Gou Becomes a Boss in the Fairy World

Chapter 878: Ghost Calamity

High above the sky, a golden-feathered Lei Peng spread its huge wings and flew over the rolling mountains.

Jinling Lei Peng belongs to the third-order monster bird, which is equivalent to the big monster of the Jindan level. It is so powerful that it can be called the overlord of the sky.

But this golden feather Lei Peng is not as handsome and beautiful as normal. The golden wings seem to be covered with a thick layer of dust, showing a bit of decay. red.

Not only that, it also spewed out puffs of black air from time to time.

All these signs of abnormality clearly showed that this third-order Jin Ling Lei Peng had been invaded by evil spirits, lost his self-nature, and became a puppet of evil spirits!

And behind Jin Ling Lei Peng, there was a large group of lifeless goshawks and rocs.

They flew silently in the same direction.

At the same time, alienated or evil monsters also appeared among the high mountains below.

These evil beasts are in groups, and they are also running in the direction of Lei Peng's flight!

Wherever the evil beasts went, the monsters inhabiting the mountain forest caves either shivered and shrank, or ran away in fright. A small number of them were unlucky and hit the muzzle of the gun, and became the blood of the evil beasts.

In Wuming Xiaogu's Tandi cave mansion, Wang Chen "seeed" this scene with the help of a magic circle. m

The mood also became extraordinarily heavy.

This is an evil disaster!

As for such a large-scale evil calamity, Wang Chen had only read some records in books before.

Far from the shock of witnessing it.

To his surprise, the direction that this army of evil beasts was heading was exactly the location of Lingyou City!

Wang Chen didn't know whether the other party was heading for Lingyou City or whether it was purely a coincidence, but if the army of evil beasts didn't change direction, they would definitely collide with Lingyou City.

Can the Huang-level ghost city be able to stop it?

If it's Qianxing Xiancheng, then Wang Chen is not worried at all, because the strength of the former is too strong, Jindan is just ordinary, there are a lot of Nascent Souls, and Huashen sits in charge!

At most, one or two true immortals exist in Lingyou City as the pillars of the sky.

But worry is nothing but worry, Wang Chen can't do anything now, the most important thing for him right now is to guard Wuming Xiaogu from being discovered by this army of evil beasts.

Otherwise, the consequences will be disastrous!

Fortunately, the magic circle in Tandidong Mansion was very powerful, and the army of evil beasts just passed by, so half a moment later, the haze that weighed on Wang Chen's heart disappeared.

It can be regarded as dodging!

Wang Chen waited for another stick of incense, and after making sure that he was safe, he lowered the power of the magic circle.

To maintain the strongest state all the time, Wang Chen will never be able to support it for too long by himself.

Although spirit stones can be used instead, how many spirit stones can be smashed down?

Must go bankrupt!

After thinking for a while, Wang Chen quietly sneaked back to Wuming Xiaogu, and sent a talisman letter to Jingyun Daoist who was far away in Lingyou City.

The Wanli Letter Talisman was given to him by Master Jingyun, for the convenience of ordinary contact.

Considering that this evil calamity is likely to be aimed at Lingyou City, Wang Chen feels that he needs to warn Master Jingyun, even if it has no effect, he has a clear conscience!

What Wang Chen didn't expect was that in less than an hour, he received a talisman letter from Master Jingyun.

This surprised Wang Chen, because under normal circumstances, it would take at least two hours for the two to write back and forth!

When he opened the talisman, he felt a little heavy again.

It turns out that Lingyou City has discovered the emergence of evil disasters, and has entered a state of full alert and defense. It is estimated that they will not be able to escape a battle with the army of evil beasts.

Master Jingyun reminded Wang Chen in the letter that he must never go to Lingyou City, and it is best to hide far away.

So as not to suffer the disaster of the fish in the pond.

Wang Chen noticed that Master Jingyun wrote this letter in a hurry, and estimated that the situation over there was already quite critical.

After reading the letter, Wang Chen thought for a moment, and soon made a decision.

He returned to Tandi Cave Mansion and called Su Ziling over: "Zi Ling, I have something to go out, you stay in the cave mansion and don't go out, do you understand?"


Su Ziling nodded obediently.

In fact, Wang Chen didn't need to give special instructions, and she never ran out indiscriminately, so as not to cause trouble for Wang Chen.

After making arrangements, Wang Chen left the nameless valley and headed towards Lingyou City.

He didn't go to rescue Lingyou City, and he didn't have such ability at all.

Crisis is both danger and opportunity. Under normal circumstances, it is impossible to encounter so many evil spirits. Wang Chenjing is very eager to move, thinking about reopening the long-lost Tianluo Zhuxie Network.

He is already a Golden Core cultivator, his spiritual sense is far superior to his peers, and he has the means to save his life. Coupled with a sharp weapon like the Xiexie Net, if he is afraid to do anything, it is better to find a piece of tofu and kill him up.

Gouguigou, when it's time to take an adventure, Wang Chen is unambiguous at all!

His strength, to a large extent, is also played out.

Of course, Wang Chen would not act recklessly, rushing into the core area of ​​Lingyou City rashly.

He sneaked all the way, carefully restraining his aura, trying not to make any big noises, not flying in the air without using a spaceship, and maintaining his spiritual perception from beginning to end.

On the way, Wang Chen saw one or several airships passing by from time to time in the sky, and there were streaks of light that were obviously monks.

All headed in the direction of Lingyou City.

This surprised Wang Chen. It is normal for the news of the evil disaster to spread. After all, monks still have very strong means of communication, even if they are separated by millions of miles.

And when Lingyou City is facing a huge crisis, it will inevitably ask for help from the outside world or the fairy city above.

But the reinforcements usually only use the teleportation array to go there, and under normal circumstances they will not rush over directly-not to mention the low efficiency, it is also very dangerous!

Wang Chen didn't know whether these people were reinforcements, or they wanted to do something like him, or they were just watching the fun.

He still followed the established plan and gradually approached the range of Lingyou City.

On a mountain peak dozens of miles away from Lingyou City, Wang Chen stopped walking.

Although there was no evil spirit around, the sinister aura that filled the space had already made him perceive the existence of danger, so he resolutely stopped approaching.

Wang Chen took out a wood-carved bird from the Sumeru Ring, tapped it out with one finger, and it immediately became alive.

The wood sparrow chirped twice, then suddenly flapped its wings and took off.

Although its movements were very clumsy, and it almost fell to the ground after several efforts, but with the improvement of its flying skills, it quickly flew into the sky.

Became Wang Chen's "eyes".

Under Wang Chen's control, the sparrow flew towards Lingyou City.

It is a wooden body. Although it has been enlightened by Wang Chen's magic, it is fundamentally different from real life, and it is not easy to be detected and seen by evil spirits.

It's best for scouting! ——

The second one is delivered.

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