Gossip King

Chapter 1417: Pierced window paper

Mr. Lek pushed the whole plate with lamb to Gao Leng's side.

"I really don't need to make up." Gao Leng looked directly at Mr. Li, with an ambiguous smile, but he still put a piece in his mouth: "But my sister wants me to eat, I will definitely eat it."

President Li smiled lightly.

Today she wore a moon-white cheongsam, a short dress, and she didn't know if she was wearing body lotion or perfume. The fragrance was very attractive. Perhaps the scent is not attractive, because it is the thirteenth of the middle of the month, Gao Leng smells instinctively attractive.

Although she likes to wear cheongsam as usual, today's moon white cheongsam obviously hides her mind. First of all, this is a short one, showing white thighs, especially when she sits down.

Moreover, this cheongsam has improved the chest, and a hole is dug in the chest, so that the plumpness inside is visible, which is completely different from the previous cheongsam.

Both adults knew in their hearts that they could meet frankly by piercing through that layer of paper.

"Tsk tusk tusk." President Li raised his eyebrows and looked at Gao Leng with slanting eyes: "No need to make up? So confident? I tell you, the young guys may not be in good health now. Let's listen to my sister and eat more. "

"If you don't believe me, you can try it." Gao sneered and looked directly at President Li, "Look at how the current young man is."

Mr. Li's face turned red. This sentence was too direct. She didn't know how to answer the conversation for a while. At last, she smiled shyly and pretended not to hear it, but wiped her mouth with a tissue on the side.

Pretending not to hear it and smiling shyly, it means that instead of disgusting, he likes it very much. Gao Leng knows.

"I'm very happy today. I got a new venture capital. Sister will invite you to drink after dinner? I know that there is a bar in the emperor." Mr. Li said.

Went naturally.

How could my sister's invitation be rejected? Especially when the moon is full.

"You drink well." President Li is also a good drinker. He is a little bit drunk. Seeing that Gao Leng is still okay, he gave a thumbs up and said, "Generally, I drink slightly drunk, mostly The men are all drunk."

Gao sneered, and Mr. Lek after the drink was even more charming, especially when he held up the red wine, she was mature, elegant and charming. There is no such feminine girl.

"I said, I'm in good health." Gao Leng blinked.

"Hmm..." Mr. Li stretched out his hand and hooked his clothes: "It looks like...you should go to the gym often? It really feels like you are in good health."

"It feels? Do you want to feel it deeply?" Gao Leng grinned and said in Mr. Li's ear: "What's the point of visual inspection?"

"Are you molesting sister?" President Li pretended to be angry and rolled his eyes, reached out his hand and pushed him, and then changed his conversation: "For the sake of our good friends, forgive you."

Said this, she sat aside, deliberately keeping a certain distance.

Gao Leng likes Mr. Lek's playful tone.

"Otherwise we will play a game?"

"what game."

"I know how to read minds, do you want to play a guessing game?" Gao Leng's tone was ambiguous, and Lei always had a red face. After three rounds of drinking, Gao Leng became more and more courageous.

"Mind-reading? Kid, your trick is too old-fashioned." Mr. Lek naturally won't be really angry. Since the last layer of window paper hasn't been punctured, he has to go down the ladder. A woman who knows amorous feelings naturally knows. Said: "That's OK, idle is idle, then guess."

"But my mind-reading technique, you can't sit so far, otherwise it won't work." Gao Leng reached out and grasped her soft hand, and pulled the young woman who had just sat a little farther beside him.

As her body came over, a burst of fragrance floated over.

"Moreover, I have to hold both of your hands." Gao Leng stretched out his other hand to hold Li Zong's hands in his palms, and smirked close to her face.

"It's an old routine, kid." President Li bit his lip and pretended to struggle, but he was honest after two strokes.

"I will ask you a question for a while, and you have the answer in your mind, so that I can know the answer in your heart." Gao Leng stretched out his hand, and at this time the full moon was out, he only felt a dull pain in his body, which was extremely uncomfortable.

"Yeah." President Li raised his head and looked directly at Gao Leng.

Gao Leng crossed his fingers and looked at her with an ambiguous smile and said: "Remember, you have to think about the answer in your heart. If I say something wrong, I will fine myself three cups. If I win, you... How about you reward me with a sister-like hug?"

Sister hug...

When this sentence came out, Gao Leng felt like he was human and beastly.

"It's the old routine again... kid." President Li bit his lip again: "Forget it, it's boring anyway. Just use the old routine. My sister will play with you."

Gao Leng looked at her lips, really **** lips, which made people look like they were drunk. It can be seen that the saying that alcohol is not intoxicating is true.

"Question one, what kind of posture do you like? I mean, when you are in bed..." Gao Leng grabbed President Li's hand and dragged it into his arms, leaning very close.

(Above...) Mr. Li's consciousness passed over...

"Little friend, ask such a hot question..." President Li tilted his head and licked his lips with his tongue, and smiled, "Guess."

"I guess you like it..."

President Li was slightly surprised, but this kind of guessing was usually a coincidence, and it was nothing, but afterwards she pretended to be very surprised and looked at the cold with her mouth wide open.

This is a charming and smart woman.

