Gou Becomes a Boss in the Fairy World

Chapter 1091 General Trend (Part 2)

This open plain was originally nameless, but later became known as the "Bloodfield", a taboo.

In the tenth year of the Great Zhou Dynasty, the Western Expeditionary Army of the Great Zhou Dynasty and the Southeast Allied Forces of the Great Qin Dynasty faced off on the Blood Plains. The two sides fought fiercely for two days and one night, and the entire Qin army of 270,000 was wiped out.

The plain, which was the main battlefield, was filled with blood and corpses. It was extremely tragic.

The bodies of the Qin army were buried on the spot by the Western Expeditionary Army, and a monument without words was erected. The moon in the sky that night was red.

In the following decades, the Bloodfield became a forbidden area, and not many people dared to set foot there.

It is said that on the night of the full moon, people saw ghostly shadows on the blood plain. They were the ghosts of the Qin army's soldiers who were still fighting hard.

But their bravery turned into a tragedy in the face of the guns and artillery of the Western Expeditionary Army!

The result of this battle caused a huge sensation throughout the Qin Dynasty. Qin Qi, the military god of the Qin Dynasty who led his army to fight with Ling Zhiyuan in the north, had to rush back to help, allowing the former to seize the opportunity to take a few bites of meat.

But the Western Expeditionary Army also paid a considerable price. The total number of casualties exceeded 20,000, of which more than 7,000 were killed in battle!

Under such circumstances, Wang Chen did not continue to expand his victory and led the rest of the Western Expedition Army back to Gujin Pass.

His strategic purpose has been basically achieved, and there is little point in continuing to fight. It will only sacrifice these elites who have fought in hundreds of battles.

Wang Chen rested at Gujin Pass for five days, and then rushed to the imperial capital with three thousand cavalry.

After Wu Fu unified the Three Kingdoms, he established the new dynasty of Zhou Dynasty, but he did not build a new imperial capital and used the old Liang capital as the center of power.

After all, she grew up in Liangdu and has deep feelings for this city.

After traveling day and night, Wang Chen arrived at the imperial capital.

Thanks to a quick message, the imperial capital knew about Wang Chen's return, so when he arrived in the city, Wu Fu led hundreds of civil and military officials and 100,000 soldiers and civilians to go out ten miles from the city to greet him.

The grandness of the specifications is unprecedented!

"National Preceptor, National Preceptor!"

Countless people sang, danced and threw flowers, welcoming Wang Chen with the greatest enthusiasm and reverence.

This scene of blazing fire cooking oil and flowers blooming is destined to become a long-lasting legend!

Wang Chen rode his horse and walked at the front of the team, feeling the overwhelming popularity rushing towards him, gathering and pouring into the Cang Qing Ring.

All turned into the purest source of world power!


Empress Wu of the Great Zhou Dynasty got off the dragon chariot and walked to Wang Chen with tears in her eyes.

Wang Chen had just jumped down, and she was already under the spotlight and couldn't wait to throw herself into Wang Chen's arms!

This scene made the civil and military officials behind look dumbfounded.

Although everyone knows that Wu Fu is Wang Chen's disciple, now she is a queen with power over the world and controls the lives and deaths of hundreds of millions of people. Her status is completely different.

Although the emperor's master is respected, the difference between monarch and minister cannot be transcended.

He never expected that after ten years of sleeping, Wang Chen would still have such a high status in Wu Fu's mind!

Some officials had to put away their petty thoughts.

"You've grown up."

Wang Chen gently stroked the hair of the woman in his arms, smiled as before and said, "Well done."

The current situation in Dazhou is certainly due to the solid foundation he laid back then, but it is also inseparable from Wu Fu's diligence and hard work.


Wu Fu burst into tears and smiled, with a hint of coquettishness in his tone.

She pressed her face tightly against Wang Chen's chest, greedily inhaling the scent of the latter. She felt happy and peaceful, wishing that time could stay at this moment forever!

Wu Fu really wanted Wang Chen to know how much she had missed her master in the past ten years.


Wang Chen said softly: "If you have anything to say, let's talk about it when we go back. There are so many people watching."

Wu Fu blushed and reluctantly left Wang Chen's embrace.

She knelt down and saluted: "Master, please get on the chariot."

Wu Fu was not afraid that her majesty would be damaged, because in her mind, Wang Chen was a descended god and worthy of any courtesy.

Wang Chen nodded and boarded the dragon chariot with Wu Fu.

Then, amid the cheers of thousands of people, they marched straight into the imperial capital and to the Ouchi Palace.

On that day, Wu Fu decreed that the whole city would celebrate for seven days and grant amnesty to the whole world!

After reuniting with Wu Fu in the imperial capital, Wang Chen lived in the palace for half a month.

In the past half month, Wu Fu had almost ignored the government affairs, leaving all affairs to the ministers, and stayed by Wang Chen's side.

In addition to giving advice on Wu Fu's spiritual practice, Wang Chen also spent the past half month writing a book.

Later, this book was classified as top secret, and it was also the book of the Zhou Dynasty. It recorded a lot of content on strengthening the country and the army, including the design drawings of some new weapons, and pointed out the future development direction of the Zhou army.

Wang Chen recorded all his thoughts and gains in these aspects in this book.

As long as Wu Fu and Ling Zhiyuan grasp the direction and no unexpected natural or man-made disasters occur, Da Zhou will definitely be able to defeat Da Qin!

This is the general trend!

As for Qin Qi, the Great Qin Army God, who was suspected to be the son of destiny in this world, Wang Chen also left it to the two of them to deal with.

Nothing can be made without polishing it, and without external pressure, the internal degradation of an empire will be very fast.

Wang Chen tried his best to extend the lifespan and increase the strength of Wu Fu and Ling Zhiyuan, just to let them conquer the world for him.


On this night half a month later, Wu Fu personally brought a cup of ginseng soup to Wang Chen and asked softly: "Are you leaving?"

Wang Chen hesitated for a moment, then replied: "Yes."

The Cang Qing Realm's rejection of him is getting stronger and stronger, and Wang Chen estimates that he can stay here for up to ten days and a half.

Rather than being "kicked out" in the end, it's better to leave on your own initiative.

To avoid accidents.

Wu Fu put down the ginseng soup, suddenly threw himself into Wang Chen's arms, stretched out his arms like snow lotus roots and hugged his neck.

She murmured: "Master, can you agree to my request?"

Only then did Wang Chen notice that Wu Fu was only wearing a gauze coat tonight, with his graceful body pressing against him.

And rub it gently.

Wang Chen suddenly had a bad feeling: "What's the request?"

"I, I want a child."

Wu Fu's pretty face was flushed, and her big eyes were watery, looking indescribably moving.

She is already a real woman!

For Wu Fu, she needed an heir to consolidate her throne, otherwise having no heirs would inevitably lead to disputes within the empire in the future.

It is not impossible to subjugate the country!

But with Wu Fu's pride, she couldn't just find a man to solve this problem.

In the queen's mind, only Wang Chen can match her!

As for Ling Zhiyuan, Wu Fu had long known that he was just a clone of Wang Chen, so naturally he would not have any thoughts about him.

Wang Chen's mind raced and he immediately understood Wu Fu's intention.

Just when he hesitated, Wu Fu let out a soft cry and suddenly raised his head.

A sweet scent instantly surrounded Wang Chen!

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