Gou Becomes a Boss in the Fairy World

Chapter 834: Rolling (Part 2)

How can this be! ?

Sikong Deping, who witnessed this scene, suddenly took a breath.

If he were to face the iron spears thrown by thirty-six innate warriors, there would be no possibility of resisting him other than dodging.

If it were any monk in Qingyun Palace, I'm afraid they wouldn't dare to take it lightly.

Wang Chen actually knocked down all the iron spears with a palm from the air, so how strong is his cultivation?

Sikong Deping couldn't imagine it at all!

All he could do was immediately crush the talisman in his hand, and shouted: "Withdraw!"

With a flash of light, Sikong Deping's figure instantly disappeared in place.

Can barely avoid a crashing thunder and lightning.

The talisman in Sikong Deping's hand is a life-saving gift given by his father, and it can teleport to a safe area in a critical moment.

Sikong Deping's reaction was extremely fast.

However, other Qingyun Palace monks were not so lucky.

When the thunder and lightning fell from the sky, they were all sitting on the cloud chariot to bless the heavy armored knight with spells. They never expected that Wang Chen's counterattack would be so swift and fierce.


A monk only had time to let out a scream, and was chopped into a scorched corpse in an instant.

Some monks dodged the first thunderbolt, but failed to dodge the second, and followed closely behind.

In just a few breaths, more than half of the monks were struck by lightning.

Life and death are unknown!

At this moment, Qingyun Palace has already fallen into great chaos.

Their original tacit understanding and fierce attack were shattered, and everyone was unable to protect themselves. Howling, screaming, hissing and thunder were intertwined, which could be heard clearly ten miles away.

Whether it is a monk or a warrior, they all collapsed!

Obviously they had an absolute advantage, but they were crushed by the single-handed Wang Chen in the end. The cruel reality mercilessly destroyed the will of the survivors.

They fled desperately.

Wang Chen didn't pursue him.

Don't look at how easily he used thunder to blast and kill a group of ghosts and snakes. In fact, it was very expensive for him to stimulate and activate the thunder formation.

And once he left the position of the eye node, Wang Chen could no longer continue, and the consequences would be hard to say.

In the event that during the chase, the opponent jumps over the wall and fights back desperately, it will not be easy for Wang Chen to clean up.

And it will also expose your own details!

Therefore, he watched the defeated soldiers of Qingyun Palace disappear from sight.

But I believe that after this battle, Qingyun Palace has learned a profound lesson, and it needs to think seriously if it wants to deal with him again.

Wang Chen doesn't have the ability to break through the Qingyun Palace for the time being, but as long as he is given enough time, it will be a matter of time before he reaches the top of Qingyun Peak!


The gate of the academy opened behind Wang Chen, and Gao Zhuang poked his head out.

Inside, he noticed that the movement outside was about to disappear, and no one from Qingyun Palace broke in, so he boldly opened the door to check.

Gao Zhuang was dumbfounded by the sight in front of him!

Within a hundred steps in front of the academy, there were corpses of armored cavalry lying here and there, many of them still emitting wisps of gray smoke.

A lot of carriages fell apart, as if they had been burned by fire, they looked extremely miserable.

Gao Zhuang couldn't think of what happened just now to create such a scene of hell!

However, seeing that Wang Chen was safe and sound, the joy in his heart was beyond words: "Master!"

"never mind."

Wang Chen turned around, smiled at Gao Zhuang and said, "You find some people to clean up this place, and bury everything that needs to be buried."


The current Gao Zhuang respects Wang Chen like a god.

He quickly pulled a group of martial artists over to clean up.

Originally, this was supposed to be the work of the handyman, but Gao Zhuang had a more thoughtful mind, and felt that it was necessary for the martial artists hired by these academies to clearly understand how strong Wang Chen was.

Qingyun Palace bull beep, right?

Let's see what happened to them when so many people came!

The martial artists who had been hiding in the residence at Wang Chen's request were all dumbfounded when they were called out by Gao Zhuang and saw the scene outside.

In fact, they had already prepared for the worst, thinking that as long as they did not participate, Qingyun Palace would not be unreasonable, and they would always be able to leave everyone a way out.

As for Wang Chen's fate, it's not something they can care about.

As a result, they never expected that this sudden conflict would end so soon.

What is even more incredible is that the winner turned out to be Wang Chen!

Because they were too shocked, these martial artists did not have the slightest complaint when they did the dirty work.

It also included two innate warriors.

Everyone is really convinced by Wang Chen!

The martial artists were also very serious about their hard work. They removed corpses one by one, collected the intact items, and quickly cleaned up the terrifying battlefield.

During the cleaning process, someone recognized the identity of several corpses.

There was another fuss.

Some people also found dozens of horses that had fled before, and happily took them back to the academy as trophies.

The originally silent White Deer Academy seemed to have been reborn, and became bustling again.

At this moment, Wang Chen was discussing follow-up matters with the Mo family.


Wang Chen said to the head of the Mo family, Mrs. Mo: "You have two choices now, one is to go back to Taiwu City, and pretend nothing happened, and what happened before is still what happened now."

"I believe that no one in Taiwu City will embarrass you anymore!"

Wang Chen said these few words domineeringly, revealing a strong self-confidence.

Unless someone doesn't want to live anymore!

"Second choice."

Wang Chen continued: "The whole Mo family moved here to develop, and set up a new foundation to establish a temporary foothold. For a maximum of three years, I will guarantee you to return to Taiwu City in a good manner!"

At that time, the Mo family will be the leading family in Taiwu City!

It's just that Wang Chen won't talk about this now.

"Our whole family moved here!"

Old Master Mo replied without hesitation: "From now on, I will be taken care of by the immortal master. My Mo family is willing to serve you, and I will never hesitate to die!"

With that said, he stood up and bowed respectfully to Wang Chen.

The gift of the monarch and his ministers!

Old Mrs. Mo knew very well that if the Mo family went back now, no one would make things difficult for them. After all, Qingyun Palace returned home without a feather. Who in Taiwu City would dare to be an enemy of Wang Chen?

But it is easy to hide the open gun and difficult to defend against the hidden arrow, and what is afraid of is the endless schemes of others behind the scenes.

Instead of worrying about it all day long, it's better to jump out of the whirlpool and find another way, put it to death and come back to life!

Mrs. Mo is determined to be completely tied to Wang Chen.

"very good."

Wang Chen stretched out his hands to support Mrs. Mo, and said in a deep voice, "Your Mo family has not failed me, and I will not fail you!"

"Meet the Lord!"

The Mo family present all knelt down!

Wang Chen only felt a little bit of humanity coming, and couldn't help smiling.


The second one is delivered.

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