they saw Liu Qingshan, they immediately gathered around him.

Although Liu Qingshan was not the winner, the attention he received was not low at all.

Reporters greeted each other: "Mr. Mountain, I'm very happy to see you again."

Some reporters also joked: "Mr. Mountain, you are still a member of the group of relatives and friends this year. I wonder when you will also become a winner?"

"I will work hard." Liu Qingshan replied with a smile, and then guided the reporters to interview the master. After all, it is still necessary to find out who is the protagonist.

The interview with the mute grandpa was quite special. The mute grandpa gestured with his hands, and then his spokesperson Xiao Liuzi, with his small mouth, acted as a translator for the grandpa.

Although Xiaoliuzi is young, she is well-known at all, and people also like this little girl.

Although the person is not good-looking, he is just popular, so where can he reason with him?

The interview at the airport didn't take long. It was freezing and there would be plenty of time for interviews in the future, so Liu Qingshan and the others quickly took a bus to the Stockholm Hotel.

In the lobby of the hotel, Liu Qingshan saw another group of members.

Huang Xuanting, Jerry and other disciples of Song Yizhen all behaved themselves and came up to pay tribute to the mute grandpa.

Even if they see Liu Qingshan, they have to call him "junior uncle".

In addition, Tommy, the chairman of the foundation, also smiled and stepped forward to shake hands with Liu Qingshan.

Doctors currently engaged in AIDS treatment in Africa were also brought by Tommy, and the number of their group of relatives and friends instantly exceeded a hundred.

Liu Qingshan hugged Tommy directly. Although the other person was also an AIDS patient, it was still okay to hug him.

"Mr. Mountain, it's been a hard journey." Tommy was very friendly.

He had only had a few contacts with Liu Qingshan, but he admired Liu Qingshan's personality and charm very much.

It was the man in front of him who was younger than him who completely changed Tommy's life.

Not only was Tommy's condition under control, but more importantly, it helped him reshape his spiritual world.

Now the foundation led by Tommy has become quite influential in the international community. This also helps Tommy feel the meaning of life again.

"Thank you for your hard work, Tommy, you did a good job." Liu Qingshan patted the other party on the shoulder.

The members of the medical team had already gathered around the mute grandfather and Xiao Liuzi, greeting each other affectionately.

They never dreamed that one day they would be on the highest podium in the world. The excitement and glory made them feel that all their efforts were worth it.

"Liu, here you go, this is a gift from Little Gamba." Tommy's girlfriend Jessica handed a necklace to Little Liuzi.

Gangba is the little black boy that Xiaoliuzi rescued in the Yuli tribe.

This is a bright red necklace made of local acacia seeds. At that time, the mute grandfather was poisoned when he tasted the medicinal properties of this plant.

It really goes with the old saying, the more colorful and beautiful something is, the more deadly it is.

Xiao Liuzi took it happily and put it around his neck: "Is Gamba okay?"

Jessica said with a smile. "Very good, he wants me to convey to you that he misses you very much."

Xiao Liuzi nodded his head: "I miss him and Simba too. I will go back to see them!"

Xiao Liuzi really misses that prairie.

Such a large group of them almost occupied more than half of the lobby. Liu Qingshan saw another group of people wanting to come in at the door, so he smiled and asked everyone to disperse first and go back to their rooms to chat slowly.

He also received the room card, and it turned out to be the same room as last time. What a coincidence.

Just as he was about to lead Master and the others back to the room, he saw a familiar figure among the group of people coming in. Liu Qingshan hurriedly greeted him:

"Teacher, congratulations."

Liu Qingshan congratulated Professor Peter. Professor Peter was one of the winners of this year's Economics Award. Liu Qingshan already knew the announcement of the award committee, of course he did.

"Liu, congratulations to you too." Professor Peter opened his arms and hugged Liu Qingshan.

Later, Liu Qingshan also met Professor Peter’s wife and son.

Despite Professor Peter's old-fashioned appearance, his wife is enthusiastic and cheerful, and is more than ten years younger than Professor Peter, but she still retains her charm.

With Professor Peter's achievements in economics, it was only a matter of time before he won the award, but he didn't expect it to be so soon.

Because in the Nobel Prize, there is actually a phenomenon of ranking based on seniority.

Unless you are like the mute grandpa, who comes out of nowhere and makes extremely outstanding contributions, you can win the award in a short period of time.

Among them, there are more or less reasons related to Liu Qingshan. The main reason is that last year's winner, Professor Merton, lost to Liu Qingshan, which triggered an investment controversy.

The economists who originally planned to win the prize this year were also in this category, but they were all postponed, so that Professor Peter could successfully advance.

"Liu, don't forget to submit your paper or book." When parting, Professor Peter did not forget to remind this proud disciple.

In this regard, he has been working hard to spur Liu Qingshan, because as a mentor, he also hopes that his disciples can one day be on the Nobel Prize podium.

He believed that Liu Qingshan must have this ability in economics.

Liu Qingshan once again experienced the feeling of being urged to do homework by a teacher, which was very rare.

However, during this period of time, he was recuperating in Jiapigou. He worked during the day and was not idle at night. He had to write and draw every day, and he actually produced something.

"Tutor, I will go back to the room and hand it over to you." Liu Qingshan knew that Professor Peter would come to receive the award, so he also brought all the manuscripts.

Professor Peter was a little surprised. He knew that this student would definitely not produce oil if he didn't squeeze hard, but this time he really did.

