Gou Becomes a Boss in the Fairy World

Chapter 975 Face to Face (Part 2)

Daye City, Yiluan Foreign Secretary Post House.

After returning to his residence, Wang Chen closed the door and eagerly took out the jade box from the storage space.

He really didn't expect that he would gain something like this from his trip to the imperial capital.

The moment he lifted the lid of the box, Wang Chen suddenly brought his sword fingers together and cut off a slender ginseng root like lightning.

While retracting his hand, he also resealed the lid of the box and put it into the storage space.

The best way to utilize this natural and earthly treasure is to refine the whole plant into elixirs, so that its medicinal properties can be utilized to the greatest extent.

If there are no conditions for alchemy, the first-class choice is to swallow and refine it all at once.

As for the method of cutting a little and using a little, that's not impossible.

However, the spiritual energy of cut heavenly materials and earthly treasures will be lost quickly, and it is useless to put them in a jade box. The storage space will definitely be much better, but some losses cannot be avoided.

Wang Chen first cut a ginseng root to test its medicinal properties.

You have to kill them all next time so as not to waste them!

And when this newly cut ginseng tentacle entered Wang Chen's mouth and was stained with saliva, it turned into medicinal liquid and flowed down his throat silently.

The extremely powerful medicinal power was instantly released in Wang Chen's stomach.

[Potential +1]

His potential points immediately increased by 1 point, and then another 1 point was added only ten breaths later.

Until Wang Chen refined all the medicinal power of this ginseng tendril, his potential points increased by 17 points.

You know, this is just a ginseng whisker!

Wang Chen estimated that if he refined the entire thousand-year-old ginseng plant, the potential points would be increased by at least several thousand.

Much more than the total potential points he obtained in the past year!

Not only that, Wang Chen also had a ball of spiritual energy in his body.

At the beginning of his arrival in the Cang Qing World, Wang Chen knew that there was spiritual energy in this world.

It's just that the spiritual energy in this world is extremely weak, and due to different rules, the techniques Wang Chen mastered are not applicable, so he chose to practice the martial arts of the Cang Qing Realm.

But Wang Chen knows that there are Dao veins in the Cangqing world, as well as talismans, spells and magical weapons.

Mortals can also practice law.

However, the spiritual energy in Wang Chen's body conflicted with his Xuantian evil energy in the blink of an eye, and quickly melted and was destroyed.

The two are completely incompatible.

Although Wang Chen can control the evil energy in his body, it is separated from the spiritual energy he just obtained.

But he didn't do that.

After this test, Wang Chen gained some confidence and came up with new ideas.

Early the next morning, a carriage escorted by six knights at the front and rear quietly stopped at the door of the post house.

The carriage door opened, and a young eunuch with a white face and a beardless figure wearing a bullfighting red robe came out. After he landed, he stood still and asked in a high-pitched voice: "Is Wang Chen Wang Qianhu here?"

"The official is here."

Wang Chen, who was waiting behind the door, stepped across the threshold, bowed his hands to the other party and said, "I've met my father-in-law."

He had already learned the procedures for meeting the Holy Spirit before, so he got up early, put on his new uniform and waited here.

"A certain family's surname is Yu."

The young eunuch looked at Wang Chen with a smile, nodded with satisfaction and said, "He is indeed a talented young man. His Majesty will definitely like him when he sees him."

Wang Chen said calmly: "It turns out to be Eunuch Yu. I feel ashamed to be a subordinate."

In fact, his rank is only higher than that of the eunuch in bullfighting uniform, but the other party is an eunuch, and he comes to accept him into the palace on behalf of the emperor, so he must be respectful.


The young eunuch smiled like a castrated boar, his eyes narrowed into slits: "It's getting late, get up."

"Thank you, father-in-law."

Wang Chen boarded the carriage, and then headed to the palace with Eunuch Yu.

This young eunuch was very interested in him and kept asking him various questions along the way. His croaking was so noisy that Wang Chen had the urge to slap him to death.

Of course, Wang Chen still had some skills in cultivating his qi, and he finally got over it by being arrogant and conciliatory with the other party.

Daye was the ancient capital of the Six Dynasties. The Daliang Palace was continuously renovated and expanded based on the original ancient palace. It is extremely large in scale. The palace buildings inside are row upon row. The ancient grandeur is full of the majesty of the Tianjia.

Wang Chen got off the carriage in front of the palace gate, and then, under the guidance of Eunuch Yu, he went through many inspections and searches, and finally came to the imperial study room in the inner hall.

In this study room, a man wearing a bright yellow dragon robe was concentrating on painting.

He was in his thirties and quite handsome in appearance, but his complexion was not very good and his face looked a little pale.

Emperor Liang Shaowu!

Shaowu was the reign name of the current dynasty, and the emperor in front of him had been on the throne for seventeen years. People's evaluations were mixed.

Wang Chen had heard more or less about the deeds of Emperor Liang.

It is said that Emperor Shaowu liked writing more than martial arts. He was good at playing music, chess, calligraphy and painting. He also liked to recite poetry and write a large number of poems. In addition, he only doted on Concubine Yi in the inner palace and often ignored the government affairs.

After Emperor Shaowu came to the throne, Confucianism, which had been suppressed by the late emperor, was able to recover and control a lot of power. This aroused the dissatisfaction of many military attachés, and there were constant overt and covert fights in the court.

The weakening power of Daliang in recent years has a lot to do with the actions of Emperor Shaowu.

Of course, Daliang's own shortcomings accounted for the main reason.

But no matter what, Emperor Shao Wu was the supreme being in Daliang and the controller of the Blood Clothes Guard!

Since Emperor Shaowu was painting, Eunuch Yu did not dare to disturb him, so he stood respectfully in the corner and waited patiently.

It wasn't until the ninety-five-year-old Supreme Master finished painting and put down his pen that he stepped forward and saluted: "Your Majesty, I will bring you to your Majesty on horseback."

Blood-clothed Guard is the external name, and the official name inside the palace is Tiqi.


Emperor Shaowu turned around and his eyes fell on Wang Chen.

Wang Chen immediately knelt down on one knee and saluted: "Your Majesty, Wang Chen, long live my emperor!"

He belongs to the imperial guard and is an official of Qianhu, so he does not need to kneel down and worship.

"I love your life."

Emperor Shaowu raised his hand and said, "Give me a seat."

Wang Chen saluted again: "Thank you, Your Majesty."

"There is no need to be polite if you love me."

Emperor Shaowu's smile was very gentle, and he did not look like a supreme being who controlled the fate of hundreds of millions of people at all, but a gentle and elegant Confucian scholar, with a completely harmless feeling.

But if you think he can be easily hurt, you are totally wrong!

The moment Wang Chen stepped into the imperial study, he was instantly locked in by three completely different auras.

One of the smells made Wang Chen feel quite threatened.

This seemingly defenseless study actually hides many masters and experts. If Wang Chen makes the slightest move, he is bound to receive a thunderous blow!

Emperor Shaowu seemed to be very interested in Wang Chen. After he sat down, he started the chat mode between the emperor and his ministers.


The second update is sent.

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