Gossip King

Chapter 1467: Cough, the same as the son

"Huh?" Sister Sao was a little surprised. She glanced at her stall. The things were not ready. There were some Indian oils, sets from other countries, and some Japanese accessories, one of which was quite expensive. It is a peach-wood sculpture of two women hugging each other. It is very amorous and Japanese. The sculpture is very good. For this one, the asking price is two thousand. Generally, it is sold at least one thousand two.

After all, things must be unique enough to gain a foothold in the night market with so many stalls. Sister Sao’s goods are still good.

A few small electric toys were also placed, and the parts that were just put on were not ready yet.

"These above? All?" Sister Sao asked again.

"Well, this one is enough, let's wrap it all up. How much?" Fang asked very generously.

"Uh... I'll do the calculation." Sister Sao immediately took the calculator and counted: "Seven thousand six... one hundred and fifty..."

"Seven thousand and seven, auspicious." Fang Ya looked at Niang Pao: "Give me the money."

"Oh, the boss has eyesight!" Sister Sao saw a lot of people at the night market, but few of them came up to sweep the stalls. She laughed very happy.

Today was a good start. I swept the stalls as soon as I came up. I have good luck.

Happiness is joy, but also a little curious, her shrewd eyes looked at Fangs and Niang Pao.

"I open a boutique, it's the kind of adult boutique, the kind of personality. The new store opened at the east end of the college student is mine, don't you know?" Fang asked.

In the university city of the imperial capital, there are several such boutiques that are very prosperous. Unlike the old adult products which are sold closed, these boutiques are sold open. In addition to toys, there are also books, masks and so on.

The books have **** history from various places, some **** studies, and the masks are some genital totem masks, which are carved very majestic and high-end. Some larger adult toys are placed in a slightly obscure grid, and a few books are decorated next to them, while smaller toys are collected from all over the world, such as small Japanese vibrators, which are made into key decoration patterns. A set of similar things are made into headwear, and the individual and charming little things are generously placed in a conspicuous place, and some cute dolls are placed next to them.

This kind of boutique shop is very popular near the university town, and many foreign tourists come here.

"Oh... I know, I know! I know..." Sister Sao naturally didn't know which one Fang Fang was talking about, but she was clever and answered casually: "The new one in the east end of the university city, that's it. It’s a very unique **** shop that sells books and other **** stuff, right?"

"Yes, we are out of stock right now. It was so hot as soon as it opened. The goods are still under the customs, so I came here to wander around. I didn't expect you to have good goods here. You will have good goods one time and two cooked ones. Let's buy it cheaper." Niang Pao took out her mobile phone: "Come on, pay with Alipay."

The goods in that kind of shop are indeed similar to those of Sister Sao, except that one has a front door and walks on a tall road, and the other is just a stall, the price is much cheaper, but it is also a scene of the night market. The price is different in different places. I sell 120 sets at Sister Sao’s, and 220 sets at that kind of store, and many people come to buy them by tourists, white-collar workers and hipsters.

Students also buy them, because this kind of boutique will take apart the sets from different countries and sell them. Box by box is too expensive, and students can’t afford it, but they can buy each one: ten yuan each, Germany, Italy, the United Kingdom, and the United States came from one each, and only a few dozen, and they also experienced different feelings, and the sales were very hot.

"That's it, that's the best. I have a lot of good products here, so you can choose? By the way, your kind of **** shop will definitely like my eighth sister's goods, my eighth sister is in that stall." Taking out the mobile phone Alipay to collect the money, it was called a li, and by the way, he introduced his good sister's booth, which was the third one on her right.

When I met a big buyer of my counterpart, Sister Sao simply took it and walked over by herself. She was walking in front of her, twisting her waist, and she was indeed the first show in the night market. The style was unique.

"Bamei, I'm here to pick the goods." Sister Sao said loudly, blinking, and whispering in front of her, "In less than a minute, I will sweep away my goods of seven or eight thousand yuan."

The things sold at Bamei’s stall are in line with Sister Sao. She sells wooden figurines that are known to be handmade, and they are all pairs of figurines. There are often cute kissing figurines of a man and a woman, and more. Small people in various poses.

