Gou Becomes a Boss in the Fairy World

Chapter 339 The Prestige of Physical Cultivation

Sealing Spirit Formation, Heavy Crossbow Arrows, Innate Warriors!

Such a series of interlocking killings, any elementary-level Zifu who falls into it, will be in great danger.

However, in the face of the suppression of the Fengling Formation, the blasting crossbow arrows, and the surprise attack of the three innate masters, Wang Chen remained fearless without changing his face, and he didn't even move his feet.

And when such a scene fell into the eyes of the bandit leader, he thought that Wang Chen was stunned and had no time to react, so there was a smug look in his eyes.

What about the master of Zifu?

Still fell into his trap and became a fat prey!

The bandit leader even began to calculate how much oil and water he could scrape from Wang Chen.

In the majestic Zifu, there must be a net worth of tens of thousands and hundreds of thousands of spirit stones, right?

But the next moment, the complacency in his eyes turned into astonishment.


Accompanied by the crisp sound of cloth being torn, the robe worn by Wang Chen was shattered bit by bit.

His body swelled suddenly, the bones all over his body made intensive vibrations, and his exposed skin shone with bronze light.

At this moment, Wang Chen seemed like a god descending from the earth!

Snapped! Snapped! Snapped!

One after another crossbow arrows that could penetrate the iron plate were shot at him, and the arrows broke off in unison.

Only a little white marks were left on the surface of Wang Chen's skin.

But this trace also quickly disappeared.

Immediately afterwards, Wang Chen punched the saber that had just slashed at him.

His fist collided with the blade containing the innate energy, the confrontation between the flesh and blood and the metal weapon, the latter was actually broken instantly.


The moment the weapon broke, this innate martial artist with outstanding strength was hit by an explosive punch in the chest, and a large area was sunken immediately, and his whole body flew upside down like a kite with a broken string.

Haven't landed yet, already dead!

At this moment, a long sword stabbed obliquely, hitting his waist.

The skin pierced by the sword tip was sunken, but it could not penetrate.

King Kong is not broken!

The innate warrior with the sword turned pale with fright, subconsciously mobilizing his true energy.

However, in his line of sight, a fist rapidly enlarged, occupying the entire field of vision in an instant.


The head of this innate warrior was like a watermelon hit by a heavy hammer, and the whole thing burst open.

At this time, the distance between the third innate warrior and Wang Chen was only two steps, and it was located behind Wang Chen's side.

He had enough time to stab out the dagger in his hand, but the tragic death of two companions greatly shook his will.

This innate martial artist suddenly leaned back and swept backwards, his figure was as fast as an arrow that left the string.


Wang Chen seemed to have eyes in the back of his head, and suddenly turned around and caught up with the opponent, his right leg swept out like lightning.

Although his mana was greatly restricted by the Spirit Sealing Formation, it didn't mean that he couldn't cast spells.

It is nothing more than a greatly reduced power and effect.

But it is more than enough to catch up with this innate warrior!


Two corpses flew out.

call out! call out! call out!

The second wave of arrow rain shot over.

But compared with before, not only the number is less, but also the accuracy is greatly reduced.

Because the bandits who acted as crossbowmen were also frightened out of their wits by Wang Chen's strength and ferocity, and those who could continue to shoot were considered the elite among them.

Several bandits even dropped their heavy crossbows and turned around and ran away.

There is more than one exit from the cave lair, as long as they can escape and hide in the mountains, the cultivators of the Zifu will not be able to find it.

boom! boom!

The two huge stalactite pillars shattered together, and they were all smashed by Wang Chen's Vajra fist.

But without these two stalactites, the Spirit Sealing Formation immediately lost its effect, and the aura of heaven and earth suddenly surged back.

Body repair!

Witnessing this scene, the bandit leader's scalp was numb, and his whole head was about to explode.

He never expected that Wang Chen was actually a body trainer.

A powerful Zifu body repairer!

The bandit leader regretted it to the extreme. If he had known that Wang Chen was so cruel, he would never have taken up the job no matter what.

At the same time, endless resentment grew in the heart of the bandit leader.

Keep the green hills here without worrying about no firewood!

Regret is regret, resentment is resentment, the bandit leader did not lose his mind because of this.

Taking advantage of the chaos in the scene, he immediately flew back.

It doesn't matter if the lair is taken away, as long as you keep your own life, then sooner or later you can make a comeback!

However, Wang Chen let him run away once before, how could he let him go this time?

When the figure of the bandit leader moved, Wang Chen immediately noticed it.

He opened his mouth and spit out a ball of silver light.

The next moment, a stream of light flashed, and instantly caught up with the fleeing bandit leader.

What a big head soaring into the sky!

The headless corpse continued to move forward for a certain distance, and immediately fell to the ground.

This streamer flew across the cave, mercilessly harvesting lives.

In less than half a cup of tea, dozens of robbers were decapitated or cut in half!

After the blood flowed like a river, the silver light flew back and condensed into a ball again, which was swallowed by Wang Chen with his mouth open.

This is the sword pill that Wang Chen obtained from beheading Lord Jin Snake before, and it usually exists in the body for warming and sacrificial refining.

Today was the first time he used Jianwan to kill an enemy.

Compared with Feijian, Jianwan is light and fast, and it is more flexible and changeable when used in a narrow range. It can often catch people unawares by surprise, and it can be called a sharp weapon for sneak attacks and plots.

It's just that the sword pill is more difficult to control than the flying sword, and Wang Chen only took it out to show his face after he had practiced it to the point where he could use his arms and fingers.

He took a deep breath and quickly returned to his original shape.

Such a "transformation" was rarely used by Wang Chen in battle before, but today it is completely a special case.

This also reminded Wang Chen that he should not underestimate any opponent.

As long as a group of qi-training monks are well-planned and well-prepared, it is entirely possible to overturn a Zifu monk!

Facts have proved that he is right to cultivate his physique as well, otherwise, even if he can cope with the situation like today, he may have to suffer a lot.

Putting on a new robe, Wang Chen walked towards the depths of the cave, stepping on the bloody ground.

The two kidnapped villagers are still missing!

There must be other bandits in this bandit lair, but they are obviously not fools, they all ran away immediately when they realized that something was wrong, and no one stayed foolishly.

Wang Chen finally found an underground prison.

The prison was divided into more than a dozen cells, four of which housed a total of twenty or thirty prisoners.

From their attire, they were all peasants and peasants, and some of them looked like hunters.

These people didn't understand what had happened, they all looked terrified, and some were sobbing softly.

The appearance of Wang Chen made them even more uneasy.

"Master Village Chief!"

A prisoner recognized Wang Chen, and immediately jumped in front of the iron gate and shouted loudly: "I am the fourth brother Xu, please help me!"

found it! ——

The second one is delivered.

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