Gourd of Douluo

Chapter 216: Gourd with special effects

The green gourd glows with four colors under the sunlight, and a section of the green vine branch at the mouth of the gourd is still stained with water drops, making it look particularly aura.

Wang Xiaofeng took the green gourd and approached a section of the gourd vine in the jade box. There was no scene of the green dragon ascending to the sky or the vision coming in his mind, nor even the reaction that the martial spirit should have to the energy.

At least the Millennium Qingyun Zhi on the right had a slight reaction across the jade box and the gourd. In comparison, it felt like the difference between a pirated copy and a genuine one, which made Wang Xiaofeng a little disappointed.

"Did I guess wrong?" Wang Xiaofeng rubbed his head.

"But why didn't you respond..." Before he could finish his words, Wang Xiaofeng felt his eyes darken and he lost consciousness in an instant.

The master's attention was always on Dai Mubai and Wang Xiaofeng. When Wang Xiaofeng suddenly leaned against the fence, he thought something was wrong and immediately stood up, ready to check.

Liu Erlong quickly pulled his clothes and whispered: "Hey, don't go. That kid Xiaofeng has just taken the elixir. It would be bad if it disturbs him from absorbing the elixir."

The master looked carefully and found that one of the jade boxes was empty, and Wang Xiaofeng was breathing very steadily, which calmed the tension in his heart.

Liu Erlong smiled and said, "Didn't that kid Xiao San say that these elixirs strengthen the body and strengthen the body and have no side effects at all? Don't be so surprised. Come and drink tea with me."

The master said calmly: "Well, I was worrying too much."

On the other side, Wang Xiaofeng only felt that he was trapped in endless darkness. He had no idea how long time had passed. It could be an instant, or it could be ten thousand years. When he regained consciousness and opened his eyes, he was stunned by the scene in front of him.

This is a place with no boundaries. The dark sky is exceptionally clear. Stars like broken gold are spread out densely above the starry sky. The ground under your feet is made of white clouds, which are very hard to step on, like the hardest ground. But when I grabbed it with my hand, it was just like the introduction in the previous life. It was just a ball of water vapor and could not catch anything.

For some reason, Wang Xiaofeng's sixth sense pointed in a certain direction. In this place where the sky and the earth were not working, what else could he do except follow the guidance of his sixth sense.

In this way, Wang Xiaofeng embarked on a journey with no signposts and no destination.

One day, two days, one month, two months...Wang Xiaofeng walked aimlessly according to his sixth sense. Time seemed to have lost its effect in this weird place. Apart from walking, he just walked. Even Wang Xiaofeng himself didn't know. How did you persevere?

On a certain day, or maybe in a certain year, a different color suddenly appeared in Wang Xiaofeng's eyes. It was no longer black and white, but a touch of emerald green.

Suddenly there was a wave of emotion in his numb heart. Wang Xiaofeng yelled like a madman and ran towards the green.

It wasn't until he got close to the green thing that its appearance was fully revealed to Wang Xiaofeng's eyes. It was a gourd vine more than two meters high, with one end rooted in the clouds and the other end floating in the air.

The vines are very real, as if they were transplanted from the outside world. You can even smell the fragrance from the leaves, but the four purple-red-orange-yellow gourds growing on them are transparent and uncertain, and it is a bit weird when there is no wind.

Wang Xiaofeng knelt on the clouds and hammered wildly, making a hoarse voice from his throat, "Fuck you, Yaya, you have to play with these fancy things and appear in front of the labor and management, don't you know? Do you know what I have been through these years?"

It's a pity that no one answered him. After a while, Wang Xiaofeng felt tired and finally recovered, "Hey, can I still go back?... You have something to say, is this still a golden finger? I don't know how to chat with you. It can’t be ying ying ying, it can’t be the legendary artificial zz.”

After talking for a long time, he didn't get the response he expected. Feeling bored, Wang Xiaofeng stood up and raised and lowered his hands on the vines.

I couldn't touch the gourd on it, so my hand went right through it. The vines can be touched, but they cannot be chewed or torn into pieces.

(There is still a section left to be coded)


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