On the fifth day after leaving Jiangyuan City, Wang Chen returned to the county town again.

The first thing he did after he came back was to go to Iron Furnace Camp to find his master Wang Hui to return the horse.

As soon as we met, Wang Hui asked, "Is everything settled?"


Wang Chen nodded, and at the same time presented a gift that he had already prepared: "This is a little thought from my apprentice, please accept it."

He didn't offer Shuxiu when he was apprenticed to a teacher before, but this time he made up for it.

"I have a heart."

Wang Hui smiled happily.

He accepted Wang Chen as an apprentice to inherit the mantle, and because he knew Wang Chen's situation, he didn't care about the issue of Shu Xiu.

Mr. Wang is not short of such things.

But Wang Chen is still very happy to remember the kindness of master and apprentice.

After receiving the wooden box from Wang Chen and opening it, Wang Hui was stunned.

Inside this wooden box is an old mountain ginseng with complete roots. Judging by the texture of its skin and the reed bowl, there are more than two hundred to nearly three hundred years old!

We must know that today is different from hundreds of thousands of years ago. Mountain ginseng that has been around for a hundred years is a treasure.

The price is naturally very expensive, and even the rich may not be able to buy it.

After all, this kind of tonic can be used not only to save lives and cure diseases, but also to strengthen energy and nourish blood, so the demand is too great.

Wang Hui was old, and he had been seriously injured before, so it was almost impossible for him to die.

But this old mountain ginseng has a lot of potential, allowing him to live a few more years!

Wang Hui never expected that Wang Chen would give him such a gift.

He doesn't care about gold, silver and jewelry, but it's really hard to refuse a precious ginseng.

After closing the lid, the head coach of the blood-clothed guard couldn't help asking: "Did you bring back the things at home?"

"Bringing back some of it."

Wang Chen replied: "The enemy and the family property are still there, and they will be taken later."

Wang Hui sighed in his heart.

What he was most afraid of was that Wang Chen, who was young and arrogant, insisted on going to Anyang for revenge regardless of the difference in strength, and ended up taking his life in vain.

However, Wang Chen is so mature that he doesn't look like a fifteen or sixteen-year-old boy at all, his calm mind is scary!

This son will become a master!

"You have the audacity to accept this gift as a teacher!"

Wang Hui resolutely put away the wooden box, and said: "Next, you will go to the prefecture and county below to work. It is inconvenient to not have a horse. You can keep the yellow pussy outside for yourself, and you don't have to return it."

In fact, this steed does not belong to him, but there is no problem in buying it for money.

Compared with the treasured ginseng that Wang Chen gave, the value of Huang Puma is much worse!

Wang Chen cupped his fists and said, "Thank you, Master."

He was not polite, because this horse was really good, it could run thousands of miles in a day and night, and it was very convenient for transportation.

"You and I, master and apprentice, don't need to be polite."

Wang Hui waved his hand, and took out a thick book from his arms: "This secret book records the experience and experience of serving as a blood guard for the teacher for decades. You can take it with you and take a look at it. Maybe it will help you. reward."

Wang Chen quickly took it with both hands: "Thank you, Master!"

Wang Hui chuckled and said, "Go, Wei Baihu is waiting for you in the city. He has already arranged your destination, so I won't send you there as a teacher."

It wasn't that he didn't want to spend more time with this apprentice Wang Chen, but that time was too tight, if Wang Chen came back one day later, there might be troubles.

Wang Chen was a little surprised, but still obeyed the master's arrangement, left Iron Furnace Camp and rushed back to Jiangyuan City.

This time, Wang Chen, who had changed into the flying fish suit, walked into the capital's yamen in a big way.

"You came just in time."

As soon as he saw Wei Zhengxiong, the blood-clothed guard brought Wang Chen to his office room, and gave him a waist badge and a letter of appointment.

"During this period of time, there is a shortage of manpower. The newcomers who have just been trained in this class have to be arranged to work in prefectures and counties."

Wei Zhengxiong said: "I originally wanted to arrange you in the Fucheng, but that smiling tiger played tricks and didn't get a place in the Fucheng, so I can only be sent to the county."

Wang Chen knew who the smiling tiger Wei Zhengxiong was talking about, but he didn't care: "The county seat is also very good."

Counties, prefectures, and counties are the local administrative divisions of Daliang. Wang Chen, as a newly recruited blood-clothed guard, has no possibility of staying in Jiangyuan City unless he has a very solid background.

The next level of choice is naturally the following Fucheng.

But Wang Chen can also accept to work in the county, and the low starting point is not a problem.

Wei Zhengxiong sighed, and said, "The world is in chaos now. In the past, when the new blood-clothed guards came out, they were at most sent to the prefectural city. There was no reason to go to the county seat to garrison them."

When he said these words, he lowered his voice: "Ling Zhiyuan, after you get down here, you should learn more from the old man first. You can't force yourself in everything. The most important thing is to protect yourself, understand?"

Wang Chen nodded: "Kid, keep it in mind!"

"As long as you get a few credits, I can transfer you up, and returning to Jiangyuan City is not impossible."

Wei Zhengxiong thought for a while and said, "I arranged for you to be in Linjiang County. Recently, there are a lot of pagan disturbances there. There should be many opportunities to make meritorious deeds. If you have the opportunity, take advantage of it."

The promotion mechanism of the Blood Clothes Guard system is very complete, the lowest level of guards, and you need to accumulate merit to be promoted.

Small banner, general banner, hundred households, thousand households, commander of the capital guard...

Although there are a lot of tricks in it, it is undoubtedly much fairer than the civil service system.

Guys without strength and credit will not be able to get promoted by relying on flattery, and they will not be able to bear their due responsibilities.

After all, the blood-clothed guards are facing the most ferocious enemy!

Wei Zhengxiong told Wang Chen a lot about the situation in Linjiang County.

Linjiang County is a county below Donglu Mansion, and it is also the largest county. It belongs to the upper counties and has a population of hundreds of thousands.

Although the county seat is not as prosperous as the prefectural city, there are still many people living there.

Originally, Linjiang County was relatively peaceful and peaceful, but in the past two years, many strange things have happened. It is suspected that there are demons causing trouble, pagan religions have revived in the local area, and even evil shrines and wild temples have been established to worship.

In order to wipe out the demons and heretics, the Bloody Guards in Linjiang County paid a high price and lost a lot of manpower during the operation. They are in urgent need of new blood.

In a situation like this, Wei Zhengxiong shouldn't have arranged for Wang Chen to go there.

But Linjiang County is his hometown, Linjiang Wei's family can be regarded as a powerful party, Wang Chen was not alone in the past.

Secondly, it is too difficult to find a peaceful place now. In contrast, Linjiang County is a good choice!

The most important thing is that if Wang Chen made contributions in Linjiang County, Wei Zhengxiong from the county would be able to speak for him.

Of course Wang Chen had no objection to this.

Due to the urgent urging from Linjiang County and the fact that Wang Chen's appointment had already been made, he couldn't stay in Jiangyuan City for one night, so he hurried to this county town.


The first one is sent.

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