Gourd of Douluo

Chapter 227 The Master Returns

While everyone was waiting quietly, the door to the conference room suddenly opened with a creak.

Ning Fengzhi and Bone Douluo walked out. Ning Rongrong couldn't wait to throw herself into Bone Douluo's arms and asked, "Dad, you didn't bully the third brother, did you?"

Ning Fengzhi glared at Ning Rongrong, "You silly girl, why are your arms always turned outwards? As the leader of the Qibao Glazed Sect, everything my father does must be considered for the sect first. Okay, we have to leave first. Yes. You, just continue to practice well in the academy."

Ning Rongrong glared at Ning Fengzhi dissatisfied, and looked at Bone Douluo with tearful eyes, but this time Bone Douluo did not help her, he just gave her a helpless look, and then followed Ning Fengzhi and left.

While Ning Rongrong was acting coquettishly to her family, Xiao Wu could not wait to enter the conference room, followed by Wang Xiaofeng. As soon as she entered the door, she saw Tang San sitting on a chair with a decadent look on his face.

"Do you have anything to ask me?" Tang San glanced at everyone, with a hint of bitterness on his face.

Wang Xiaofeng said with a smile: "What do you have to ask? No one has a secret these days."

Oscar nodded, "Yes, no matter what, I only know that you are Shrek's fourth child and our brother."

Zhu Zhuqing continued: "You haven't asked us, so we don't need to know your privacy. That's fine."

Ma Hongjun quietly raised his hand and whispered: "Although I really want to know, I don't even understand why the third brother was sought revenge by Tai Lung, so I don't need to worry about it."

Although Dai Mubai said nothing, Tang San could feel the support for him from his eyes.

Xiao Wu patted her slightly sizable chest and concluded: "No matter who dares to bully you, Mistress, Sister Xiao Wu will protect you."

Tang San was dumbfounded by Xiao Wu, "Thank you everyone, I know what to do."

At this moment, Ning Rongrong opened the door and felt relieved when he saw that Tang San's expression did not change. He asked out of curiosity: "Third brother, has my father talked to you about that order?"

Tang San didn't mind telling part of the conversation. After all, this part didn't need to be kept secret, "It's agreed, I will provide you with five hundred sets of hidden weapons to the Seven Treasures Glazed Sect, and Sect Master Ning will give me five million gold soul coins. .”

Wang Xiaofeng covered his chest tightly, "Five, five million?"

At this moment, he realized for the first time that ‘knowledge is money’.

Wang Xiaofeng had seen how fast Tang San could create hidden weapons. It didn't take half a day to build the hidden weapons they had. And a set of hidden weapons can cost 10,000 gold soul coins, and even robbing a bank cannot match this speed.

"I can already smell the feast." Ma Hongjun jumped down from his chair and looked at Ning Rongrong with excitement, "Rongrong, where is the most expensive hotel in Tiandou City?"

Ning Rongrong thought for a while and said, "Well, I can't choose the taste, but in terms of the most expensive one, it should be the Huichun Building."

"I can't wait to eat the mistress out of business." Ma Hongjun patted his belly and made a crazy eating gesture, which made everyone laugh.

Seeing Tang San showing signs of fatigue, Xiao Wu quickly said: "Okay, okay, let's not talk anymore. Let Xiaosan go back to the dormitory to rest. We will let him treat us in two days."

"Okay then, we won't bother you two kissing me." Under Ning Rongrong's teasing, Xiao Wu pulled Tang San out of the conference room with a blushing face.

As for whether she went back to the dormitory as she said, no one knows.

After Tang San and Xiao Wu left, the conference room became quiet. Wang Xiaofeng seemed to feel something and pulled Ma Hongjun to leave. Dai Mubai and Zhu Zhuqing went to practice together. With their martial soul fusion skills, they took the immortal product After taking the herbs, there is a slight bonus to the speed of practicing together.

Before leaving, Dai Mubai secretly gave Oscar a cheering gesture.

That day, no one knew what Oscar and Ning Rongrong said.

When Wang Xiaofeng returned to the dormitory at night, what he saw was Oscar with a rosy face, unknown laughter coming from his mouth, and twisting around under the quilt.

Wang Xiaofeng was so scared that he didn't dare to go back to his dormitory that night, so he spent the night practicing in the mimicry training ground.

The next day, the campus returned to its original state, and Tai Lung also returned to study in the college. However, I heard that when Flanders came back in the end, he was fined one thousand gold soul coins as a punishment for damaging the campus environment.

And then, the campus stories column of the school magazine published many stories with Tang San as a pig's trotter, which made Tang San's name spread throughout the college again.

But what's even more interesting is that Tai Long directly became Tang San's little brother, and followed him every step of the way, even when he went to the toilet, which made people think it was very funny.

But Tai Long was content with it, with a proud look on his face. If Tang San hadn't issued a death order not to allow him to enter the dormitory, Tang San's reputation would not have been preserved.

Two days later, Master and Flanders returned.

The master has broken through to the soul master, his energy and spirit are different, and he looks much younger.

As soon as he came back, he gathered everyone together to assess everyone's progress.

The master watched everyone compete and listened to Zhao Wuji's account of recent events in the academy.

The master listened expressionlessly and relayed some minor mistakes made by everyone to Flanders, and then led Tang San, who was the first to end the battle, into the depths of the woods.

Seeing this, everyone stopped fighting. After all, they were too familiar with each other. The purpose of the competition was to show the master the results of these days. Now that the audience was gone, there was no point in continuing the competition.

Ma Hongjun happily walked up to Flanders and said in an arrogant voice: "Teacher, our fighting ability is still passable."

Flanders pinched the back of Ma Hongjun's neck and said angrily: "You are not enough to beat me. If you don't advance to the Soul Sect Elite Tournament, you won't be able to play."

Wang Xiaofeng said with a smile: "Dean, why did you stay with the master for so long this time? Did something interesting happen? Why don't you tell us and make us happy."

"You're just a kid." Flanders glared at Wang Xiaofeng, and then said casually: "But you kid did guess it right. Some interesting things happened during this journey..."

On the other side, Xiao Wu looked at the place where Tang San disappeared with great concern. Although Tang San had a smile on his face these days, she could feel how empty and helpless Tang San felt inside. She could only accompany him silently, and there was nothing she could do.

Ning Rongrong hugged Xiao Wu tightly and comforted: "Master is back, Xiao San must be fine."

Xiao Wu twitched her lips, "Really? I think so too."


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