Goldfinger is a bit strange

Chapter 1015 It's simply a miracle! (1/2)

When Lin Zizhou led two reporters to Jiapigou, the dividend meeting finally officially began.

Lin Zizhou is now the deputy editor-in-chief of the newspaper, and has been promoted to deputy president in terms of administration. There are also internal rumors that there will be opportunities for further advancement in the future.

He has a scale in his heart, knowing that his history of success is closely related to this small mountain village in front of him.

Starting from the series of reports on Jiapigou, Lin Zizhou has already left his mark here.

"Qingshan, are you going to launch another big satellite this time?" Lin Zizhou knew that since Liu Qingshan asked him to come in person, there must be something big.

"Uncle, mainly considering that you are working hard every day in the newspaper, come here to relax." Liu Qingshan greeted him happily.

Lin Zizhou smiled and pointed with his hand: "You, you are ambushing me."

Guo, a reporter from the Youth Daily next to him, also came up to greet him.

Dinner was eaten at Liu Qingshan's house. Yang Hongying didn't leave yet, so it was a good opportunity to get close to her uncle-in-law.

During the meal, Lin Zizhou said to her: "I heard that the higher-ups are going to select the top ten young entrepreneurs in the country. Hongying, you should prepare."

Liu Qingshan was unhappy when he heard this: "Uncle, what about me?"

"It has nothing to do with you. If they are going to select the top ten young entrepreneurs in the world, it would be a good choice for you." Lin Zizhou also joked.

"This is not a real relative. After all, there is a gap."

Liu Qingshan grumbled in dissatisfaction, causing everyone to laugh.

To be honest, if he participated in the selection, it would be a bit of bullying. It is better to exclude him.

The wine table was full of joy. Of course, stews were indispensable on the winter table.

The iron pot stewed goose, and the hot pickled cabbage soup, with some roasted red peppers in the stove pit, drank a bowl, sweated, and the heat came out from the stomach.

After eating and drinking enough, and drinking a cup of medicinal tea, everyone went to the meeting room of the team headquarters in groups of three or five.

When Liu Qingshan and his team entered the room, it was almost full. The captain was shouting and driving people away: "Each family can only leave one person, and the shopkeeper can stay!"

A woman shouted: "We are afraid that our shopkeeper will hide private money."

Another female voice sounded: "I am the shopkeeper of the family!"

Zhang Laonian finally couldn't help it when she heard it: "You spendthrift woman, who has the final say in our family?"

"It's me, what's wrong?" Laonian's wife put her hands on her hips.

"I just asked, asking is not enough."

Zhang Laonian walked out while mumbling.

The atmosphere in the meeting room was very happy.

Reporter Guo Xiaolu was attending such an occasion for the first time and felt very novel.

He saw Lao Wu also squeezed in the crowd, and couldn't help asking: "Student Shanxing, why don't you go out?"

"We Shanxing are also shareholders of the cooperative." Someone next to him replied with a smile.

After the captain cleared the people, the room was finally not so crowded.

As for the old branch secretary, Liu Qingshan and Lin Zizhou were invited to sit at the front desk, and Guo Xiaolu also took advantage of the situation and got a seat in the front.

Several writers were also present, mainly because of the request of writer Mo, who wanted to experience life.

He was more familiar with the rural areas in his hometown, and didn't know much about the rural life in the northeast.

"It's time to start the meeting. Our annual dividend distribution meeting in Jiapigou will start soon."

The old branch secretary knocked on the table with his pipe, and the room immediately became quiet.

The old branch secretary continued, "Old Lin is here today, an old friend of our Jiapigou, and reporter Xiao Guo is here too. Everyone welcomes him."

People began to applaud, and Zhang Ganzi's voice was heard: "I will be the first to receive the money in a while. Take a good photo of me, I will definitely be very happy."

"Ganzi, just don't cry in a while." The boss of the car smiled and said.

After the old branch secretary's brief opening remarks, he asked Liu Qingshan and Lin Zizhou if they wanted to say a few words.

