Xu Jinghui is a thousand households, his strength is no small matter, and his anger shook like thunder.

Xu Zongqi trembled all over when he heard that, his eyes could not help but show horror, he hurriedly lowered his head and said: "Ling Wuzong, I'm sorry, I deserve death!"

His expression was humble, completely without the arrogance of three days ago.

Actually, I like your rebellious appearance even more!

Wang Chen raised his eyebrows, leaned back on the chair and did not speak.

There is no expression.

Even Xu Zongqi's head almost fell to the floor.

"The child does not teach, the father too!"

Xu Jinghui said sternly: "This rebellious son actually did a vicious act of stealing people's military exploits without telling me. I have already severely punished him and let him know what it means to be powerful!"

As he said that, he presented a thick letter with both hands: "This is a little thought from the official, and it can be regarded as an apology to you. Please accept it with your kindness."

Wang Chen took it calmly.

He opened it and saw that there was a stack of bank notes inside, and the denomination of the top one was 10,000!

You must know that the maximum denomination of the banknotes currently in circulation in the market is 10,000 taels. If this stack of banknotes is of the same denomination, then Xu Jinghui's compensation to Wang Chen is as high as hundreds of thousands of taels.

"in addition…"

Xu Jinghui observed his words and continued to say: "I have reported your military exploits to Lord Zhen Fushi. I believe that your reward will be passed down soon. I wish you to be promoted to a noble position and martial arts to prosper!"

With Wang Chen's current cultivation strength, even if he didn't have that bloodthirsty demon's head, it was only a matter of time before he was promoted.

General banner, hundred households, thousand households...

As long as Wang Chen doesn't use a fork himself, sooner or later he will enter the core high-level ranks of the Blood Clothes Guard.

How dare Xu Jinghui offend such a promising person?

This is also the reason why he wished to slap his son to death, because the latter really did this without telling him, not to mention the rough and clumsy methods, and hit a big board that couldn't be harder!

Xu Jinghui only hoped that after knowing the situation above, he could appease Wang Chen's anger and gain the understanding of the young Wuzong.

Otherwise, this level will be sad.


Wang Chen nodded lightly - this is what should be done, there is no need for Xu Jinghui to be verbose, and it is not a reason for the latter to claim credit!

What kind of person Xu Jinghui is, how can he not understand Wang Chen's attitude, he immediately gritted his teeth and took out a contract from his arms: "I still have a house in Jiangyuan City, which is usually empty and useless, so I will give it to you as a gift." Congratulations."

This Qianhu's heart is bleeding.

Although the Xu family can be regarded as a wealthy family, the family has a big business and a lot of expenses. The 150,000 taels of silver that they took out just now has already cost a lot of blood, and this house deed has been cut again.

Although the houses in Jiangyuan City are more expensive than those in Great Ye City, the capital of God, but as a county town, the price is also very high.

What Xu Jinghui took out was a big house, and the value was even more unusual.

But for the sake of his family's future, Xu Jinghui also went all out!

"Xu Qianhu is too polite."

After receiving the deed, Wang Chen finally showed a smile on his face: "It's something that hasn't been written yet..."

Even though he said that, he unceremoniously put away the deed.

Xu Jinghui cursed secretly in his heart, but on the surface he said with a smile: "It should be, the small pond of Linjiang can't keep your Excellency, it's a pity I don't have a house in Daye City, otherwise..."

"Jiangyuan City is also very good."

Wang Chen praised: "My lord has a heart."

"In front of you, I dare not call you an adult."

Xu Jinghui lowered his posture again: "My name is Your Excellency, it's just a matter of time."

The corners of Pang Tai's eyes twitched involuntarily.

He has not met Xu Jinghui many times, but the latter's arrogance has a very deep impression in his heart.

It is completely different from today's Xu Jinghui!

Wang Chen laughed loudly: "I accept your good words!"

Xu Jinghui's face was burning with pain, but he secretly heaved a sigh of relief - this test has finally passed.

And the day after Xu Jinghui brought his son to the door to make amends, the three riders rushed to Linjiang City and conveyed the order from Fucheng.

Because of his great achievements in beheading bloodthirsty demons, Xiaoqi Ling Zhiyuan was exceptionally promoted to the rank of Hundred Blood Guards. He was rewarded with a BMW, a pair of armor, a sword and a hundred taels of gold, and he was also awarded the title of "Suppressing Demon School"!

This decree immediately caused a huge sensation in the Linjiang Guard.

It took only a few months for Wang Chen to become a small banner from an ordinary guard, and now he skipped the general banner and went directly to the position of Hundred Households, even adding the rank of school captain.

It's like a fish jumping over the dragon's gate, and it's about to soar into the sky!

Since Linjiang Weisuo was established, Wang Chen's promotion speed is definitely ranked first.

There is no one before, and it is estimated that there will be no one in the future!

The blood-clothed guards of Linjiang Guards, regardless of their positions, expressed their congratulations to Wang Chen who had just received the reward.

The guard is full of joy, just like Chinese New Year!

"Master Baihu..."

A Tiqi presented another secret letter to Wang Chen: "This is from the Lord Zhenfu Envoy."

Wang Chen opened it and looked at the contents of the letter, and was stunned for a moment.

The name of the governor of Xueyiwei in Donglu Mansion is Yao Peng. He is a fifth-rank Martial Ancestor. It is said that his strength is unfathomable.

And the content of the letter Yao Peng wrote to Wang Chen was to ask Wang Chen to take three Tiqi to Anyang City to get back his own things and avenge his father!

Yao Peng obviously knew the identity of Wang Chen, or to be precise, Ling Zhiyuan in detail, and knew what the latter had gone through.

Now he gave Wang Chen a chance to understand the grievances!

That is to say, as long as Wang Chen is willing, he can go to Anyang City to take revenge as a blood-clothed guard. There will be no official obstacles and resistance, and even the support of the blood-clothed guard system in Anyang City.

This is undoubtedly a great favor!

As for the three Tiqi who delivered the letter, they were all handed over to Wang Chen to command.

After reading this secret letter, Wang Chen said to them: "Thank you for your hard work. I will have a banquet at Chunyue Tower tonight, and I will go to Anyang City tomorrow morning."

The three riders saluted in unison: "Follow the order!"

That night, Wang Chen booked the entire Chunyue Building and hosted a banquet for all the blood-clothed guards in the Linjiang Guard.

Although he has not been in Jiangjiang for a long time and is not familiar with most of his colleagues, this does not prevent him from treating everyone to a meal before leaving.

This Linjiang City is actually Wang Chen's blessed land, and he has gained quite a lot!

After a night of singing and dancing, in the early morning of the next day, Wang Chen rode on a yellow puma and led three elite cavalry to quietly leave Linjiang City and head for Anyang City thousands of miles away.

On the evening of the third day, Wang Chen saw the majestic city wall of Anyang City again.

At this moment, Wang Chen clearly felt a throbbing of his soul! ——

The second one is delivered.

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