Gossip King

Chapter 1420: The rapidity of media companies

When Lao Hang was in despair, he also thought about what would happen if one day he was rich, and if he was so prosperous, how would the villagers look at him.

It's pretty good to think about it.

Today, these have been achieved.

The villagers filled him with cigarettes and gave him thumbs up. They were all sighing that the place where Grandpa Hanging's grave must be buried was particularly good. The ancestors had a big blue smoke and such a capable dutiful son.

The brothers are also very bright, with money from the old hanging in their pockets, and they are in a good mood. Even some of the coveting between them is gone, and the atmosphere is particularly harmonious.

Especially the old mother, Lao Hang hasn't seen her so happy after living for so long. Looking at the stage in all directions, the endless admiration of some old guys made the old man's waist straight a lot.

But it's not just this that Lao Diao feels happier.

He suddenly discovered that being able to help others is the happiest thing.

The child from the old Li family in Dongcun Head was subsidized for school tuition. The child who was going to drop out of junior high school was very introverted. Although he didn't say anything to thank him face to face, the red eyes made the old man cry.

I took a job in Xingsheng Magazine for the college students who had just graduated from the head of Nishimura. Although they were working at the grassroots level, they could be regarded as a ride.

Even the leaders of the county found Lao Diao overnight, and asked him to have dinner next time, to see if he could invite celebrities to the county to promote and promote the summer melon sales of hundreds of melon farmers in the county.

Lao Diao found that his ability to allow a child who is about to drop out of school to read books may change the trajectory of his life and allow melon farmers to sell the fruits well, which is related to the annual harvest of hundreds of families.

"It's a pity that we don't have enough capacity now, otherwise we should really develop and develop our hometown." Lao Diao said, putting his feet in the bucket.

"Come slowly, now my mother is so happy, my brother and sister-in-law are also very happy." Diao's wife stretched out her hand and swayed in the bucket: "Is it hot?"

"We will make more money next year and repair the road at the entrance of our village. I don't know how much the road will cost." Lao Diao pondered: "Also, I don't know how many children from poor families in the village cannot go to school. Yes, there is not much money, and I will help with statistics."

"You, now I only have a few million dollars and I want to do tens of millions of things." Sister Diao smiled slightly.

"Why, do you feel bad about money?" the old man asked.

"Well, I said that I feel sorry for the money, but you have the final say on major issues at home, and you can do whatever you want." The sister-in-law raised her eyes to look at the old man, her eyes full of trust and admiration: "You are a big business Man, different from the men standing outside."

Lao Diao and Sister-in-law chatted one after another, happy in their hearts, it was a sleepless night shaking the head of the bed.


Gao Leng received the news that Yin Xiang's body was healed, which was one of the good news recently.

"It's been two months, he's all well." Diba stood at Gao Leng's desk. Recently Gao Leng reduced her workload. Seeing that she was getting fatter, he gagged: "Actually, in a month It's almost better, the nursing homes in the United States are so expensive."

"It's fine." Gao Leng lowered his head and said while signing: "Money is not a problem, you can wait a while."

Diba didn't speak any more, standing quietly, Gao Leng said when she asked her to come, there was a party in the evening, and she wanted her to dress dignified, and at the same time, there was Taoist Kong.

After a while, Director Kong also came, and the two sat on the sofa quietly waiting for Gao Leng.

"Wait for a while, I'll finish reading this information." Gao Leng raised his head and said.

"Good." said Kong Dao and Diba nodded quickly.

After waiting for about half an hour, Gao Leng put down the information in his hand and stood up and smiled at Director Kong: "Old Kong, you have been working hard recently. Is the new drama coming to an end?"

In the circle now known as Kong Director, the old Kong who is waiting for the national drama is a big hit. His newly prepared film has been shot for more than half of it. Before it is broadcast, many fans are waiting. Needless to say, the quality is high.

"Well, it's the end." Old Kong Chunfeng smiled triumphantly: "Now that the Starlight Group invested in it, all the Davids are looting wildly, and there is no finished film yet. Now the four Davids are handing olive branches. This time We can make a fortune without any suspense."

Master Kong is here, the national drama is waiting, Starlight Group only shoots fine products. These two reputations have long established the status of the leaders of fine dramas in the world. The fine works are naturally much more profitable than shoddy production. This project is considered mature, and now it is very cold. Leave it to the people below.

"To tell you something, what do you think of Yin Xiang as an actor?" Gao Leng asked.

"Very good. Among the emerging niches, Yin Xiang can be regarded as acting. I have worked with him in a drama. At that time, he was the second male." said Kong Dao.

"That's it, you see if he can be the male lead in the second part of the scene." Gao Leng asked after a while pondering.

Director Kong was a little surprised, knowing that Gao Leng almost didn't ask him to choose the role, let alone the male lead, which is the soul of the play.

"Yes, it's okay, but the script of the next play may not suit his image." Director Kong hesitated and said.

"Then specifically find a script that suits his image and shoot it well." Gao Leng sat next to Lao Kong and pointed to Diba: "You know, Diba kicked people like this. He already has acting skills. The play is tailored to him, which is regarded as compensation."

