Gossip King

Chapter 880: Secretary Fang is so cool...

"Oh my god, was it a hot search last night?"

"The secretary of the equation is in a lot of trouble now. No wonder my leader wants me to attend the press conference. I am still wondering. What is good for attending a press conference in Gaozhou City? It seems that Secretary Fang's instructions. "A Zhonghai City media reporter whispered.

"Yes, I also received a call from the leadership early in the morning, asking me to come to Gaozhou City to participate in the press conference immediately. I write financial reports. Isn't it okay to have no connection with this social news? Just because I am away from Gaozhou City. Soon, I was sent."

"Record it, this news may get bigger, don't record it then it's our responsibility instead."

All of a sudden, the reporters who were watching and chatting on their phones became nervous and immediately went into a standby state. They opened their notebooks and put their hands on the keyboard. The sound of crackling keyboards came and went one after another.

Before that, just follow the newsletter, but what happened here was sudden. The sudden news is news. Regardless of whether the leader allows it to be published, it is always correct to write down records first.

"Secretary Chen, can you see it clearly?" The Hong Kong media reporter simply pressed the sign on Secretary Chen's face.

"This..." Secretary Chen messed up the phalanx, do you know the answer? Others will definitely ask detailed questions next. How to answer this detailed question? Any answer will step on thunder. What if you don’t know?

He didn't even know about such a big thing...

This is dereliction of duty.

"This, this..." Secretary Chen's face was followed by the Hong Kong media camera reporter, and the camera was half a step away under the screen, and no subtle expression could escape. Many people have not been photographed like this before, and they don't know the deterrence of this lens.

How to put it, it is like you want to tell a lie, even if it is a small lie, there will always be some subtle expressions that reveal your thoughts. But the lens makes these nowhere to hide. It feels like you are stripped naked and photographed.

And your Tintin is still young.

Secretary Chen felt this way. He glanced at the darkness and the camera quickly lowered his head, and felt that lowering his head would appear too guilty, so he raised his head again, standing up, feeling too exaggerated, sitting down and uneasy. He didn't know what to do for a while. it is good.

And these panic moves happen to be the favorite of the media.

To be straightforward, you'd better scare pee directly, and I will immediately take a close-up shot of your crotch.

"Let's talk about it." A man suddenly walked out from the back of the room, and walked quickly to the table of the press conference with a smile on his face, his tone was very heavy and majestic, and it was powerful. Everyone looked over.

"Secretary Fang?!" Suddenly, a reporter called out in surprise.

The reporters stood up hurriedly like an army battle. The journalists took the microphone and rushed over, and the photographers rushed to the tripod and took down their own cameras as if they were facing enemies. It's the local media. When you see a high-ranking official like Equation, you naturally have to put up a bit of energy to shoot, or the media that Secretary Fang finds it, naturally you have to perform well.

Shooting leaders is not more difficult than shooting other news.

Don't look at the shots of the leaders on the news network. It seems simple, but it is actually the most difficult. The reporters who can follow the leaders of the provincial capitals or prefecture-level cities are generally reporters in the news group, that is, the reporters who wrote the first edition of the XX Daily and the leading news in the first few minutes of the news network. These reporters are all in the news group.

The reporters of the news team are the most stressed.

Leaders are not easy to photograph, especially those with low-value appearance. It is difficult for you to photograph his charm. It’s even harder for people to be satisfied.

I heard that Xiao Jing, a reporter who wrote about a pure bird, stayed in the news group. Once she followed a leader in an interview, because she didn’t photograph the charm of the leader, the newspaper was going to be published the next day, and she was still there at 11 o’clock. The government office was trained: How did you shoot? How did you shoot the leader's hairline like this? ! Review!

Well, the leader is bald, where's the hairline...

These reporters rushed in front of Secretary Fang, and the photographers competed for the most favorable terrain to shoot. Fang Shu could not remember the crime, but he had to shoot well.

