Goldfinger is a bit strange

Chapter 100 Natural Refrigerator (1/2)

Er Biaozi went home first and walked around for a while, then was dragged to his house by Liu Qingshan. He had killed a pig yesterday and had some pig-killing vegetables left, so he just invited the big head and the three brothers had a meal together.

Before eating, Er Biaozi took out a wad of banknotes from his pocket and handed it to Liu Qingshan.

"When you went to Longjiang Province, I took you 200 yuan, and you gave me more than 160 yuan. In the past few months, you have spent less than 40 yuan?"

Liu Qingshan counted the banknotes and then got a little angry.

It's not that it costs too much, but that it's too little. Excluding the round trip expenses, it's basically no money.

Er Biaozi chuckled a few times: "After I got there, Professor Xu was very nice. I basically had nothing to eat and learn skills for free. Even the rice seeds were given to me for free by Professor Xu."

Liu Qingshan also silently recorded this favor in his heart: The feelings of the older generation are actually the most precious wealth.

It's a pity that with the surging economic tide, the feelings of too many people have been washed away without a trace.

"When the rice here is planted, Er Biaozi, you must carry a bag of rice and send it over."

Datou obviously knew the affection involved. As he spoke, he reached out and patted Er Biaozi hard on the back.

"It's more than a thousand miles away. You asked me to carry it. Why is it that your brain is getting harder and harder to use, Datou?"

Er Biaozi in turn patted Datou's melon seeds on the brain, and the three friends were laughing and joking.

After laughing for a while, Er Biaozi opened the backpack he carried back and took out a thick stack of notebooks from it.

These are all related knowledge about rice from planting to harvesting, which is equivalent to the secret book of growing rice in cold areas.

Er Biaozi also patted the secret book quite proudly: "This is a gift from my godfather!"


Seeing the doubtful looks in his two friends' eyes, Er Biaozi chuckled: "Professor Xu is so kind to me, of course I will recognize him as my godfather."

Liu Qingshan could only give him a thumbs up: "Okay, then I will honor your godfather well from now on."

"Eat, eat."

Liu Jinfeng put a large basin of pickled vegetables on the table, and then glared at Er Biaozi:

"You're such a naughty kid, you can't call me godfather when you're an old professor, and just throw it aside after you're done with it. If you do that, be careful I pinch you."

Er Biaozi was not afraid of others, he was afraid of Liu Jinfeng. He quickly nodded his head and assured: "Sister, don't worry, I'm not that kind of person either."

"Let's eat."

Lin Zhi brought up the white meat and blood sausage, and placed a plate of white meat in front of Er Biaozi: "Biaozi, you have been skinny and dark these past few months. You must have suffered a lot. Eat more meat."

Er Biaozi couldn't help but feel hot in his heart and his eyes were a little sore. His mother passed away a few years after giving birth to the fourth child in the family, also known as Si Huzi.

Ever since he was seven or eight years old, he spent most of his time playing with Liu Qingshan, treating Lin Zhi as his own mother.

Um! With a promise in his mouth, Er Biaozi quickly picked up a piece of fat and lean pork belly, dipped it in some minced garlic, stuffed it into his mouth, and shouted while chewing:

“It smells so good!”

When it was time to rest at night, Lin Zhi told her son to go to the commune tomorrow and sell the remaining half of the pork to the purchasing station.

In fact, there are less sales this year. According to the practice in previous years, after killing the New Year pig, except for the head and hooves water and suet, keep it at home, and then entertain relatives and friends for a meal. The rest will basically be sold.

Throughout the year, apart from exchanging eggs for some pocket money, the majority of the family's income comes from selling pork years ago.

This year is better. After delivering the mission rations, there is still some left over to sell.

If we were in the production team in the past, the food rations for the whole family would be good. As for work points, in a poor place like Jiapigou, work points were worthless.

Take the year before last as an example, one work point cost only a few cents.

If you encounter a bad year, you may have to pay back the money. If you work for a year, you will still owe money.

Lin Zhi felt that life at home was better this year, so she saved nearly an extra leg of pork.

She was a little worried about killing the pigs yesterday, worried about pox. Fortunately, she was lucky, and the pigs she raised were also very good, and the pork was clean.

At this time, pigs are raised in free-range conditions, so it is easy for parasites to develop in the pig's body. The most common one is pig tapeworm.

This kind of pork contains tapeworm eggs inside the lean meat. They are white round things. The small ones are as big as millet grains and the big ones are as big as sorghum grains. Common people call this "pox pork".