"Mr. Gao, did we compensate a little too much?" Diba opened his mouth and felt her pain and money pain as soon as he opened his mouth: "We all cover the cost of treatment, and they are all top-notch treatments. The team, the play is the male lead...Dao Kong’s play must now be a popular one, and how many people are looking forward to acting in his play."

"The second male is okay. In short, it must be an important role." Gao Leng looked at Lao Kong, he knew that such a director who made a fine film had appointed a film for a certain actor, and had to make a fine film. It will be very difficult to find the script.

Fortunately, this is the director of his Star Group, he is his own, and he has to think of a way.

"Yin Xiang's acting is online, okay, since Mr. Gao has given your instructions, I will look for a notebook in the second half of the year." Lao Kong touched the scum on his cheek and quickly scanned his favorite notebook in his mind. Accepted this job.

"Yin Xiang's father belongs to the Propaganda Department. Although he is only a small official, you kicked people and it was a big deal. Can the people from the National Propaganda Department offend him? Now Mr. Gao has not offended anyone, he has also sent him to him. I think it’s a good thing for a grown-up." Old Kong looked at Gao Leng approvingly: "Your routine is deep."

Playing good cards is easy, but playing bad cards in your hand requires skill.

Obviously, originally Diba played Yin Xiang, and this bad card was so bad that it could not be bad again. Now two months later, the card face is completely different. The arrangement is very detailed from beginning to end. Gao Leng also brought it personally. He flew to the United States twice with Diba and made a special trip to visit.

Director Yin don't blame it. Now I am very appreciative of Gao Leng. He heard that there are several investment dramas of the Starlight Group. Director Yin asked some good buddies of the Bureau of Radio, Film and Television to speed up the review for him.

Human relations are things that you come and go, and you can’t go wrong if you manage them carefully.

The difference between Gao Leng and ordinary people is that since he has already planned to operate with heart, he will do it to the extreme. I have a director in my hand, and I want to make a film anyway. Anyone who is popular is to hold it. It is better to borrow flowers and present Buddha to make Yin Xiang even more popular, and completely board the first-line male star.

The knots of kicking him before are gone, now let's add another kind of fire.

Needless to say, Yin Xiang would be very happy, and Director Yin is absolutely satisfied. From the original offended to the adult benefactor, Gao Leng turned the bad cards into good ones.

At the dinner, when Director Yin saw Old Kong, Director Yin, who had always taken a serious line, seemed to have a much higher voice than before: "Oh, Director Kong, look up for a long time, your scene is really beautiful."

Director Kong is here, the national drama is waiting, this reputation is not in vain, this is not the reputation that those directors who make junk films can get, this is a kind of respect.

"In the domestic TV series in recent years, counting your films is a clear stream. The ones that Starlight Group has voted for are really good. Director Kong, you make a few more war films. We are older and we love to watch them. Hit the Japanese devils!" Director Yin said with a smile, reaching out and holding his hand to Gao Leng who was walking behind: "Xiao Gao, come, sit down, order your favorite fish head with chopped pepper."

Speaking to Gao Leng is obviously much more intimate, after all, because of Yin Xiang's affairs.

"Director Yin, I'll take it this time." Gao sneered and glanced at Diba. Diba quickly met Director Yin with a smile.

Yin Xiang also came, respectfully in front of Gao Leng.

"Yin Xiang, are you in good health? I'm sorry, I apologize to you, I'm really sorry." Gao Leng picked up the wine glass, and Yin Xiang quickly blocked it.

"No, no, I respect you, I respect you." Yin Xiang said.

After a brief greeting, Gao Leng glanced at Lao Kong, who went straight to the subject.

"Yin Xiang, do you have a schedule next year? I want to find you to make a TV series." Director Kong smiled and raised his glass: "General Manager Gao has arranged a task for me. He wants to customize a book for you. ..."

Yin Xiang's eyes lit up when he heard it.

Director Yin on the side looked unbelievable. Just as Yin Xiang was about to speak, Director Yin hurriedly reached out to block him and said, "General Manager Gao, this is not appropriate, tailor-made...this is not appropriate, this is not appropriate, this is not appropriate."

This sounds like a bribe, and I am most afraid of it now.

"It's not tailor-made." Gao Leng took the words and smiled: "Yin Xiang's acting skills are good, and the book is also very suitable for his image. Director Yin, Lao Kong is making a film. First, you need a good script, and second, you need a good actor. Yin Xiang is really suitable for the actor of the book. Can you help me and let him play?"

Ingeniously turned the original film tailored for Yin Xiang into the most suitable film for him. Everyone knows that this is tailor-made for high-coldness. It’s just another way of saying it, and the high-cold attitude is very special. low.

If Yin Xiang's high-coldness and low posture were excuseable before Yin Xiang's body was well, then Yin Xiang is well now, and the arrangements of the Starlight Group are obvious to all, forgive me for sure. In this case, the dignified Starlight Group's overall attitude is still so low, so respect Director Yin.

Director Yin was particularly moved by this attitude.

"Mr. Gao, I heard that all three of your companies received venture capital investment last week, three of them! It is also the best company in the country for making high-quality films. I was an actor who suffered a little injury while filming. Doesn't this hurt me?" Yin Xiang stood up and picked up the glass.

Yin Xiang is right. In a few months, Starlight Group has developed extremely fast, and the rapid development of media companies is not comparable to traditional companies.

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