Goldfinger is a bit strange

Chapter 1045: Original intention, go to hell! (1/2)

Zhang Hong, Jerry and other four people share a consulting room, which happens to be two internal medicine departments and two surgical departments.

Sitting next to him were two girls, international students working as translators.

At the beginning, there were no patients, just a few people chatting, mainly to learn some common words and spoken English.

Zhang Hong is even better. After all, he has lived abroad and can order it more or less.

Needless to say, Jerry, English is his native language.

The remaining two were both old gentlemen in their fifties, and they had lost sight of each other. They had to learn the most basic words.

For example, hands, mouth, etc., stretching out your hands, opening your mouth, etc. are the most commonly used ones, because you need to check the pulse and tongue coating.

Dr. Yang, who had a goatee and a beard, muttered: "My hands are sweaty, they are sweaty. What you say as a foreigner is quite reasonable. My palms are all sweaty."

At this moment, several tough men rushed into the consulting room.

Two of them had bald heads, and two had their hair as fancy as that of a pheasant, which didn’t look like a good idea.

"Hello, please sit down. Who needs help?" A female international student asked bravely.

"Me!" A bald man sat on the chair opposite Dr. Yang, causing the chair to creak.

Dr. Yang learned what he was doing and put it into practice: "You're sweaty, put your sweaty thing out. Where do you feel uncomfortable?"

The translator explained again, and the big man slammed his arm on the table.

It is also very important that Dr. Yang checks the pulse while asking questions.

The big man wiped his shaved head with his other hand: "I want hair!"

Only then did everyone notice that this big man's bald head was not shaved intentionally. The middle circle was naturally bald, and the surrounding area was quite clean. He should be one of those who went bald relatively early.

Doctor Yang took his pulse for a long time and then explained: "Your hair loss may be caused by genetics. Another point is that your desire is relatively strong and consumes too much energy, so it can also cause hair loss earlier. In this case, there is no good solution.”

The big man stared: "You can't cure any disease, so why do you open a hospital?" wAp.

Several big men next to him also put on a fierce look: "If Carter can't grow hair, I'll shave your heads too!"

Jerry finally understood that these guys were just here to cause trouble.

So he stood up and said, "Hey guys, if you continue to make trouble unreasonably, we will call the police!"

"I'm just here to treat alopecia. Your hospital can't do anything about it." The bald man touched his bare head again with a rogue look on his face.

"And me, I'm sick too!" A young man with a chicken coop on his head also said with a playful smile, and sat in front of Zhang Hong.

"You are indeed all sick." Zhang Hong muttered in Chinese.

The female international student subconsciously wanted to translate, but luckily she responded quickly and kept her mouth shut.

"What's your problem?" Zhang Hong asked while taking the other person's pulse.

The chicken coop head laughed twice: "Brother, my brother below me has a problem and can't stand up. How about I take off my pants and show you?"

The two female international students screamed, stood up and ran out the door.

"Hahaha, your place is a waste. It can't cure any disease. Can this still be considered a hospital? Should we close it as soon as possible?"

Jiwotou started shouting again. His shouts attracted reporters and several patients who were visiting the hospital, and they were talking softly.

Now it can be confirmed that these guys are here to cause trouble.

Jerry wanted to call the police, but even if the police came, what would happen?

The other party has made it clear that they are acting rogue, and the police cannot arrest people casually.

If Li Tie or Li Tieniu were called, they could beat these little gangsters to pieces.

But the key now is not to take action. Once you do, the other party will take the opportunity to make things worse.

He couldn't be beaten or scolded, and Jerry's teeth were itching with hatred.

And those guys just stayed here and refused to leave. They were noisy and irritating. Look at their despicable behavior and almost said, "Hit me, if you can, hit me."

The outsiders who were watching said all kinds of things, and some accused these guys of causing trouble.

Some reporters also believe that this group of people are indeed patients. Although their quality is relatively bad, they are indeed sick. The hospital treats the disease and has nothing to do with their character.

Liu Qingshan and his master also rushed after hearing the news, followed by the mute grandfather.