Men and women love that kind of posture, and each has its own personality. When Fangs walked past, several people came to see them.

"The carvings are exquisite and charming, and it is more appropriate to put them in your store," said Sister Sao.

"Yes, look at this. These ones are made into ashtrays. They are more practical. These ones are playful. Look, they are very small and equipped with dice. Which position does the couple swing to? Which posture is used in the evening, this one is very popular." Bamei’s voice is completely different from that of Sister Sao. She has a sense of cuteness. She wears a **** her body, which is very sexy, and her voice is very cute, forming a strong voice. Contrast, it makes people want to stop.

Sure enough, they are the two most famous sister flowers in the night market. The people are beautiful and the things they sell are charming. No wonder you can climb onto the bed of Confucian merchants so quickly and gain a foothold in the night market.

"It fits." The mother gun nodded, and picked up a pair of villains, the traditional posture of male and female, carved so lifelike, even the blue veins on the man's forehead were carved out.

"Interesting, this thing is interesting. How much is it?" Fang asked, showing interest.

"This product is a good product. You are a connoisseur. You will know it at first glance. But if you bought so many at Sister Sao's place, I have to give you a cost price. Do a long-term business." Comparing with Sister Sao, people's hearts are itchy to talk cutely.

"This kind of one is 220, this kind of 180, this kind of cheap, 50 yuan."

"How many goods did you bring today?" Fang asked without raising her head, playing with the doll with her head down.

"Bring...Twelve thousand yuan worth of goods. Just put it out for one night, not much."

"I want it all." Fang took out his mobile phone: "Pay with Alipay, so, twelve thousand three thousand, you can give me a bit cheaper, how much is the price."

The eighth sister opened her mouth wide and instinctively looked at Sister Sao.

Good luck today... it sold out as soon as it came up. Bamei thought.

"I'm also a small business, this million, two, and three are talking about the cost price..." The eighth sister pretended to be painful, glanced at her fangs, and she frowned, so she quickly relaxed and said : "Then it is a thousand yuan cheaper, it can't be more, and I will lose if it is more."

"Okay, wrap it up. Can I trouble you two to deliver the things to the car?" Fang said, paying the bill aside.

"All right, Ahei, come and help the boss move the goods!" Eight sisters were overjoyed and greeted the mover quickly.

"Boss, you see that you are doing great things, business is booming! Business is booming, if you want more goods, remember to find us." Sister Sao took out her business card from her pocket, handed it to Fang Fang and Niang Pao respectfully, and watched it. They leave.

"Sister, these two are rich second generations, and the price is not very high." Eight sisters said with joy, looking at her empty booth.

"If you can open that kind of front door in the university town, the rich second generation did not run away, but the sensible batch of rich second generations knows that they are coming to buy goods. They like this kind of thing the most, so good." Sister Sao twisted Moving his waist, he waved his hand: "Great, it's over tonight!"

"Sister Sao, are you being swept away?" the patrol man asked, and looked at the stall.


The patrol immediately picked up the phone and made a call. Within two minutes, Sister Sao's phone rang.

"I closed the stall so early. It's only half past ten. Come to the alley and join the eighth sister." The voice of Brother Confucianist Jia Jia passed over, revealing the desire of men for women, with a touch of casualness. .

"Ah? Oh..." Sister Sao glared at the patrol just now with a bit of dissatisfaction, but still replied sweetly. She glanced at Bamei, who puffed her mouth depressedly, but still nodded.


"If you come to sweep the goods for one day tomorrow, you can go further with Sister Sao and the others." Fang Ya looked at the car full of things and was satisfied with the cooperation tonight.

"Well, they think we are regular customers. Your method is really good." Niang Pao pulled out one from the inside, squeaked when she pressed the switch, and narrowed her eyes slightly. I haven't tasted the taste of women, and they are full of fantasy about women, and they are all beautiful fantasy.

"Are you going to work now?" Niang Pao asked.

"Wait." Fang looked at the time: "It's only half past ten. Let's touch the terrain and recognize people. We will scan the goods again tomorrow, and the gong will start the day after tomorrow. This place is crowded, so don't make any mistakes. That's great."

Fang then took out a doll, squeezed it, remembering the appearance of the girl with the strap, and couldn't help but smile.

