Gourd of Douluo

Chapter 381 Battle against Yu Tianxin

"Xiao Feng's attack is too harsh. After all, the other party is also a beautiful woman. It's not good to just slap her in the face."

In the audience, Oscar saw a very conspicuous fist mark on Qiuyue's tender cheeks, and couldn't help but underestimate it in a low voice.


Oscar unknowingly expressed what was on his mind. Coincidentally, Ning Rongrong was very close to him and could hear everything clearly.

"Sure enough, men are not good at anything. When I went home last time, my mother seemed to have given me a book called 'One Hundred Ways to Control a Man'. Why don't you go back and read it?"

Oscar had no idea how much dire straits he would fall into in the future with a casual remark.

If he knew, he would definitely go back in time and strangle his current self.

"Tap, step, step..."

The last member of Thunder Academy, and also the strongest, finally appeared on the stage.

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A young man in blue walked up to Wang Xiaofeng step by step. His face was as sharp as a knife, his appearance was quite ordinary and not handsome, but he had a restrained temperament, which was obviously very extraordinary.

Yu Tianxin, a level 47 attack spirit sect, martial spirit: Blue Electric Tyrannosaurus.

The other party's information flashed through Wang Xiaofeng's mind.

"I apologize to you Shrek for my team members. They did strike a bit harshly." Yu Tianxin said expressionlessly: "But no matter what, they are also my team members. Even if they have to be punished, it is our Thunder's own business. It's up to us to take turns. It's not until you Shrek takes action!"

Wang Xiaofeng rubbed the messy hair that had not been washed for several days, "Wow, he is indeed a peerless genius of the Blue Lightning Tyrant Dragon Sect. He is really domineering."

After saying a few words, Yu Tianxin snorted coldly and released his martial spirit.

Other parts did not change much, only his arms turned into thick dragon claws, and dense electric snakes swam around his arms.


Yu Tianxin let out a roar, and the dragon's power rushed out like an explosion of air. The circular ripples disturbed the air and spread in all directions!

The hearts of the spectators who were closer to the arena accelerated uncontrollably, and the weaker soul masters even subconsciously acted defensively.

"Is this Dragon Power? But isn't this something only Soul King level can learn?" Flanders subconsciously looked at Liu Erlong aside.

He remembered that when Liu Erlong broke through to the Soul King, he would arouse Long Wei at every turn, including but not limited to eating, sleeping and going to the toilet, which made them both very embarrassed.

The master looked at Yu Tianxin on the ring with relief. Liu Erlong on the side looked at Flanders very dissatisfied: "Why, our Blue Electric Tyrannosaurus Rex Sect is not allowed to produce a genius."

"Er Longmei, you know I didn't mean that..."

The strong air flow blew Wang Xiaofeng's clothes full of advertising slogans.

Wang Xiaofeng was not affected at all. Instead, he picked up the gourd and took a sip of water.

Xiaofeng, the Dragon Power King of the Blue Electric Tyrannosaurus, has also studied it. It is nothing more than the ability to temper his bloodline to achieve a certain level of passive awakening. To be more specific, it is the materialization of mental power, which is not a great ability.

However, the Blue Electric Tyrannosaurus Rex, who is known as the strongest beast spirit, is the best in the same level in terms of attack, defense and even the mental power that ordinary spirit masters can only passively improve by breaking through the ranks.

That Long Wei just now almost scared him.

Looking at Yu Tianxin, who turned into a blue afterimage and rushed towards him with the blessing of thunder, Wang Xiaofeng couldn't help but complain in his heart, I'm just an ordinary auxiliary soul master. If you want to come up, use my big moves.

Yu Tianxin stepped forward, her thin team uniform torn, revealing the muscles and bones all over her body that looked like bronze. The thunder that spread all over her arms stirred up the air flow, roaring directly at the center of Wang Xiaofeng's eyebrows!

A few meters away, Wang Xiaofeng felt the hot air rushing down from the sky and the earth, and his whole body felt a slight sting.

This thunder was stronger than in the qualifiers. At that time, it only had its shape but not its spirit, just a look. But now, Wang Xiaofeng could clearly feel a trace of destruction contained in it.

In this case, let's reveal some of our trump cards.


Wang Xiaofeng's whole body soul power exploded, and in the endless blue light, he stood upright like a god or demon.

Screw light? Defense form.

From stationary to high-speed rotation, Wang Xiaofeng only spent 0.3 seconds. Driven by the screw light, the soil under his feet spiraled up, forming a huge dust tornado with a diameter of five meters.

Like a sharp cutting machine, the surrounding air hums continuously.

Attack is the best defense! Yu Tianxin did not stop and decisively used the first soul skill, Lei Luo.

The thunder and sand tornadoes that turned into countless electric snakes collided with each other, and the roar continued to explode. The soul power of the outer layer of the tornado was slowly obliterated by the destructive power contained in the thunder.

Yu Tianxin let out a roar in her heart, and the dragon's claw suddenly raised, and with the blessing of thunder and lightning, it hit the sand and dust tornado.

Clang, clang, clang! !

The high-speed rotating tornado cut into the dragon scales, leaving bursts of sparks. Yu Tianxin ignored the pain coming from his arms. His fourth soul ring shone, and a large number of thunderballs scattered from his arms, constantly bombarding the sand. On the tornado.

The outermost layer of sand had long since been worn away by the first soul skill, leaving only the inner tornado formed by the azure blue soul power. With Yutian's careless investment of soul power, he even forcibly polished away the soul power of the screw. .

The moment the screw light stopped spinning, Yutian's red-gold vertical pupils immediately captured Wang Xiaofeng's figure.

"caught you!"

Yu Tianxin's figure that had just landed on the ground suddenly exploded with great force, roaring under his feet, and the dragon's claws tore through the sky, heading straight for Wang Xiaofeng in the deep pit.

The distance between the two was only three meters, especially since he was still in the deep pit spun by the screw, unable to dodge. He no longer wanted to complain about the quality of this shabby arena, so he could only choose to fight head-on.

Wang Xiaofeng held the gourd tightly, facing Yu Tianxin's downward grasping dragon claw, and struck forward horizontally.


Violent power suddenly exploded above the ring, and billowing air waves spread from the two of them in all directions, splashing large amounts of mud!

The two bombarded each other dozens of times within a few seconds. Yu Tianxin had more combat experience than Wang Xiaofeng, and from time to time he could find a flaw and leave a scratch on Wang Xiaofeng's body.

But Yu Tianxin was not happy at all, because he found that the other party was stronger than himself, and the other party seemed to be wearing some kind of hard armor.

In order to confirm his idea, Yu Tianxin used his first soul skill again.

The dense lightning falling from the sky fell vertically like a scene of doomsday!

Wang Xiaofeng didn't have strong attribute resistance like Dai Mubai, so he had no choice but to throw the gourd away, attracting dense lightning.

But because of this, he also lost his handy weapon.

Wang Xiaofeng originally expected to receive a violent attack, but Yu Tianxin took a few steps back unexpectedly.

"Are you wearing any armor that is prohibited by regulations?"

"You said this, it's just weight-bearing equipment." Wang Xiaofeng pulled up his tattered sleeves, completely exposing the weights on his wrists, "But it doesn't matter if you want me to take it off."

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