Grand Academy of Natural Sciences

Chapter 859: Black Death

The eyes of the sun in the sky slowly closed, and the white burning light beam gradually extinguished.

The next battle still doesn't know how long it will last. If you want to continue academic research in the eyes of this unknown wind, it is better to avoid wanton destruction as much as possible.

Thinking of this, Lei Luo mobilized his energy again.


It's just that the volume of this bubble technique is surprisingly large, reaching a diameter of one hundred meters in a moment, covering a vast area, enclosing the two.


After the ghostly figure with black smoke noticed this huge bubble field, he didn't even try to destroy it. Instead, he stopped and let Lei Luo continue his academic work.

After a little thought, Lei Luo understood the reason.

If you switch between offense and defense, the battlefield is the Gran Academy of Natural Sciences. I am afraid that regardless of victory or defeat, I don't want the Academy to be destroyed.

After a while, the giant bubble technique was completely stabilized.

Leiluo didn't have any extra actions either, holding the rod of the particle world eye and flew straight to the figure.

Before the person arrived, the air was first to twist. I am afraid that the pressure caused the black smoke on the surface of the ghostly figure to be slightly distorted, but he saw it stretch out his right hand towards Lei Luo and pointed it solemnly.

A dark skull was born out of thin air!

What makes Leiluo solemn is that this pitch-black skull is definitely not an illusion or talent magic. The power of the law condensed on it is so clear, and it is constantly increasing. Composed of 10,000 black dots, none of them seemed to represent a desperate mood, the momentary fear of helplessness at the time of death.

Realizing that he was right about the method, Lei Luo couldn't help taking a deep breath.

How many creatures did this guy kill!

But after a second thought, Lei Luo put away his hypocrisy and benevolence, and what qualifications did he have to talk about others? Although the creatures who died under his own hands were not as good as each other, they were not in the minority, especially in order to crush the rule of the Holy See in the principality. , The creation of the Wasteland Era, the charcoal of life caused by the creation of the wasteland era, it is also difficult to count.

The skull took shape in an instant.

Although it can continue to condense, Lei Luo will obviously not give it more time. After the figure has no hesitation, the huge skull grinned silently, as if chewing jelly beans, the teeth were constantly biting.

However, after only a moment, the pitch-black skeleton began to twist continuously.

As the first beam of white light pierced through the top of the head, followed by the second and third beams, in a blink of an eye this pitch-black skeleton was riddled with holes from the inside.

There was a bang.

The pitch-black skeleton was completely shattered and dispersed, while Lei Luo, the source of light, was standing in the air, trying to burn and evaporate the remaining pitch-black intrusion from his body.

The ghost figure on the other side turned into a palm, and shook it in the direction of Lei Luo.

Quietly, hundreds of black chains were born from nothingness.

This was actually the manifestation of the law, staggering horizontally and vertically, restraining Leiluo Lao Lao from all directions, imprisoned in the sky.

Although Leiluo was quite surprised by this, even he could not achieve this degree of substantive law, but there is an essential difference in the power of the law mastered by the other party compared with his own, so although the other party is technically There are certain advantages, but you only need to fight with the power of the source.

Zi Zi Zi.

It is still the bloom of the destructive power of the star's high-temperature combustion.

Although the chains extending from the void are extremely dark and pure, the closer to Leylo, the more the surface of the black chains is gradually eroded by a layer of white, and it is spreading at a speed visible to the naked eye, completely unable to stop it. .

But this speed seems too slow.

Lei Luo struggled fiercely, the chain of laws that bound him melted on the spot, and he sneered and continued to fly towards the ghostly figure.

The distance between the two sides is no longer a concept of pulling for creatures of this level.

Ghosts and ghosts do not seem to have the meaning of escape. After all, from its perspective, he is the center of the black civilization. Where can the ultimate background escape?

It slowly opened its mouth, and silently, a black flame appeared.

And at the moment when the black silk flame appeared, Leiluo, who was pacing through the air in an oppressive manner, solidified on the spot.

The old man Chubak in the distance was also shocked on the spot.

"This...this feeling..."

He seemed to be unbelievable, he didn't dare to say the name that had emerged in his heart.

And Leiluo, who faced this black flame at close range, was even more shocked. Compared to Chubac, Leiluo at this time was both in terms of perception and understanding of that person after joining the wizarding organization. Far better than Chubac.

This feeling, without a doubt, is the original black death law of the old devil!

Although the history of the dark old demon ten

It was cruel and dark, but compared with Lei Luo, it was only the difference that failed to overthrow the rule of the Holy See in the duchy in the end.

Those were the years before the formation of the academic world, representing the existence of native humans in the star screen world rebelling against the Holy See's stupid education. It is probably the first native human to explore the realm of laws and become gods on their own, the dark world. The myth of ZTE.


This ghostly figure held a black flame, which seemed to be his last hole card, and took the initiative to attack Lei Luo.

And in its body, hundreds of millions of black dead races roared and prayed, which seemed to represent the whole civilization's preference for death over resistance.

If it's just the law of black death, of course it doesn't stop at Lei Luo.

But what is peculiar is that this original law of black death is condensed after the death of millions of ancient humans. As a member of human beings, Lei Luo is essentially inextricably linked. This law of black death is regarded as black. The most powerful thing about the power of the dead old demon wizard lies in the ability to connect through a trace of blood and soul through the edges of various subtle laws, affecting the essence of things.

Otherwise, he would not have the capital to fight the Holy See.

Seeing that the black flame is getting closer and closer to Lei Luo, his eyes are only the strange darkness in the flame. At this moment, Lei Luo and the ghost figure seem to have been sublimated in time and space. The two sides face each other. Only each other was left, and every inch of the ghostly figures approached, Leiluo could faintly see the outline of the power of thousands of capillary ends, just like flicking strings, and trembling sound waves swept across.


But suddenly a beam of thunder flashed by, and it easily penetrated the ghostly figure!

The ghostly figure seemed completely unprepared for this, convulsing constantly in the thunder, falling into a state of paralysis.

The startled Lei Luo also seemed to react.

The hand knife slashed, easily severing the arm of the ghost figure paralyzed by the thunder, the dark flame turned into rootless duckweed, and dissipated with the broken arm.

"What stupid you were just posting!"

The old man in the distance yelled irritably, he really didn't expect to intervene.


Lei Luo gradually awoke from that unexplainable mystery state, that feeling, as if he was infinitely close to the realm of pure laws, walking on the path of the essence of truth.

After stopping the words, he slowly exhaled to ease the unevenness in his heart.

"Such an experience, I am afraid it will be a swan song."

After carefully understanding, the experience of just that moment has actually made Leiluo a kind of unspeakable fulfillment, and it seems that the perception of the power of the law has risen to a level.

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