Grand Academy of Natural Sciences

Chapter 601: Vladic War College (middle)

On the first floor of the Chamber of Commerce Tower, there was nothing being done and the treasurer suddenly lit up when he saw Lei Luo and the female scholar stop.

He could see the difference between the two at a glance.

The sleek fat man with a red nose, the shopkeeper stepped to the two of them, smiling flatteringly.

"Please, please, we have..."

The businessman was ignored.

The female scholar looked up at the Chamber of Commerce plate.

"In the past few years, Fladik's business has developed rapidly with the arms and transportation foreign trade business. It has formed a siphon effect on the three surrounding small academies of sciences. This'Leijing' Chamber of Commerce can also be regarded as a leader in the business. I have some friendship with a vice president of the Lei Jing Chamber of Commerce. If you want to observe here, I will call her over."

When the shopkeeper on the first floor saw this, after a brief surprise, he couldn't help but feel even more delighted.

This time, it was indeed a major customer!

After a short while.

From the upper floors of the tower, a beautiful woman with blond hair and fair skin walked down. Although the woman was already in her old age, she still did not hide her former grace. After walking downstairs quickly, she looked over here with joy.

"Sister Artistry, what a rare visitor! Why come to me today? I really welcome you!"

As the vice president of the Lei Jing Chamber of Commerce, she certainly knows the status of the female scholar in front of her, not only the captain of the core guard team of the Academy of Sciences, but also one of the direct disciples of Dean Ceratos!

The female scholar beside Leiluo smiled gently.

"I haven't thanked you for what happened last time. I'm passing by here this time. I will stop by and have a look. Of course, more importantly, I have brought you a distinguished guest on the order of my tutor, so please don't be mean , Take this distinguished guest to the top floor to observe some of the treasures of the Chamber of Commerce, be sure to satisfy this distinguished guest."


The female scholar looked at Lei Luo.

People in the chamber of commerce often have some special means of perceiving the identity of their guests.

But when she looked at the mysterious person wearing the X mask, it was as if she was looking at an ordinary person without any energy magnetic field, so she didn’t pay much attention to it. One of the attendants of ARTISTRY did not expect that he Turns out to be the protagonist today!

He has short dark brown hair, a thin body, and an ordinary black bachelor's uniform, plain and simple.

If it weren't for Artistry's introduction, it would almost be a passerby she would automatically ignore.

But ARTISTRY introduced it so solemnly, and it turned out to be ordered by her mentor, how could it be an ordinary person?

After a brief stunned, when she observed in detail, she saw Leiluo's long thin white fingers. From the bare skin, although she was no longer young, she revealed a majestic vitality of life, demonstrating calmness and elegance.

The eyes under the mask, looking at him inadvertently, naturally reveal a mature, profound, and overlooking attitude.

By no means ordinary people!

As for this X mask...

Suddenly, the blonde woman's eyelids jumped!

Magic weapon! ! ?

"Ah! What a rude, welcome! Dare to ask the master's name? What magical materials do you need? This shop does not say everything, but at least other local businesses have it, this shop will definitely have it, and will never let the master go home!"

"is it?"

Leiluo nodded and said in a low voice, "I don't need to know my identity. I am going to smelt a high-end magic weapon in the near future. I still lack some high-performance rune etching materials. The higher the material, the rarer the better. The price It’s easy to say that you don’t need to take out the common magical materials on the market. In addition, a batch of 99.99% high-purity Mithril is needed as the medium for mixing. The quantity is... well, about 1,000 grams."


1000 grams of Mithril?

Upon hearing this, the blond woman president was startled, dumbfounded, and looked at Lei Luo in disbelief.

She said, "Master, are you joking? A kilogram of mithril, even before the Wasteland Age, is not a small amount. Even if you have money, you can't get it in a smaller principality. Now, so How can a chamber of commerce be able to get a large amount!"

"Do I seem to be joking?"

Lei Luo responded sternly.

Of course he also knew that this amount of Mithril demand was really difficult for the strong, and he did not expect to get it all at once here, he was just telling the other party in this way that the level of magical materials he needed was only, don't waste it. time.

Sure enough, the blonde woman's expression gradually became serious.

She has clearly realized that this may even be the true pinnacle of the radiation wasteland, and it is likely that he came here only by accident.

After a short silence, the vice president gritted his teeth and said: "Well, I can go to other chambers of commerce to get together. The senior executives of several of our large chambers of commerce have contact with each other. Although it is impossible to get a kilogram of mithril, I want to get one. 1 One hundred grams is okay, but the price is..."

"Only one hundred grams? Then... one hundred grams is better than nothing. As I said, the price is easy to say."

Seeing Leiluo's disappointment, he took it for granted in his indifferent tone. It didn't seem to be a joke, the female president said in her throat.

