Goldfinger is a bit strange

Chapter 1005 Is this a magician? (1/2)

"Grandpa Stephen, hello, I'm Xiao Liuzi, can I take your pulse?

Xiao Liuzi walked to the front of the wheelchair and looked at the other person with her little eyes, which had become misty.

The King of the Universe on the wheelchair rolled his eyes.

It can be seen that he wanted to smile, but reality really didn't allow it.

Hello, little friend, you are very cute and brave." Nurse Elaine, who was pushing the wheelchair, greeted Xiao Liuzi with a smile.

If it were an ordinary child, seeing Stephen's appearance, with a crooked mouth and slanted eyes, it would be good if he didn't cry.

The King of the Universe wanted to spell words and say hello to Xiao Liuzi, but a little hand was already on his wrist.

The other hand was also supported by the mute grandfather and began to take his pulse.

This is really thin, it feels like a layer of skin attached to the bones.

It is estimated that the weight of the whole person is not as heavy as Xiao Liuzi.

"This is really the first time I have encountered such a pulse. It's so strange?" Xiao Liuzi muttered.

The person in the wheelchair in front of him cannot be viewed with common sense, because he cannot eat at all, and his chewing and digestion functions are completely lost.

Usually, he relies on external direct delivery of nutrient solution into the blood, so he does not defecate.

So Xiao Liuzi encountered a big problem this time, and the little girl was a little helpless.

Even the experienced mute grandfather also encountered a problem, just because the person in front of him was too weird. Because of long-term malnutrition, Stephen's body was like a sieve, and there were too many places that needed medical treatment.

Xiao Liuzi was led by these and didn't know how to start. It was the mute grandfather who was experienced and finally grasped the main problem.

After completing the longest pulse-taking in his medical career, the mute grandfather pulled back his hand, thought for a while, and gestured. Xiao Liuzi was still qualified to be a translator: "My grandfather said that Grandpa Stephen's body meridians were too damaged, and it would take a long time to repair."

How long will it take?" Professor De Genna asked with concern.

The mute grandfather raised three fingers, and Xiao Liuzi explained: "At least three years. ”

The nurse who was pushing the wheelchair interrupted and said, “So how are you going to treat him? Do you have a specific plan?”

The grandfather continued to gesture, and Xiao Liuzi continued to translate, “My grandfather’s plan is to combine internal and external methods. On the one hand, acupuncture can be used to stimulate the damaged nerves and meridians, and then supplemented with decoctions to strengthen the body and repair the meridians. As for the extent to which it can be restored, it is unknown.

“It sounds good, old friend, what do you think?” Professor Degena looked at his old friend expectantly.

The nurse objected, “But Mr. Stephen can’t take medicine at all. He can only supplement nutrition through injections now.”

This is really a difficult problem. Liu Qingshan discussed it with his master and it was quite tricky.

Because the decoction has more impurities, it is obviously not possible to inject it directly into the blood. And the dumb grandfather also thought of a problem: if the medicine is not absorbed through the stomach and intestines, then the dosage of the medicine is obviously very different from usual.

This is simply a field that has never been involved in. It can only be experimented bit by bit, which is definitely time-consuming and labor-intensive.

It’s difficult!

This was the common feeling of everyone. It was the first time they encountered such a difficult patient.

While they were studying, the King of the Universe in the wheelchair had already used the only few fingers that could move to startle everyone.

Just as Liu Qingshan and his team were studying, an electronic synthesized voice suddenly sounded, startling everyone.

"Thank you, gentlemen. I don't think it's necessary to continue the treatment."

Obviously, even he himself no longer had any illusions. An Li said that Stephen's voluntary giving up was indeed the best outcome.

Even if Liu Qingshan and his team were questioned, they could use this as a shield: it's not that we can't treat it, but that people don't treat it at all.

In this way, it can be removed to avoid trouble. I believe that those behind the scenes will not be able to continue to make trouble.

But Liu Qingshan looked at the King of the Universe, who was paralyzed in a wheelchair and had no human form, and he really couldn't bear it.

Looking up at the master, even if there was only a one percent chance, it was worth a try.

The expression of the dumb grandfather also became very serious at this moment. He also knew that if this matter was not handled well, it would cause a bad impact.

But a doctor's professional ethics reminded him: Never give up easily.

The dumb grandfather's eyes became extremely firm. He took out a small box full of silver needles, put it on the table, and then made a few gestures.

Xiao Liuzi translated: "My master said that we should give Mr. Stephen acupuncture to see if there is any effect, and then you can decide whether to continue the treatment."

"Acupuncture? Which part should be punctured?" Nurse Elaine looked at the long and short silver needles in the needle box and was a little worried.

Grandpa Yaba pointed to his head.

Elaine covered her mouth in surprise. Mr. Stephen's most valuable thing now is his brain. What if he gets punctured again...

This time, the enthusiastic Professor Degena did not dare to ask his old friend to make a decision.

At this moment, the doorbell suddenly rang. The nurse went to open the door and soon led a group of people in.

(There were quite a few, about a dozen people, and the leader had a very thick beard, but after taking off his hat, he was a big bald head.

He first hugged Professor De Genna, and then waved to the person in the wheelchair.

This person is obviously an acquaintance here. According to Professor Degena, he is also a professor at Cambridge. His name is Martinez. Today, he led several reporters to interview Mr. Stephen, the king of the universe.

What a coincidence.

Liu Qingshan understood: This is obviously an intentional arrangement.

Sure enough, these reporters from some major newspapers in Europe and the United States recognized the dumb grandfather immediately after seeing him.

After all, the Nobel Prize has just ended, and the heat has not completely subsided.

In addition, Mr. Mountain is also a frequent visitor to the media.

After greeting, a female reporter in her thirties asked curiously, "Mr. Mountain, are you and Mr. Sun here to see Professor Stephen?"

