Gourd of Douluo

Chapter 248 The mysterious man

Fighting in an environment like a forest obviously greatly limits Ma Hongjun's ability to display his strength.

The Sunset Forest is located in the north, and it is easy to cause a fire with flames, so his three major soul skills have been sealed. At most, he can only use Shunpo skills to control the flames to speed up a little to avoid the giant ape's iron fist attack.

Although the physical quality of the giant ape was obviously much better than that of Ma Hongjun, Wang Xiaofeng observed it and found that the age of the giant ape had just exceeded a thousand years, which did not meet their needs at all.

"Fat man, back off!"

Upon hearing the familiar command, Ma Hongjun's feet immediately erupted with sparks, and his figure flashed out of the giant ape's attack range.

The giant ape was about to give chase, but the next moment, circles of blue-red blue silver grass spiraled out from behind Ma Hongjun and surged towards the giant ape's body.

The giant ape roared angrily, his whole body covered with surging purple soul power, and he waved his hands continuously, swaying away the blue silver grass that rushed to him one by one.

But it didn't notice that the faint and sweet scent of tea started to bloom around it, and it seemed to be endless, constantly rising from all directions. The giant ape's strength and speed dropped significantly without knowing it.

"Phoenix Sunset Strike."

With a loud phoenix cry, Ma Hongjun, carrying flames, punched the giant ape heavily on the head.

The physically and mentally exhausted giant ape was already in a hurry due to the blue silver grass. Who would have thought that this group of humans would be so shameless. When they sensed the danger and wanted to defend themselves, they were knocked unconscious by Ma Hongjun.

Tang San walked out of the team, controlled the blue silver grass and tied up the giant ape. Behind him, there was a larger giant ape tied up in the same way.

Oscar said with disdain: "Fat man, you are so shameless. You still have the nerve to name a move with no technical content like this."

Ma Hongjun made a face: "You are just jealous of me, just a little bit."

Wang Xiaofeng took a branch and poked the giant ape, "This seems to be a fiery ape."

Tang San nodded: "Yes, the Fiery Ape is irritable by nature and will attack humans when it sees it. It seems that Mubai's behavior provoked them both. It's a pity that these two only have more than a thousand years of cultivation, otherwise they would The characteristic of being energetic while being constantly angry is quite suitable for Oscar.”

One of the two fiery apes was knocked unconscious by Tang San's poison, and the other was knocked unconscious by Ma Hongjun. With the powerful physical fitness of the soul beasts, they could quickly wake up, so they threw them aside and continued on their way to find a suitable soul. beast.

Wang Xiaofeng and the others still understand the principles of sustainable development.

A hundred meters away, two figures stood on the branches of two big trees. They just watched Wang Xiaofeng and the others quietly as they left.

"It seems that Shrek, whom the sect leader praised, still has a few brushes. This trip won't be too boring after all." The speaker was a young man who looked about twenty years old, with a handsome appearance and a suit of extraordinary workmanship. The black outfit made him look very indifferent, but the ruffian-like smile on his face destroyed this indifferent aura.

The other young man standing with him looks to be the same age as him, but the difference is that he has slender red hair. If you just look at the appearance, the young man can only call it handsome, but his right eye is actually The rare blood-red eyes, with black eyes on the left and red on the right, add a bit of unique style to him.

The red-haired young man said calmly: "It is not an easy task to tame the witch Ning Rongrong. But it is better to complete this task earlier. The master has agreed that if you complete it one day earlier, you will have one extra day. This way I can sleep more during the holidays.”

"Your body will get rusty after sleeping for so long. No wonder the sect master asked you to go out for a walk more often." The black-haired young man smiled and said, "Let's go, let's give them something exciting tonight."

"Don't go too far." As soon as he finished speaking, the two people who were still on the branch disappeared in an instant, as if no one had ever appeared here.

"Xiaofeng, what's wrong?" Oscar looked back and found that Wang Xiaofeng had fallen behind by several meters, motionless like a sculpture.

Wang Xiaofeng came back to his senses and grinned, "It's nothing."

He followed the team silently and continued to search for a suitable soul beast.

Today's good luck seemed to have run out. After entering the Sunset Forest until the sun set in the afternoon, Shrek and his party did not encounter a suitable spirit beast.

Although the number of soul beasts encountered on the road was similar to that in the Star Dou Forest, their age was obviously lower.

Although they had gone a lot deeper and were almost close to the central area of ​​the Sunset Forest, they encountered several thousand-year-level soul beasts that were just over a thousand years old, which disappointed everyone who was full of expectations.

"Take a rest and search again tomorrow." Flanders looked at the darkening sky and called out to the students who were looking around.


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