After capturing Xihai County, Wang Chen stopped expanding externally, as if he was satisfied with occupying the two counties.

He began to invest strength and resources in running Xihai County.

Xihai County is the largest county in Daliang. It has a vast territory and rich products. Its population is several times that of Hanhai County. Its natural environment is much superior to that of Hanhai County. There are many fertile lands with lush water and grass.

However, limited by the population and the vision of policy makers, the potential of this county has never been truly developed.

Wang Chen now regards Xihai County as the foundation of his dominance!

Since Dayan suffered a heavy setback in front of Han Customs and there was no possibility of attacking this most important pass in the world, Wang Chen mobilized 30,000 Han navy to the West Sea.

Princess Qingyun also returned to Xihai County.

As for the newly formed Shenji Battalion, Wang Chen only left three thousand people in Hanhai City to assist the Hanhai Navy in guarding the pass.

Also left behind were fifty cannons used to defend the city.

As for Shangguan Wuji, Wang Chen asked him to stay at Hanhaiguan temporarily to prevent a sudden fire in the backyard.

Wang Chen himself is ready to show off his talents in Xihai County.

What Wang Chen didn't expect was that an old friend suddenly visited, disrupting his plan.

"Taifu Wang, long time no see."

This old friend is none other than Qin Qingxuan, a true disciple of Yuhua Sword School and a walking sword holder!

In the county mansion, this stunning beauty was smiling, just like when we first met her.

It's just that less than a year has passed and the world has changed.

Wang Chen sighed in his heart: "Miss Qin, are you okay?"

In this world, he has made very few friends, Qin Qingxuan is one of them.


Wang Chen suddenly felt something was wrong and looked at the woman following Qin Qingxuan.

The other person had a strange face and was dressed like a maid. At first he didn't pay attention, thinking he was someone close to Qin Qingxuan.

But the maid cast an extremely excited look at Wang Chen.

It’s also his very familiar look!


What kind of person is Wang Chen? As soon as he thought about it, he suddenly felt grateful and immediately understood the identity of the other party.

"grown ups!"

It was obvious that Xiyun's eyes filled with tears after being transformed, and she immediately threw herself into Wang Chen's arms, her delicate body trembling uncontrollably.

Wang Chen hugged this beautiful lady and felt happy in his heart.

After capturing Hanhai City, Wang Chen selected an elite team from the Yulin Guards and sent them to Daye to find Xiyun.

But so far there has been no news.

Unexpectedly, she was brought to Xihai County by Qin Qingxuan today!

Wang Chen sighed in his heart and said sincerely to Qin Qingxuan: "Miss Qin, thank you!"

Qin Qingxuan smiled and said: "It's just a little effort, Mr. Wang, there is no need to be polite."

She said it in an understatement. In fact, Xiyun was rescued because of a lot of luck.

When King Jing was in rebellion, the imperial capital was in chaos, and Wang Chen's mansion was once threatened. Fortunately, everything was safe.

But after King Jing ascended the throne, the situation not only did not improve, but became more dangerous.

Because someone is eyeing the Wang family.

At this time, Wang Chen's family only had a few ordinary servants, and their defense capabilities were very weak. In the past, there was no need to worry about the blood-clothed guards, but now the blood-clothed guards had no time to take care of themselves, so how could they possibly take care of Xiyun.

Fortunately, Qin Qingxuan appeared at Wang Chen's house before the worst happened.

She discussed it with Xiyun, then dismissed all the domestic servants and maids, and then took Xiyun to the border county to find Wang Chen.

During this journey of several thousand miles, we encountered many dangers.

Fortunately, Qin Qingxuan is strong enough to protect Xiyun.

After listening to Xijun's story, Wang Chen said to Qin Qingxuan without hesitation: "Miss Qin, I have remembered this favor. If you need my help in the future, just ask!"

Qin Qingxuan pursed her lips and said with a smile: "Mr. Wang's words are serious."

After a pause, she continued: "When I came to Xihai this time, in addition to seeing off my sister Xiyun, I also have something very important that I need Tutor's help with."

Wang Chen nodded: "Please tell me."

Since he accepted this favor, he must have no regrets about his words.

However, what Qin Qingxuan said was far beyond Wang Chen's expectations.

It turns out that after Emperor Yuan Jing signed an alliance with Da Qi, he ceded three northern counties. Not only did he abandon a large area of ​​territory, he also abandoned the people who had lived there for generations.

Those wealthy families had received the news early and made preparations in advance. Some chose to join Da Qi, and some moved their families south. In short, despite the heavy losses, they could still retain their vitality.

But ordinary civilians are miserable.

Countless people in the three counties did not want to be ruled by Da Qi, so they abandoned their homes and fled south.

The total population of the three northern counties reaches tens of millions. Even if one-third of the people choose to flee, it will have a huge impact on Daliang.

There are currently millions of refugees heading south, and the situation is very dire.

It turned out that Emperor Jing of the Yuan Dynasty ordered the pass to be closed, blocking these people outside the wall and leaving them to fend for themselves.

As a result, the generals guarding the gate couldn't bear it and opened the city gates to allow the refugees to enter. As a result, several neighboring counties were overwhelmed and had to send troops to drive the refugees back south.

After listening to Qin Qingxuan's story, Wang Chen thought for a moment and asked, "Then what do you want me to do?"

"The rise and fall of the people are suffering."

Qin Qingxuan sighed softly and said, "I hope you can persuade His Highness Qingyun to take in a group of refugees to settle down in the West Sea."

Taking in refugees?

Wang Chen's heart moved.

For the current Xihai County, the large number of refugees is tantamount to a double-edged sword.

From a positive perspective, the influx of refugees can greatly increase the population size of Xihai County and provide more soldiers for the Xinhan Navy.

The land in Xihai County is vast, with a lot of land available for farming and grazing, and it can accommodate even millions of refugees.

The problem is that if you want to absorb these refugees, you need a huge amount of materials.

Food, cloth, salt, shelter...

Just thinking about it makes people's heads tingle. Where can Xihai County currently have so many supplies for squandering!

The most important thing is that given the current domestic situation in Daliang, it is very difficult to purchase from abroad.

"I know it's not easy..."

Qin Qingxuan said apologetically: "It is also a huge trouble, but I am willing to mobilize all the connections and power of Yuhua Jianzhai to help these refugees settle down in Xihai County."

"Qingyu Huajianzhai owns it, willingly!"

She spoke so sincerely that Wang Chen was quite moved.

Wang Chen thought for a while and said, "This matter is of great importance. I need to discuss it with His Highness and General Shangguan before making a decision. I ask for Miss Qin's understanding."


Qin Qingxuan said happily: "I really want to meet His Highness. Is it convenient for the Grand Tutor to introduce you?"

"no problem."

Wang Chen said decisively: "I will take you to see His Highness now."

Originally, it was worth celebrating that Xiyun returned to him safely, but in the face of important events at home and country, the love between children could only be put aside for the time being.


The second update is sent.

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