Liu Qingshan nodded, and then Professor De Genna answered for him:

"Yes, I invited him. My old friend is in so much pain. Even if I can help him relieve a little bit of pain, I will feel better."

This is indeed his true inner thoughts, but Professor De Genna, whose IQ can win the Nobel Prize, may have a negative EQ.

"Is the treatment effective? I heard that Chinese medicine is very magical?" The female reporter continued to guide.

Professor De Genna was really honest: "Currently, the examination is underway. Mr. Sun is going to give Stephen acupuncture, but Stephen has not agreed yet."

At this time, an electronic synthesized voice sounded: "My brain is like a black hole that can swallow everything, so there is no need to doubt Mr. Sun's sincerity, and we can start."

Liu Qingshan nodded secretly: There are still people who understand, and they understand very well.

The dumb grandfather opened the needle box and gently wiped the silver needle with a cotton ball. The silver needle jumped flexibly on his rough fingers.

"Grandpa is so amazing." Xiao Liuzi knew that this was the unique skill of the dumb grandfather. Before inserting the needle, he would fully stretch his fingers.

Is this a magician?

And the reporters were also amazed. No matter what their purpose was, they all raised their cameras and video recorders to record this scene.

After about a minute, the dumb grandfather finished warming up and began to give acupuncture.

Under the gaze of everyone and the recording of the video recorder, this silver needle, more than half a foot long, was twisted into Stephen's temple, and only a small half of the needle handle was left exposed.

"Will this really not damage the brain?" Even Professor Degena couldn't help but ask.

Liu Qingshan raised his hand and told others not to make a sound. The reporters shut up obediently. They also had a lot of questions.

Grandpa Dumb acted quickly, inserting silver needles into the face and neck of the King of the Universe.

In less than ten minutes,

all 36 silver needles were inserted into the corresponding acupuncture points. Grandpa Dumb stopped, and Liu Qingshan gently helped Master wipe the sweat on his forehead with a handkerchief.

This was the first time he saw Master sweating while treating someone. I think the acupuncture just now was also very exhausting.

The King of the Universe looked even more pitiful at this moment, and his head almost turned into a ball of thorns.

The reporters finally couldn't help it and began to ask questions.

Grandpa Dumb closed his eyes and rested, and Xiao Liuzi dealt with these reporters. "My grandfather's acupuncture method is called Tiangang Thirty-Six Needles, which was passed down by Taishang Laojun. It is extremely powerful."

Xiao Liuzi was also very bad. He talked nonsense and confused the reporters: Who is Taishang Laojun?

Professor Degena was so nervous that he was sweating. The nurse Elaine was also staring at Professor Stephen nervously, fearing that he would roll his eyes and faint.

However, the King of the Universe seemed to be fine. His eyeballs moved from time to time. As for other parts of his body, he couldn't move even if he wanted to.

The dumb grandfather waited for about half an incense stick of time before opening his eyes. His index finger flew and took out the silver needles one by one. He also followed the side to disinfect the silver needles.

"Stephen, how do you feel?" Elaine immediately asked with concern, and then helped him put his finger on the mouse.

The King of the Universe moved his fingers, but did not spell.

It seemed that there was light in his eyes.

Then, his deformed head moved slightly, as if he nodded his head.

This action is very easy for ordinary people.

But in the eyes of Elaine, a nurse who knew him well, this was even more shocking than the collision between Mars and the Earth. "Stephen, are you nodding? Really? Oh, my God, you can actually move!"

March, early spring.

Download the Aiyue Novels app to read the latest chapters. The latest chapters are already on the Aiyue Novels app. The website no longer updates the latest chapters. A corner in the eastern part of Nanhuangzhou.

The gloomy sky was gray and black, revealing a heavy depression, as if someone had splashed ink on rice paper, and the ink soaked the sky and smudged the clouds.

The clouds overlapped and blended with each other, diffusing crimson lightning, accompanied by rumbling thunder.

It was like a low roar of a god, echoing in the world.

Please download the Aiyue Novels app and read the latest chapters for free without ads. The bloody rain, with sadness, fell into the mortal world.

The earth was hazy, and there was a ruined city, silent and lifeless in the dim blood rain.

The city was filled with broken walls and withered everything. Collapsed houses could be seen everywhere, as well as dark blue corpses and pieces of flesh, which seemed like broken autumn leaves, withering silently.

The streets that used to be bustling are now bleak.

The sandy road that used to be crowded with people is no longer noisy.

Only blood mud mixed with minced meat, dust, and paper remains, which is indistinguishable and shocking.

Not far away, a broken carriage was stuck in the mud, full of sadness, with only an abandoned rabbit doll hanging on the shaft, swaying in the wind.

The white fur had long been soaked into wet red, full of eerie weirdness.

The turbid eyes seemed to have some resentment, looking at the mottled stones in front of them alone.

There, a figure was lying.

This was a thirteen or fourteen-year-old boy, with tattered clothes, full of dirt, and a broken leather bag tied around his waist.

The boy squinted his eyes and did not move. The biting cold penetrated his shabby coat from all directions, swept through his body, and gradually took away his body temperature.

The website is about to close. Download the Aiyue app to read the latest content for free. Even if the rain falls on his face, he does not blink his eyes, staring coldly at the distance like a falcon.

Following his gaze, a skinny vulture is gnawing on the rotten corpse of a wild dog, and occasionally vigilantly observing the surroundings.

It seems that in this dangerous ruin, it will instantly take off at the slightest movement.

Download the Aiyue novel app to read the latest chapters without ads for free. And the boy, like a hunter, patiently waits for the opportunity.

After a long time, the opportunity comes, and the greedy vulture finally completely buries its head in the abdominal cavity of the wild dog.

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