If any family kills a pig and gets pox, it will be a big loss. The purchasing station will not accept it at all. You can eat it yourself, and you will suffer from diarrhoea. So when killing a pig, this is what you worry about the most.

Of course Liu Qingshan can understand his mother's thoughts. He has lived very carefully these years, which is why he has brought up children like them.

But things are different now, things will get better and better, so there is no need to sell pork.

But I can't tell my mother clearly, otherwise my mother will definitely be reluctant to part with it.

After thinking about it, Liu Qingshan said happily: "Mom, why don't you sell it? The eldest sister and the second sister all need to supplement their nutrition. The fourth and fifth children are also very thin. Eat more meat, and grandpa." Grandma has to take care of her as well.”

Lin Zhi thought about it and thought it made sense: "Then let's sell it for a living. You can't kill a pig and keep it to eat. Others will laugh at us because we eat so much that we can't make a living."

Liu Qingshan scratched the back of his head: "Mom, when I went to Chuncheng, Professor Wang and his wife said that they would come back to Jiapigou during the winter vacation, and they would mainly be entertained by our family."

Lin Zhi smiled and raised her hand, gently patted Liu Qingshan's head, and then turned to gently caressing: "You are greedy and always drag others, so I won't sell it."

Feeling the warm palm of his mother, Liu Qingshan's heart was left with only peace.

"Hehe, there will be meat to eat every day!"

The giggling of the two little guys, the fourth and fifth, came from the quilt.

It turned out that they were not asleep, and they were eavesdropping with their little ears. When they heard Lin Zhi say that she would not buy meat, they were both very happy, these two greedy cats.

Since they were not going to sell the meat, they had to preserve it well. Their place was a natural refrigerator, and this was the least worrying thing.

The next day, Liu Qingshan came back from practicing martial arts in the mountains and cut all the pork into small pieces. He took the pork elbows and ribs separately, and cut the rest of the pork into cubes the size of tofu, and then buried them in the yard.

That's right, he buried them.

Of course, he couldn't bury them in the soil, but buried them in ice.

He dug two sacks of ice from Xiaosongjiang and brought them back. He put the pork in the ice, sprinkled snow on it, and poured water on it. When he dug it out, it was as fresh as fresh.

Otherwise, why is it called a natural refrigerator?

There are other benefits. It doesn't need to be stolen by thieves or dogs.

In addition to this preservation method, Liu Qingshan also kept a few pieces of meat and threw them into the big vat in the warehouse. This way, it is more convenient to eat, and he doesn't have to shave ice.

The pork in the big vat in the warehouse is also covered with a layer of ice. This is called waxing, which can prevent the pork from drying out and changing its taste.

Hanging wax is also relatively simple. Just wait until the night, the coldest time of the day, dip the frozen pork in cold water, take it out and put it on the curtain. A thin layer of ice will soon form on the surface of the pork.

If you are worried, hang it again.

By analogy, chicken, duck, fish and meat can all be preserved in this way. Otherwise, how can we say that the wisdom of the working people is infinite.

This is shaved ice and pulled ice. This busy work takes a small day. When the fourth child and the others come back from school, they see the few large pieces of ice left in the yard. Their big eyes immediately become sparkling, more crystal clear than ice cubes.


The fourth child pulled Liu Qingshan's collar and his tone began to change several times.

Usually at this time, the little girl has something to ask for.

Liu Qingshan couldn't help but reach out and pinch her red face: "What are you going to do again?"

"Hehe, brother, make an ice sled for Shanxing and me. Erniuzi and the others said that they want to go skating in the creek after dinner."

The little fourth child finally showed his foxy tail.


Liu Qingshan's tone was also very roundabout, making the two little girls giggle.

Originally, Liu Qingshan had an ice sled that he played with when he was a child, but he had to make another one for Shanxing.

He didn't want Shanxing to only stand on the ice and watch other children play, then he, as a brother, would be too incompetent.

He really couldn't make an ice sled, mainly because there were no suitable tools at home, so he could only go to Zhang Piezi.

Zhang Piezi was making a chicken coop at home. Yesterday, other teams came to visit, and someone went to Liu Jinfeng's chicken shed for a tour and was attracted by it. He also planned to build a chicken farm next year.

The chicks will have to wait for a few months, after all, Liu Jinfeng's chicken farm has not started laying eggs yet, but the chicken cages have been ordered from Zhang Piezi first.

Including the labor and materials, one chicken cage costs one yuan, which makes Zhang Piezi very happy, as he can earn more than 60 cents.

One hundred chicken cages were ordered, which means more than 60 yuan, plus the 50 yuan earned from Liu Qingshan, which is enough to buy a bicycle for his eldest brother's girlfriend.

