Gossip King

Chapter 1031: Ominous hunch

"That car." The man locked the high-cold car with a quick gaze, walked quickly over, pulled the front cover of the car, and took out a pair of scissors from the bag to cut off some of the lines. .

"Since the boss is going to see someone die tonight, that's all. I hope you will use the car at night, and I have to find a way to let you use the car without using the car." The masked man who was hiding by the side thought silently in his heart. , Looked around and walked straight to another car.

This person is lucky. Jian Xiaodan and the three of them will appear in the car tonight, and they are going to Xingsheng.

"My technology, as long as they drive, it should be no problem to take a life, why is the master phone still unable to get through?" This person muttered and took out the phone again to make the call, but the phone still couldn't be connected.

"The master is not there. Although I am a bit panicked, I am more adept at forging the scene of a car accident." Quezi looked around, very vigilant and worried: "If the master is caught by a sliver, he will definitely not confess to the action that appeared. , He is not so stupid to impose guilt on himself. If I do this independently, then this money..."

Quezi smiled sinisterly.

Killer, where is loyalty?

After waiting for a while, I saw the elevator door opened. The three girls came out and walked directly to the cold car.

"If I did this independently, I would like to have fun with these three girls, it's a pity." Quezi's eyes are full of regrets: "Why are all three in the car? I have no time to play, these three big beauties, don't blame me if you die, but blame God for jealousy."

The vehicle started, and the novice driver of Jian Xiao Shan did not notice any abnormality in the vehicle.

"Walking on the outer ring, I have to speed up this time. I'm waiting for the meeting over there." Jian Xiaodan looked at the time again and turned his head: "You two put on your seat belts and sit firmly." I braked on the outer ring before. Suddenly cheering up again, she stabilized a lot this time and took a deep breath.

"Sister Shan, did you take the outer ring as soon as you got your driver's license? The speeds there are so fast." Mu Xiaolen was a little worried.

"I will be careful, this time I will not rush to refuel, and the outer ring will not be blocked, otherwise you will have to block it until tomorrow." Jian Xiaodan gritted his teeth. Xiao Leng nodded in approval. Indeed, if you don't take the outer ring, it would be hard to walk to the most prosperous office building of Xingsheng Magazine according to the traffic jam of the Imperial Capital.


"Mr. Gao, you can count as having finished the phone call. This beauty of Yuzhi has taken off her makeup. Come, take a sip of chicken soup to nourish the soul!" As soon as Gao Leng put down the phone, the assistant director laughed and said, passing Have a bowl of chicken soup.

Gao Leng took a sip and gave a thumbs up to Sister Shan: "It's delicious."

"It tastes good?" Shan Jie was a little proud: "I drove the car to the countryside here for a long time and bought a few old hens to replenish our family Yuzhi's body. You said that our family Yuzhi also looks good. The family is also good, why don't you have a boyfriend yet?"

"Mom!" Uzhi was very impatient and a little shy about her words: "What does this chicken have to do with whether I have a boyfriend? You can get involved and urge me."

"Why is it okay?" Seeing that there are no outsiders, Shan Jie said directly: "I tell you, this woman will go downhill once she is over thirty. If it weren't for me to nourish the chickens and cattle every day, can you? Does she look like a little girl in her early 20s? Besides, she gave birth to a son after eating more chicken soup!" Sister Shan managed to pat the legs of Gao Leng and Yang Peng on the sofa: "You both do The media, help us to post a manuscript for Yuzhi, saying that she is now married, looking forward to love and the like. By the way, didn’t Lin Zhi posted a similar manuscript not long ago? A bunch of fans didn’t say it. I heard that some young guys with good families took the initiative to ask her after seeing the manuscript!"

"Mom!" Uzhi walked out of the bathroom. She had already taken off the costume and makeup, but she looked a little bit more immature when she was just thirty. She looked twenty at most. Three or four years old, with a slightly angry expression: "What are you talking about? Lin Zhi is Lin Zhi, I am me."

As soon as he mentioned Lin Zhi, Yu Zhi was so angry that she looked at Gao Leng, but saw that Gao Leng was surprised when he heard Lin Zhi’s name...

More angry.

Tonight, I must get my hands on it, Yu Zhixin thought, turned around and entered the bathroom again, put on light makeup, and sprayed on himself with a fascinating perfume, which filled the bathroom with an incomparably attractive fragrance.

"I will go for a drink later, Mr. Gao, and later I will tell you about my tricky things." The assistant director sat next to Gao Leng.

"If things are very tricky, you still have to find Brother Biao. Although Mr. Gao is the second-in-charge, he is afraid that he can't be the leader of the East. This tricky thing needs to be dealt with by people. You must have prestige in the East. "Yang Peng on the side sneered.

Gao Leng said nothing, but nodded towards the assistant leader.

"Director, please Mr. Gao may not be able to handle this matter? I think Mr. Yang is right, he still has to talk to Mr. Biao, Brother Biao will be obedient when he comes to the East." The personal assistant of the director on the side sent a message. SMS.

After taking a look, the assistant director replied: nonsense, brother Biao must be asked for this kind of tricky matter. This high cold is only the second master in the face. Who knows if the East Gang listens to him?

The next thing you say to me, the good sister keeps communicating with Gao Leng on the column and charity matters, the assistant director interjects and hits Kedi and it is not easy to interrupt. After the greetings are almost the same, Gao Leng has time to take out the phone. After taking a look, he opened a text message at one point, and his face collapsed.

Gao Xiaowei's text message: There is a killer, my mana is weak, come here quickly.

Looking at the time again, this was posted more than an hour ago.

Gao Leng felt that there was a sudden call in his head, and he immediately turned on the missed call. The call was made ten minutes ago.

Is Xiaowei's mana weak to this point? Why not use mind reading but text messaging? Killer? ! Countless question marks flooded his mind for a while, and he felt numb from his head to his feet.

For the second time in this life, he felt fear.

The first time was when the little witch rescued him on the rails. The moment the train rushed over, he was pushed by a figure from the rails to the safe side of the rails, and the blood on his face was splashed, let him experience To the taste of fear.

As soon as he looked up and saw the blood covered in blood, the moment he thought the little witch was crushed by the rails, the fear deepened into his soul made him shiver.

This is the second time.

He just felt the hairs on his arms stand up, and goose bumps all over his body. He had never worried about the safety of the little witch, and left it to her from the back, and the safety of the woman in the family to her.

She is Gao Xiaowei, the omnipotent Gao Xiaowei, one hundred and one thousand security guards do not have a useful Gao Xiaowei. Although the little witch can't take the initiative to harm humans other than herself, she has strong spells and mind-reading skills, can fly to the sky, escape, and even disappear instantly.

It’s always okay not to hurt those who come here who are not good, can sense and avoid them in advance, or set up obstacles for those people? If Gao Xiaowei can't protect, then who can protect?

This is what he has always thought.

But I didn't expect...

An ominous premonition swept Gao Leng instantly, and he quickly picked up the phone.

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