Gou Becomes a Boss in the Fairy World

Chapter 942: After Knowing Karma, I Really Realize My Name (Part 2)

"You bitch!"

Guo Qianhu's sudden revelation made Ling Hongfeng, who had been huddled in the corner before, finally couldn't bear it anymore, and cursed: "I married you because I was really blind!"

Under everyone's gaze, he knelt down in front of Wang Chen with a plop, and begged tearfully, "Zhiyuan, I really didn't kill your father, he was my elder brother, it was all caused by the Tong family." Damn it!"

"I lost 500,000 taels in the Tong family's gambling shop and didn't come out. They used this excuse to force me to be the head of the Ling family, and then asked me to marry Tong Baodai, a bitch, and then Jiu occupied the magpie's nest and annexed our Ling family. Home."

"You believe me, I am your third uncle!"

The Ling family present were all dumbfounded, especially the elders who couldn't believe their ears.

The real culprit who killed Ling Hongyun turned out to be the Tong family.

Although Ling Hongfeng tried his best to put aside his own responsibilities, no one here is a fool, how can they not understand the truth!

Tong Wanshan was furious: "Ling Hongfeng, you fucking want to die!"

Before he finished speaking, he suddenly raised his right palm and slapped Ling Hongfeng fiercely: "How dare you frame the Tong family!"

Tong Wanshan is a fourth-rank military general, very powerful, and Ling Hongfeng, a dude who has been hollowed out by wine and sex, is no match for the head of the Tong family and the old man!

Tong Wanshan suddenly exploded into trouble, and the people around him were basically defenseless. Seeing that Ling Hongfeng was about to be killed by him, his wrist was suddenly grabbed.

It was only half a foot away from Ling Hongfeng's forehead, but he couldn't fall any more!

It was Wang Chen who made the shot.

Wang Chen smiled and said, "Mr. Tong, if you want to kill someone, it depends on whether our Ling family agrees or not!"

Tong Wanshan also has the identity of Yuanwailang, so he is often referred to as Tong Yuanwai, but this identity is a false title, and he is regarded as an official but does not hold a real position of power.

Tong Wanshan's inevitable blow was strangled abruptly, and he couldn't help being shocked!

It would make sense if it was Guo Qianhu who stopped him, the latter was only stronger than him but not weaker.

But it can't justify changing to Ling Zhiyuan!

Tong Wanshan is also a hero, at this point he simply gave it up, his eyes revealed a ferocious look: "Die!"

He raised his leg and kicked Wang Chen's lower abdomen suddenly, the life energy in his body exploded, and his whole body was like a tight and strong bow suddenly loosened, extremely fast and fierce.

Although Tong Wanshan is usually pampered, he has never stopped practicing martial arts. His best weapon is the sword, but he didn't bring it with him because he attended his daughter's wedding today.

However, very few people know that Tong Wanshan is also very strong in melee combat, especially with decades of leg skills, he can kick a huge bear to death with one kick.

If he kicked this kick well, even warriors of the same rank would not be able to resist it even if they were wearing heavy armor!


Tong Wanshan's right leg hit the target firmly, and the dull impact made people's heart palpitate.


The screams suddenly sounded.

But what made people dumbfounded was that it wasn't Wang Chen who had been tricked that screamed, but Tong Wanshan who was sneaking up!

Wang Chen's right foot was bent and broken when he kicked it. Bai Sensen's bones were pierced through the skin and flesh, and bright red blood sprayed out from the wound.

But none of it splashed on Wang Chen, and was blocked by an invisible barrier.

Unleash the evil force, condense the strength into a armor!


Tong Wanshan's wrist was wrenched off by Wang Chen, and he threw it on the ground like throwing garbage.

At this time, Tong Wanshan, the majestic head of the Tong family, passed out on the spot.


The pale Tong Baodai threw herself on Tong Wanshan and burst into tears.


Ling Hongfeng next to him saw the opportunity, grabbed Tong Baodai's hair, and then slapped him left and right!

His fighting power is not one percent of Tong Wanshan's, but it is more than enough to fight Tong Baodai.

"Hurry up and save the master and miss!"

At this time, the Tong family members who were present seemed to wake up from a dream, shouting to fight Wang Chen desperately: "Kill him!"

The lobby suddenly fell into great chaos.

"I'll see who dares to move!"

That Guo Qianhu roared like a lion: "Anyone who doesn't obey orders will be killed!"

Some members of the Tong family were hesitant under the awe of Qianhu, the blood-clothed guard, but there were also many diehards who turned a deaf ear to them, and all rushed towards Wang Chen with gritted teeth.

Then one by one sprayed blood and flew out.


Guo Qianhu slapped a guard of the Tong family to death with one palm, and shouted sharply: "The Tong family is rebellious, resist my blood-clothed guards, and anyone who dares to co-conspirate will be killed!"

His intention was to intimidate the allies of the Tong family who were present, lest these people also join the battle.

That would be too bad.

Facts have proved that Jiang is still old and hot. When he threatened, a few people who were ready to move immediately suppressed their thoughts.

Tong Wanshan fell to the ground and didn't know whether he was alive or dead, so why did they bother to fight against Xue Yiwei again, and end up being charged with treason, harming their entire family!

After eliminating potential threats, Guo Qianhu led a group of blood-clothed guards to mercilessly kill all the rebels.

The blood quickly soaked the floor, forming a series of winding blood lines, and finally gathered together.

A grand wedding turned into a slaughterhouse!


Ling Hongfeng, who just beat Tong Baodai hard, got up and said to Wang Chen with a smile on his face: "This Ling family is still yours, I will give way to you now..."

And his wife, who had just finished worshiping heaven and earth, was lying on the floor with her head up, her facial features were completely distorted, and bright red blood was leaching from under the phoenix crown and Xiapei.

It is already more out of breath and less out of breath!


A human head flew into the sky.

Wang Chen held the Yanling knife expressionlessly, and swung the knife again to chop off Tong Wanshan's head.

The next moment, he suddenly turned his head and waved his arms, and shot out the long knife in his hand, nailing Steward Zhang, who was quietly fleeing towards the door, to the door panel!

Wang Chen's outstretched fingers closed together, just in time to catch the falling head.

Ling Hongfeng's head!

All the guests in the hall were shocked to the point of numbness when they saw this scene, and there was no sound in the entire hall.

Who would have thought that Ling Zhiyuan was so ruthless that he wouldn't even let his own uncle off!

I saw Wang Chen holding the heads of Ling Hongfeng and Tong Wanshan respectively, and placed them on the table where the dragon and phoenix candles were placed.

He knelt down on one knee, bowed his head and said, "Father, your spirit in heaven can rest in peace!"

As soon as Wang Chen's words fell, he felt light all over his body, as if a heavy burden had been lifted, the line of cause and effect that existed in the dark disappeared quietly, and there was no longer any barrier between him and this world!

The real murderer was executed, and Wang Chen fulfilled the oath he made, truly breaking the karma with his original body.

【Luck +5】

A message flashed across his vision at the same time.


The first one is sent.

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