Gou Becomes a Boss in the Fairy World

Chapter 194 In the Human World (Part 1)

Two days later, in the southern suburbs of Yunshan City.

A huge spaceship was firmly parked on the long and narrow berth.

Unlike the Yunyang airship, this airship has five decks and four sails front and back.

If the Yunyang airship is a warship, it is a cruise ship, and the difference between the two can be distinguished at a glance.

The flag hanging above the bow is embroidered with the emblem of the Universal Chamber of Commerce.

Sitting in the VIP cabin, Wang Chen looked at Yunshan City not far away through the crystal porthole.

I am very emotional.

In the half month that has just passed, his originally peaceful cultivation life suddenly changed drastically as if someone had smashed into a boulder.

Everything happened so fast that Wang Chen was caught off guard.

But he doesn't regret his choice at all.

Looking back, Wang Chen took out a dagger from the storage bag.

It was Changchun's Messenger Flying Sword.

There is a message left by Chang Chun on this flying sword, and its core content can be described in one word.


Not only that, but there are also three sword intents sealed inside the flying sword.

Use it for Wang Chen's self-defense!

As Changchun's registered disciple, the master of Zifu really did his best to him.

Wang Chen didn't know.

Now that I am gone, will I still have a chance to repay Master in the future!


With the sound of the majestic horn, the four sails on the first deck were hoisted high one by one.

This huge spaceship slowly soared into the sky and flew towards the south.

Its height continues to rise, all the way above the clouds!

Wang Chen had been on the Yunyang Airship before.

But in terms of comfort, it is simply incomparable with the VIP cabin I am sitting in now.

The single-person cabin is located on the second floor of the spaceship, with all kinds of facilities in it, and the blessing of the spirit gathering array, the concentration of spiritual energy is no less than that of the inner door.

The VIP cabin service is also top-notch.

If he wants, he can call two beautiful maids to accompany him at any time.

It's just that Wang Chen is not interested in this.

And this kind of service enjoyment is not free.

A first-class ticket cost him three hundred and fifty spirit stones!

To go to Dagan, which is tens of thousands of miles away, to complete the guarding mission, apart from flying there by yourself, taking the merchant ship of the Universal Chamber of Commerce is basically the only option.

The merchant ships belonging to the Four Seas Chamber of Commerce will make a trip back and forth every ten days.

While transporting supplies, it also carries passengers.

Although Dagan belongs to the land of absolute spirits.

But among the more than 100,000 disciples of the inner and outer sects of the Yunyang School, many of them were born in this ordinary country.

Unless the worldly relationship is completely cut off, there will be a need to visit relatives.

Including some casual repairs.

Ordinary monks could not afford the VIP cabin.

The common cabins on the lower floor where they live only cost 30 spirit stones per person.

If Wang Chen also chooses the ordinary cabin, the travel expenses can be reimbursed after completing the mission.

But after he understood the situation, he gritted his teeth and bleed out.

The ordinary cabins on the lower floor sleep in Chase bunks, so there are too many people and there is no privacy at all.

In addition, there is no blessing from the spirit gathering array.

Most importantly, the defenses of the upper deck are the highest, and in case of danger, the escape sequence for the VIP class passengers is also ahead of the regular class passengers.

So for the sake of privacy and his own safety, Wang Chen still took out the Lingshi.

It can only be said that the Universal Chamber of Commerce really knows how to do business.

In fact, three hundred and fifty spirit stones are still a discounted price for inner disciples!

As the spaceship got farther and farther away from Yunshan City, Wang Chen's mood settled down.

The lingering haze that had been lingering in his heart before dissipated.

As if a heavy burden had been lifted, the whole person became relaxed.

Wang Chen withdrew his gaze and stopped looking at the scenery outside.

He sat cross-legged on the futon and began to practice luck.

In the past half a month, Wang Chen has not been able to cultivate well, and he has not made any progress in terms of cultivation.

As for the spaceship of the Four Seas Chamber of Commerce, it takes about ten days to fly from the Yunyang faction to the Daqian Imperial Capital.

He planned to make good use of these ten days to bring back some of the progress in his practice that had fallen behind!

In the next few days, Wang Chen stayed behind closed doors in the VIP cabin.

All meals are served in the room.

Perhaps because of the special environment and his undivided attention, his practice of kung fu was extremely smooth, and the daily increase in five elements kung fu reached an unprecedented peak.

If it can continue like this, Wang Chen will be able to break through the ninth level of Qi training in a month at most!

Unfortunately, on the ninth day after leaving Yunyang faction, the merchant ship that had been flying above the clouds began to descend.


The door of the cabin was knocked lightly.

Wang Chen, who was practicing the exercises, opened his eyes and waved open the door.

I saw a pretty maid standing in front of the door, bowing respectfully to him and saying: "Master Immortal, Qianjing is coming soon."

Wang Chen nodded: "Understood."

Qianjing is the imperial capital of Daqian, an ordinary city with a population of one million.

According to the itinerary, he will disembark at Qianjing, report to Yunyang Tianshi Zongfu, and then go to guard the county.


With a dull vibration, the spaceship landed on the berth.

Wang Chen stepped out of the VIP cabin, and left the spaceship through the outer cabin door just opened.

The moment he got out of the cabin, he immediately noticed something strange!

This feeling is like a person coming from a cool and humid place to a very dry and hot place suddenly, and he feels very uncomfortable all over his body.

Even produced irritability.

There is no aura.

There is no aura of heaven and earth in the outside world, so Wang Chen, who is used to the environment of the spirit land, suddenly has the urge to turn his head and return to the cabin!

Although I have been mentally prepared.

You can really experience the terrible environment of the Land of Absolute Souls.

Only then did he really understand.

Why do countless casual cultivators prefer to struggle to survive in the dangerous foreign lands, rather than live in the mundane world.

Why are the inner disciples of the Yunyang Sect unwilling to accept this task!

"Get used to it."

At this time, a voice came from the side: "There are spirit gathering formations in the Tianshi Mansion, as long as you are willing to spend spirit stones, you can practice, at least it will not affect the realm."

Wang Chen turned his head and saw a young white-robed monk standing beside him.

The latter grinned, and saluted him chicly: "Get to know me, I'm Fei Xinghe from Gujian Peak, in charge of guarding Jing'an County!"

Wang Chen knew beforehand that several inner sect disciples took over the same guard duty and came to do it on this spaceship.

Fei Xinghe in front of him is undoubtedly one of them!

"It turned out to be Gu Jianfeng's senior brother."

Wang Chen saluted and said, "I am Sunset Peak, Wang Chen."

If Wang Chen remembered correctly, Nanshao County, which he was in charge of guarding, was adjacent to Jing'an County.

This Lone Sword Peak, Fei Xinghe, will be his neighbor! ——

The third one is delivered.

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