"Reporters, don't be crowded, don't hurt yourself." Secretary Fang is amiable.

"Quickly, write on it, um..." A reporter turned his head and lowered his voice to the trainee reporter who was behind him: "The Deputy Secretary of Zhonghai City, the Deputy Secretary, came to the press conference in Gaozhou City to remind reporters not to Crowded, sympathetic to reporters."

This flattering, good shot!

The reporter standing next to him heard the admiring look, and immediately said to the trainee reporter who was following his butt: copy their...

Flattering, everyone pats together, pats are good.

"Is this reporter a Hong Kong media?" Equation smiled and stretched out his hand to shook the Hong Kong media: "I came from afar, it's hard work."

His face was full of smiles, and he could not see the indignation in his heart. He just turned his head and glanced at Secretary Chen. His eyes were cold with murderous intent, as if to say: See what you do? ! Reporters enter the venue to review so not strict!

"Secretary Fang, please answer. I heard that the undeveloped Gouzi Village has something to do with Secretary Fang. What do you think?" The Hong Kong media obviously didn't give Secretary Fang the face, and asked straightforwardly. Of course it is straightforward enough. This is the media that Gao Leng arranged to enter.

"It's normal to have such doubts on the Internet." Secretary Fang laughed: "I am a native of Gaozhou City. I have been to Gouzi Village."


The reporters were in an uproar, Secretary Fang admitted?

"Have you been to Gouzi Village?" The Hong Kong media was a little surprised, and most government officials would avoid it, but he actually admitted it.

"Yes." Secretary Fang nodded generously and said with certainty: "I have been to Gouzi Village many times."

With that said, he sat down and sat next to Secretary Chen. The office director immediately organized the scene to arrange the shots one by one. The crowded reporters also took their seats in an orderly manner, picked up their notebooks and started to record simultaneously.

It is rare for the deputy secretary of Zhonghai City to attend the press conference in Gaozhou City.

"I am from Gaozhou City, and I was born in the neighboring village of Gouzi Village. I have known the tourist attraction of Gouzi Village for a long time." Secretary Fang did not hurriedly talk, and he came here after seeing the big scenes. , He was prepared as a last resort that he had to come forward in person: "Although Gaozhou municipal affairs have nothing to do with my position, I am a native of Gaozhou City. I hope Gaozhou City and Gouzi Village can develop, so I followed Secretary Chen in my own name. I visited Gouzi Village no less than five times."

Secretary Fang stretched out a slap and sighed: "The road was not easy to walk at the time. I still remember Secretary Chen had a kick. Don't tell the reporter, he fell a dog!"

To say that people do not speak out is clearly an invitation to credit.

"Quickly write, Zhonghai City Deputy Secretary and Secretary Chen XX of Gaozhou City visited Gouzi Village five times before and after, the road was slippery, and Secretary Chen was injured. Secretary Fang is from Gaozhou City, although he is not in Gaozhou City, he cares about Gaozhou people and cares a lot. , Worked **** the development of Gouzi Village.” A reporter said while the trainee reporter next to him quickly tapped his fingers on the keyboard.

"Quick, copy..." The reporter next to him drew a gourd like that...

"Because I am from Gaozhou City, some people on the Internet misunderstood this and it was my fault. So I came here in time to talk to reporters and the general public. Don’t focus on me. It is right for me to care about Gaozhou City, and it is within my sentiment to make suggestions for Gouzi Village. Although I am not a public servant of Gaozhou City, I am a public servant of the people. I sincerely hope that Gaozhou City can develop and Gouzi Village can develop. ."

Secretary Fang talked freely, spitting stars flying randomly.

The reporters in the audience found the best subject for flattering, and the keyboard was crackling.

With so many shots at Secretary Fang, it’s not that I was stripped naked and Ding Ding is still young. It feels...

Seems to see the beauty on the opposite side being stripped naked, Mimi is still big...

Secretary Fang is cool.

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