Gossip King

Chapter 1452: Ru Honghu Our Chaffinch

Lu Yajun moved his **** awkwardly, and there was a pain in his foot.

Since he felt that Starlight Group was about to build a building, he went to the bank to find old classmates to help him countless times. He went to the government to ask his grandfather to tell his grandma to find policies. He also ran away with his old face. Even his wife said: "I see you going out to socialize these days, and my liver will burst. Just let Xiao Gao worry about building this building. What are you doing?

"President Gao is busy. Although there are many contacts in the imperial capital, there are still many old people, especially those in government policy, or I. How nice is Starlight Group to build a building? My dream! I! I just hope that my company can have a building in the big city of the imperial capital! How much face? How much style?! Besides, the site is tight now, and it is indeed going to be expanded. This is not the case for the old man who retired. Help stare, who has this relationship with those young people?"

Lu Yajun was drunk every time, even though he was tired, he said with eyes full of light.

"Happy?" Wife Lu handed over a cup of strong tea: "I haven't seen you drink it like this for at least ten years. You can work hard these days."

"Of course I'm happy." Lu Yajun slumped on the sofa, holding his forehead and pressing: "How many years have I hoped that my company will have its own territory in the Emperor? I have been looking forward to this for many years, and I thought it would be impossible. It’s just a dream when I was young. I didn’t expect... Bring me that document. I went to see Director Qu today and talked about the lease policy of the Imperial Capital. He clicked a word or two."

"Look again tomorrow, it's too late today." Lu's wife felt distressed.

"Tomorrow, I will go to the National Development and Reform Commission for a run. Lao Jiang has a good plot of land. It is from the old school in the old town. There is also a shelf to save money." Lu Yajun couldn't help but laughed, although his temples were slightly gray, his smile looked like a teenager.

Sitting in the conference room, Lu Yajun touched his nose awkwardly, adjusted his feet to a more comfortable state, and blinked his eyes quickly. He could feel the gaze of other people.

This proposal was made by him. Before the meeting started, he put some of the prepared materials in front of everyone, and everyone could see his efforts and desire.


He glanced at Gao Leng and saw that his hand was on the materials he had prepared.

At this time, Lu Yajun wanted to say directly: “I’m here for a meeting today to tell everyone that our company is going to get a piece of land to build a building.”

As a major shareholder, as a boss, just like he was before.

But now he moved his lips and couldn't say anything.

Now he is a shareholder, but he is not a major shareholder. Some are only part of the shares of Xingsheng, and some of the shares of Starlight Group that Gao Leng donated to him. He is no longer the boss, always sitting there cold.

Gao Leng glanced at Lu Yajun, and saw that he touched his nose and touched awkwardly.

"President Gao, I think this building can be built since Mr. Lu has made good policies." One person said.

"Yes, if you spend less money on the land, the cost will be greatly reduced. Although it is rented land, many companies are renting land now. There are so many companies in the Star Group, and they are still crowded into these five floors. ,It is really……"

"Yes, and we are going to start a publication next time, it can't be crowded! It's so crowded, some partners come to talk about business, and they don't look like it's not suitable.

There was another discussion in the conference room.

"The building is definitely going to be built, but not now." Gao Leng interrupted their discussion. He glanced at Lu Yajun and said with a smile: "Thanks to Mr. Lu for running around and running for such a good policy. Rented, the building will not be built temporarily."

In this sentence, this matter can be regarded as the final word.

After all, Gao Leng is the boss of Starlight Group. What he said, his direction is the ultimate direction.

Lu Yajun said with a calm face.

"Then, our office environment is very crowded now, how can we do it?" one person asked.

“Although it’s a bit squeezed at the moment, it’s still enough. Although we will start five publications next, but at the beginning of the publication, the space required will not be very large. In this way, the office area of ​​the executives has been reduced Shrunk, two people work in one room, including my office, and a meeting room is also available. Just the meeting room on my floor. The table and chairs are moved in just to work."

