Gourd of Douluo

Chapter 367

"Your abilities are great. But the next moment is mine."

——by the unknown masked man.

Although this copying method is like looking at the mountain in the fog, it cannot be fully understood.

But Wang Xiaofeng is very confident. Even if he cannot understand the mystery of ring fusion, he can still learn from it and learn something similar.

The rest is constant experimentation and summary, and one day we will eventually understand the principle.

If Huo Wu knew that Wang Xiaofeng secretly learned the secret technique of ring fusion from a distance of a hundred meters, he would definitely laugh at him for overestimating his abilities.

Even if she is as smart as she is, it took her several years to learn it reluctantly under the step-by-step guidance of her ancestors.

If you want to learn the secret technique of ring fusion on the spot, do you think you are an omniscient god?

Just when everyone was paying attention to the final moments of the battle, one person noticed something strange about Wang Xiaofeng.

Bone Douluo, who was sitting next to Ning Fengzhi at the VIP table, seemed to have noticed something, and glanced at Shrek Academy's square formation in surprise, "I didn't expect Shrek to actually hide such talented students, but I missed it." .”

At the level of Bone Douluo, there were very few things that could make his mood ripple.

Even if she learned how to melt the ring in the fire dance, in his eyes she was just a talented girl.

Fusion ring?

No titled Douluo would learn such useless skills.

There is only one advantage, which is to unleash an unimaginable blow.

But compared to the advantages, there are too many disadvantages.

Too high a training threshold, a long charging time, complete collapse after attacking, and being in a state of being at the mercy of others, etc.

Any inherited secret technique found in the Qibao Glazed Sect's secret library is stronger than the ring fusion.

"elder brother!"

At this moment, Xiao Wu exclaimed, bringing Wang Xiao back to reality.

There was a wave of dizziness in his brain, and Wang Xiaofeng felt his mouth was a little wet. When he touched it, a bright red color suddenly came into view.

While his brain was still in a state of excitement, Wang Xiaofeng quickly took out a pen and paper to record the data, and at the same time touched Oscar with his butt while summoning sausages for Tang San.

"Xiao Ao, give me a few recovery sausages."

"Are you hungry like the fat man?" Oscar turned and handed the sausage to Wang Xiaofeng, only to find that his face was very pale and blood was dripping from his nose.

But Wang Xiaofeng seemed to be completely unaware and wrote something quickly on the paper with an indifferent expression.

"Xiao Feng, why did you do this!"

Wang Xiaofeng, who was fighting for time with inspiration, had no time to reply to him. He just opened his mouth silently and motioned for him to put the sausage in quickly.

Oscar reluctantly stuffed the sausage into Wang Xiaofeng's mouth.

Wang Xiaofeng chewed it unconsciously and then swallowed it.

Compared with Wang Xiaofeng, the situation on Tang San's side was even more dangerous.

Tang San originally used Huo Wu as a shield, but gave up at the last moment and used his body to resist the blow after the melting ring.

If the Eight Spider Spears were not strong enough and had the ability to avoid fire, they could directly file a complaint against Blazing Academy for suspected intentional homicide.

"This is 300-year-old Onigiri grass. Take it to heal your hands."

As soon as Tang San finished speaking, he fainted and fell to the ground.

Huo Wu was about to explode with anger, her towering chest trembling constantly, and she kicked aside the ghost cut grass that fell on the ground, "Tang San, I don't need you to pity me!"

The referee completely ignored the atmosphere and shouted loudly: "The Blazing Academy wins this round."

"This injury is not serious, but the danger is much worse."

"You are just risking your life by summoning a martial spirit after your soul power is exhausted."

The academies watching the competition in the audience were talking a lot, feeling that after this competition, even if Tang San saved his life, it would be difficult for him to participate in the next competition.

Tang San was quickly carried off the ring by Shrek and his team, and Jiang Zhu followed closely while maintaining the healing state.

Purple burn marks spread across Tang San's back, and the injury looked very serious.

Looking at the serious-looking Shrek and his team, Huo Wushuang raised his hand and said, "Referee, we admit defeat."

"Brother! I haven't lost yet..."

Huo Wu shouted angrily.


But Huo Wushuang didn't indulge her like he used to. Instead, he picked up the hundred-year-old ghost-cut grass on the ground and bowed in the direction Shrek left, "My sister's immature behavior caused Tang San serious injury. I'm sorry. If there is any If you need my help, please ask."

Dai Mubai said coldly: "No need, we will take good care of Tang San."

Seeing the undisguised anger of Shrek and his group, Huo Wushuang breathed a sigh of relief.

Fortunately, he gave up quickly, otherwise if the fight continued, Huo Wu might end up with the same injuries as Tang San.

The feud with Blazing Academy has come to an end for the time being.

However, Tang San's situation was not optimistic.

The burns caused by the purple flames on the back not only did not heal, but even tended to expand under the dual treatment of Jiangzhu and Oscar.

"How's the mistress doing?!"

The master asked quickly when he saw Flanders walking out of the tent, carrying the freshly brewed medicinal soup.

"Alas." Flanders sighed without saying a word.


"Master, the third brother has been in a coma, and in just an hour, the burns have begun to spread to his limbs."

The master quickly fed the medicinal soup in his hand into Tang San's mouth, but after a few sips, Tang San spat it out.

"What should we do..." Xiao Wu said irritably.

Ning Rongrong said hurriedly: "I'll go find dad and ask for the best doctor."

Dai Mubai frowned, "No, we don't have enough time."

Just when everyone was helpless, the door to the hospital was suddenly pushed open with a bang.

I saw Oscar staggering in while supporting Wang Xiaofeng.

Seeing that Wang Xiaofeng's face was pale and his physical condition seemed to be in bad condition, Wang Xiaofeng broke away from Oscar's support before anyone could ask about the situation.

Wang Xiaofeng's condition at this time is indeed very bad. His soul power is sufficient, but his mental power is very weak. Being able to stay awake indicates that he has a strong willpower.

In this state, Wang Xiaofeng can only summon martial spirits at most, and precise control is impossible.

So Wang Xiaofeng wanted to test one of his ideas.

Wang Xiaofeng silently communicated with Wuhun with his thoughts, "Hulu Hulu, I need your help."

After repeating it dozens of times, Wang Xiaofeng thought that his suspicion all along was wrong.

The gourd suddenly produced a suction force out of thin air.

This suction force was not strong, but the purple poison on Tang San's body seemed to be forcibly pulled from Tang San's body, and it turned into a stream of purple air unwillingly and was sucked into the gourd.

Wang Xiaofeng smiled, "It's almost done now, as long as Jiangzhu..."

As he spoke, he suddenly fell to the ground.

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