Gourd of Douluo

Chapter 260 Phoenix Sunset Strike and Mushroom Sausage (Part 2)

Oscar rubbed his shoulders and said disdainfully: "Although my third soul skill combined with the fourth soul skill are very suitable for escaping, my goal is to chase the enemy."

Wang Xiaofeng said: "What are you chasing? You, the auxiliary soul master, should stay behind."

Oscar took the lead in becoming a soul sect, and one-fifth of the purpose of this trip has been completed. The next step is to wait for Ma Hongjun to absorb it.

The wood was stacked together in an orderly manner. Wang Xiaofeng took out the flint from the soul guide and started a fire easily. He placed all the processed ingredients in an orderly manner and waited for the water in the pot to boil.

Wang Xiaofeng had nothing to do, so he randomly picked up a topic and said, "By the way, Oscar, you should be at level 41 now."

Oscar's eyes lit up. Wang Xiaofeng was indeed his good brother, and he took the initiative to provide him with the opportunity to fill the cup. He shook his head slightly, and said with a very proud expression: "No, no, no, I have accumulated too much soul power before, so I am now level 42."

"The phoenix-tailed crested snake soul ring provides quite a lot of soul power. I still haven't digested some of it. Once I finish digesting it, level 43 will be within my reach."

Ning Rongrong applauded Mianzi very much, "Oh, that's amazing."

Dai Mubai laughed heartily, "It seems that you can keep your position as the third child for a while, and then return it to the third child."

Oscar said proudly: "Those who are overtaken by me can only look up at my back."

Oscar's words caused everyone to laugh, but only Ning Rongrong saw the seriousness in Oscar's eyes when he said this.

Xiao Wu rolled her big eyes and seemed to have thought of something interesting, "I am idle now, Oscar, why don't you show us the effect of your fourth soul skill."

"I haven't flown yet when I'm that old."

Zhao Wuji suddenly came over, his bear face almost scared everyone, "Hey, this is a good idea. I have never flown in all my years. If you don't mind, let me join in the fun."

Generally, auxiliary soul skills that allow people to fly will only appear above level 60. Even if they hunt the same crested crested snake, others will only get an ordinary speed-increasing soul skill. It can only be said that Oscar's talent is too good. .

Zhao Wuji forced his way in, and everyone could only hold their noses and admit it, so the first experience of flying, Oscar's fourth soul skill, fell into Zhao Wuji's hands.

In order to test Oscar's soul skills without affecting Ma Hongjun, everyone found an open space with not many trees around.

"I have a mushroom sausage."

Oscar recited the spell, his fourth soul ring glowed, his soul power condensed, and a strange-looking mushroom sausage suddenly appeared in his hand.

When the girls saw the outside of the mushroom sausage, their faces immediately turned red, and they secretly scolded Oscar for being dirty inside.

"Is this the mushroom sausage? Let me have a taste." Zhao Wuji grabbed the mushroom sausage and threw it into his mouth, chewed it and swallowed it.

Six illusory wings appeared behind him. Zao Wuji's somewhat stout figure looked a bit funny with the slender wings.

Zao Wuji felt good about himself and even controlled his wings to move. The wings behind him were like part of his body, without any sense of shyness at all.

Wang Xiaofeng coaxed: "Teacher Zhao, fly up and let us have a look."

"Okay." Zhao Wuji controlled his wings and took his body into the air. However, he seemed a little uncomfortable with flying. Zhao Wuji was too fast and rushed into the canopy of the tree.

Dai Mubai smiled and bent down, "Xiao Feng, you are so bad."

Others also laughed out loud.

Wang Xiaofeng suppressed his laughter and said loudly: "Teacher Zhao, are you okay?"

"What a fart!" Zhao Wuji fell from the tree, his hair covered with leaves, "I didn't expect that flying looks easy, but it's actually quite difficult to control."

After finishing speaking, he silently added: "Xiao Feng's 'Shun' is still suitable for me."

Flender appeared out of nowhere and mocked: "You're such a bastard, it seems you'll never be able to experience the joy of flying."

Zhao Wuji said firmly: "If you can't fly, then you can't fly. I don't care about it either."

The master came over and closed the small notebook in his hand: "It seems that I will ask Flanders to give you flight training lessons for a period of time after I return."

Just when everyone was lamenting the tragic fate of the future, a loud phoenix call sounded, startling the surrounding birds.

"The fat man has finished absorbing the soul ring. Let's go and take a look."

When they returned to the camp, they saw Ma Hongjun being scolded by Liu Erlong.

Ma Hongjun lowered his head, looking like a young daughter-in-law, "...I promise never to make loud noises in places with people in the future."

When Liu Erlong saw everyone coming back, he nodded: "Well, I'll let you go this time."

Wang Xiaofeng smiled and said: "Fat man, what's going on? You made Teacher Erlong angry again."

Ma Hongjun glanced at Liu Erlong, who was chatting with the master, and whispered: "Who knew that Master Erlong was just protecting me next to me? If I had known, I would never have made that phoenix cry."

Ma Hongjun was also unlucky. He made too many unnecessary mistakes in the previous battle with the Flame Lord, which made Liu Erlong a little dissatisfied, so he happened to get into trouble.

Oscar said: "Poor fat man."

Soon, Oscar no longer felt sorry for Ma Hongjun.

Seeing the sesame cakes and snake soup disappearing quickly on the table, Oscar quickly protected the food in front of him so that he wouldn't be full in the end.

Dai Mubai rubbed his belly and asked doubtfully, "Is it my imagination? I feel like the food today is a little short."

"It's not your imagination." Wang Xiaofeng's eyelids twitched, "I still did more today, but most of it ended up in the fat man's belly."

Wang Xiaofeng glanced at the soul guide and found a few sweet potatoes in the corner, "Who wants to eat roasted sweet potatoes for midnight snack?"

Ma Hongjun, who was reminiscing about the delicious dinner, jumped up when he heard this, "Me, me, me."

"Get out!"*7

In the end, Ma Hongjun still relied on his super thick skin to eat half of the sweet potato from Wang Xiaofeng's hand.

Since the tent was damaged by the pink lady, everyone could only gather around the campfire and get into sleeping bags to sleep.

Wang Xiaofeng was still vigilant. There was nothing we could do. When fighting the Flame Lord, everyone consumed a lot of soul power and needed to rest. But there are two more night owls who can't sleep, Oscar and Ma Hongjun.

Wang Xiaofeng chatted with them in a low voice: "Fat man, what is your fourth soul skill?"

"Phoenix Sunset Strike can condense a lava boulder and smash it at the opponent, or it can split into lava swarms to cause a large-scale attack."

Wang Xiaofeng praised it: "That's good. The soul skill that combines single-target burst and group attack did not let Mu Bai and Zhu Qing's efforts go in vain."

Oscar snickered and said, "I didn't expect that the soul skill you talked about so casually would actually become your fourth soul skill. Let's see if you dare to name it casually next time."

Ma Hongjun retorted: "Your mushroom sausage is not as nice as the name I randomly chose."


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