God knows what old monster is standing in front of him!

Artistry on the side suddenly said: "Hehe, if the master is in urgent need of Mithril, the Academy of Sciences will still store some. Although the amount that can be taken out is not too large, it should be able to barely take out 100 grams. I and my instructor report Now, we can provide limited supplies to the master for emergency."

"Oh? That's really troublesome."

Reluo nodded in response.

Upon hearing this, the blonde woman's eyelids jumped wildly, her face stiffened, and she seemed to be a little nervous.

She tried to make herself look more normal, and respectfully said: "You two, please follow me."

Lei Luo followed the blond female president, and under the respectful gaze of the old shopkeeper on the first floor, he walked upstairs with Yazi, directly past the second and third floors, and after two layers of precise guarding and prohibition, came to the top and fourth floor.

The space on the fourth floor is very small, and the guard statue at the door is actually a very rare ancient mysterious craft, which does not seem to be cast by anthropologists.


Lei Luo said with interest: "This guard statue is a bit strange. Is it for sale?"

Upon hearing the words, the blonde lady's face changed again and again, and she smiled bitterly: "The master has good eyesight, but this is the supreme guardian of our store. It is the foundation of our store. Until the critical moment, she will never consider selling."

Shrugging, Lei Luo said indifferently: "Then forget it."

After a while.

As the vice president carefully opened one of the restraint mechanisms, the net-like thunder pattern in the room gradually became concealed, and then from the heavy metal counter, one delicate storage box was slowly raised.

Some of these storage boxes are glowing with cold light, others are blazing flames, and some of the energy and magnetic fields are astonishing.

These storage boxes alone are nothing ordinary!

The vice-chairman slowly opened the first box, and inside was a spirit flame in the shape of a pony!

"Linghua Yanjing?"

Leiluo glanced briefly, then murmured in surprise.

Different from ordinary flame energy creatures, Ling Ling Yan Jing are special flames. By chance, special lives formed from nothing. This kind of life is a media partner that some scholars who pursue the limit and dream of.

It is a pity that the academic direction Godsend is learning is the transformation of the relationship between matter and energy taught by Lei Luo.

This learning mode skips the natural energy and biological energy cognition of traditional scholars, but directly takes the physical law of energy loss into energy as the cognitive goal. It belongs to the learning and research direction of a new generation of scholars after the second golden age. , Mathematics, physics, and chemistry have become the foundation of scholars, and the intensity of the media partner’s talent is no longer important.

Otherwise, giving it to Godsend is a good choice.

"Master has good eyesight! That's right, this group of essence flames are the lava artifacts found in a hidden underground molten cave under a blast of a radiation fission weapon in the depths of the death sandstorm three years ago by the Chamber of Commerce. , Twenty years ago, Grand Duke's royal family was in control...Master, be careful!"

The blond female president who was introducing the history of Yanjing suddenly screamed when she saw that Leiluo opened the shackles of Yanjing casually and played with her hands.


Leiluo played with Jingyan Pony and looked over.

"Yanjing is an invisible body of energy. Once it escapes, it is very difficult to recover it. It was a coincidence that the Chamber of Commerce acquired this spiritual object at the beginning. I am afraid that it has no ability to repeat it a second time. And if it is allowed to escape to Death Storm, I want It's almost impossible to catch it back."


Leiluo nodded, did not say anything, put it back into the storage wooden box, looking not very interested.

This little horse was indeed cunning. He suddenly made trouble several times and wanted to slip out of Lei Luo's hand, but under the fright of Lei Luo's palm, it was all in vain.

Seeing this, the blonde lady was relieved, and after an awkward smile, she opened the second box.


A light black cloud of smoke floated out, revealing a skull with light golden evil eyes inside.

"This is the head of an underground ancient monster collected by the Chamber of Commerce from the ruins of the battlefield in Dubite Province of the Grand Duchy 20 years ago."

The blond lady took out a classic book which recorded records about the war more than 20 years ago, including the history of mankind's initial use of catastrophic weapons in wars.

"At the time, although the number of underground ancient monsters that invaded the surface was innumerable, according to the scholars of the Chamber of Commerce, the predecessor of this evil eye demon head was a powerful demon king who entered the legendary creature. Killed and dug out the crystal core, only the corpse of the head is not decayed, and we dug it out."

The words of the blond female president are full of longing and sigh, as well as regrets after sighing.

I just don't know whether this regret is for the crystal nucleus inside, or for that beautiful age, for a moment to lose consciousness.


Leiluo just glanced at it. This kind of thing is of great value to others, but there are too many in his laboratory, and he looks dullly at the next box.

The blonde lady had planned to introduce it grandly, but seeing Lei Luo doing this, she opened her mouth, after all, she didn't go on with interest, and immediately opened the third box.

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