Gossip King

Chapter 1440: Simple kiss

Gao Leng didn’t know how long he had said it. He held Jian Xiaodan’s hand and showed his mind-reading skills. When it came to the first stage of his rise, he won Wang Cong’s birthday dinner. When it came to the case of unannounced visits to Carrion, he used superpowers. He survived the gun battle in the port, and said that he used mind reading to take Lin Zhi. Because of violence in his body, Lin Zhi fell asleep in the back of the car.

When I had a girlfriend, I slept with other women, and so on.

What makes people comfortable is that it is very easy to say this in front of Jian Xiaodan. He has not said these ugliness in front of Murong, or in front of Xiao Leng. He knows that once he says it, I am afraid his image will be Crash. Xiao Leng loves Gao Leng with all his heart, and will forgive him in the end. After all, violence in the body cannot be controlled, she also knows. But Xiao Leng must feel that the whole sky is falling.

Will be panicked and lost.

But Xiao Shan didn't. She didn't have it at all. At first, she looked very surprised and didn't believe it. Later, she gradually realized that maybe Gao Leng said it was true, and her expression became rational.

It seemed that he was analyzing the credibility of every sentence Gao Leng said, and when the details were correct in his mind, he believed it.

"No wonder the fat man said that you judged Xiao Yun must be tricky at the time. It turned out that he used mind reading."

"No wonder you can compete with so many people in Hong Kong alone. If so, that's true."

"I just said that I thought you were a little weird at the time, but I didn't know it. A sensitive person like me didn't know what was wrong with you. That's why..."

Xiao Shan did not panic, but rationally analyzed every detail. With every detail Gao Leng said, she went through it in her mind. After passing her own certification, she believed it.

"Do you believe it?" Gao Leng asked.

"I have to believe it." Jian Xiaodan raised his eyes, looked at Gao Leng, and then at the photo in his hand.

"Do you still like me?" Gao Leng asked again.

Jian Xiaoshan lowered her head and pursed her mouth and did not answer his sentence, but she seemed to be relieved in her heart. Finally, she raised her eyes and said very seriously: "I think your success is not because of mind reading or powerful power. After all, you have only used mind reading at first, and subsequent successes are all your own."

She still affirmed Gao Leng's ability.

"Do you think that the previous me may have the same success as the current me?" Gao Leng asked, pointing to the photo.

Jian Xiaoshan looked at the photos and shook his head: "It was difficult for you to have the achievements you have now. Well, I don't think you will have the achievements you have now, because you are one step behind and that step is not someone Anyone can step out, lack that platform, and lack so much luck."

The former Gao Leng did not go to university, he did not have the good platform of the original owner, and the insight of the original owner. The children who grew up in the imperial capital are more knowledgeable than the children who came out of the village. It's also much wider.

Although the original owner is just an ordinary family in the imperial capital, his parents are both civil servants in the imperial capital, and they have a house in the imperial capital, and they have no worries about food and clothing. From time to time, he takes him to see this exhibition, that exhibition, participate in this event, that event. Undergraduate and postgraduate study smoothly, fluent in English.

Gao Leng didn't have any of these. He had some cleverness under the world, and he wanted to get ahead in the county and wrote a thick test paper. Gao Leng is smart and hardworking, but without the platform of the original owner, it is foreseeable that it should be an ordinary life. Maybe I will eventually become a company, but the company will not be very big. Maybe I will get a good position, but the position will not go against the sky.

Sometimes, it's just that, that opportunity. Therefore, a person's success really requires a little luck. With full capacity, there is a little luck.

And luck, not everyone will have it. How many people have tried their best, but live an ordinary life.

"People often say that destiny has no preference for anyone, and only brave people can defeat destiny. This is nonsense. Destiny is always favored. Otherwise, why would some people be born rich and enjoy a lifetime, and some born poor and low. Some people are abandoned by life?" Jian Xiaodan gently stroked the photo on the posthumous photo, and sneered: "Fate has always been favored. Since it has been favored, only brave people can break free from the cage of fate. Obtained a world of heaven and earth. Obviously, after you were reborn into Gao Leng, you broke free of his cage and gained your world of heaven and earth."

"His cage?"

"Yes, his cage." Xiao Shan nodded affirmatively: "If it weren't for you, he should be an ordinary reporter at Xingsheng Magazine or some other magazine. He should be an ordinary reporter for his whole life. He doesn't care about you. Everything is aggressive."

As she said, she lowered her head and touched the photo again, and smiled lightly: "It looks pretty cute."

For some reason, Gao Leng thought of his mother when he looked at Jian Xiaodan's current appearance. It was a strange experience. Maybe it's because she always sees the good side of herself in her eyes, maybe her tone of speech is very soft and rational, like a mother, maybe she has been with herself for a long time, and every business battle is by her side. Trust accumulated over a long period of time.

Gao Leng had no inferiority complex in front of her, no timidity, and no embarrassment.

