From the first day to the fourteenth day of the Lunar New Year, Wang Chen's life can be said to be completely disrupted.

Due to the large number of visitors, he couldn't spare much time to practice. He spent a lot of energy on socializing and entertaining, and felt that his cultivation had regressed.

But this feeling is just Wang Chen's illusion.

He is willing to do it again.

The reason is very simple, the gift is soft!

Visitors come in waves.

As a foreign monk, although Wang Chen is a monk of the Zifu, his influence will not exceed the scope of the village during his tenure as the village head of Datian Village.

Even if he turned the world upside down in Datian Village, it would be difficult for the news to reach the ears of the big shots in Wancheng.

There are many Zifu monks in Wancheng, so what is a mere casual cultivator without foundation?

But with the addition of the title of "Xihai Sect Inner Disciple", Wang Chen's status immediately changed, surpassing the vast majority of Zi Fu's heads in an instant.

Even though he is still only a monk on the first floor of the Zifu.

This kind of identity gap is tantamount to the difference between heaven and earth!

Wang Chen took a final inventory. In the past ten days, the gifts he received added up to hundreds of thousands of spirit stones!

Among them, the Song family and the Fang family gave the most, each with more than 100,000 spirits.

Wang Chen specially made an account book, and recorded all the gifts and accounts.

Prepare for a gift in return later.

He was never the kind of pedant who would turn away this unexpected windfall.

But before leaving Datian Village, Wang Chen had one more thing to do.

That is the candidate to confirm the successor!

Wang Chen didn't serve as village head for a long time, but he did a lot of things during that time.

For example, the establishment of guards, the establishment of schools, the five-guarantee household and the work point system, these tangible and intangible new things have brought huge changes to Datian Village.

As the saying goes, people take tea to cool down. Once he leaves, whether these things can continue is undoubtedly a question.

Wang Chen doesn't want his time-consuming and labor-intensive work to be ruined by others.

So he sent a letter from the crane to Fang Hantao, the head of the Fang family in Wancheng.

Fang Hantao is the magistrate of Wancheng County, assisting the city lord/county magistrate to manage the political affairs of a county, and he must have the power to appoint and dismiss a village chief.

Fang Hantao was also very willing to give Wang Chen face, so the matter was quickly finalized.

"The future Datian Village will all be handed over to you."

Before leaving, Wang Chen said to the new village chief: "If you encounter problems that cannot be solved, you can go to Master Fang Hantao, and he will help you."

The new village head is Xiao Hong.

Xiao Hongxiu is very strong, resolute and resolute. During his tenure as the captain of the guard, he was supported by all the team members.

The most important thing is that he is a villager with a different surname and has no entanglements with the three major surnames.

In addition, Xiao Hong supported the new system created by Wang Chen from the bottom of his heart.

Therefore, after careful consideration, Wang Chen recommended him to be the new village head of Datian Village.

Since the appointment was issued from Wancheng, several elders in the village did not dare to have the slightest objection.

"Xiao Hong should do his best!"

Xiao Hong knelt down on one knee and saluted Wang Chen: "Your Excellency, Xiao Hong will never forget this kindness!"

Wang Chen saved his life.

During a hunting operation in the mountains, Xiao Hong accidentally encountered a ferocious monster. If Wang Chen hadn't acted in time, his ashes would have been buried in the dust long ago.

"It's not that serious."

Wang Chen stretched out his hand to help him up: "I have one more thing to ask you."

Xiao Hong hurriedly said: "My lord, please give me instructions."

Wang Chen pointed to Xiao He who was standing aside: "Help me take care of Xiao He."

He went to the inner gate of Xihaizong, his future was uncertain, and he had another purpose, so it was impossible to bring Xiao He with him.

During this period of time, Xiao He has been serving Wang Chen meticulously, and she has worked hard without credit.

Wang Chen didn't want her life to be badly affected after she left.

Entrusting it to Xiao Hong is undoubtedly the best choice.

"Please rest assured, my lord!"

Xiao Hong patted his chest and promised: "I will take good care of Miss Xiaohe just like my own sister."

Wang Chen said happily, "Good."

He took out a storage bag and handed it to the other party: "You and I have met by fate. There are some things in it for cultivation and life-saving. They are not worth many spirit stones. You can use them."

Xiao Hong did not refuse, and took the storage bag with both hands: "Thank you sir for your kind gift!"

As soon as Xiao Hong left, Xiao He knelt down with a "plop": "My lord, I don't want to leave you."

The girl knew very well that it was impossible for her to find another master as generous and benevolent as Wang Chen.

Wang Chen never regarded her as a slave, and even gave her the Foundation Establishment Pill to help her become a real monk.

It can be said that Entong is recreated!

"Let's meet again by fate."

Wang Chen stretched out his hand to hold her up: "It's not that I'm ruthless, but that I can't take care of you at all when I get there."

Xiao He wiped away her tears and nodded silently.

She is very clear that her own strength is low, and following Wang Chen to Xihaizong is not a chicken dog ascending to heaven, and it may become a burden for the latter, so staying in Datian Village is the best choice.

Wang Chen touched her hair, and then gave the girl a storage bag: "Practice hard."

After Xiaohe settled down, Wang Chen no longer has any nostalgia for this place.

However, when he stepped out of the main gate of the village, he was surprised to find countless villagers standing in darkness outside the gate and on both sides of the road.

The villagers of Datian Village knew that Wang Chen was leaving today, so they rushed over to see him off.

The three elders stepped forward one by one and served drinks.

"My lord, please drink this cup of Baijia wine. I wish you an early ascension to immortality and eternal happiness!"

The so-called Baijia wine refers to the wine brewed from the rice grains of all the families in a village, which represents the most sincere blessing.

Although Wang Chen served as village head for a short time, these villagers felt real benefits.

They were the last ones who wanted Wang Chen to leave.

Everyone looked at Wang Chen with hope and hope.

"Thank you everyone!"

Wang Chen drank all three glasses of Baijia wine, then tossed the cup and said, "Just leave!"

It is impossible to say that he has no feelings in his heart at this time.

But now Wang Chen has long been used to parting.

He urged his mana to fly into the air, suspended in the air and nodded to the villagers on the ground.

Then it flew towards Wancheng like an arrow leaving the string.

It disappeared from everyone's sight in a blink of an eye.

After Wang Chen left, the villagers jointly raised funds to erect a stele of magic weapon level for him, engraved with Wang Chen's deeds during his tenure as village chief, as well as everyone's respect and gratitude to him.

As time goes by, the vicissitudes of time, hundreds of thousands of years later, Datian Village has long since ceased to exist, and this stone tablet is still quietly erected in the ruins of the grass, showing a past!


The second is sent, I wish you all a happy National Day!

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