Gou Becomes a Boss in the Fairy World

Chapter 1024 Mountain and River Formation (Part 2)

On the third day of March, the dragon raises its head.

On the outskirts of Hanhai City, there is a new palace.

In the center of the palace, Wang Chen stood on a high altar, holding a magic sword and looking up at the sky.

He was wearing a pure white Taoist robe woven with thousands of threads and a mysterious jade Taoist crown. His whole person exuded an aura of transcendence.

The time has come.

When the sun rose to the top of the sky, Wang Chen's eyes narrowed, and he immediately pinched the magic formula with his hand to activate the magic power in his body.

The next moment, invisible wind quietly appeared around Wang Chen, whirling around him, and expanding in all directions at an alarming speed.

The entire palace was covered in the blink of an eye.

And this is just the beginning!

Almost at the same moment, the seventy-two mountain and river pillars scattered in the vast sea shook together, and the runes engraved on the surface lit up one by one, like a beacon message, instantly spreading throughout the county.

The earth made a low roar.

Groups of frightened birds flew up, wild beasts ran out of their nests in panic, and countless pieces of gravel rolled down from the mountain peaks.

Above the sky, the wind and clouds roar!

At this moment, people living in Hanhai County all looked up to the sky in shock.

They felt something, but they didn't know what happened. They intuitively believed that something earth-shattering had happened.

Especially the hundreds of thousands of residents in Hanhai City were very frightened, and some even knelt on the street to pray to the gods!

At this time, on the altar of the New Palace, Wang Chen's spellcasting reached the most critical moment.

He used his own power to activate seventy-two mountain and river pillars at the same time, which was definitely an act that exceeded his own limits.

Although Wang Chen was using the power of heaven and earth to activate the mountain and river formation, the seventy-two mountain and river pillars were spread over a wide range, so in a short period of time, the mana he had worked so hard to accumulate was almost exhausted.

Wang Chen was already prepared for this and chose to burn his luck without thinking.

[Qi Luck-100], [Qi Luck-100], [Qi Luck-100]…

One hundred points at a time, the information that appeared in his field of vision was like a waterfall, and it was consumed so fast that it was terrifying.

The most terrifying thing is that as a mountain and river pillar is activated, the feedback power of heaven and earth condenses on this altar, making Wang Chen inside feel like he is sitting on a powder keg.

As long as there is a slight mistake in his spell casting control, it will be easy to be shattered to pieces!

However, Wang Chen was extremely calm and calm. He guided the power of heaven and earth to flow into the altar at his feet, which was the core of the mountain and river formation, and condensed spiritual energy for this huge array.

When all the runes on the surface of the altar lit up and started to tremble, Wang Chen suddenly exhaled.


In an instant, the dragons and snakes rose up and the wind and clouds changed color, and the whole world roared in response.


Wang Chen pressed down his palms, suppressing the violent aura coming from the formation.


There was only a crisp sound, and the bronze mirror that Wang Chen held tightly in his left hand shattered instantly.

At this moment, everything is quiet!

Immediately afterwards, traces of spiritual energy from heaven and earth came from all directions and merged into Wang Chen's body.

The hairs all over his body stood up, and he seemed to be flying.

How long has it been since you felt this way?

One of the functions of the mountain and river formation is to gather the spiritual energy of heaven and earth.

Similar to the spirit gathering array.

But unlike the spirit gathering array in Haotian Realm, it also has the powerful power to suppress earth veins!

In the Haotian Realm, let alone Wang Chen, a mere golden elixir monk, even if he becomes a Nascent Soul or even becomes a God, there is no possibility of building a mountain and river formation.

Because the cause and effect involved in this kind of heaven and earth magic circle is huge, it will never be allowed by the realm consciousness of Haotian Realm.

Anyone who dares to do this will be punished by God!

But the Cangqing world is different. This world is a small world, and the consciousness of heaven is still in a state of chaos. The ignorance allows even the demons from outside the territory to enter.

That's why Wang Chen was able to successfully build the Mountain and River Formation!

The pure spiritual energy was injected into Wang Chen's limbs, bones, internal organs, and penetrated every inch of his muscles, bones, and muscles, reaching the deepest part of his meridians, and finally gathered in Qi Hai Dantian.

Wang Chen's Taoist cultivation level instantly climbed to the pinnacle of this world!

He immediately blocked his Dantian.

Because clouds had already appeared above the altar, and there was a faint sound of thunder between the clouds.

If Wang Chen breaks through the limit at this time, it will cause a catastrophe. If he survives it, he can ascend to the upper world!

The problem is that he came to explore the lower world, and using this body to fly up would be like being kicked in the head by a donkey.

All the previous hard work is equivalent to wasted effort.

With the sea of ​​Qi sealed, Wang Chen's cultivation immediately returned to the level of a seventh-level warrior, and the calamity cloud above his head immediately dissipated.

Wang Chen breathed a long sigh of relief, shook his hands and typed out a letter charm.

With a flash of fire, this flying talisman disappeared instantly.

Before he activated the Mountain and River Formation, it was not possible to send messages in this way.

Take it easy now.

And no matter how much mana he consumes, Wang Chen can get it from the mountain and river formation. As long as this world doesn't collapse, it will be inexhaustible!

Wang Chen can even sit on the altar and control the mountains and rivers formation to cast many powerful spells.

From this point of view, he has an unrivaled weapon in this world!

Wang Chen's strategy for Cang Qing Realm has taken another big step forward.

He vaguely grasped the pulse of this world.


Not long after, Princess Qingyun appeared next to the altar.

She was alone, without guards or maids - this was Wang Chen's request.

In fact, there is currently no one else inside this new palace that has just been built.


Wang Chen stretched out his hand and made Princess Qingyun fly up involuntarily and landed on the altar.

But she wasn't afraid at all. Instead, she found it very novel and interesting: "Haha."

Wang Chen couldn't help but touched the girl's head and said, "What do you think of this place?"


Princess Qingyun suddenly woke up, with a faint blush on her pretty face.

She was born with Taoism. After Wang Chen's reminder, she immediately noticed something strange here: "It's so strange..."

Wang Chen smiled slightly: "This is the center of the Mountain and River Formation. From now on, you can practice Taoism here and get twice the result with half the effort."

In fact, not only do you get twice the result with half the effort, one day's work is completely worth ten years of hard training for ordinary monks!

It's just that the upper limit of this world is really not high.

Wang Chen took Princess Qingyun's slender hand and scratched her fingertips with his nails. Dark red blood suddenly gushed out and fell on the altar below.

"Mountains and rivers are my oaths, and the empress is my wife!"

Wang Chen said in a deep voice: "From now on, your name will be Wu Fu. Wu rules the world and the sun and moon are in the sky!"

At the feet of him and Princess Qingyun, the freshly dripping blood gathered into the two characters "武羾".

Immediately merged into the altar and disappeared!

The mountains and rivers roared together.


The first update is sent.

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