"Gentlemen, your condition is a difficult one, so my master, who is also the highest-level doctor in our hospital, is ready to diagnose and treat you personally."

Liu Qingshan looked at these people happily, they were just a few gangsters, and he really didn't take them seriously.

If the master hadn't just said that he needed to use medical skills to solve the problem, Liu Qingshan would have just called Officer James to take these guys away.

James is the veteran second lieutenant who was once paralyzed and was cured by the mute grandfather. He happens to be responsible for the security of this area.

"That's just right. We've wasted a lot of precious time here." The bald man named Carter chuckled, looking confident.

Liu Qingshan was sure that these guys must have come to cause trouble under someone else's orders. With just one hundred dollars, you can hire several of these guys.

So Liu Qingshan said again: "In order to cause unnecessary trouble, the entire process needs to be videotaped. Is that okay?"

"That's not okay, it violates my right to privacy." Jiwotou started to mess around again.

"Whatever you want." Liu Qingshan was too lazy to bother with him, so he invited Officer James to come over and be a witness.

When they saw the police, the guys exchanged glances and immediately calmed down a lot.

The dumb grandfather took over the position of Dr. Zhang Hong and took the pulse of the chicken coop head first. Liu Qingshan temporarily translated for his master:

"The Ren channel in your meridians was once damaged by external force, which led to impotence."

While translating, Liu Qingshan looked at the chicken coop head: It turns out that he was not pretending to be sick.

The chicken coop head also listened with his eyes wide open: "When I was a teenager, I once had a fight with someone on the street and was kicked several times in the lower body. Since then, the situation has become more and more serious. Doctor, do you really have a way to treat it?"

The dumb grandfather nodded slightly and gestured with his hands.

Liu Qingshan said: "You can stimulate the meridians through acupuncture, and then supplement with decoctions to slowly repair it. It will take about two or three months to recover."

The chicken coop head was overjoyed and jumped up: "Haha, if it can really be cured, I can do anything!"

Ahem, there were a few coughs next to him, obviously his companions were reminding this guy not to forget his original intention.

The chicken coop head turned around excitedly and glared at several companions: "Shit, I just want to cure my disease now, you all shut up!"

As it was a matter of life, the chicken coop head immediately turned against him. He didn't want to be unable to touch a woman for the rest of his life. What fun would there be in life?

The companions also quickly figured out the key. The big bald head was the little boss, and he was still a little unwilling to give up: "What if you can't cure it?"

Liu Qingshan laughed: "My master is sure, of course there is no problem. If it can't be cured, I will be responsible for compensation."

"No, I don't want money, I just want to cure the disease." Although the chicken coop head likes money, he still knows the importance.

Isn't it for enjoyment when you have money? But if it doesn't work, what's the point of enjoying it? Just to satisfy your eyes.

The dumb grandfather gestured a few more times with his hands, and Liu Qingshan continued to translate: "My master is going to give you acupuncture. You can feel it yourself first and then make a decision."

"Okay, okay." Chicken coop head nodded repeatedly, and then asked: "Do you need to take it off?"

The two female foreign students who had just returned to the room to translate hurriedly ran out again.

The dumb grandfather waved his hand and took out the needle box, leaving only the chicken coop head naked. The needles were placed around the waist and abdomen.

"Will it not pierce the internal organs?" The big bald head looked a little dizzy. My goodness, it was inserted more than ten centimeters and almost penetrated.

Liu Qingshan glared at him and signaled him not to make a sound, so as not to disturb the acupuncture.

The dumb grandfather was also very careful when performing acupuncture, and the chicken coop head sat there straight, not daring to move, not daring to breathe.

After a quarter of an hour, the dumb grandfather took away the needles, and the chicken coop head finally breathed a sigh of relief.

The bald man asked, "Brother, do you feel anything?"

The chicken-coop head shook his head. He was just too nervous. How could he feel anything?

The bald man was also a talent. He fumbled in his jacket for a while and took out a picture album. It was Playboy. He handed a page to the chicken-coop head: "What about this time?"