Redeem the reward, a "sister-like" hug.

President Li blushed and took a breath of alcohol and opened his hands: "Well, sister, I wish you a better career."

As he said, a "sister-like" hug came gently, polite and kind.

President Li just wanted to let go, Gao Leng stretched out his hand and pressed her firmly into his arms, only feeling that his chest was extremely tempted by the gentle pressure: "I thank my sister for working hard."

Compared to Mr. Lek's loose hug, Gao Leng's one is a little bit oily.

As she said, Gao Leng's hand slowly stroked her back up and down, and stopped when she touched her waist.

Mr. Li's face became even redder, and his heartbeat was fast. The man's big hand gently stroked her body. This feeling had been a long time since she could not help but twist her waist.

Gao Leng's hand continued to go down, where there was a small ridge, presumably the edge of the underwear, it stopped here, Gao Leng's hand went up, and returned to her back.

What's a little bit oily? This is wiping oil.

"Come on again." Gao Leng smirked and asked in her ear: "How long have you not been? Just now your body was shaking."

(It's been a year and a half. After visiting Mika once overseas, it's been a year and a half now. Hey...) Mr. Li's consciousness passed.

"Who is shaking? I'm not the kind of little girl who has no experience, kid." President Li pushed Gao Leng away and raised his eyebrows triumphantly at him: "It's not easy to guess this time. I guess my sister has a prize. ."

"What reward me?"

"My sister awards you... uh... guessed right, I award you..." Mr. Li would not expect to award anything for a while.

"That's all right, you said I am a kid, but I have a lollipop as a kid, so if I guess correctly, I will give you a lollipop, how about it?"


President Li bit her lip, and she naturally understood the meaning.

The young young man now has a hand in molesting, Mr. Li thought to himself, the deer ransacked.

Before she could speak, Gao Leng announced the answer: "One and a half years."


President Li's surprise this time was not a pretense. If it was easy to guess the right one for the first time, it would be very difficult to guess the right second time.

She opened her mouth wide in surprise: "How did you know?"

"I said I know how to read mind." Gao Leng smiled and took her hand to the lower abdomen: "Here is a lollipop."


Mr. Li's heart was about to jump out of her mouth, she was surprised, happy, and a little scared to feel the big one of today's children.

In the end, it's eating well, now the young man's body is so... so... so... Mr. Li's eyes flickered and thought.

The ambiguity is about to overflow the room. If it weren't for the bar, Gao Leng could immediately pounce on her. He suppressed the mania in his heart. He only felt that the arrogance in his body rushed through and made the bones pain unbearable, and the whole body began to hurt. I got up, and my tone accelerated: "Okay, let's play with the last question."

"Yeah..." President Li pretended to be struggling to get rid of her, but she was crushed to death by Gao Leng, she said tenderly: "You are so rude again, my sister will not invite you to drink in the future."

Shy and eager, the young lady Li squirmed her waist again unnaturally, looked in her eyes, and gently blew into her ears: "I won't drink today, let's go another day. "

"Someday? Drink another day?"

"Someday, sister."


Mr. Li will understand the style in the end.

Gao Lengtai broke the window paper that belongs to adult games. A full moon in the sky is extremely bright. The sun is shining and the moonlight is extremely beautiful during this period. It's a pity that you can't see the dazzling moonlight outside in this dim bar or the like. .

I can't see it, but I can feel it. The veins on Gao Leng's body have already turned black, and he has been holding back the pain, making his body a little distorted.

The wolf that has been hungry for a long time and the land that has been dry for a long time face each other.

"I've booked the room. It's not far from the bar. You can get there with a kick." Gao Leng looked at Mr. Li and squeezed her face: "Sister."

After picking out this layer of paper, President Li was not so shy. She showed the confidence that a woman has. She blushed and nodded. She tilted her head and thought for a while and smiled: "I will book as soon as I enter the bar. The room is good, it’s bad enough, but it’s good to have a room to rest after drinking, but I have a request."


"You can't mess around."


Gao Leng is speechless, doesn't this woman pretend to die? ! It's all this time...

But he still nodded solemnly: "I promise not to mess around... Let's talk about cooperation plans..."

"That's all right, let's take a walk, you can't mess around." Mr. Li got up and walked quickly to the toilet in the private room of the bar. He came out after a minute.

"Let's go." There was something flashing in President Li's eyes, his face turned a bit nasty, and he looked at Gao Leng provocatively: "Children, walk over, you can't mess around."

"Yeah." After exiting the door of the bar, the two of them cuddled up naturally, Gao Leng wrapped her waist with his hands slightly down.

He was stunned.

When I first touched here, I felt the edge of my underwear. Why is it gone now?

Could it be...

Did she just go to the toilet and took off her pants? !

President Li handed the bag in his hand to Gao Leng, and after a few quick steps: "You follow me."

Gao Leng quickly opened her bag and saw a pair of black lace **** lying quietly in the bag.

This girl...

Gao Leng gritted her teeth and looked up, only to see that she twisted her amorous waist, turned back and blinked at him, and then bent down pretending to be picking up something on the ground.

"That's it, take a walk back slowly. You can't mess around, kid." President Li turned his head and hooked his hands behind his back.

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