Gossip King

Chapter 1408: Live in the same room, nephrite warm fragrance

"What?" Diba puzzled.

"If Yin Xiang really can't save a testicle, then we must do our utmost sincerity. I think Director Yin is not the kind of unreasonable person. The empire is the most friendly person. Stop your work and work in Yin Xiang. In the case of uncontrollable condition, I will watch with you at night to take care of him these days." The cold hand tapped on the keyboard. Now is the critical moment of financing, whether it is a small single company or an old celebrity promotion. Companies, or green agriculture, have a lot of things.

"The night watch? I just go to the night watch. Will you go too? You have to deal with so many things." Diba was surprised.

It makes sense for Diba to go to the night watch, and it seems unnecessary to go cold.

"If Yin Xiang is okay, then you will be enough. If Yin Xiang is okay, if I also go to the night watch, the other party will think that we have achieved the best, and will save you." Gao Leng glanced at Diba: " You rest, these days will be very hard."

It’s not difficult to have a nurse in the VIP room of the Imperial City Hospital to watch the night. It’s just that if the boss of the Star Group personally takes the trouble-makers to watch the night, at least this sincerity is enough.

After all, Director Yin is just a director. In terms of media control and various arrangements, Gao Leng has done everything to the extreme.

"Do you think this is troublesome?" Diba asked softly.

"It's a little troublesome." Gao Leng nodded: "But if you trouble yourself, you can keep your dreams, right?"

Diba was very moved. It was loyal that a boss could wipe his **** for an employee.

Righteousness, this word is relatively rare in today's business society, and it is even rarer for bosses and employees, but Diba has seen it many times in the cold.

Just as Gao Leng did to the old man, to the fat man, to the Xiao Shan, as long as the friend he identified, he always confronted him wholeheartedly. Diba knew that he was not yet a friend of Gao Leng, just for an artist he thought had great potential, but even if that was all, he did not abandon a son.

Abandoning children to protect the overall situation is too common in business wars.

I will definitely become a first-line actor and earn honor for you. At this moment, Diba’s dream of being alone has more meaning.


The plane parked directly on the top floor of the hospital, which attracted the attention of many people. After all, although the top floor of the hospital was used to park planes for emergency patients, it was rarely used. The small people of Shengdou in the imperial capital also have knowledge, knowing that once they are used, the people in this plane are rich or expensive.

"Yin Xiang, the news is coming out, he's so hard, he doesn't need a substitute for dangerous scenes, he is injured."

"It should be him, I just watched the news, good actor."

"Nowadays, there are not many young people who can act like this. He is really a good actor. I heard that he was seriously injured."

People were talking a lot, but they were all right: Yin Xiang was in the plane.

After Yin Xiang was sent to the operating room, Director Yin discovered that the overwhelming news had already spread with the rising sun of Dongsheng. Whether it was on TV or on the Internet, Yin Xiang didn't need to stand in person for filming, and was dedicated to the news about the rescue of injuries. Everywhere.

Although there are a few on the Internet that have raised questions: I heard that it was when filming with Diba...

But how can these few multi-media news articles be compared? The front-page headlines bought by several major mainstream media brought the big public opinion in the direction of the high-cold vision, and some media that followed the trend naturally followed the big public opinion, not to mention the reporters who took red envelopes at the scene.

This is a public opinion guide that the east wind absolutely overwhelms the west wind, especially Xingsheng, the two magazines of Fengxing published a special topic on Yin Xiang at noon, and it locked the fate of public opinion.

"President Gao, this public opinion is really good." Director Yin, who had been cold-faced, looked at the phone with a smile. The full screen commented on Yin Xiang's words of praise and made him, the father, reached out and patted Gao Leng's shoulder: "Really good."

This is completely different from the way he used power to overpower Gao Leng before.

Still the same sentence, this face has to be earned by yourself.

"It's not so good. Now the fans are going crazy." The agent looked at the real-time data on the notebook with some excitement: "I didn't expect that this injury not only did not lose fans, but gave him crazy fans. Wait, I will answer the phone. ."

With that, Yin Xiang's agent stood up: "Hey, yes, yes, oh Mr. Zhang, you have an appointment with Yin Xiang!"

The agent is obviously a little excited. It can be seen that the drama that the other party has come to the appointment must have very good resources. She echoed: "Yes, yes, right now, among the most popular first-line niches, it really makes the audience feel that they have acting skills, and they work hard. We Yin Xiang are one."

"Mr. Gao, I'm really sorry. I was too anxious before, and I was not very polite to you. I'm here to apologize." Mother Yin walked to Gao Leng and stretched out her hand, smiling and apologizing: "The Imperial Capital is here. It’s also the best expert ever hired. The doctor told me just now that he will do his best. He also said that you have greeted the dean. It’s...it’s a very good arrangement."

Standing behind Gao Leng's body, Diba's waist was straightened unknowingly.