The chicken-coop head's eyes immediately widened: "This girl's figure is really... Oh, it seems to have a reaction!"

Others also clearly saw that the chicken-coop head had erected a small tent, but it collapsed again in an instant.

"I, I just... Doctor, please help me, help me!" The chicken-coop head was so excited that he was a little incoherent, and he almost knelt down to the dumb grandfather.

The feeling just now made him find the male dignity he had lost.

Even the bald man and others helped him speak. As for the original intention of coming here, go to hell!

The dumb grandfather smiled and nodded: For a doctor, all patients are the same.

The chicken-cooped man jumped and jumped, and after a while of struggling, he asked the big bald man and his brothers to pay.

These guys were really not very good, and they only took out more than 200 US dollars in total.

The chicken-cooped man put all the money on the table: "Doctor, how much more money do you need? We can definitely get it?"

The dumb grandfather gave him a prescription, and he went to the pharmacy to get the medicine. The price was not expensive, only five dollars for a set of medicine.

Acupuncture treatment, each time is also five dollars, basically, it costs ten dollars a day.

These two hundred dollars are enough for more than 20 days, and the whole process is only a few hundred dollars.

So cheap?

The gangsters were also stunned. In their opinion, such a difficult disease would cost at least tens of thousands of dollars.

"Doctor, I'm sorry, it's all our fault today."

The chicken-cooped man and the big bald man bowed to the dumb grandfather together. They are now convinced.

The people in the house and those watching outside were completely convinced by the dumb grandfather. This is what it means to win people over with virtue.

At this time, two young men came in with a patient in a wheelchair.

The big bald man immediately rushed over: "Which neighborhood are you from? We are in charge of this place. We don't welcome troublemakers!"

March, early spring.

Download the Aiyue Novels app to read the latest chapters. The latest chapters are already on the Aiyue Novels app. The website no longer updates the latest chapters. A corner in the eastern part of Nanhuangzhou.

The gloomy sky was gray and black, revealing a heavy depression, as if someone had splashed ink on rice paper, and the ink soaked the sky and smudged the clouds.

The clouds overlapped and blended with each other, spreading crimson lightning and rumbling thunder.

It was like the roar of a god, echoing in the world.

Please download the Aiyue Novels app and read the latest chapters for free without ads. The bloody rain, with sadness, fell to the mortal world.

The earth was hazy, and there was a ruined city, silent and lifeless in the dim red blood rain.

The city was in ruins, everything was withered, and collapsed houses could be seen everywhere, as well as blue-black corpses and pieces of meat, like broken autumn leaves, withering silently.

The streets that used to be bustling are now bleak.

The sandy road that was once crowded with people is no longer noisy.

Only blood mud mixed with pieces of meat, dust, and paper remained, and it was indistinguishable from each other, which was shocking.

Not far away, a broken carriage was deeply stuck in the mud, full of sadness, with only an abandoned rabbit doll hanging on the shaft, swaying in the wind.

The white fluff had long been soaked into wet red, full of eerie weirdness.

The cloudy eyes seemed to have some resentment, and he looked at the mottled stones in front of him alone.

There, a figure was lying.

This was a 13 or 14-year-old boy, with ragged clothes and full of dirt, and a broken leather bag tied around his waist.

The boy squinted his eyes and did not move. The biting cold penetrated his tattered coat from all directions, swept through his body, and gradually took away his body temperature.

The website is about to close, download the Aiyue app to see the latest content for free But even if the rain fell on his face, he did not blink, staring coldly at the distance like a hawk.

Following his gaze, a skinny vulture was gnawing on the rotten corpse of a wild dog at a distance of seven or eight feet from him, and sometimes vigilantly observed the surroundings.

It seemed that in this dangerous ruin, it would instantly take off at the slightest movement.

Download the Aiyue novel app to read the latest chapters without ads for free. And the boy, like a hunter, patiently waited for the opportunity.

After a long time, the opportunity came, and the greedy vulture finally completely sank its head into the belly of the wild dog.

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