Gou Becomes a Boss in the Fairy World

Chapter 1056 Slaughtering the Jiao (End)

This battle of killing dragons has reached its most critical moment.

The beam of light wrapped around the dragon's body is becoming dim. This is a sign that the power of the magic circle is declining. It seems that it will not be able to support it for much longer.

In fact, the trapping dragon formation set up by Huangfu Yongchun is already very strong if it can persist until now.

After all, the object of restraint is a fourth-level dragon that is about to be promoted to a real dragon.

But Jiaolong also faced great trouble. Its innate magical power was broken by Wang Chen's broken pill, allowing Huangfu Yongchun and other six real people to escape from the danger of exploding to death.

And this veteran Jin Dan had so much fighting experience. He immediately took a deep breath, his eyes instantly turned into a light golden color, and he shouted in a deep voice: "Array!"

The other golden elixirs, including Wang Chen, suddenly shook, and at the same time they urged the elixir power to be injected into the flying sword they controlled.

The decisive moment has arrived!

The seven flying swords suddenly shot straight into the sky and flew side by side in the sky, leaving only a few inches of distance between them.

Heaven, earth, people, wind, thunder, fire, rain, each flying sword burst out with bright light, and the seven powerful forces merged together silently.

The dazzling flames enveloped all the flying swords, forming a giant sword more than ten feet long!


Huangfu Yongchun pinched the sword in his hand, his eyes became extremely fierce, and his sword finger pointed fiercely at the struggling dragon.

collapse! collapse! collapse!

At this moment, the light ropes wrapped around the fourth-order demon king broke.

The trapped dragon formation is broken! !


The dragon, which had regained its freedom, couldn't help but raise its head and roar, spitting out a large amount of ice-cold breath.

Without the suppression of the trapped dragon formation, its power is growing at a very fast speed, and it can return to its peak in three breaths at most.

Then tear these hateful people into pieces!

But at this moment, the giant sword composed of seven swords shot straight down from the sky, breaking through the blockage of the dragon's breath without any stagnation, and penetrated into the throat and body cavity from its bloody mouth.


Before he could close his mouth, the dragon suddenly spurted out a large stream of blood, and its high head shrank in agony.


Huangfu Yongchun's tongue exploded with spring thunder, and he roared out the Qijue mantra again.

The giant sword that penetrated the dragon's body exploded with a bang, and the seven flying swords separated at the same time, each cutting the bones, flesh and internal organs of the fourth-level demon king along different trajectories, causing unimaginable damage.


puff! puff! puff!

All the flying swords broke out from the dragon's body and returned to the hands of their respective sword masters.

The seven golden elixirs who retracted their flying swords all vomited blood, and all of them looked extremely pale.

The previous collaboration only lasted a few breaths, but it used every real person's golden elixir power. Everyone also suffered serious internal injuries from the dragon's power counterattack.

Fortunately, the Qijue Sword Formation evenly shared the counterattack from the dragon, otherwise no one would be able to withstand it alone.

But at this point, their attack was unsustainable, and the Qijue Sword Formation had ceased to exist in name only.

Wang Chen is the only exception.

Because he instantly extracted the pure spiritual power contained in the Tianluo Evil Killing Network and restored part of his own mana.

Looking at the dying fourth-order dragon lying in a pool of blood, Wang Chen swayed, shrunk in front of him, and slapped the demon king on the head with his palm.

The final blow of this BOSS must be completed by him!

Tianlong Vajra Palm!

This palm condensed all Wang Chen's strength, including his whole body's courage, mana and elixir power. The seemingly light palm contained power comparable to the peak level of the golden elixir.

And the moment Wang Chen took out his palm, his eyes met with Jiaolong's remaining left eye.

There was deep despair in the eyes of this fourth-level demon king, as if he had seen his own tragic fate, and his pupils showed extremely strong unwillingness and resentment.

It opened its mouth, and a low and vague voice came from its chest and abdomen: "Death~"


Wang Chen's right palm slapped Jiaolong's head hard.

The latter's extremely hard outer bones suddenly dented, and the tyrannical palm power surged in, destroying the dragon's last chance of life.

But at the same time, Wang Chen felt a huge threat approaching him instantly.

He had no time to dodge and was hit on the spot.

Wang Chen suddenly felt as if he had fallen into an ice cave, his eyes turned black and he could no longer see anything.

And in his sea of ​​​​consciousness, a lifelike mini dragon suddenly appeared. It had the same appearance as the hunted fourth-order demon dragon, but its whole body was covered with an unknown blood light.

This little dragon stared at Wang Chen with vicious eyes, baring its teeth and claws to devour anyone!

Wang Chen understood instantly.

This is the dragon soul that the dragon is about to cultivate and take shape. Its counterattack at the last moment will destroy Wang Chen's soul and even take away Wang Chen's body.

Even if it fails to win, it will die with Wang Chen!

Who asked Wang Chen to make the final cut?

At this moment, Wang Chen was in a frozen state, and his thinking speed had slowed down a lot. Facing the dragon's final counterattack, he was helpless for a moment.

However, just as the dragon soul opened its mouth, the ancient Taoist stele standing in the middle of the sea of ​​consciousness suddenly emitted thousands of rays of light, instantly illuminating Wang Chen's dark and cold sea of ​​consciousness.

The body of the dragon soul that was illuminated by the light froze and curled up instinctively. The resentment in his eyes turned into incomparable shock.

The next moment, the dragon soul was pulled by an invisible force and involuntarily threw itself towards the Taikoo Taoist Monument.


It let out a wailing cry full of despair and fear, and was immediately swallowed up completely by the Taoist Monument.

The Taikoo Taoist Monument suddenly shook, as if it had burped, and then it converged all the light and fell into silence again.

[Human virtue +900000]

An extremely eye-catching piece of news instantly appeared in Wang Chen's field of vision.

His consciousness returned simultaneously, his body regained freedom and warmth, and he saw the dead dragon in front of him again.

Wang Chen was stunned.

Nine hundred thousand virtue points. His last move actually brought him nine hundred thousand virtue points.

It's going to explode!

"Fellow Daoist Wang..."

At this moment, Huangfu Yongchun's voice sounded beside Wang Chen: "We won."

When Wang Chen turned around, he saw other real people standing behind him, each with a victorious smile on his face.

Won, really won!

The seven golden elixirs of them joined forces to kill a powerful fourth-level demon king!

If such a victory were spread, it would definitely cause a sensation. Although it is nothing in the entire Haotian Realm, it is enough to become a legend passed down by the monks!


Wang Chen took a breath of turbid air that smelled of blood and said with a smile, "We won."


Huangfu Yongchun laughed loudly and danced like crazy!

Already completely out of control.


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