Seeing that the two of them waved their hands, he asked Captain Zhang to continue to preside over the meeting.

Captain Zhang was also very energetic today, and his speech level has improved. He knows how to connect domestic and international events.

He also took out a newspaper in a serious manner: "It says here that the leaders inspected in the south and emphasized that the essence of socialism is to liberate productivity, develop productivity, eliminate exploitation, eliminate polarization, and finally achieve common prosperity..."

Some people below were not happy: "Captain, the old branch secretary led everyone to study during the day."

"Such an important instruction must be studied repeatedly." Captain Zhang finally concluded: "Anyway, no matter what, we have always done this in Jiapigou, and we are taking the path of common prosperity."

Everyone admitted this point. Although there was a difference in dividends, the difference was not big, and even Zhang Ganzi had no objection.

It is not the lack of wealth that is worrying, but the inequality. It has always been the most acute social contradiction.

So decades later, the theme of common prosperity was once again raised.

But in Jiapigou, this problem basically does not exist.

Next, the boss uncle announced the income and expenditure situation. The first few categories are similar to last year.

Everyone knew it in their minds: it seemed like the 500,000 yuan was a sure thing.

The boss suddenly raised his voice: "A few years ago, our cooperative contracted the county's overhaul factory and transformed it, bringing in production lines from abroad and inviting foreign experts, and finally tinkered with the AX-100 motorcycle."

"Last year's sales were very good, and we started to generate income for our cooperative, realizing a profit of more than 22 million!"

The boss thought that there should be applause here, so he paused.

As a result, everyone was shocked by the news, and no one applauded before they could digest it.

"Boss, did you read it wrong?" Da Zhangluo's loud voice suddenly sounded.

More than 20 million in profits, the other industries in Jiapigou combined, probably have this number.

"Of course it's right, it's about 10,000 motorcycles."

The boss was in high spirits, but in fact, when he heard this number just now, he was also shocked.

Everyone was silent, and they all started to calculate in their hearts.

Finally, Zhang Ganzi broke the silence: "Doesn't that mean that our dividends this year must exceed one million for each family?"

Boss Che nodded: "That's right, but it has nothing to do with you. You must donate your share."

Zhang Ganzi slapped his thigh hard: "No, no, you are lying to me. You knew it in advance, but you still tricked me!"

"Who told you to do it yourself?" Boss Che was finally right this time.

Zhang Ganzi was really anxious: "The captain just said that we must eliminate the gap between the rich and the poor and achieve common prosperity. If I can't get the money, I will go to your house and share half of it first!"

Everyone was happy: Ganzi has made progress.

The old branch secretary waved his hand: "Okay, I'm just teasing you, don't delay the business."

Zhang Ganzi wiped the sweat on his forehead and put his heart back in his stomach.

The boss of the car announced his income: "Zhang Ganzi, this year's dividend is 990,800..."

"I haven't reached one million yet, boss, you're cheating me." Zhang Ganzi's heart was full of deception.

Zhang Ganzi now has a strong sense of honor, and he kept talking to the boss of the car:

"How about the cooperative lend me two thousand yuan first, we have to make up the whole."

Zhang Ganzi also figured it out. His dividend in the village is considered small, which means that Jiapigou will be upgraded to a million-yuan village this year, so won't he become a drag?

At this time, the door opened, and his wife Cuihua came in, took out a stack of hundred-yuan bills from her pocket, and put them on the table:

"My family can't drag the cooperative down, and the two thousand yuan will make up the one million."

"Wife, the money you took from your own family doesn't count." Zhang Ganzi said with a sullen look.

Cuihua smiled and comforted him: "This is my extra money."

Zhang Ganzi blinked his eyes: "No, our cooperative doesn't have any extra wages, Cuihua, you have to tell me clearly who gave this money, even if I'm cheating, I have to know the number in my heart."

Before he finished speaking, his wife twisted his waist a few times: "I told you not to talk nonsense, this is the labor fee given by others for guiding the cultivation of ginseng in other villages last year. I gave it to the village when I came back, and the team leader told me to keep it for my family!"

