Gourd of Douluo

Chapter 319 Memories (Part 2)

"You two, leave quickly!"

Red lines emerged from the huge Clear Sky Hammer. The ninth black soul ring on Tang Hao's body suddenly lit up, and the black giant hammer suddenly expanded tenfold. (Don't worry, this is an illusion built from Tang San's heart. He has never seen Tang Hao take action. It's all hearsay. Now he doesn't know that his father has a hundred thousand year soul ring)

"Martial Spirit Hall..." With a loud shout, Tang Hao's right hand moved.

The super giant hammer that was more than ten meters long in the air suddenly descended and smashed hard at the three titled Douluo in front of them.

Facing Tang Hao's final blow, Wuhundian did not dare to be careless, and used various means to stay away from the explosive output of the Clear Sky Hammer. If they really couldn't escape, they ran away while using their defensive soul skills, expecting the Clear Sky Hammer to hit them. The goal is not yourself.


It was like a giant wave of hundreds of feet on the sea suddenly crashed down. All the big trees within a radius of several hundred feet were uprooted, and rocks within hundreds of feet roared into the sky!

"As expected of the Haotian Douluo." Facing the full blow of the Clear Sky Hammer, the three titled Douluo from Wuhun Palace quickly used their strongest blows. Their soul power surged around their bodies. The next moment, three The beam of light rose into the sky and met Tang Hao's strike head-on.

There was a crash, and the world suddenly lost its voice.

The air was like water waves, tearing apart black gaps that were so small that they were invisible. Then, endless red light emitted, and the whole earth shook violently like an earthquake. The ground where the four people were fighting suddenly cracked open and opened countless gaps that were tens of meters wide. A huge crack hundreds of feet long.


It was only then that the mud and rocks thrown up by Tang Hao when he swung the Clear Sky Hammer fell to the ground with a loud sound of tearing air.

The fluttering trees, like straw, fell from the sky and stuck on the ground.

When the red light at the center of the explosion extinguished, all Tang Hao's long hair was seen floating away, leaving only one hand and one leg on his body, dying in the cracks in the ground.

"Brother, run quickly."

When Tang San was brought back to consciousness by Xiao Wu's weak voice, he found that Xiao Wu had fallen into Wuhundian's hands at some point. Several golden chains were tightly tied to her body, with a very painful expression.

Tang San looked at everything happening around him expressionlessly, his eyes revealing a purple-gold light: "That's it? Compared with your teacher, you are really far behind in constructing an illusion. If I were that year, I would definitely be half-dead angry. "

Although this soul skill fusion skill looks dazzling and magnificent, and various illusions have begun to appear in everyone's hearts at this time, compared with the time when they killed Tang San, their illusion soul skills are too obvious. Tang San looked a little sleepy.

Suddenly a disdainful voice came from all directions: "The disappearance of Teacher Shi Nian is indeed related to you, but since you can't wait to die, I will graciously grant your wish!"

As soon as he finished speaking, Tang San suddenly noticed that everything around him suddenly stopped, as if the pause button had been pressed.

The ferocious smile of the spirit master of Wuhun Palace, Tang Hao's tragic yet powerless eyes, and Xiao Wu's poignant yet determined gaze all lost their color at this moment.

The whole world suddenly changed from color to black and white.

Then, Tang San discovered that a huge ball of black energy suddenly rose from all directions and enveloped him.

"How dare you try your best with a small skill?" Tang San said that although he looked dismissive, he was already on guard in his heart, because just now he discovered that his Purple Demon Eyes couldn't see through the cage formed by the black energy.

"Tang San, stop struggling and merge with my master!"

Before Tang San had time to think about the huge information revealed in Canghui Academy's words, a black shadow formed by black energy quickly fell on him.

Tang San snorted coldly, but his eyes had turned purple-gold, and a purple-gold light that was more than a foot long spurted out, and the light flashed through the dark space.

The next second, the dark shadow on Tang San disappeared.

"Hehe, Tang San, you are indeed quite capable, but how many times can you use such an attack?"

Soon, the black energy condensed into two more black shadows and rushed towards Tang San.

The purple demon pupil's mental power attack could not be used a second time in a short period of time, so Tang San could only step on the ghostly shadow to buy time for the next attack.

Meanwhile, off the field.

After Shrek and his group were hit by a hail of arrows, the giant cocoons of blue silver grass slowly dissipated because they had no soul power to support them.

At this time, except for Tang San, the other six people on Shrek's side fell into unimaginable nightmares, and masses of black energy that made people disgusted constantly flowed out of their facial features.

Seven-person soul skill fusion skill, Shura Illusion. Effect: Amplify the most painful and fearful past in the enemy's heart a hundred times, torture them, and then grind their spirit in the pain, turning them into idiots.

Ma Hongjun squatted on the ground holding his head, muttering: "...Don't run...Give me...the flame...I can't suppress it..."

The golden flame on his body constantly competes with the black energy, but under the temptation of the black energy, Ma Hongjun's golden phoenix flame has a tendency to transform into purple evil fire.

Oscar, Huang Yuan and Tai Lung, who were completely defenseless, lay on the ground and let out ugly cries.

Xiao Wu squatted on the ground, tears streaming down her face, shouting "Mom."

Dai Mubai and Zhu Zhuqing were originally in the same situation as Ma Hongjun. With their martial soul fusion skills, their mental resistance was stronger, but with the continuous injection of black energy, Dai Mubai was the first to be unable to hold on.

He immediately loosened his grip on Zhu Zhuqing's right hand, held his head with both hands, and shouted in pain: "Don't come over, don't come over...Brother, don't kill me...don't kill me..."

Zhu Zhuqing seemed to have heard Dai Mubai's call and walked towards him unconsciously.


many years ago.

Star Luo Empire, Zhu Mansion.

"Are these the children who will be awakening their martial souls today?"

"Yes, sir, they are all here." The boy beside him bent down and whispered.

The supervisor, who was dressed in fine clothes, nodded slightly and said, "I hope there are suitable ones among these children."

What's appropriate? This problem is not a big secret in the Zhu family. In the past few years, none of the children who have awakened the Zhu family's martial arts souls have innate soul power exceeding level six, which cannot meet the requirements of the Dai family at all. If this continues, the young master of the Dai family is afraid that I can't wait any longer.

"You all stand in line." The supervisor felt the pressure of not being angry and assertive, and soon the little carrots in front of him stood up obediently, and began to awaken their martial souls in an orderly manner.

"Possessed by a martial spirit!" The muscles swelled, a black tail appeared behind the supervisor, and five soul rings wrapped around his body.

"You, come first." The supervisor pointed at a girl.

The greater the hope, the greater the disappointment, until the second to last one, the highest soul power is only innate level five.

"Is my Zhu family in trouble?"

It seemed that God heard the director's inner prayer, and soon, the crystal ball in his hand suddenly bloomed with brilliant brilliance.

Innate seventh level, God will not destroy my Zhu family!

"What's your name?" the supervisor asked happily.

"Zhu Zhuqing."


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