Gossip King

Chapter 1465: Infiltrate the ghost city and aim at the cannon shelf!

"Fat brother, here's the picture."

"This picture is not bad, it is much more detailed than the previous picture."

In Fatty's office, five people gathered in a group and looked at a map. This was a children's book studio set up in the alley west of the fifth ring of the imperial capital.

"This one belongs to him, the ones with red dots are his, and the ones with yellow dots are also children's book studios, but not his own."

The newly obtained map only drew these two alleys, clearly marked, and saw that these two alleys were the world of children's book studios, one next to each other, and those who didn't know thought they were ordinary bungalow houses.

This is an old house that has not yet been demolished, and it has gradually become this famous cultural corridor: one next to each other, some are shops selling fake antiques, some are training institutions for elementary school students to learn calligraphy, and more are children's books. Room, or other public book studios.

Not to mention, it's pretty antique after transformation.

"I've been to this one. I've been to Taobao." Fang said. Fang was in her early 22 years. She started doing it with Fatty last year. He has been a paparazzi and made unannounced visits. In short, if the Fatty arranges him to do anything, he just doing what. His teeth are a little bit buckled. People call him buck-tooth. He didn't like it, so he gave himself a nickname: Fangs.

The fangs sounded a little bolder.

Going out unannounced visits must have a nickname.

"What are you shopping for? Are you still looking for antiques?" Niang Pao laughed and hammered her fangs. Niang Pao is 27 years old. This boy looks at Niu Gaoma, who is 1.8 meters tall, but she likes cos privately, so she doesn’t move. Just forget about cos Japanese anime characters, he cos female characters every time. Later, when my colleagues learned about this habit, they called him a mother-in-law.

Fang Ya and Niang Pao are the best partners. One is attentive and the other is bold. Both of them are in the unannounced visit group. Although they are not the masters and old men of the unannounced visit group, after all, the unannounced visit department is now the key department of Xingsheng magazine, dug from outside. The experts in unannounced visits are all veteran reporters with more than ten years of unannounced interview experience. But Fang Ya and Niang Pao are the newcomers that the unannounced visit group focuses on training.

It is the characteristic of Starlight Group to drop talents without sticking to one pattern. Young reporters know that at Starlight, as long as you have the ability and willingness to do things, you can get ahead.

Fang Ya, Niang Pao, and three other newcomers who were responsible for writing the manuscript were very excited when they learned that they were chosen by the fat man to vote, and naturally they were very diligent.

No, just two clicks to get that piece of map.

"This area is the cultural night market. There is an underground night market over there. There are many interesting crafts. They are available all over the world, and they are cheap. They are a bit famous in the circle of college students in the imperial capital. I have been to that area. The house is also a bit run-down, but it has a strong cultural atmosphere. The rent is also very cheap."

Fatty had heard of this cultural night market, and it was also called a ghost market. At ten o'clock in the evening, people from all directions put on cloth blankets, ranging from needle-holes to large weapons from the Han Dynasty. Many people come here to shop for treasures, and some trendy people come here to shop for handmade special clothes.

In short, everything with individuality can be seen here, but things with no individuality cannot enter and cannot enter the eyes of customers.

During the day, the shops in the alleys trade children's books or antiques. At night, the open space behind the alleys trades individual goods, which is very cultural.

"Miscellaneous, are there any gangs here?" the fat man asked.

In recent years, the law and order is indeed good, police are everywhere, but the gang has never disappeared on the border of the empire. In other words, in a land with a lot of people, sometimes the police won't work, so there are a few big bosses in charge of all the chores.

Especially in such a crowded place, conflicts are common from time to time, and the police are far from gang effective.

"Gangs...There are no gangs with serious names here. Although they didn't call their names, the most authoritative one in this film is Brother Confucian Merchants. There are so many children's book studios in the alley, and this one in the ghost market. The boundary is his, he collects rent."

That is the territory of Brother Rujia.

Whether it is an alley during the day or a ghost market at night, it is the territory of Brother Rujia.

"You have to be careful about this job." The fat man repeatedly checked the map vigilantly.

What is important is Brother Rujia’s nest, and I want to take photos of Brother Rujia’s material, but no matter whether it is day or night, these two small alleys are the territory of Brother Rujia, and his people are everywhere.

It can be said that you just get out of the car and ask for directions, and you will almost always ask his person.

There are so many people, and the unannounced visitor car is not easy to get in. After all, the car has equipment and was accidentally discovered. The alley is blocked and the road is so narrow that the car will not be able to get out.

"Boss, what should I do?" Niang Pao, Fang Fang and others looked at the fat man.

Gao Leng is not there, he leads the team, then he is the boss, he has to command to think of plans, try to ensure everyone's safety and photograph the plan.

"If you want to take a picture, you have to go into their studio and have an identity." The fat man touched his nose.

You can't shoot flowers outside, but get inside, but how can you get inside?