As soon as Gao Leng said this, everyone looked at me, I looked at you, I came in happily before, but now my head is downcast. Originally thinking about building a building, it was generous and polite, but now it's fine, the conference room is vacated, and the executive office has to shrink.

This gap is too big.

"Mr. Gao, I am very willing to share the office, but the client came to see it, isn't it?"

"Yeah, we are also a big company in the media industry anyway, and the office environment is so tight...this...this customer saw..."

"The reason why customers cooperate with us is based on our strength and ability, rather than the size of the office. These are all imaginary, and they are just good-looking." Gao Leng interrupted them and put Lu Yajun's information on Own folder: "The building is going to be built, but not now. Now we have more important things to do. Let’s rent the land first. This is the end of the discussion. Next, we will discuss the issue of the publication. This is what Important things."

Gao Leng waved his hand, and the matter was over. Even if other people have ideas, they can only swallow them, including Lu Yajun.

"We are going to create four publications next, all following the boutique route, but one of these four publications is definitely losing money for the time being, but now we have enough funds to deal with this, the other three are to be profitable, but Time to profit will be slower. As for the boutique magazines, everyone knows that publishing a copy is expensive, slow, and slow to pay back." Jian Xiao clicked on the slide and started talking.

"This is also the most important reason why Mr. Gao now disagrees with building a building. We don't have enough funds. We must give priority to publications and our business first, and then we should build a building if we have more money."

The crowd did not speak any more, but nodded. My heart is more or less disappointed.

"Everyone knows the positioning of one of these four publications. The next academic conference will focus on this. We will make an empire book for foreigners, as long as the foreigners want to come to the empire to do business, settle, or Travel, as well as research on the status quo of the empire, this publication is a must buy. This publication is positioned very high-end. The first batch of purchases will be the national ambassadors of various countries. Therefore, this is an ungrounded publication. And the price will be very low. After all, this magazine was published in cooperation with the propaganda department, so it will definitely lose money."

A series of data appeared on the slide.

"The second is a financial magazine created by entrepreneurs facing the empire. It is also high-end, all in English. Each issue invites companies to start overseas, or writes by high-end people overseas all year round. The audience is companies that want to develop overseas. Home and other industry insiders, this is also a niche high-end book, which sounds like a loss, but not necessarily. We may publish a magazine with a high price, and the positioning price will be 1,000 yuan."

Everyone in the conference room immediately began to discuss it as soon as they heard one thousand yuan each.

"So expensive?"

"This is too expensive. What kind of manuscript is not always worth the money."

"It sounds very unpredictable. The price of a one thousand yuan, how much does it cost to advertise in this magazine? Besides, the price of one thousand yuan, except for entrepreneurs and industry insiders, who buys it? It's all in English. Most entrepreneurs can’t read English, let alone buy them.”

"The third book is to recruit a group of children's magazines that specialize in children's fields, and to introduce high-quality picture books from overseas. By the way, it is necessary to recruit high-quality cartoonists and make some picture books by themselves. The investment in this publication is also very expensive, mainly It is the introduction of high-quality picture books from overseas. The royalties are very expensive."

"Mr. Jane, children's magazines? This... there are many such magazines." One could not help but start.

"Most are too much, but too much but not precise. Most of the kindergartens in each prefecture-level city are unified, and garbage picture books." Gao Leng interrupted everyone's doubts.

Just listen and follow this procedure. There is no need to discuss other things. Three days and three nights will not produce results.

High execution power is enough.


In the subsequent meeting, Lu Yajun said nothing.

"Take a rest and continue driving for a while." Gao Leng said, looking at Lu Yajun and then at Yang Guanguan: "Give President Lu full water."

Yang Guanguan quickly filled Lu Yajun's glass with water.

"Thank you Mr. Gao." Lu Yajun looked at Gao Leng and said politely.

Gao Leng knew that Lu Yajun was angry.

