Gou Becomes a Boss in the Fairy World

Chapter 244 Wind and Thunder Valley

Wang Chen talked all kinds of things, and finally dispelled Aunt Lu's idea of ​​being a matchmaker for her cousin and niece.

It made him sweat all over his forehead, and he felt more tired than killing people.

Wang Chen was a little puzzled.

I am a newcomer, and it has been less than a month since I bought the house I am currently living in, and I am not familiar with the neighbors, and the appearance he is pretending to be now is really very ordinary, so why make the other party so eager?

In fact, he still underestimated his weight.

Although Wang Chen concealed his cultivation, what was revealed to others was the seventh level of Qi training.

However, the high-ranking qi training already belonged to the upper-level monks in Dongwu City Walled City, so they must be looked down upon.

The most important thing is that Wang Chen treats people kindly and politely, without the arrogance and domineering of many high-ranking monks.

Coupled with the fact that there was no one around him, he naturally became a favorite in the eyes of his neighbors.

If someone's family has a daughter or niece of the right age, it's only normal to think about it.

In the world of monks, the strong are respected, and strength often determines the level of status.

This rule is most obvious in the Outland Walled City.

Most of the casual cultivators come from humble backgrounds, and they have nothing to do with their family background. Whoever has a tough fist is the boss.

So if they could get married with a young high-level Qi training monk, it would undoubtedly improve their status in the city.

What's more, Wang Chen's personality is very good, and the girl will not suffer from following him.

Everyone has such thoughts, and Aunt Lu is the first to start!

Then in the next few days, Wang Chen was "harassed" by a group of aunts and aunts, and some even brought people over to show him.

I almost sent it to bed by hand!

As long as Wang Chen is willing, he can be the groom at any time!

Under such circumstances, Wang Chen rejected all matchmaking and announced that he would retreat to practice.

The ears are quiet.

Of course, retreat is impossible. He has dug a secret passage, and he can leave Dongwu City Walled without anyone noticing, to find a place for cultivation.

The first thing Wang Chen looked for was an area with dense lightning, similar to Luolei Peak.

Although Wang Chen has limited knowledge of the situation in the foreign domain and does not have an experienced guide to lead the way, he has a very practical magic weapon in his hand-the Yunyang Wanli Map!

This magic weapon was previously exchanged by Wang Chen with 500 honor points. After unfolding, it can display the location of the holder and the landforms and landmarks in the nearby area.

And the displayed area is the land of thousands of miles governed by the Yunyang faction!

Although the Yunyang faction ran away, this magic weapon is still very useful, especially for Wang Chen now, it is simply a guiding light for searching for cultivation resources.

Because many landmarks displayed on the Wanli Map of Yunyang have detailed markings.

Such as mines, hunting grounds, places occupied by monsters and evil spirits, etc.

With the help of this magic weapon, Wang Chen locked his first exploration target.

Wind and Thunder Valley.

Fenglei Valley is more than 700 miles away from Dongwu City Walled City, and there is a strong wind blowing in the valley all the year round, accompanied by violent thunder.

It is very suitable for him to practice Wuyang Qianlei.

In the early morning of this day, Wang Chen sneaked out of the city wall early, went to a place where no one was there, and sacrificed a silver spirit flying shuttle.

Like the willow-leaf flying boat, the Silver Spirit Flying Shuttle belongs to the flying magic weapon, but the speed of the flying shuttle is much higher than the latter, and it is a superior equipment for transportation and escape.

Wang Chen's silver spirit flying shuttle was confiscated from the Guiyuanmen monk.

He refined the original monk's imprint in the flying shuttle, re-imprinted his mana imprint, and after some sacrifices, he is now able to control it proficiently.

The aura from the flying shuttle enveloped Wang Chen in an instant, leading him to fly forward like an arrow leaving the string.

The Willow Leaf Flying Boat flies standing up, while the Silver Spirit Flying Shuttle flies wrapped up. The latter is closer to Yujian flying, so its speed is extremely fast.

The disadvantage is that casting spells in the air is not as convenient as the willow leaf flying boat.

Wang Chen didn't care, he was mainly on his way.

The Silver Spirit Flying Shuttle traveled fast all the way, and it only took more than half an hour to get close to the destination.

In fact, the speed can be faster, but it consumes too much mana.

From a distance, Wang Chen saw the thunderclouds gathering over the valley in front of him, and when he saw streaks of lightning falling into the valley, he knew he had gone to the right place.

Just as he slowed down and lowered his altitude, and was about to land and walk into the valley, suddenly two streamers rushed towards him.

I saw two monks wearing black Taoist robes, one on the left and the other on the right, faintly forming a joint attack on Wang Chen from a distance of a hundred steps.

One of the monks shouted: "Wufeng Mountain Dojo ahead, come and stop!"

Wufeng Mountain?

Wang Chen was stunned for a moment: "When did Fenglei Valley become your dojo in Wufeng Mountain?"

Fenglei Valley is only more than a thousand miles away from the hometown of Yunyang. Strictly speaking, it is the hinterland of the Yunyang faction's jurisdiction, and it has no boundary with Wufeng Mountain, which is thousands of miles away.

"Now it is."

The monk of Wufeng Mountain said proudly: "This is the dojo assigned to us by the ancestor, and only disciples of Wufeng Mountain can enter in the future, hurry up and get out!"

He saw that Wang Chen was dressed as a casual cultivator, and his disdain was beyond words.

Wang Chen thought for a while, then backed away.

He came to Fenglei Valley only to practice Wuyang Qianlei, and he didn't intend to provoke another sect.

Anyway, this area is not the only area where lightning is dense.


However, what Wang Chen didn't expect was that as soon as he retreated, another monk from Wufeng Mountain shouted: "I think you look like a remnant of Yunyang, so immediately hand over the storage bag to us for inspection, otherwise don't blame our ruthless subordinates." !"

He pinched the magic formula with his hands, and stared at Wang Chen with fierce eyes, revealing the profound cultivation of the ninth level of Qi training!

The monk in front understood, Su Rong said: "If you are innocent, we will let you go."

The two sang and played together, completely treating Wang Chen as a meal on the plate.

Wang Chen secretly sighed.

Speaking of which, Wufeng Mountain was an ally of the Yunyang faction in the past.

Now turning his face is more ruthless than anyone else!

Of course, Wang Chen knew that the other party didn't really suspect that he was a disciple of Yunyang, but just wanted to find a reason to use him to search for oil and water, and treat him as a chopping meat and a meal on the plate.

Seeing that Wang Chen didn't respond, the Wufeng Mountain monk who doubted that he was a disciple of Yunyang shouted sharply: "I'll give you one last chance, don't toast or eat fine wine!"

Just after the last word "wine" was said, the sight of this Wufeng Mountain cultivator on the ninth level of Qi training was instantly occupied by an incomparably bright pale golden sword glow.

The hairs all over his body stood on end, and great fear engulfed his mind.

This Wufeng Mountain cultivator never expected that a mere casual cultivator would dare to attack him.

Caught off guard, he could only bless himself with the aura armor as quickly as possible.

The next moment, the Wufeng Mountain cultivator felt his world spinning, and he flew up lightly.

Then he saw a headless corpse below!

Consciousness immediately sank into the bottomless abyss.


The second one is delivered.

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