Gossip King

Chapter 1361: Shelter from wind and rain

One time, Xiao Dan felt an anomaly when he came home from school. The unspeakable anomaly, it seemed that someone was pointing from behind, and it seemed that the people around him were watching his anomaly.

"Really?" The cigarette in Mr. Li's hand was folded into two at once.

"Really! My uncle is in Xiaodan's county, working as a policeman on the grounds of her orphanage, can there be fakes?" In this world, there is always no shortage of sprays in modern times, and whether it is now or in the past, There is always no shortage of women with long tongues. The women with long tongues have bright eyes: "This matter, it was the Ou family who took the action and kept the beast in the bureau for a few days, but there was no evidence. In the end, it was nothing. I heard..."

Mr. Li showed a sad look on his face, sad for Xiao Shan, but he showed a disappointed look again, I don't know who was disappointed for.

"Have you heard that? I heard that Jian Xiaodan was raped in the first half of the year and all got to the police station." Not long after Mr. Li learned the news, Sister Qi also heard the news.

"Who said it was raped? It's just indecent." Mr. Li quickly corrected the rumors, and the rumors became more and more intense.

"My friend's sister-in-law worked as a policeman in their area, and told me personally that it was either lewd or raped. Finally, the Ou family came forward and arrested the man." Seven sisters snapped down the cup in her hand. , It was painful to grab the hair and akimbo.

"The child is pitiful." Mr. Li sighed leisurely: "You girls are talking nonsense. She was only in her early five last year. How could she be raped? She could live if she was raped?"

"Whether I am raped or molested, now the whole city knows, you say, what did we commit? Adopt a child, this situation will not tell us, I...I...I was watching her and my family Like the exposed moles, I only adopted it because I thought it was predestined. Later I found that the child was gloomy all day..."

"There is no somber, just introverted, and very sensible, so don't let us worry about anything with children." Mr. Han frowned, he knew that his wife was in a vicious circle of infinitely missing his dead daughter, almost Crazy, and that's the case, they will think about adopting one and see if it will let the day pass.

I don’t really love the children in the orphanage, nor the small singles so much. I just want to keep my life going. Adopt a child, a child about the same size as my own daughter, and maybe feel better. If you want to have a child to take care of, it is out of this mentality.

It can be said that 90% of the families that adopt children are out of this kind of psychology. There must be a rear, and they will get married. Many people with children are very close even if they are not related by blood.

It's a pity, poor Jian Xiaoshan was a little bit lucky.

The uncle who treated her well in the orphanage before, and the uncle who took her out for the weekend, put his hand into her skirt. Xiao Shan was scared, but he decisively looked for an opportunity to call the police and met at the police station and followed him. Ouyang, whose father came over, became a friend.

The rumors they said were true except for being raped. If it hadn't been for the Ou family to come forward, it would be impossible for the animal to be detained, but after all, there was not a lot of evidence, and after a few days of detention, it would not stop.

But this time, Xiao Shan and Ou Yang formed a deep friendship. This friendship was the only light in Jian Xiao Shan's life. It was this light that begged his father to punish the bad guys.

These, a few words are enough to explain, in his population, there are only a few long tongues in twos and threes, but for Jian Xiaosi, it is a **** experience that has fallen apart.

When she came back from school, she saw her father and mother sitting in the living room solemnly, asking her word by word: Have you really been touched by someone?

Jian Xiaodan felt as if the last piece of his clothes had been taken off in public.

"When we adopt a child, we should always tell us about this kind of thing? Now everyone knows, you say, when we are raised, how can we get married?! Retired, retired!"

The next day, Jian Xiaoshan was taken back to the orphanage. Seventh Sister's words were sharp and crazy, and Mr. Li looked guilty and helpless.

"It's not much... this, this, this child is not a thing, return? She is not a cargo!" The dean of the welfare institute distressed Jian Xiaodan closer to the room and closed the door, lowering his voice: "Don't you I can understand your feelings like this in front of your children, but it's really just obscene, not what you think."

In a small room, with dimly lit lights, carrying a schoolbag and carrying her own clothes in her hand, Jian Xiaodan looked out through the crack of the door. She didn't cry or make trouble. Finally, she sat quietly on the ground.

At night, Xiao Shan was taken back away from home.

It's just the adults' anger at the orphanage for concealing this kind of thing, and the seventh sister, who has some explosive personality after losing her beloved daughter, also fell asleep peacefully with the relief of Mr. Li.

"Xiaodan, it's okay, Dad is here." Mr. Li put Xiaodan's clothes back into the closet, his eyes flushed and tears fell.

"Yeah." Xiao Shan looked at his father gratefully. In this home, Mr. Li has always treated her well, although he has been working outside and returning home late, but he will not be hoarse like his mother, and will pull Her hand sent her to school.