So when he saw Liu Qingshan coming, Zhang Piezi smiled and was very friendly.

When he learned that he wanted to make an ice sled, he immediately agreed and took out the adze, chisel, axe and saw, and it took more than an hour to make it.

The ice sled is actually a small sled. The most critical part is the two wooden rails at the bottom. Good wood must be used and it must be smooth.

At the front end of the wooden rail, a bevel must be sawed to prevent it from getting stuck in the ice and snow.

If you want to do it, do it in full. Zhang Piezi even made two pairs of ice picks, which are two round wooden handles with a thin steel bar with a sharp point in the middle.

Sitting on the ice sled, holding the ice picks in both hands, gently stabbing back on the ice, the ice sled will slide forward.

While Zhang Ganzi was making the ice sled, Liu Qingshan was not idle either. He found a piece of leftover wood, which was oak, very solid, and cut two wooden 尜.

尜 is also the favorite toy of northern children in winter.

After finishing everything and going home, the fourth and fifth children were lying on the table to study, and the eldest brother-in-law replaced Liu Qingshan's usual position and was also writing something on the manuscript paper.

The eldest sister and mother were also working in the house.

The eldest sister was sitting on the kang, holding an embroidery support and embroidering dragons and phoenixes, and Yang Hongying was an apprentice next to her.

My mother pasted old cloth on a large wooden board, smeared a layer of paste on the worn-out cloth strips, and then pasted them layer by layer, until they were several millimeters thick, and used them to make shoe soles.

Liu Qingshan happened to have asked for a few strips of cloth to make two small whips for whipping.

This work that my mother did has a special name in the countryside, called "making a gēbèi".

Several layers of embroidery are cut into the shape of soles, then glued together, and then sewn with hemp ropes. This is what people often call "thousand-layer soles".

Later, there was a song that sang: The shoes I like to wear most are the thousand-layer soles sewn by my mother.

Thousand-layer soles are made in this way.

At that time, rural women were never idle during the winter. They made soles and embroidered embroidery.

All kinds of curtains used in their own homes, as well as their own dowries, were embroidered one stitch at a time.

The dim light outlined the leisurely and busy life of ordinary farmers in this era.

Liu Qingshan was a little dazed for a while, and there was only an indescribable warmth in his heart:

This is the feeling of home, so good!

March, early spring.

Download the Aiyue Novel app to read the latest chapter content. The latest chapter content is already on the Aiyue Novel app. The website no longer updates the latest chapter content. A corner in the eastern part of Nanhuangzhou.

The gloomy sky was gray and black, revealing a heavy depression, as if someone had splashed ink on rice paper, and the ink soaked the sky and smudged the clouds.

The clouds overlapped and blended with each other, diffusing crimson lightning, accompanied by rumbling thunder.

It was like the roar of gods, echoing in the world.

Please download the Aiyue Novels app to read the latest chapters for free without ads. The bloody rain, with sadness, fell into the mortal world.

The earth was hazy, and there was a ruined city, silent and lifeless in the dim red blood rain.

The city was in ruins, everything was withered, collapsed houses could be seen everywhere, and blue-black corpses and pieces of meat were seen everywhere, like broken autumn leaves, silently withering.

The streets that were bustling in the past are now bleak.

The sandy road that was once crowded with people is no longer noisy at this moment.

Only blood mud mixed with minced meat, dust, and paper remained, unable to distinguish one from the other, shocking.

Not far away, a broken carriage was stuck in the mud, full of sadness, with only an abandoned rabbit doll hanging on the shaft, swaying in the wind.

The white fluff had long been soaked into wet red, full of eerie weirdness.

The turbid eyes seemed to have some resentment, looking alone at the mottled stones in front.

There, a figure was lying.

This was a thirteen or fourteen-year-old boy, with tattered clothes, full of dirt, and a broken leather bag tied around his waist.

The boy squinted his eyes and did not move. The biting cold penetrated his shabby coat from all directions, swept through his whole body, and gradually took away his body temperature.

The website is about to close, download the Aiyue app to see the latest content for free. But even if the rain fell on his face, he did not blink, staring coldly at the distance like a hawk.

Following his gaze, a skinny vulture was gnawing on the rotten corpse of a wild dog about 70 feet away from him, and occasionally vigilantly observed the surroundings.

It seemed that in this dangerous ruin, it would instantly take off at the slightest movement.

Download the Aiyue Novel app and read the latest chapters for free without ads. And the boy, like a hunter, patiently waited for the opportunity.

After a long time, the opportunity came, and the greedy vulture finally completely immersed its head in the belly of the wild dog.

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