"You have to find a traitor." The fat man glanced at Fangs: "Have you ever been to the ghost market, have you any acquaintances? An acquaintance of people who know the Confucian merchants."

Fang shook his head: "I went to the night market and bought a very personal book. It only cost 80 yuan. I don't know the people over there."

The fat man thought for a while, took a pen and wrote a note and handed it to Fang Fang: "Go to the Finance Department to get 40,000 yuan, and go to the night market to buy things tonight. Which stall is there who knows the children's book of Brother Confucian Shang Jia? The people in the studio, just remember which stall they buy, and choose two stalls. Each stall buys 10,000 yuan a day for two days."

"As long as you don't go to the fake antique stalls to buy clothes or personalized handicrafts or something, the money is a lot. Let alone two days in a row." Fangs smiled, showing his buck teeth and said with a smile: The big guy spends money, just think about it."

Niang Pao also laughed and moved to the fat man's side and winked, "Boss, what I bought..."

"It's yours."

Fang Fang and Niang Pao were very happy.

This is a good job. Just starting the gong, I made forty thousand yuan, and there are so many fat people.

"Don't drive our company's car. Find someone to borrow one." The fat man said: "It must be foolproof. The personnel in this place are too mixed. Once discovered, it will be difficult to retreat. By then, the group of sculptors will play insidious tricks. Maybe we will suffer a big loss."

If you play a trick, you don't care where you are a reporter, just pretend that you don't know you are a reporter, and there will be a red knife and white knife in the gutter. Anyway, there are so many floating populations, so I will get a scapegoat.


At nine o'clock in the evening, Fang Ya and Niang Pao drove to the ghost market.

During the day, people come and go in these two alleys, and many elementary school students come here to learn calligraphy, painting and so on, which is extremely warm. At night, the shops in the alley were closed, let alone, the alley on Qingshiban Road was really gloomy.

There is a large open space behind the two alleys. It was still dark at half past nine. Fangs and Niang Pao were in the car with the lights on.

"Would you like to wander around the alley?" Fang said boldly.

"Don't, there is no one in the alley now, you go around, let people remember their faces, but be wary, waiting for the ghost market." Niang Pao was careful and voted against.

"It's nine to fifty, and the ghost market hasn't opened yet."

Fang looked at the time, and then looked at the gate of the ghost market. It was a rusty iron gate. This piece was a garbage dump. Later, the dump was moved and the ground was leveled and paved. I made cement and made some grass. At the iron gate stood a large group of people riding on battery carts and carrying large packages.

"The ghost market opens at 9:55, and the gong starts at ten. It's coming."

The competition in the ghost market is fierce, and this is like a roadside stall, which requires land occupation. There was only five minutes to occupy the land, and most people were struggling in the last five minutes.

Klang Klang, the iron gate was knocked several times by someone holding an iron rod.

Almost everyone got on the battery car, ready to rush in to take a good position.

"Bamei and Sister Sao really have a hard relationship. You see, the two of them are not in a hurry." Fang pointed to the last group of people in the crowd and picked up the photo. Right: "The two women are Bamei and Sister Sao, yes."

This group of people was different from the group of people in front who were rushing to the front on an electric car. They dragged a box behind their all-electric car and sat on it leisurely and chatted.

"They are all old people in the ghost market, who dares to occupy their territory? This kind of business is most about gangs." Niang Pao took the photo from Fang's hands, right. From a distance, I saw a woman of about twenty-five years old wearing a low-cut suspender with flames and red lips. She looked very bold. The upper body suspenders and the lower body ripped jeans were very trendy. This is the number one in the ghost market. Bamei with a sharp mouth is called a good mouth bamei.

And a woman in her thirties standing next to her, wearing a men’s shirt, and wearing shorts as short as she didn’t wear, showing her white thighs. Her eyes knew that she was living in her body. The vixen, smiles like a style, known as the first style in the ghost market, Sister Sao.

These two people are the two who Fang Fang and Niang Pao are about to break.

Eight sisters and Sister Sao have a very close relationship with Brother Jia of Confucian merchants. I don’t know if they are in bed. They set up a stall in the ghost market. They were the ones who came late. But after hearing that they went to the alleys a few times during the day, this ghost market They immediately had their exclusive booth, and it was a golden booth.

Listening to the gossip of those people, it is said that sometimes the stalls are set up at one or two o’clock. When they are most busy, the two of them will occasionally put away the stalls and go to the alley together. Some people are curious to follow by, and heard the two people at the same time. .

"Tsk tusk, that's a lot of trouble! The whole alley is listening!"

"Brother Rujia's arrogance, everyone knows it!"

"This Brother Rujia is an intellectual who makes children's books. I didn't expect that this intellectual has a strong taste! Ahaha, it's no wonder he is a romantic talent. Tsk tsk, next time they withdraw, I will follow up and listen."

When Fang Fang inquired, he could lock on these two people almost effortlessly: the relationship with Brother Rujia is very close, and not particularly true.

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