The most important thing is that, throughout the entire incident, Mr. Li never said that he would abandon Xiaodan, not a word.

Not abandoning it is a great blessing for Xiao Shan.

After all, when he was innocent and innocent, his biological mother abandoned him. Now, after being molested and abandoned by adoptive parents, who can he blame?

"Dad, thank you." Xiao Shan said softly.

He really treats me as a daughter, Xiao Shan thought.

"Hey, you, like my Lulu, are both a horrible baby... My Lulu is really dying, and you are also dying, too much, too much like." Mr. Li stretched out his hand and wiped the corner of his eyes: "Sleep Right."

Xiao Dan's eyes dimmed in an instant, she looked at his back without tears.

"Dad, thank you anyway." Xiao Shan said softly again.

After all, even your own biological mother doesn't love yourself, and if you can lose yourself, how can you expect the love of others?

A child needs the help of an adult if he wants to avoid the storms of his life. Where can he avoid the storms of his life?

I just don't have that kind of life. Xiao Shan lowered his head and looked at his fingers. There are several friends who have been adopted, and they have all lived happily. The world is always full of people.

But there are always people who are unlucky, Xiao Shan is the one who is unlucky.


"What about things!" Seventh Sister's twisted face.

"I said it, I said it a long time ago, something was eaten by a dog." Xiao Shan covered his face and started crying, very guilty.

"You bitch! Bitch! You bitch! Bitch." Seven sisters rushed up frantically when she heard the answer and almost fell, and a strange young man beside her quickly helped her.

"Auntie, forget it, forget it, after so long, you finally found her, don't be so excited." The young man gave Jian Xiao a vicious single-eyed after softly relieved: "At this time, you have avoided me. Auntie for so many years, if it weren’t for a friend who was engaged in journalism, and said that we had seen you in an interview before, we would have found you. Why didn’t you tell me where things went?! Do you know, because you lost things, Uncle is dead!"

"Dad..." Jian Xiaodan's eyes suddenly became blank, as if she didn't know where she was. She grabbed her hair with both hands and shook her head unconsciously: "You said...you said...you said him, died?"

"Yes, after the thing was gone, he looked everywhere, and was hit by a car on the way to dig through the trash can!"

After listening, Jian Xiao fainted.

"What are you pretending to die! What are you pretending to be! Things, things!" Seven sisters rushed up and kicked Xiao Shan.


"What are you talking about?! Are you out?!" The moment Gao Leng received the call from the fat man, he wanted to smash the phone, and he paced back and forth.

"Xiao Shan's begging look, she, she, she, she, she, she, she didn't let me take the woman away, and now she closed the blinds." The fat man squatted in the corner. He didn't know what was going on inside. Anyway, the woman inside. The sound is wow, but I didn't hear Xiao Shan very much.

"Fat man, I don’t care what Jian Xiao said, and no matter what she begged or not, now she’s being beaten, if you **** don’t protect her now, I will kill them both. A!" Gao Leng was full of blood.

He really can do it.

With a bang, the door was kicked open. After the boss was extremely mad and gave strong guidance, the fat man ignored Xiao Shan’s words, raised his leg and rushed in. As soon as he entered, Jian Xiao Shan fell to the ground and his eyes opened slightly. Opened, with tears in her eyes motionless, the woman frantically rushed to kick her, but was stopped by the young man beside her.

But there are still several shoe prints on the simple body.

She seemed to be frozen, eyes open, lying motionless on her side.

"Fuck you mother!" The fat man scolded when he broke into the door and waved his hand at the man.

"No." Xiao Shan suddenly sat up and stood in front of the two men like crazy: "Get out! Go out! This is my personal business, you go out!"

Her expression is fragile and frightened, completely different from the previous capable images.

"Control these two people and call the police. By the way, the people from the East Gang are here. Send them to the East Gang branch before calling the police!" The fat man listened to the cold words this time, and ignored the simple words. She will catch those two people.

"Please, fat man, please, fat man, go out, tell them all to go out, all go out! Please." Jian Xiaodan hugged the fat man, tears flew to his clothes, eyes filled I was extremely afraid, as if there was no light in my eyes and there was no way ahead.

That kind of look was heartbreaking, and the fat man was in a daze.

"I'm the vice president of Starlight Group. Who wants you to come in in my office! Who allowed you to come in! Get out!" Seeing the fat man in a daze, Jian Xiaodan suddenly put away his fragility, stood up and stared at the employees who came in. , Reached out his hand and wiped his tears and pointed to the door: "Give me out! I will warn you one last time in the name of the vice president, go out!"

"All out." A man's voice came from the door.

He walked in and gave the two men a cold look: "Sister Seven, it's been a long time since I saw each other. I didn't expect to meet under this situation."

Ouyang is here.

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