"The doctor said, after taking a look tonight, if you control it well tonight, it shouldn’t be a major problem. I just want to recuperate for a while. I’ll stay here tonight. I’m really sorry for bringing such a big deal to Yin Xiang. Pain." Gao Leng said humbly.

"You still watch the night!" Mother Yin widened her eyes in surprise: "There are many things in your company, anyway there is a doctor here, so you don't need to..."

"No matter how big the company is, it's not as big as Yin Xiang's. Diba and I both watched the night. If we want to go to the United States, we can leave immediately. If there is something else, I can also run errands."

Director Yin looked at Gao Leng with a smile on his lips.

This young man is very stable and very humble. He is really good, Director Yin thought.

"Little girl, you have been busy all day, let's rest." Mother Yin looked at Diba behind her and asked gently.

This question made Diba think that his ears had misheard. You know, the Yin family wanted to slap her in the face when they first arrived.

"No, no, I'm not tired, I should." Diba said quickly.

In just a few hours, Diba witnessed the invisible war of the entire public opinion in accordance with Gao's intentions, and also saw the great transformation of the Yin family's couple. This transformation first made her feel respect. Yin's father and Yin's mother put aside the anger of coming to settle the accounts. Yin's mother was not anxious, and Yin's father no longer forced words, and turned to Diba and Yan Yue. And secondly, I saw that a leader who understands public opinion and has the dominance of the media can make the entire public opinion advance according to his own ideas in a short time.

With tens of millions of messages, so many people in China were led away by Gao Leng. The sense of conquest brought about by this feeling is beyond words.

"Mr. Gao, you are amazing." Diba whispered from the bottom of his heart.

"Not as good as you, one egg on one foot." Gao Leng's words ended her praise.

Really awkward chat.

"Mr. Gao, the suite has been arranged. This is the room card." The assistant ran over and handed the four room cards to Gao Leng.

"Director Yin, this is the room card of the hotel near the hospital. I have opened three rooms with five bedrooms and two halls with a kitchen for the two of you, so that it is convenient for you to cook some soup yourself or rest for some relatives and friends who come to visit." Gao Lengfang The card was handed over.

The assistant on the side suddenly changed his face. He wanted to say something, but he didn't seem to be able to say anything now. He blinked at Gao Leng's eyes, but Gao Leng didn't notice.

"Look at you, it's so polite, this is the presidential suite, it's not compliant, the organization will..." Director Yin quickly blocked it.

"You are upright and honest, this is not me bribing you, this is a remedy for what I have done wrong here, besides, many people will come to visit by then, and so many rooms are needed." Gao Leng hastily He added the words "clean and honest", handed the house card to Yin's mother, and left a house card on his body.

"Then you go and rest. I have been busy all night. There is a doctor here anyway." Mother Yin's tone got better. She knew in her heart that this is the best presidential suite in the best hotel nearby. Three rooms are enough. . In fact, the VIP room in the hospital is very good, but it is not as good as the presidential suite. Especially for patients, it is best to eat more soups and water, and have a comfortable place for the caregiver to rest. but.

Yin Xiang's body won't heal for a while, and it takes at least a month for the three presidential suites to open, which is another big price. If you don't give Gao Leng a good face, you really can't justify it. After all, Director Yin was just a director, and Gao Leng showed absolute respect, which made Director Yin also feel very face, smiled and patted Gao Leng on the shoulder.

Gao Leng arranged for a special person to stay in the hospital at any time. Yin's mother and Director Yin sent Gao Leng to the elevator entrance. The elevator door closed, and the assistant said depressedly, "Gao, you are talking about opening two large rooms for the Yin family. The presidential suite, one for myself and Diba, one small room. Now there are four presidential suites. You gave them three, but only one small one for yourself..."

That means that Gao Leng too and Diba live in a presidential suite.

Gao Leng was stunned.

Diba blushed: "Are there no other presidential suites nearby?"

"The rooms in the vicinity of the hospital are pretty good. These four rooms are still lucky, or they have to be farther away." The assistant said embarrassedly.

"Then I will stay in a normal room," Diba said.

"Well, you are a celebrity, living in an ordinary room is easy to be followed by fans, which affects your rest." The assistant vetoed. This is true. All celebrities live in presidential suites. Money is on the one hand, and security and privacy on the other.

"The small presidential suite also has two rooms, otherwise..." the assistant looked at Gao Leng, then looked at Diba, and said.

"Okay." Diba nodded readily.

Gao Leng moved his lips, as if he wanted to say something, but in the end he didn't say anything, and walked to the garage after a few words.

This meeting will arrange the operation of the rice and box underwear business, and we have to go back to the hotel for a few meetings.

"Great, I can finally take a bath, I want to take a good bath..." Diba stretched out and said after getting into the car.

Gao Leng's expression was a little subtle, he took a deep breath and looked out the window.

"At that time, I have to work. Keep quiet and don't disturb me." Gao Leng said coldly.

"Hmm, okay." Diba nodded quickly.

Gao Leng glanced at the time. Today is the 13th.

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