"Mr. Lu, you have worked so hard these days. Help us get such a good policy and a land at such a good price." Gao Leng pointed to his information: "I read the content of the electronic version last night and I am very careful. ,You have worked hard."

"Did you read the content? I... I posted it early in the morning." Lu Yajun was a little surprised.

"Well, I saw it." Gao sneered: "The land must be rented, and the building must be built. I know you must want to build a building. I also want to do it, but the timing is wrong."

"Why is the timing wrong?" Lu Yajun simply opened his mouth: "Now the office space is already very crowded. I ran to the ground again. It can be built. You have used hundreds of millions of artist circles, which is enough."

"Although the land can be rented at a cheap price, it costs several hundred million yuan to build a building and decorate it. If we spend the money on building a building, there will be no money for publications." Gao Leng explained.

"General Manager Gao, it's not expensive to run publications. Many publications that sell very well have dozens of employees and are not expensive." Lu Yajun said.

The publication of the publication can be outsourced to the company for printing. It is not expensive if you only hire employees, especially if there are so many reporters in the Star Group, you can just transfer dozens of them to do this.

"Our publications need to have big sales, and five at one go. Once they sell well, if the printing is outsourced to others, we still have to have our own large-scale printing line, and we need money here." Gao Leng knocked on the table and lowered his voice, with a very sincere attitude: "I think Starlight Group will become the number one media in China. Paper media is absolutely indispensable in this media. This time, we must first become the number one paper media in China. , It’s not so easy to get, you have to have enough money. Of course, Star Group will continue to develop very well with the current companies. The seven companies are selling well. We have a solid foundation, but after all, we are not the first. I want Do it first."

Lu Yajun's eyes lit up.

"First..." he read.

"Yes, my ambition is number one. You also hope that the company will grow bigger. Let the land be rented first. If we squeeze a spot, we will squeeze a spot. The face that Donglou brings is when talking about media companies, when talking about magazines, we think of Starlight, not just entertainment magazines, children’s magazines, youth magazines, social science magazines, picture books, high-end financial magazines, etc. , For newspapers and magazines in any field, I will not say that the most profitable is Starlight, but say: if this magazine with high gold content is still a magazine of Starlight Group, any one of Zhenzhener's is a good magazine. Like our TV series, we must be number one."

Gao Leng's words, word by word in Lu Yajun's heart.

He breathed a little bit suddenly, took a deep breath and looked at Gao Leng: "General Manager Gao, it seems that your ambitions are greater than mine. When I was a boy, I thought if my company was on the land of the Imperial Capital. It would be great to have a small building. I never thought to be the number one in the media. It’s great. Now, now, Ru Honghu, we wait for the chaffinch, I...I just missed you."

From a young age, Lu Yajun was thinking about being a big company when he was still running a paparazzi company. How big is it? When people think of entertainment magazines, they think of Xingsheng. Your own magazines can squeeze into the top five of entertainment magazines, and then rely on your old relationship to get a good policy to rent a remote site and build a Xingsheng building. , It doesn't need to be too high, three or four floors will do.

This is Lu Yajun's ambition.

Today, Xingsheng Magazine has become the Starlight Group, and its seven companies have surpassed his original vision. So it should be possible to build a building, right? If you build a building, your dream will be realized, and it will be overfulfilled.

What Lu Yajun didn't expect was that after the waves of the Yangtze River, the ambitions of Gao Leng were much more than that.

The Yanque is well aware of Honghu's ambitions, and now Lv Yajun suddenly discovered that Gao Leng's ambitions have long been different from his ambitions, Gao Leng is higher and more ambitious. In contrast, Lu Yajun feels ashamed.

But while he was ashamed, he was very happy.

"Starlight Group, whose surname is Lu, will always have your seat. Now, Starlight Group is about to take off. Mr. Lu, you have to trouble you to find a bigger piece of land. We will either not build it. Once we build it, we will build it. A magnificent building!"

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