Gou Becomes a Boss in the Fairy World

Chapter 837 Chang'an, Chang'an! (superior)

In the dark underground, a long team was struggling to move forward on the path of the holy ancestors.

The composition of this team is very complicated, including the usual traveling merchants, hunters, warriors, civilians, and scholars, as well as many poor refugees in ragged clothes.

Zhong Lei took a deep breath and carried his daughter from his wife's arms.

And on his back was not only a heavy luggage, but also a five-year-old son, the burden was already very heavy.

But Zhong Lei couldn't bear his wife's exhaustion and haggardness, and preferred to burden himself a little more. At the same time, he comforted her and said: "Xiuyun, if you persist for two more days, we will be able to reach Taiwu City!"

His wife was too tired to speak, but managed a smile.

Zhong Lei held her hand with his left hand free: "Believe me, when we arrive in Taiwu City, we can live a good life."

Zhong Lei's family originally lived outside Baimu City. He himself was a hunter, and his wife farmed and weaved cloth, which was enough to support two children. They lived a peaceful life.

However, there were unforeseen circumstances, just for the prey of a Tier 4 ferocious beast, Zhong Lei offended a family member in Baimu City, and was forced to flee with his wife and children.

When leaving, an elder in the village told Zhong Lei to go to Taiwu City to make a living.

Taiwu City is the largest city in the Wushan Realm, with a population of millions, even if you can't get into the city, you can rent a field and build a thatched hut outside, and you can live and work without any problem.

Zhong Lei had heard all kinds of things about Taiwu City when he was very young.

I've always been looking forward to it.

It's just that in the past, it was difficult to leave the homeland, and it was impossible to leave the family business and take risks.

Now that the boat is at the end of the road, Zhong Lei has gone through hardships with his wife and children along the way, and spent most of his savings, finally the future is in sight.


Zhong Lei's wife nodded vigorously.

For her, as long as she can be with her husband and children, no matter how hard the life is, that is happiness.

And she is full of longing for the new life in the future.

Beep! Beep! beep~

At this moment, a sharp whistle suddenly came from the front of the team.

Enemy attack!

Zhong Lei's face changed suddenly, and he shouted in a deep voice: "Xiuyun, take the children to the center!"

He, his wife and children changed several teams along the way, and encountered bandits and bandits four or five times on the way.

According to the rules of the brigade, when encountering an attack by thieves and robbers, men must stand outside to resist, including the elderly, women and children crowded in the middle.

Zhong Lei has a third-level bone refining cultivation base, so he is not very weak in this team.

So he immediately put down his luggage and children, took out his longbow and arrows and rushed forward as quickly as possible.

Zhong Lei's wife hugged the two children tightly with open arms, and then dragged her luggage back.

I have encountered the same situation many times, and now I am very experienced.

It's just that there is still a worried look on her face.

But Zhong Lei struggled to separate from the commotion in front of the crowd, and immediately saw black figures appearing in the distance.

The hunter's heart sank suddenly.

There are a lot of bandits that appear this time, and they look very capable. They are by no means the kind of stragglers that are easy to deal with.

In Zhong Lei's team, there were not many powerful warriors. Although there were a lot of people, it was basically a mess.

Zhong Lei knew very well that this battle was going to be difficult!

But it's hard to return, his wife and children are behind, and he can't allow him to back down.

The hunter immediately held the longbow in his hand, nocked the arrow, and was ready to fight to the death!

As a result, what made him vomit blood was that the front of the team seemed to explode suddenly, and it became extremely chaotic.

"The robbers are coming!"


"Everyone, run for your life!"


One by one, they cried for their fathers and mothers, and fled to the rear desperately.

Although there were only a few people at the beginning, they easily awakened the fear in people's hearts, and many weak-willed guys immediately lost their fighting spirit and ran around blindly.

Zhong Lei was rushed by the fleeing crowd and almost fell to the ground, his heart was extremely cold.

It's over!

Experience told him that bandits and spies must have been mixed into the team in order to create chaos at critical moments.

But it's clear and clear, Zhong Lei is only a third-rank warrior, so how can he have the ability to turn the tide!

He leaned against the rock wall in desperation, watching groups of bandits roaring towards him, his hands and feet were weak for a while.

call out! call out! call out!

Just when Zhong Lei was in complete despair, arrows shining with cold light fell like raindrops among the bandits, creating a bloodbath.


There were shrill screams one after another, and a large number of bandits who had been vicious just now fell down in unison.

Many people were nailed to the ground alive, and those who survived by luck let out howls of panic like killing pigs!

"Chang'an, Chang'an Iron Armor!"

"The Iron Blood Youth League, the Iron Blood Youth League!"

"Run, run!"

This time it was the turn of the bandits to cry for their father and mother. They all wished they could grow an extra leg, and tried their best to escape to the nearby side road.

However, wave after wave of arrow rain followed closely, harvesting their lives mercilessly.

There are also a small number of powerful bandits who bravely counterattack against the rain of arrows, trying to kill a bloody path.

As a result, what greeted them were patches of bright sword glows!

Zhong Lei was dumbfounded.

He saw hundreds of steps ahead, groups of armored warriors swept across the path of the holy ancestors with a force of destruction, crushing the bandits blocking the front into powder.

He saw a bandit leader jumping up high while roaring, only to be shot into a hedgehog by more than a dozen spears flying towards him.

Screams, wailing, begging for mercy...

In just half a cup of tea, there was no longer a standing bandit on the holy ancestor's walk.

And the Iron Armored Warrior, who was like a divine soldier descending from the sky, stepped on the corpses and blood all over the ground, and quickly rushed to Zhong Lei's team.

The people around Zhong Lei backed away in fright, their heads shrinking like quails.

These armored warriors killed robbers like chickens, and it was even easier to kill them.

Zhong Lei was undoubtedly much more courageous, and he didn't think that these well-equipped and well-trained warriors would attack poor people like himself who were suffering.

So he plucked up his courage, stepped forward and saluted, "Your lord's kindness in saving your life will never be forgotten by a villain!"

These armored warriors stopped in their tracks, and one of them lifted his silver-gray mask and asked in a deep voice, "Where do you come from, and where are you going?"

The other warriors lifted their masks one after another.

Zhong Lei was extremely surprised to find that these powerful, ruthless warriors were all teenagers, with a hint of childishness on their faces.

Zhong Lei was stunned for a moment, and then hurriedly replied: "My lord, I, the younger one, have escaped from disaster and are going to Taiwu City."

The other party smiled when he heard the words, and said, "Taiwu City? Then why not come to our Chang'an City!"


The first one is sent.

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