"Did you like that girl? It's a matter of one or two thousand. Tomorrow will continue to sweep the stalls of college students with straps, and keep them as you can." Niang Pao joked: "You are a money master now!"

The feeling of being a grandfather sweeping goods is really great, especially in front of such a cute girl.

"Wait, look!" Niang Pao suddenly put away his hippie smile, and pointed to a short distance. After coming out of the iron gate, Sister Sao and Eight Sisters did not walk towards their car, but turned to the alley. The trail.

"Couldn't it be to find a Confucian businessman? Go to the alley at such a night."

"It may also be to go to the toilet. The toilet is over there. No matter what, let's follow."

Fang Fang and Niang Pao immediately took another set of completely different clothes from the box, put on their hats and followed.

"Sister, this brother Jia wants the two of us every time, you say, how can this kind of person be a children's book?" Bamei muttered.

"If you want to keep this stall, there are some things you have to bear. This kind of gold stall can make 30,000 or 40,000 yuan a month, how good? Besides, he is a great scholar at any rate, and he publishes many books on the market. Last time I went to the bookstore at the supermarket, and I glanced over a dozen books." Sister Sao looked open, much more open-minded than the eighth sister: "Besides, I didn't ask us to do anything at the same time. Become a boyfriend."

"Yes, earn a few more years, find an honest man to marry, and open a shop is also fine. It’s only once or twice a month. I’m not in good health today. I hope he calls you to sleep. Keep the door for you."

Two people say a word to me, and you don't even feel someone following behind you.

In the alleys at night, the street lights were all off. Sister Sao and Bamei used their mobile phones to turn on the lights, and they were very familiar with the road.

"You can't follow too closely." Fang said in a low voice, staring at the distant lights: "Just know where they sleep, where they sleep, where is the office of Brother Confucian Shang Jia. Take out the map, they The place you go in must be Brother A's office."

After the two waited for Sister Sao and Bamei to turn and turn into a room, Niang Pao quickly took out the map, squatted under a stone lion, and compared the map to become familiar with the road.

"Is it here?" As soon as Sister Sao and Bamei entered the door, the light inside was not very bright, only one light was on. Brother Confucian businessman Jia walked down from the second floor, the wooden floor creaked.

"Brother A, are you here today?" Sister Sao said with a pleased smile: "You really choose a different location every time."

Unlike Fang's idea, this is not the location of Rushangjia's office, but just another children's book studio.

"This is fun. It takes you to fly to all the children's book studios here, and enjoy it in the ocean of children's books. It is romantic." Brother Confucianist Jia reached out his hand and pulled at sister's clothes: "Worn What color? Givemelooklook."

"You speak English again. We are so literate, we don't understand." The adorable voice of the eight sisters showed admiration and flattery.

"English is very easy. I often go overseas. It's normal to know English. It's so easy for me." Brother Confucian merchant Jia looked at sister Sao obsessively, then looked at Bamei, and finally stretched out his hand. Putting the eighth sister in his arms: "Tonight, be with my son."

"Huh? Oh, what do you mean by being so talented." The eighth sister looked at it and knew in her heart that she must have been with the night. Although she was a little depressed, she still said with a smile.

Sister Sao breathed a sigh of relief.

"Being with the son, I want to **** you."

Confucian merchant Jia glanced at Sister Sao: "You go upstairs, my principles cannot be broken."

The principle of Confucian Business A is not to sleep with two women at the same time. Because he said he was an elegant literati...when he couldn't do such a vulgarity...

Sister Sao rolled her eyes in her heart, but smiled on her lips: "Brother Rujia, you are so talented. Today I have learned knowledge again, and I share my son."

With that, she walked upstairs a few steps and then walked to the door: "I'll go back to the car and rest, you guys play."

"Hey, wait." First Confucian businessman called her, and pointed to the upstairs: "You go upstairs, it will be your turn in a moment."

Sister Sao rolled her eyes again in her heart. Although they are not two at the same time, they are one after the other. How about wearing skirts like this? She suppressed the depression and said with a smile: "Since ancient times, there have been many geniuses, and Brother Rujia is the most talented and romantic."

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