Gourd of Douluo

Chapter 276: The Devouring Attack on the Left Arm Bone (5/7)

Before anyone could distinguish it carefully, Xiao Wu immediately rushed out and hugged the figure tightly.

"Come on, the one who can make Xiao Wu so happy must be the mistress."

After a while, Tang San came over with Xiao Wu in his arms. He didn't know what Tang San fed her. Xiao Wu's energy improved a lot.

"Xiao San, you have to make it up to Xiao Wu, look at her haggard look, tsk tsk."

"Thank you everyone for taking care of Xiao Wu for me." Tang San hugged Xiao Wu, who had fallen asleep at some point, and thanked her in a low voice.

Wang Xiaofeng pretended to be serious and said: "You are alienated from us now, Xiao Wu is also our sister."

After saying that, Wang Xiaofeng raised his eyebrows, "Of course, it's a pure relationship, not your kind of relationship where a sister loves a sister and a brother loves."

Tang San shook his head with a wry smile, but he did not explain the relationship between the two to everyone as usual, because in his heart he really no longer regarded Xiao Wu as his biological sister, but a closer relationship.

Wang Xiaofeng had some enlightenment. He found that after these days of experience, Tang San, who was depressed in his heart, seemed to start to let himself go?

Because Xiao Wu fell into a deep sleep, everyone stayed in the poison array for another day, just in time to deal with the unfinished soul beast corpses. Maybe they would be lucky enough to dig up another soul bone like Ma Hongjun?

Tang San held Xiao Wu and sat in front of the bonfire, his eyes dull as if he was thinking about something, until the master came over.

"Xiao San, this is the soul bone that Hong Jun found in the body of the bloodthirsty demon spider. Xiao Wu gives it to me first. You should seize the time to absorb it."

Tang San looked at the left arm bone that shone with a strange red light under the firelight, and gently took it, but he didn't absorb it immediately, but looked at it in trance.

The master noticed that Tang San seemed to be out of shape, and couldn't help but remind him in a low voice: "Xiao San?"

"Teacher." Tang San came back to his senses, looked at the left arm bone that vaguely resonated with the Eight Spider Spears behind him, shook his head and handed it to the master, "Teacher, I still don't want to absorb this soul bone."

The master was a little confused and said: "Why, Xiaosan, not only does this soul bone fit your third soul ring, but it also belongs to the same kind of soul beast as your external soul bone. Even if it is just a six-thousand-year-old left arm bone, Taken together, this left arm bone can increase your strength beyond that of an ordinary ten-thousand-year soul bone, not to mention that it can also enhance your third soul skill, and it also comes with a special soul skill."

"Teacher, I understand what you are saying. However, when the Eight Spider Spear absorbed the bloodthirsty spider, at that moment, I was indeed affected by the bloodthirsty spider and fell into a violent state unconsciously." A hint of determination flashed in Tang San's eyes, "I still can't forget the thought that kept pouring out of my heart and wanted to destroy everything. If it weren't for Xiao Wu, I might not be able to wake up."

Looking at the master's contemplative look, Tang San said softly: "Although I really need the power to protect Xiao Wu, if it's this kind of uncontrollable power, then forget it."

In fact, these are all Tang San's words. The purpose is to make the master give up letting him absorb this soul bone. He is sure to use the power of the ice and fire eyes to suppress the soul bone like a soul ring, but why bother.

He guessed that this soul bone skill was related to Devouring, and such a similar soul skill Eight Spider Spears was already available and more powerful, so why waste a soul bone position.

Another important reason is that he hopes to give this soul bone to other people in the team.

The Continental Advanced Soul Master Academy Elite Competition is coming soon. He wants to lead Shrek to win the championship, fulfill the master's long-cherished wish, and repay the master for his years of education and upbringing.

In comparison, this soul bone is not that important.

How could the master not understand what Tang San meant? Veins appeared in the right hand holding the soul bone.

"Mistress, there's no need..."

Tang San interrupted the master, "Teacher, once you are a teacher, you will always be a father. There is only so much I can do for you."

Tears welled up in the master's eyes, and he turned around hastily, not wanting his disciples to see his embarrassed side, "I, Yu Xiaogang, have been a waste for half my life. God will treat me well after all."

Tang San held Xiao Wu's hand tightly and murmured: "Teacher, I will prove to the entire continent in the Elite Competition that you are not a waste."

the other side.

Dai Mubai was quickly approached by the master. He looked at the soul bone in his palm and swallowed, "Master, you are not talking in your sleep, are you? Give me such an important soul bone?"

"That's right, it's for you. I hope you can make good use of this soul bone. This is what Xiaosan meant." After saying that, the master left. It would be most effective to use it on Dai Mubai.

Dai Mubai stared blankly at the soul bone in his hand, which was known as the soul master's most precious treasure.

The brother who was supposed to be the closest to him would be killed because of the throne that he didn't care about.

On the contrary, in a third-rate college with no reputation thousands of miles away, the brothers you make will encourage you, help each other to make progress together, and share the blessings and hardships. Haha, that's really funny.

Zhu Zhuqing stood aside silently, watching the two lines of water columns sliding down Dai Mubai's cheeks, and handed over the handkerchief in his arms.


"Dai Mubai, who has always been fearless of heaven and earth, can actually say thank you?" Zhu Zhuqing's pretty face was full of smiles. She was already extremely beautiful, and her smile was even more touching. Dai Mubai was stunned. This was him. It was the first time he saw Zhu Zhuqing, who was not angry but still smiling at him.

"Idiot." Zhu Zhuqing grabbed the handkerchief and left with a cold face.

Dai Mubai was not a pretentious person. Without hesitation, he directly turned the soul bone into energy form and pressed it into his left arm. He sat cross-legged on the ground and absorbed the soul bone.

After everyone saw it, they consciously protected him. An hour later, Dai Mubai successfully refined the left arm bone. He resisted the evil aura in the soul bone with his firm will. Wugen Zhiping's evil aura was finally eliminated. Dai Mubai's soul power was completely refined and disappeared.

"How about it, Boss Dai." Everyone gathered over.

"The mistress guessed it right. The soul skill provided by the left arm bone is indeed Devouring. The full name of this soul bone is the Devouring Left Arm Bone. After using the soul bone skill, my left hand can absorb all the energy I touch. To restore myself, the absorption efficiency is weakened or strengthened depending on the difference in soul power between me and the opponent. Moreover, this soul bone also increased the strength of my left arm by 30%, and my left arm is now much lighter."

"And I'm already level 48 now." As he said that, Dai Mubai pulled up his sleeves and made a gesture to show that he was very strong.

Flanders sighed: "The soul bone is indeed a soul bone, and it can be upgraded by one level just by absorbing it."

Ma Hongjun fantasized: "If I had six hundred thousand year soul bones, wouldn't I be able to rise to the rank of Soul Emperor in one fell swoop?"

Wang Xiaofeng cruelly broke the illusion, "Wake up, stop dreaming, you can't even fight a bloodthirsty spider."


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