Gourd of Douluo

Chapter 445 Lair

Ma Hongjun touched his head, not understanding what it meant.

Wang Xiaofeng put his index finger in front of his lips to signal him not to speak.

underground space.

The departure of Wang Xiaofeng and Ma Hongjun greatly damaged the confidence of the villagers.

The weak candlelight illuminated the pale faces of everyone, making them look extremely terrifying.

"What should I do? The soul master is actually gone."

"The total food is only enough for two months. Can we support the arrival of the next soul master in two months?"

As if a drop of water fell into the boiling oil pan, everyone began to talk, and the voices unconsciously amplified a little. They had no idea that Wang Xiaofeng had not taken Ma Hongjun too far, and these words reached Wang Xiaofeng's ears clearly. inside.

After filtering out the worthless complaints and curses, Wang Xiaofeng soon got some useful clues from the villagers' words.

First of all, the changes in the village did begin half a year ago.

But the process was different from what the old village chief said.

The monster did invade the village, but before that, not a single villager died after being sucked by the monster. On the contrary, the soul masters who came to destroy the monster because of the bounty offered them disappeared one after another.

Including but not limited to: a five-person team composed of great soul masters, three senior soul master academy students of the great soul master level, and a thirty-eighth level soul master level bounty hunter.

The reasons for their disappearance were almost the same. They all repaired themselves here, then walked out confidently, and in the end, they never returned.

The reason why the old village chief was so frightened that he lost his mind was because this was the first time he saw the tragic death of a fellow villager, and he was also a very familiar junior.

Wang Xiaofeng touched his chin. No wonder the villagers' attitudes towards the two of them changed so much after they came back with the corpse.

Almost treating them as saviors.

Fortunately, he got out in time before they spoke. Otherwise, he would have been dragged by such a large group of people, not to mention killing the monsters, and he might have been free.

Ma Hongjun was very bored waiting on the sidelines. He wanted to move his body, but he was afraid of affecting Wang Xiaofeng.

So when Wang Xiaofeng came to his senses, he saw Ma Hongjun maintaining an extremely weird posture.

"Fat man, is your posture the latest body art?"

"Huh, I'm not afraid of disturbing you." Ma Hongjun jumped on the spot to relieve some stiff muscles and stretched his fat waist, and his bones suddenly made a series of crackling sounds.

"The reason is clear, it's pretty much what I guessed." Wang Xiaofeng summarized the words and then told what he knew so far.

"Ah, stop reading, stop reading, a bird is starting to sing in my head." Ma Hongjun covered his head and said in great pain.

"Fat man, I'm doing this for your own good. I can't always follow you, so you have to learn to analyze on your own."

Seeing Ma Hongjun pretending to be pitiful, Wang Xiaofeng sighed, forget it, leave this kind of old fritter to Mu Bai, he is the professional.

Seeing that Wang Xiaofeng stopped nagging, Ma Hongjun instantly regained his energy: "So what are we going to do now?"

"Now, of course, we have to go straight to Huanglong."


"I suspect that the vampire bat king was lured here."

"Then we just hit the door? And we don't know where the other party's home base is."

"For lyb, the biggest headache is not playing according to the routine. He thought we would leave, but he didn't expect that we would feint and go straight to Huanglong!"

"Why does he think we will definitely leave..." At this point, Ma Hongjun suddenly paused, as if he thought of something, and his eyes widened: "Is there an informant of the other party among the villagers?"

Wang Xiaofeng patted Ma Hongjun's belly appreciatively: "Not bad."

Although no problem was found, whether it was the time when the Vampire Bat King appeared or the group of vampire bats that ambush in advance, a problem was exposed, that is, every move of the two of them was always in each other's sight.

Otherwise, it would be impossible to explain why everything is so "just right".

That's why Wang Xiaofeng said he wanted to ask for help. In addition, he lost to the Vampire Bat King before and was suppressed and beaten. This would give the other party a hint: the monster was too strong and had to retreat strategically.


The thatch covering the entrance of the tunnel was immediately removed by Wang Xiaofeng. The leaky house was now filled with drizzle. It seemed that the heavy rain had passed.

(Not finished coding)…

Sister Miao said the cover didn't look good, so I changed it to another one. I didn't know if the new cover would pass the review. It took me an entire afternoon to do it. It was really troublesome.

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