Zhang Ganzi also laughed: "My wife is the most capable!"

This time he was proud again: "Boss, re-write the accounts for my family, the income is exactly one million, I can't let my cooperative affect the million-dollar village."

Million-dollar village!

Everyone suddenly realized it, and the conference room immediately started to boil.

I thought it would take another ten or eight years to achieve this goal, but I never expected that it would become a million-dollar village without knowing it!

Lin Zizhou's face was also filled with excitement.

When Liu Qingshan invited him, Lin Zizhou had guessed it, but after hearing the number, the feeling was completely different.

Eight years ago, he witnessed the birth of the first 10,000-yuan village, as if it were yesterday.

In just eight years, it has gone from a 10,000-yuan village to a 1 million-yuan village. As a witness, Lin Zizhou felt extremely proud and proud.

Reporter Guo Xiaolu was even more stunned: a 1 million-yuan village, this is simply a miracle!

Writer Mo also suddenly realized: No wonder the prize money for this literary award is so high.

No, it seems that he really needs to work hard, otherwise, a writer will be outdone by a hoe.

Writer Mo did not mean to look down on farmers, he also came from the countryside.

It was just that he was strongly stimulated at the dividend distribution meeting.

The smile on Liu Qingshan's face also became extremely bright: the goals he set for the villagers were all achieved one by one.

The original end point will become the current starting point, and we will continue to work towards the new goal.

In the end, everyone's eyes converged on Liu Qingshan.

Because it was Liu Qingshan who advocated contracting the overhaul factory, and then made suggestions and started producing motorcycles. In just two or three years, it has developed into the pillar industry of Jiapigou.

It is really a happy thing that Jiapigou has such a leader!

March, early spring.

Download the Aiyue Novels app to read the latest chapters. The latest chapters are already on the Aiyue Novels app. The website no longer updates the latest chapters. A corner in the eastern part of Nanhuangzhou.

The gloomy sky is gray and black, revealing a heavy depression, as if someone has splashed ink on rice paper, and the ink has soaked the sky and smudged the clouds.

The clouds are stacked and blended with each other, diffusing crimson lightning, accompanied by rumbling thunder.

It's like the roar of the gods, echoing in the world.

Please download the Aiyue Novels app to read the latest chapters for free without ads. The bloody rain, with sadness, falls to the mortal world.

The earth is hazy, and there is a ruined city, silent and lifeless in the dim bloody rain.

The broken walls and ruins in the city, everything is withered, collapsed houses can be seen everywhere, as well as blue-black corpses and pieces of meat, like broken autumn leaves, silently withering.

The bustling streets in the past are now bleak.

The sandy road that was once crowded with people is no longer noisy.

Only blood mud mixed with pieces of meat, dust, and paper is left, which is indistinguishable and shocking.

Not far away, a broken carriage is deeply stuck in the mud, full of sadness, with only an abandoned rabbit doll hanging on the shaft, swaying in the wind.

The white fluff has long been soaked into wet red, full of gloomy weirdness.

The cloudy eyes seemed to have some resentment, and he looked at the mottled stones in front of him alone.

There, a figure was lying.

This was a 13 or 14-year-old boy, with ragged clothes and full of dirt, and a broken leather bag tied around his waist.

The boy squinted his eyes and did not move. The biting cold penetrated his tattered coat from all directions, swept through his body, and gradually took away his body temperature.

The website is about to close, download the Aiyue app to see the latest content for free But even if the rain fell on his face, he did not blink, staring coldly at the distance like a hawk.

Following his gaze, a skinny vulture was gnawing on the rotten corpse of a wild dog at a distance of seven or eight feet from him, and sometimes vigilantly observed the surroundings.

It seemed that in this dangerous ruin, it would instantly take off at the slightest movement.

Download the Aiyue novel app to read the latest chapters without ads for free. And the boy, like a hunter, patiently waited for the opportunity.

After a long time, the opportunity came, and the greedy vulture finally completely sank its head into the belly of the wild dog.

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