After seeing off Professor Peter and his group of relatives and friends, Liu Qingshan took his people back to his room and took a comfortable hot bath. He recovered from the fatigue of the journey.

Ding-ling-ling, the phone in the room rang.

Liu Qingshan picked up the phone, and a clear child's voice came from it: "Excuse me, is this Mr. Mountain?"

The voice sounded familiar, but Liu Qingshan couldn't remember it for a while, so he smiled and said: "I am Mountain, sorry, I didn't recognize who you are?"

"Mr. Mountain, you are not a qualified partner, so I am angry, I will go to you to collect the debt, hehe."

The little girl on the other end of the phone tried to pretend to be angry, but in the end she couldn't help laughing.

Liu Qingshan's mouth corners also curled up slightly, and in his mind, a little girl's cute smile appeared, and it was a gap-toothed girl.

It was Princess Sofia. Last year, these little guys stood in the same camp with Liu Qingshan and bet with Professor Merton.

So Liu Qingshan deliberately sighed: "Hey, I thought I could take the 10 million I won alone. I wouldn't have come if I had known."

"Hehe, Mr. Mountain, you can't escape, we will go to you now!" The little princess put down the phone.

Liu Qingshan hurried out, called Xiao Liuzi over, and then asked the waiter to prepare some fruit.

Sure enough, after a while, a large group of little guys in fancy clothes rushed into Liu Qingshan's room, shouting:

"We are here to collect debts!"

Not far away, Grace and others followed, each of them was bright and beautiful, and everyone had a gloating smile on their face. Obviously, these people were the masterminds behind the scenes.

Liu Qingshan first waved to Grace and the others as a greeting, and then called out the names of the little guys one by one:

"You are gentlemen and ladies, ladies, you know? You are like robbers now."

The little guys didn't care about that, and they kept shouting: "We have a contract, Mr. Mountain, you can't default on your debt."

Liu Qingshan pretended to wipe his sweat: "Fortunately I have prepared it a long time ago, Liuzi, give them gifts."

Little Liuzi smiled and opened the suitcase, handed out boxes of gifts to these little friends, and introduced them:

"I am Xiao Liuzi, what's your name?"

The box contained potato chips, and the room soon rang with a crunching sound, and everyone was eating happily.

Liu Qingshan was also very happy: "Haha, one box of potato chips per person is enough, not bad."

Grace and the others were also amused: This is too stingy!

"Mr. Mountain, don't you think this will deceive the innocent hearts of children?" A princess from England couldn't help but asked Liu Qingshan with a smile.

Liu Qingshan shrugged: "I don't feel that way. We fought side by side and won the final victory. What's wrong with sharing the fruits of victory now?"

The little princess with gap teeth nodded to testify for Liu Qingshan: "The potato chips are delicious."

"The most important thing is that we won!"

William said seriously, and then stuffed another piece into his mouth. They really couldn't eat this kind of snack normally.


Liu Qingshan stretched out his palm and high-fived the little guys one by one. The room was filled with cheers, just like a victory.

"Mr. Mountain, you won." The princesses and ladies who wanted to watch the fun were also helpless.

Xiao Liuzi came up: "Hehe, my brother is not stingy at all. He has prepared the gifts a long time ago." After that, he pulled over a suitcase and opened it. Inside were exquisite boxes.

March, early spring.

Download the Aiyue Novels app to read the latest chapters. The latest chapters are already on the Aiyue Novels app. The website no longer updates the latest chapters. A corner in the eastern part of Nanhuangzhou.

The gloomy sky is gray and black, revealing a heavy depression, as if someone has splashed ink on rice paper, and the ink has soaked the sky and smudged the clouds.

The clouds are stacked and blended with each other, diffusing crimson lightning accompanied by rumbling thunder.

It's like the roar of gods, echoing in the world.

Please download the Aiyue Novels app and read the latest chapters for free without ads. The bloody rain, with sadness, falls to the mortal world.

The earth is hazy, and there is a ruined city, silent and lifeless in the dim blood rain.

The city is in ruins, everything is withered, collapsed houses can be seen everywhere, as well as blue-black corpses and pieces of meat, like broken autumn leaves, silently withering.

The streets that used to be bustling are now bleak.

The sandy road that was once crowded with people is now no longer noisy.

Only blood mud mixed with minced meat, dust, and paper remains, which is indistinguishable and shocking.

Not far away, a broken carriage is stuck in the mud, full of sadness, with only an abandoned rabbit doll hanging on the shaft, swaying in the wind.

The white fluff has long been soaked into wet red, full of eerie weirdness.

The turbid eyes seem to have some resentment, looking at the mottled stones in front of them alone.

There, a figure is lying.

This is a thirteen or fourteen-year-old boy, with tattered clothes and full of dirt, and a broken leather bag tied around his waist.

The boy squinted his eyes and did not move. The biting cold penetrated his shabby coat from all directions, swept through his body, and gradually took away his body temperature.

The website is about to close, download the Aiyue app to see the latest content for free. But even if the rain fell on his face, he did not blink, staring at the distance coldly like a hawk.

Following his gaze, a skinny vulture was gnawing on the rotten corpse of a wild dog about 70 feet away from him, and occasionally vigilantly observed the surroundings.

It seemed that in this dangerous ruin, it would instantly take off at the slightest movement.

Download the Aiyue Novel app and read the latest chapters for free without ads. And the boy, like a hunter, patiently waited for the opportunity.

After a long time, the opportunity came, and the greedy vulture finally completely immersed its head in the belly of the wild dog.

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