Gourd of Douluo

Chapter 336 Battle against Tianshui

Listening to the voices of fans of Shrek and Tian Shui who couldn't beat each other, the host said in surprise: "I didn't expect Shrek's popularity to be evenly matched with Tian Shui's."

The referee stood in the center and said, "Now, please prepare both players."

The martial souls of the contestants from both sides of the academy immediately appeared, and the light of colorful soul rings suddenly enveloped the entire soul fighting stage.

Shui Bing'er compared the paper strength of the two sides and found that without the martial soul fusion skill as a trump card, their winning rate would be 10% lower than Shrek's.

"Yue'er, Shrek is very strong. You have to be serious during the competition and be ready to use that move at any time."

Shui Yue'er stared at Dai Mubai at the front and said seriously: "Sister, look at Shrek's captain..."

Shui Bing'er thought her sister had discovered something, but in the end she heard the other party touching his face in a nymphomaniacal manner: "He's so handsome!"

"Are you listening to what I said?" Shui Bing'er couldn't help but clenched her fist and hit Shui Yue'er hard on the head.

Shui Yue'er cried out in pain, covered her head and whispered, "But, he is really handsome."

Of course, this phenomenon does not only appear in Tianshui Academy. Huang Yuan and Tai Long also stared at each other's students with peach blossoms in their eyes, "Ah~ the sugar water dumplings are really cute~"

"What a cute big-headed devil you are!" Wang Xiaofeng showed a devilish smile and said coldly: "If you lose this game, I will let the master train you well."

Huang Yuan and Tai Long trembled. The fear of the master finally overcame their upper brains, and their martial spirits instantly possessed them, as if they were ready for battle.

Dai Mubai didn't know that he had been targeted by Shui Yue'er. He was silently adjusting his condition when suddenly his heart contracted and a large part of the little soul power left in his body disappeared out of thin air again.

"As expected..." Dai Mubai covered his chest, "This may be the last time my brothers and I fight side by side. But whatever, let's put everything aside and have a good time."

Huang Yuan, who was standing next to him, noticed his slightly trembling body and joked: "Haha, Mubai, your hands are shaking when you see the sugar dumplings so excited. You also said that you are not a fan of the sugar dumplings."

"Yes, I'm excited, but it's not because of the sugar water balls, but because there will be a happy battle today!" The blond hair gradually turned white, and the character "王" emerged.

"The last qualifying match for the Tiandou Division of the Continental Advanced Soul Master Academy Elite Competition begins now!"

"Now that it's started, don't think about anything and just have a good fight!"

The white-gold soul power around Dai Mubai continued to surge, and the white tiger protective barrier instantly amplified itself. The instant burst quietly erupted, and the whole person turned into a black shadow and rushed towards the back row support of Tianshui Academy.

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Every second that passes, his soul power will be reduced by one point, so it is the best choice to attack with all his strength from the beginning.

"The purple gourd that swallows the universe." "The red gourd with infinite power." "The yellow gourd that is indestructible." "The orange gourd has bright ears and eyes.

Four rays of colored light came from behind, Dai Mubai's already ferocious aura surged again, and his pair of evil eyes became even more frightening.

For the first time in a long time, he felt that his body was filled with endless strength, and he couldn't help but let out a tiger roar.

"Mubai, come on..." Wang Xiaofeng felt the serious loss of soul power in his body, and once again summoned up the soul power to inject it into Dai Mubai.

At this time, Dai Mubai's body was like a bottomless black hole. Even when Dai Mubai was using all his strength to increase the amount of energy, he could barely maintain the balance of the amount of energy. As long as he relaxed a little, the energy increase on Dai Mubai would disappear in an instant. not see.

According to Wang Xiaofeng's guess, this may be due to the evil-eyed White Tiger Saint King's bloodline in his body.

"This is the power of God. Fighting against the power of God who has been separated by countless generations is even more difficult than Amplifying Teacher Zhao!"

Wang Xiaofeng relaxed his concentration for a moment, and the increase in Dai Mubai's body disappeared immediately. Dai Mubai, who was a beat slower, was almost hit by Shui Yue'er's soul skill. Wang Xiaofeng was so frightened that he quickly concentrated his attention and concentrated on assisting.

There were little drops of water floating on the field. The first and second soul rings of Tianshui Academy's auxiliary soul masters flashed, and the entire field was covered with water. Soon, with the help of other teammates, Frost began to move around with the water and sky as the center. spread.

"Don't even think about succeeding." Tang San didn't just wait for his opponent to set up the stage. With the injection of soul power, many blue silver grass broke out of the ice and occupied half of the soul fighting stage.

Pieces of blue grass grew rapidly, providing a place for Shrek's people to stay, so that they would not be unable to use their hands and feet.

Shui Bing'er didn't care at all about Tang San's method of breaking the game. It would be good if she could add a little trouble to Shrek, and it would be okay if she didn't. After all, her goal from the beginning was not Shrek, but to arrange the venue!

In the ice and snow environment, Shuitian Academy's strength increased by at least 20%.

"Drink!" Dai Mubai roared angrily, and the white light ball flew out. In mid-air, the huge light ball turned into white thunder and struck towards Shui Yue'er. The second and third souls on Shui Yue'er's body The ring flashed, and the ice blades stopped them one by one without haste.

Tang San saw it in his eyes. That Shui Yue'er was only a forty-level agility attack spirit master, but he could tie up with Dai Mubai after being amplified by Wang Xiaofeng in a short time. It seemed that Dai Mubai's My physical condition is much worse than I imagined.

"Tsk! Come again!" Dai Mubai leaned forward again and grabbed Shui Yue'er with a pair of tiger claws. However, Shui Yue'er was as comfortable as a fish in water on the ground covered with ice and snow. Dai Mubai suddenly Can't touch her at all.

Seeing that Dai Mubai couldn't keep up with her speed, Shui Yue'er couldn't help but become bolder. After dodging Dai Mubai's volley, she actually clung to Dai Mubai's chest, "You are so fierce, you can't Can you be gentle to others?"

This is the first time Dai Mubai has seen such a presumptuous opponent. I am playing a serious game, but you actually covet my body!

Dai Mubai, who was furious, suddenly let out a tiger's roar: "Get out of here!"

The soul power that burst out from the body suddenly turned into a lifelike tiger head shadow on the surface of Dai Mubai's body. The fourth soul ring flashed. The white tiger opened his mouth wide, and dazzling brilliance suddenly spewed out from his mouth. And out.

Just when Shui Yue'er was about to defend, she suddenly felt something was wrong with the landing point of the meteor shower. She saw those meteor showers the size of human faces directly passed her and headed straight for the back row support.

"I've been guarding you for a long time." Shui Bing'er held his hands, and relying on the surrounding low temperature environment, a huge ice crystal wall suddenly rose from the ground, blocking the front of Tianshui College.


The next moment, a powerful explosion exploded before the two.


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