A very natural state, but the most comfortable state, this state, no woman can give it. Gao Leng suddenly understood this.

Such a woman cannot be missed.

"You... do you still like me?" Gao Leng who wanted to understand immediately resumed his former initiative and possessiveness. He sat next to Xiao Shan and asked bluntly.

Jian Xiaoshan blushed shyly and still did not answer. Instead, he got out of the bed and put the photo next to his parents' photo, then turned his head and said seriously: "Gao Leng, you have to forget your past, this Just like doing multiple choice questions, now your option a is gone, it's dead, you can do your b option well, and that's it."

"I ask you, do you still like me?" Gao Leng asked again without giving her a chance to dodge.

"Are you going to pay homage to your parents?" Xiao Shan asked.

"Do you still like me?" Gao Leng stood up and walked to Jian Xiaodan's side, put his hand on her arm, and looked at her very seriously: "Don't avoid it."

Jian Xiaoshan lowered his head and said nothing.

Finally, she sighed softly.

"I also have a secret." She said.


"I don't want to say." Xiao Shan's eyes appeared in front of her all those years after being molested. She turned her head to the side, her eyes flickering and moist.

She couldn't be as frank and open as Gao Leng, she was afraid, afraid that Gao Leng would look at her differently when she knew it, would sympathize with her, and pity her.

Xiao Shan doesn't want the person he likes, but feel sorry for himself.

"I don't deserve you." She said softly.

"How come." Gao sneered: "However, I...I can't give up Mu Xiao Leng. If you want you to be with me, I...too unfair to you, I..."

It is natural for a woman to accept the existence of other women and to call it love in the name of love, but it is ridiculous in modern times.

Even if there is violence in Gao Leng's body.

"Then do you like me?" Jian Xiaodan asked, looking directly at Gao Leng, capturing every detail on his face.

Gao Leng's hesitation flashed past, but it was reflected in Xiao Shan's heart, her eyes dimmed, her eyes dropped, and finally she smiled.

"Let's talk about it, go to sleep, you have to go and worship your parents when you get up tomorrow morning." After that, she lay down, still lying on the outside of the bed.

Gao Leng hugged Jian Xiaoshan, gently put it inside, and slept outside.

"What should I do if I fall out of bed?" Gao Leng said, reaching out and covering the quilt on her stomach: "It's pretty cold in the country at night in summer, so cover your stomach to avoid catching a cold."

"Thank you." Xiao Shan said softly with his back to Gao Leng, "Good night."

The air was quiet, Xiao Shan breathed evenly, closed his eyes, but did not fall asleep.

"Xiao Shan." Gao Leng opened his eyes and opened his mouth: "You know, although I don't have a feeling for you, but you are the only one I dare to bring to my house like this, just tell you everything, a little The woman who doesn't hide, really, you are the only one. Even if it is Xiao Leng, I will definitely hide part of what I tell her."

"Oh." The corner of Xiao Shan's mouth rose slightly.

"Moreover, I am afraid that you are the only woman who can lie down and fall asleep after listening to me. It's as if everything I said is normal. Naturally, I am not a monster, very much like my mother. of."

"Oh." Xiao Shan responded for a lifetime. No woman wants a man she likes to say, I am not touched by you, you are like my mother, you will be sad to hear such words, but Xiao Shan does not, because she knows high cold, she knows his meaning.

Mother's feeling is a sense of security.

"I don't know what feelings I have for you, I have no heart, but...but..." Gao Leng frowned, "But when Ouyang chased you, I was very upset."

Gao Leng moved in the direction of Xiao Shan's body.

"Well, I know that you are not interested in me, so I dare not confess to you." Xiao Shan closed his eyes and moved his nose: "And, even if you are interested in me, I dare not be with you, I I'm afraid you know me...know me..."

The vague scene of being molested once again appeared in his mind.

"I may not be able to have true love. All I can have is sympathy." Jian Xiaodan covered her face with a quilt, and finally sighed deeply. She turned to face Gao Leng with seriousness. The tone said: "I know your secret, I will keep it secret, I do things, you can rest assured. Although I like you, but it is not to be with you, you do not have the burden, let me continue by your side Work is fine. Since you can't stand it on the 15th of every month, I will help you deal with paparazzi in the future. There is always such news that Xiao Leng sees, and she is also sad."

The faint hair, the faint tone, the faint Jian Xiaodan is always faintly by the cold side, it seems that there is no sense of existence, but it is indispensable.

Gao Leng doesn't believe in such a simple one, he doesn't love it, so why is he not excited. Impulsive is fine.

Such a simple one, whether he loves it or not, he has to keep it.

Gao Leng stretched out his hand and embraced her in his arms, controlled her body with one hand, and held her face with the other, approached and kissed.

One hand is between the lips.

"My kiss will only be given to love, not to sympathy." Jian Xiaodan said firmly, blocking Gao Leng with his hands: "This is the principle."

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