Gou Becomes a Boss in the Fairy World

Chapter 726 Entering the City

The autumn is crisp and the sky is clear.

It was the first time for Wang Chen to visit the Thousand Stars Immortal City.

Unlike Yongle Immortal City, Qianxing Immortal City is not forbidden to fly, and monks are allowed to use flying instruments to enter and exit the city.

But after entering the city, there is a difference.

D-class citizens can only walk on the streets, C-class citizens can fly freely under ten feet, B-class citizens are limited to a height of fifty feet, and A-class citizens have no restrictions.

In addition, flying is only limited to personal instruments, allowing one companion to be carried, but large-scale flying instruments such as flying boats, spaceships, and airships need to obtain a pass qualification.

Although Wang Chen obtained the qualification of a second-class city citizen, after entering the city, he did not take Su Ziling to show off through the city, but took a walk in the square market to appreciate the elegance of this city of merchants.

Thousand Star Immortal City is really special.

It completely overturned Wang Chen's inherent impression of the fairy city of the Haotian Realm, such as the high-rise buildings on both sides of the street, one after another, with a minimum of more than ten floors and a maximum of more than a hundred feet.

Moreover, the back of the turtle that bears this fairy city rises high upwards, gradually transitioning from the lowest edge to the highest point in the center, with a quite large drop.

Thousand Stars Immortal City has no walls and can be entered from any direction.

There are countless buildings in the city, like a huge forest, and no house is the same, there are more or less differences, and some are even more unique.

Walking in it, there is a feeling of entering a forest maze.

And this feeling reminded Wang Chen of a city he had visited in his previous life.

Mountain city!

Although it was a completely different world, Qianxing Xiancheng brought Wang Chen an indescribable sense of familiarity and intimacy.

There are also a lot of shops, teahouses, taverns, and hotels here, and the cloth banners used to attract business are hung densely, and the guys at the door of the shops use accented words to attract guests from south to north.

It is easy to get lost in the hustle and bustle and glitz unique to the market!

Su Ziling followed closely beside Wang Chen, looking at the scene in Qianxing Fairy City, her face showed a look of reminiscence: "I haven't been here for a long time."

The last time she came to Qianxing Immortal City was when she was ten years old.

At that time, Su Ziling was accompanied by her parents, and her life was quite rich, but it was very warm and happy.

However, the mother's death changed everything, and the father gave up on himself while grieving, and finally degenerated into a gambling dog despised by everyone.

Looking back on the past, the girl's eyes became a little more crystal clear.

Wang Chen took her hand and silently gave her comfort and warmth.

It is undoubtedly a very interesting thing to go shopping when I come to Qianxing Immortal City for the first time. There are too many shops and workshops here, and there are all kinds of arts for cultivating immortals, which opened Wang Chen's horizons.

But when it got dark, he couldn't continue shopping, so Wang Chen found an inn to stay.

With the underworld dragon and tortoise as the boundary, there are different worlds above and below, and the price of goods is the best proof.

For the same suite, the price of staying here for one night is three times that of Yingxian Town!

How much is the house price in Thousand Stars Immortal City?

Wang Chen suddenly felt less confident about his Sumeru Ring.

The next morning, he inquired about the shopkeeper of the inn, and then found a well-known dental shop.

Wang Chen plans to open a store in Qianxing Xiancheng, so he needs to rent a storefront room, preferably one that can be lived in.

He asked about the local housing prices by the way, and even though he was mentally prepared, he was still taken aback.

It can be said that every inch of land and every inch of gold in Qianxing Xiancheng is true. The land on the back of the turtle was fully developed hundreds of years ago, so there is no "new real estate", only second-hand houses can be traded.

It's just that the price is so high that it's outrageous. Open the door to Outrageous - Outrageous Home!

The shopkeeper of Yaxing told Wang Chen that more than 90% of the houses and stores in Qianxing Xiancheng are in the hands of merchants.

The "merchants" here refer to the aristocratic families, rich families and clubs in the merchants.

The other half is the private property of Jindan and Yuanying.

As for ordinary urban residents, very few own their own real estate, and some are first-class urban residents.

Here comes the question, where do the millions of fourth-class city dwellers live?

Most of them live in rented houses.

More than seventy thousand citizens of the Immortal City of Thousand Stars have worked in merchants for a lifetime, a family, or even generations.

The merchants provide them with relatively cheap houses, or give them rent subsidies.

Ensure that the vast majority of people will not sleep on the streets.

Because the land is very limited, in order to accommodate so many people, the houses in the city are built higher and higher.

The previous house couldn't accommodate it, so it was demolished and a new high-rise was built.

These houses are not normally for sale.

Even if it is sold, it is only circulated among merchants.

The Thousand Stars Immortal City is composed of thousands of merchants, and the latter also has an alliance - the Thousand Stars Merchant Alliance.

As the saying goes, what is rare is the most expensive, and the number of real estate circulating on the market is very small, so the price is naturally ridiculously high.

Fortunately, Wang Chen didn't want to buy real estate directly at the beginning, and it is relatively easier to rent a house.

After hearing Wang Chen's request, the shopkeeper of the tooth shop picked out five sets of storefront houses from the book, and then asked the staff to accompany Wang Chen to see the houses.

Although the Thousand Stars Immortal City is the site, or lair, of the Thousand Stars Merchant Alliance, the latter did not hold all the business in its own hands, and did not allow outsiders to get involved.

They will also release some of their own shops for lease and operation by local city residents or foreign merchants.

It is estimated that there are factors that promote market vitality.

In short, it is no problem for Wang Chen to open a shop here. As for whether he can continue to do so, it depends on his ability.

After all, 99% of the outsiders who went to Qianxing Immortal City to open a shop would lose money.

The very few who earn spirit stones will also be absorbed into a certain merchant.

In short, although the atmosphere of Qianxing Mall is very open, it is really difficult to gain a foothold here.

Especially if you don't want to work hard for the merchants, it will be even more difficult!

Under the guidance of the staff of the tooth shop, Wang Chen visited five storefronts respectively.

But the overall feeling is not very suitable.

Either the place is too out of the way or the area is too large, or it is not safe to mix with fish and dragons around.

Then I picked it for a long time and didn't choose it.

Fortunately, the shopkeeper of the dental shop received the talisman letter from the clerk, and then took out another house for the clerk to accompany Wang Chen to see.

As a result, Wang Chen took a fancy to this storefront house at a glance.

After asking about the price and bargaining, Wang Chen finally rented the house at an annual rent of 500,000 yuan, declaring that he had a foothold here.

If possible, Wang Chen would like to buy this house.

However, the other party refused to sell at a discount, so he had no choice but to bury this idea deeply in his heart.

Looking forward to the coming year!


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