Gourd of Douluo

Chapter 256: The Fury of the Fire Lord

"Fat man, come on!"


Ma Hongjun's evolved Fire Phoenix Spirit has an absolute suppressive effect on this type of snake-shaped spirit beast.

Accompanied by a loud phoenix cry, the phoenix-tailed crested snake clearly felt the fire phoenix breath on Ma Hongjun's body. Its body trembled violently and stopped suddenly.

However, the violent aura behind him was gradually approaching again. Under the dilemma of life and death, the Phoenix-tailed Cockscomb actually broke free from Ma Hongjun's suppression.

After all, it is a spirit beast with more than 4,000 years of cultivation. How can it be willing to die after living for so long? Although there is a phoenix blocking the way in the sky in front of it, it can still walk on the ground.

The Cockscomb Snake twisted its body and came close to the ground, trying to pass by Shrek and his group.

"Where to go." Dai Mubai's body suddenly enlarged, one or three soul rings on his body shone brightly, and he rushed towards the phoenix-tailed crested snake.

"The seven treasures are famous, and the second is speed."

"The powerful red gourd."

Wang Xiaofeng and Ning Rongrong's increases happened to come at this time. Dai Mubai felt his body light up, and power was continuously flowing out of his body.

Dai Mubai quickly stopped the cockscomb that was trying to escape, and slapped the cockscomb on the head hard with a pair of tiger palms.


With a loud noise, the forward figure of the Phoenix-tailed Cockscomb came to an abrupt halt. Its huge body twisted in the air and fell to the ground.

Dai Mubai also felt uncomfortable, and couldn't help but retreated several meters, until he hit a tree heavily and didn't stop.

The phoenix-tailed crested snake raised its head high in fear, opened its mouth suddenly, and sprayed out a mouthful of colorful mist towards Dai Mubai.

At the same time, the half-broken bright red crown on its head suddenly lit up, and the figure that had just stopped started to move again, trying to escape with a single ejection, and the speed was actually a few minutes faster than before.

"Mubai!" Zhu Zhuqing's expression changed, and a look of anger appeared on his cold little face. Her figure flickered and turned into a round dancing scimitar. After a few breaths, she caught up with the Phoenix-tailed Cockscomb Snake. .

A dazzling white light flashed, and the crested snake screamed. The huge snake body twisted in the air and fell directly to the ground.

Wang Xiaofeng took a breath of cold air, because Zhu Zhuqing had cut off the two wings and the comb of the cockscomb snake, but other than that, it was not injured at all.

With a cold face, Zhu Zhuqing raised his sharp claws and silently walked towards the crested crested snake that was moaning incessantly.

The bluesilver grass that had been prepared suddenly rose up and tightly wrapped the body of the cockscomb snake. This was not only to prevent the cockscomb snake from escaping, but also to protect its life.

"Wait Zhuqing, Boss Dai is fine."

Tang San's voice sounded at the right time. If he didn't say anything else, this phoenix-tailed crested snake would probably be tortured to death by Zhu Zhuqing.

As expected, Dai Mubai was fine at all. When he saw Zhu Zhuqing's eyes falling on him, he ducked and held him in his arms, smiling evilly and saying, "Are you worried about me?"

Zhu Zhuqing blushed, "No, no, do you want to die?! Let me go quickly."

Dai Mubai said affectionately: "Death? Then let me die looking into your eyes..."

"I say, you can find a better environment to flirt with each other." Wang Xiaofeng looked at the collapsed and spontaneously burning trees in front of him and said helplessly: "This is not an opponent that can be easily dealt with."

As soon as he finished speaking, a five-meter-high magma giant that looked like a pile of granite slowly walked out of the burning tree.

I don't know if the hollow eyes are watching them, but the lava gurgling on their bodies is increasing in temperature, and the drops are burning the ground.

Oscar broke the quiet atmosphere, "He looks a little angry?"

Wang Xiaofeng curled his lips: "Nonsense, the duck you got flew away, wouldn't you be angry if it was left on you?"

The Fire Lord opened his rocky mouth wide and seemed to be roaring loudly. Hot magma condensed on his right arm, like a volcano about to erupt.

"It's Fire Lord's meteor volcano, everyone spread out!"

The Fire Lord didn't give everyone time to react, and swung his right arm that was swollen to the size of a water tank violently into the air.

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